Story Expedition I: Lake Kagamihara - RPG Crossing
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Old Oct 13th, 2023, 04:19 AM
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Expedition I: Lake Kagamihara

Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is 6.Lowland Lakeside
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is +0Partly Cloudy; 62°F
Time of Day ~ 11:20 PM In-Game TimeLate Morning
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music
🩸 14/14

Karma for this Locale: 1🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪
🩸 14/14

Current Stamina: 3/3💪
🩸 20/20

Community for Today: 0❤️ Current Stamina: 3/3💪
🩸 17/17

Community for Today: 0❤️ Current Stamina: 3/3💪
🩸 21/21

Karma for this Locale: 3🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪

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As it turns out, Lake Kagamihara isn't far too south from Tradewinds, and you can see it long before you arrive, stretching out across the valley in the vague shape of a turnip. It is largely fed from small streams that come down from the mountains that tower ahead, and though it is in the opposite direction of Light Bloom Mountain from the city and thus spared from constant adventurer foot-traffic, it is nonetheless a popular leisure destination for locals, as well as one of the area's primary fishing hotspots.

Though most people would likely head straight for the nearby lodge, which sits on the northern-eastern-most point of the lakeshore, the group decides to take the long, winding trail around the western edge instead, with the intent being that they would arrive straight at the southern lakeshore.

Fortunately, the local paths are well treaded, thanks in no small part to the southern lakeshore being somewhat famous around these parts for some reason. The area itself includes a large basin area that straddles the shore, and above that, the earth rises into a handful gentle, green hills and interspersed with little groves of trees. Further south from here, a mass of blue-green foliage--Twinspring Grove--trails up the foot of the nearby Mount Senechal like a blanket made of trees, only ending about halfway up the slope.

Even before the group arrives, they can already hear the sounds of others--campers, most like, as well as local fishermen and outdoorsmen who favor the area--out and about, and they spot several established camps that seem to belong to these. As they trail along the ridgeline, a loud splash can be heard from the nearby lake, which is a shining, semi-transparent green. Likely a fish. And a big one at that!

From where they are, the group can see several tempting places to set up a camp. The shore itself is the most heavily populated, but there are a few open spots where they could set one up if they liked. Alternatively, there are more than a few spots atop the ridge that would do and might even provide some nice shade. Finally, there are a few sites along the trail leading towards Twinspring Grove, though they look more rugged and untended, suggesting they are likely less used for one reason or another.

Either way, there's a light breeze now, and the air coming up off the lake is decidedly cooler than it had been during the trek here or in town. But perhaps more noticeable still is 'taste' it has to it: the deep, minty scent of coniferous trees and the musty aroma of the lake algae are prominent here, entwining in a dance of smells that truly makes one feel like they are in the wilderness despite the fact that town is just over a few hills.

Storyteller NotesWelcome to your first Expedition at Lake Kagamihara! If you still need to prepare in Tradewinds, feel free to do so, but if you're ready to travel to this locale, feel free to post here, but don't forget your Travel Checks!
To make a Travel check, roll Note: If you're traveling to the Southern Anyone who is proficient with and has Cartographer's Tools, or anyone who is traveling with someone who is, gets a +2 to this check!2d6. Since the group is heading to the Southern Lakeshore environ, the the normal Terrain modifier for Travel checks is reduced by 4 because of the Tourism (4) trait. This basically means as long as you don't critically fail (roll two 1's), then you reach the area without any problems in 50 minutes. For each person who does fail, though, the trip takes an extra 10 minutes, and if you happen to critically succeed (roll two 6's), then you find a shortcut and reduce the party's travel time by 10 minutes instead!
Once the group arrives, you can decide what to do! Here are some options you might pursue!
Anyone can...
Travel to Another Environ: You'll be starting out in the Southern Lakeshore, which is the furthest side of the Lake, but one of the more frequently visited locations due it having a somewhat famous view. Whenever you want to move to another Environ, however, you'll need to make a new Travel check. Traveling to the Lodge Area is a TN 2, the Northern Lakeshore is a TN 5, and Twinspring Grove is an 8.

Aid Someone Else: You always have the option to help someone else who is performing an action. When you do, you grant them Advantage to their Skill and Ability checks, however if you help with an action that consumes 💪, you pay half the cost that they would (minimum 1).

Set up a Camp!: Establishing a Camp area is really only necessary for 1) if you intend to spend the night, 2) for Cultivators to tend to their Charges, 3) for Artisans to ply their craft or trade, or 4) for Culinarians to prepare a meal! In addition, you get +2 to Travel checks whenever you move between Environs, too! Setting up a camp takes around 15 minutes per person who is going to use the camp.

To set up a Camp, decide who is setting up the camp. The whole party can help, or even just one person can do it on their own, and each participant should have their own task (setting up tents, preparing the cooking area, gathering firewood, starting the fire, etc). Everyone who participates rolls a 1d6, and the Target Number to beat is 6. If you succeed, great! If you fail, it just takes twice as long to set up, and if you critically succeed, it takes half the time!

Additionally, just having Camp automatically generates one daily ❤️ (Community) for all Cultivators who use it, and an additional ❤️ if they helped set it up!
Foragers can...
Look for Threads! (1 💪 ): The key to unlocking resources for an area (and getting more 🍀!) is by looking for Threads, which are like mini-quests specific to that area. Threads come in all shapes and sizes, and may be nothing more than a simple Skill check, or they might require some more involved methods to solve! You can look for threads all sorts of ways, like with a Perception check to survey the area, an Investigation check to thoroughly explore the Environ, or rely on your knowledge of this area with a Nature or Lore check. These are just some common examples, though, so feel free to get creative!

Purchase Resources (1 💪 ): If you have a stock of 🍀, you're of course free to use it to purchase any resources listed in the entry for this Locale, provided you're in the right Environ.
Cultivators can...
Look for New Charges!: (1 💪 ) Cultivators subsist on their Charges, which encompasses 'something under your care'. You could just buy Charges in towns, or you can try to find and catch some yourself! Finding new charges works the same way as the "Look for Threads!" option for in the Forager's entry above, but just fyi, it might take a little more effort to befriend or capture a new Charge!

Create a Sanctuary (1 💪 ): If the group sets up a Camp, you can then turn it into a Sanctuary by expending two ❤️. The rules for creating a Sanctuary and what each type does can be found more in-depthly in the Cultivator's thread here.

Tend to Charges! (1 💪 / 5 Charges): Once you have Charges, you need to make sure you tend to them. The act of caring for your Charge no special skill or ability check, but your Charges will need to make Condition checks for the day to define how they're doing, and you may need to make Dedicated Actions to improve their Condition if they are low. You can also use Dedicated Actions to train or harvest from your Charges, too! Use the link above in the "Create Sanctuary" note to learn more about these!
(Note: 💪 stands for Stamina, which all Epicureans possess.
At this rank, you have 3 💪, which regenerates after a Long Rest.)

Last edited by briar; Oct 13th, 2023 at 04:24 AM.
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Old Oct 14th, 2023, 10:39 AM
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RahatRahat took one last look over her shoulder at Kianna and her companions before she left the Eatery with Khrysa. She took a deep breath of cool morning air to try to clear her head and thought she detected a faint whiff of something peppery. She held up a hand to Khrysa to indicate her pause and sniffed the air, her mask giving the impression of a canine who had caught a scent. "Hold a minute," she said, looking around and slowly following the smell. Unless she was imagining things...

"Here!" Rahat declared as they came upon an unkempt and overgrown patch of grass. It was unclear who it might belong to, if anyone, but it was clearly thriving on neglect. Nestled within the tall grass and wildflowers, Rahat spied a distinctive flash of yellow. Reaching down, she carefully pulled up a plant from blossom to root bulb, revealing a yellow lily flower speckled with black dots. "Valleyspice lilies," Rahat said. "Pretty, and useful in teas and soups, if I'm not mistaken. Though they can be bitter if not treated properly." She looked out over the plot, trying to guess how many lilies could be hiding there, and how many she could take without keeping them from growing back.

Rearranging her saddlebags, Rahat said to Khrysa, "Could you hold this bag open while I collect some more?" She picked her way through the plot, carefully pulling up more lilies and putting them in her bag. One specimen in particular jumped out at her: its petals were more orange than yellow and arranged in a perfectly symmetrical shape, the black spots dusting it like freckles. She thought of how it would look tucked into a certain tiefling's hair and blushed before putting it in her bag. When she had enough, she closed her bag. "Thank you for going along with me," she said to Khrysa. "Let's be on our way."

Even with avoiding the lodge, the route they took to the south shore of Lake Kagamihara was well trod. Rahat occasionally paused to check their bearings with her compass, just in case, but it was clearly unnecessary. There was very little danger of getting lost, at least until they eventually leave the trails behind to venture deeper into the forest. With the sun hiding behind the scattering of clouds across the sky, Rahat even felt free to lower her hood, letting the curtain of her black hair hang freely, though she still kept her mask on. The minty-musky breeze teased through her hair and across her nose. It was so unlike her homeland. Even with as long as she had been away, the sight of that much fresh water in one place was still breathtaking, as was the way even the air smelled alive without the sand and dry sun to scour it clean.

With their brisk pace, they eventually caught up to their friends. It wasn't hard at all to identify them from a distance, between Merris's height, Goop's wobbly blue figure, and Langtree's candle-like appearance. Rahat raised a hand as she called out with her powerful lungs, "Hello there! Khrysa thought you had gone this way." She waited until they had fully caught up to go on. "Fishing, was it? Maybe you can clear something up: can you catch two fish with one hook?"
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Old Oct 16th, 2023, 02:30 PM
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It was a common misconception that vampires would burst into flame in direct sunlight, perpetrated during the years of war when the undead kingdoms would hold back vampire troops until night fell. As the cloud above cleared away and the sun beamed down on Langtree's head, her lips twitched and she irritably jammed a large sunhat back on her head. If only the sun would decide to be out or not, then at least she could prepare for it to be the way it was. Instead, she was stuck in the eternal torment of temporary relief, only to have it wrenched away again. Sunlight certainly wouldn't kill her, but that didn't mean she liked it, with her pale skin a sensitive eyes.

Thus she was preoccupied during what should have been a pleasant walk to the lakeshore. As soon as they entered the cover of the coniferous trees that lined the lake, she whipped off the hat one final time and flicked the latch on the rattan cage in which her bats (Nimble, Hesta and Spur, also known as the Girls) traveled and let them clamber on top of it for the remainder of the journey.

At the lakeside, she gently removed the cage from her back and set it on the ground, kneeling next to it to make sure none of her companions were too badly rattled by the walk over. The fussing took most of her attention, but she also kept one eye on Goop. "What fishing supplies do you have? I can't say I've done much fishing myself, as I prefer a red meat, but I'm curious about what goes into it," she asked while she dumped a hand full of dried crickets into her palm and offered them to the Girls.

Soon they were joined by Rahat and the others as well, and Langtree waved to them. "Hail, Rahat!" she said. "I can't say I was expecting to see you again so soon!"

"Maybe you can clear something up: can you catch two fish with one hook?"

Langtree pondered this while she scratched under Spur's chin. She thought there was a chance it might be rhetorical or philosophical, but she didn't want to be rude so she answered, "I suppose it depends on the size of the fish, and the size of the hook."

oocI got a 7 on my travel check.

Langtree will preform the Tend to Charges action while the group reconvenes and fishes.

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Last edited by morgantha; Oct 16th, 2023 at 02:32 PM.
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Old Oct 17th, 2023, 02:44 PM
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"Here! ...Valleyspice lilies...Pretty, and useful in teas and soups, if I'm not mistaken. Though they can be bitter if not treated properly. Could you hold this bag open while I collect some more?"

"Hmm? Khrysa had been randomly looking around for anything interesting on the walk through town as well, but hadn't noticed the nondescript patch of grass until Rahat pointed it out. "Oohh..." she observed with interest while holding the bag for the centaur to collect some of the flowers. "In soup, hm?" she took a sharp whiff of the scent in the bag before Rahat closed it, considering what might go well with it.

The walk to and around the lake was quite pleasant. It Travel check: 7didn't take much effort to follow along the paths, so Khrysa was free to take in the scenery and fresh air along the stroll. Seeing the streams flowing down into the lake gave a comforting slight reminder of home, and the crisp breeze was perfectly refreshing.

Lake Kagamihara also appeared to live up to its reputation as a fishing spot, and she might have been distracted watching others or even joining in were it not for Rahat's brisk trotting reminding her that they still needed to catch up with the others.

"Ahh, there they are! Glad we found you again!" she called out as the group entered her sight.

"Maybe you can clear something up: can you catch two fish with one hook?"

"I suppose it depends on the size of the fish, and the size of the hook."

"Oh, um..." Khrysa had forgotten about her impromptu expression back at the tavern until Rahat mentioned it again. With how the others were pondering it over, it felt too awkward to mention now that she had just said it on a whim, and was meant neither as a philosophical question or actual fishing advice.

"So you all wanted to do some fishing out here? Sounds fun, I want to try too! Though..we also came out here to help Elem and the Kerfluffleas find snowberries. They're apparently near a statue in an abandoned temple around here?" she read out the notes she had taken down. "I suppose there's no rush, since I don't think we could get them back before mealtime anyway. And it's too nice out here not to spend some time fishing and exploring...maybe even camping out?"
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Old Oct 20th, 2023, 10:50 AM
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Merris inhaled deeply as the trio walked, sighing with contentment. The air down this way smelled so fresh! Not that Tradewinds didn't have its fair assortment of pleasant fragrances, but after a morning amongst the hustle and bustle of the town, it was quite refreshing to take in the crisp clean aroma of the trees and the lakeside.

"What an absolutely beautiful day... I hope the others decide to join us; an afternoon by Lake Kagamihara has to be more interesting than sitting around waiting for work." This sentiment was, evidently, shared by many, and the sound of voices could be heard ahead. Looking over at his companions, Merris noticed Langtree as she donned her sunhat, appearing vexed. Curious, the firbolg leaned in a bit. "Forgive my ignorance, but are all vampires sensitive to sunlight? Or is that just the rumor?" He cocked his head, waiting a beat before raising a hand in front of him dismissively. "Ah, that could be a weird question to ask, hmm? Please don't feel obligated to answer." Regardless of her response, if any, Merris gave her a small nod and a smile before turning his attention back to the lakeshore as they approached.

Upon their arrival, Langtree found a shady spot to let out her friends, and Merris silently watched the bats emerge, fighting the urge to walk up and greet them personally. He'd learned in his limited travels that, unfortunately, not all folks were entirely comfortable with their animal companions being approached by strangers. After a few awkward exchanges, Merris was left considerably more reserved at the notion, though it didn't stop him from appreciating the little creatures from afar.

"Your friends are adorable! I've got one tucked away too, though he's probably sleeping at the moment." Merris gently patted the top of a small, modestly decorative covered basket attached to the side of his bag. "I'll have to introduce him to the group a bit later." Speaking of "the group", it wasn't long before the others found their way down to where he, Goop, and Langtree were. Beaming, the cleric waved at his new companions. Once together, the discussion of fishing equipment and the viability of catching two fish with one hook came up. It was a subject Merris had little personal connection with, though he was happy the learn what he could to help.

"Have you done a lot of fishing before Goop? I'm not much of an angler personally, but let me know if you need an extra hand. Oh, speaking of." If she allowed it, Merris briefly laid a hand upon the slime's shoulder, which immediately surged with warmth as he Merris casts Guidance on Goop, adding an additional 1d4 to her next check.attempted to guide her in her endeavors.

At Khrysa's mention of their task from Elem and the Kerfluffleas, Merris was quick to give his full attention. When the girl began to speak of a temple, he knew immediately what she was referring to.

"Ah!" The firbolg snapped his fingers. "You must be referring to the temple in Twinspring Grove, south of here." Merris pointed toward the area in the distance. "Some nice gentlemen in town told us about it. I'd love to check it out as well. It's best reached by boat, but seeing as we are without one, we'll probably need to walk. It's a few hours by foot... so I can't say I'm against the camping out idea either. It would certainly be nice to have a place out here to hunker down when we're done, rather than having to trek back up to town." Merris turned, looking out over the lake and sighing contentedly again. "Besides... I wouldn't want to miss nightfall around here. I bet this place looks AMAZING under the stars. The question is... where to camp?"

Merris stood up a little straighter, looking around at some potential spots. Immediately, his first instinct was the less kept areas along the southern path, but he supposed that might be a little TOO outdoorsy for some of the others. His next thought was, perhaps, up on the ridge. The view would almost certainly be stunning too, and it would probably make for a decently defensible spot in the event that any hostile wildlife poked around the lake area at night.
Rolls & ActionsMerris casts guidance on Goop. If others agree to the camp idea, he'll move to start making a preliminary camp wherever everyone else wants to settle down later.

Camp Check: 3
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Old Oct 22nd, 2023, 02:20 PM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is 6.Lowland Lakeside
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is +0Partly Cloudy; 62°F
Time of Day ~ 11:20 PM In-Game TimeLate Morning
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music
🩸 14/14

Karma for this Locale: 1🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪
🩸 14/14

Current Stamina: 3/3💪
🩸 20/20

Community for Today: 1❤️ Current Stamina: 2/3💪
🩸 17/17

Community for Today: 2❤️ Current Stamina: 3/3💪
🩸 21/21

Karma for this Locale: 3🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪

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Getting a whiff of the Valleyspice lilies, Khrysa is able to define a somewhat peppery aroma, but it otherwise doesn't seem like anything special to her, perhaps because, as Rahat mentioned, it needs to be prepared correctly.

Though they don't provide much of a canopy for continual shade, the coniferous trees in this region are numerous, and the further from the lake one travels, the more dense they become, to the point where it would be quite easy to get lost in the wilds. Fortunately, the well-traveled dirt paths are easy to find and navigate, and there are several trail markers as well in the form of bright orange ribbons tied around tree boughs that point the way.

Langtree finds that her winged companions enjoy the light of the day even less than she does, and they shyly linger in their basket for a few minutes even after she opens it, only finally drawn out by the smells of pine forest around them and knowing that dinner time is approaching.

Eventually reunited at the Lakeshore, Rahat, Merris and Khrysa scout out the area, looking for a nice place to settle in and set up a temporary campsite. They have a few places to choose from, though considering that Langtree seems to want to avoid direct sun, the water's edge doesn't seem quite as welcoming with its lack of significant shade, See the previous post. Note that these don't give any special benefits or mechanical effects.leaving the sheltered ridge and the treeline.

Once they've chosen a spot, the three of them and Goop begin clearing the area while Langtree tends her little friends, stuffing them with crickets and I've provided some notes at the bottom of the post for figuring out their Conditions for the day.seeing to their daily health.

After the locale is clear, the group begins discussing whether or not they plan to camp here overnight. The area itself seems popular for just that, and at least four or five other campsites are within view, the majority of which being closest to the water, as well as a number of other groups having only set up tables and chairs.

That said, it shouldn't be difficult to collect wood, stones, and kindling for a fire, and a big, flat rock from the water's edge would probably serve if Khrysa wants something to prepare food on.

Unfortunately, like anywhere that people go, it is inevitable that they leave some evidence of their visit behind to mar and otherwise picturesque place, usually in the form of trash, lost items, or the destruction of local flora. This is the case here, as several discarded metal cups can be seen dropped near the water's edge where someone likely went fishing, and there is a tangle of fishing line that seems to be caught on a fallen log that is half-submerged in the waters. Oddly enough, there is also wooden wheel--likely from a carriage--lying near the path to the Grove, partially grown through by wild plants.

As she is surveying the area, Rahat also spots several clusters of Tallfellow Reedsstalky, green reeds with tan plumes along the shoreline. Though they aren't quite the same, they remind her very much of papyrus common to her homeland, though these appear to be somewhat larger, or thicker.

Not far off, she can see a group of children drilling holes into one such reed that they've cut on both ends, then blowing into one end to produce a lovely, albeit shrill sound. Their craftsmanship is understandably unpracticed, but surprisingly resourceful. Perhaps she, too, could find a use for such reeds.

Storyteller NotesEveryone is currently in the Southern Lakeshore environ of the Lake Kagamihara locale.
Completed Actions
Set up a Camp! (Completed by Khrysa, Merris, and Rahat.): Setting up camp grants +2 to Travel checks to travel from this Environ to any other. Additionally, Langtree and Merris receive (1)❤️ to spend today and Merris receives and additional (1)❤️ for contributing to setting up the camp. Finally, Cultivators can expend (2)❤️ to turn this camp into a Sanctuary.

Tend to Charges! (-1 💪 ) (Completed by Langtree) Please roll a Condition check (2d6, just like in Ryuutama!) for each of your Charges. On a 4-9, your Charge's condition is 'Average/Normal' for today, and you gain (1)❤️ and +1 to your Relationship with that Charge. If it is 10+, it means the Charge is in High Spirits and you get +2 to any Dedicated Actions you take to harvest from or train them in addition to the benefit for Average/Normal. If it is 3 or below, Somethings Wrong, which means your Relationship with that Charge decreases by 1 and you need to perform a Dedicated Action to get it back into good standing (you don't gain any ❤️ or Relationship from restoring a charge to a good condition).
@Morg & Touketsu
That reminds me, since you have Charges now, you need to define them! You can do so by following this post. For Species, feel free to choose among common variants of real-world creatures (though of course, Merris's Snufflebee is just called that) and for Maturity, you can either pick Adult or Adolescent, just bear in mind that only Adults can be trained/harvested from, Adolescents are still in the rearing phase. Adolescent creatures only have one Natural trait, while Adults have both a Natural and a Learned trait. In either case, you roll those out on the two tables (1d6).

On the other hand, Merris's tea tree isn't an animal, so it only has a 'Natural' personality trait.

Your starting Relationship with your Charges usually begins at 0 (Neutral), unless for some reason you want to start out with a bad relationship, in which case you may.

Also @Touketsu, fyi, but I posted the steps to crafting your tea tree plant/vessel on the Discord under #updates.
To view other things you can do (which has been updated to include more things!), check the spoiler below:

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Old Oct 23rd, 2023, 02:33 PM
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RahatRahat smiled to herself as she saw Langtree tending to her "girls," remembering how reassuring that sight had been when she had first met Langtree. She still didn't know how to reconcile undead like Langtree with her order's teachings, but knowing that she could care so much for living creatures—not just seeing to their physical needs but also doting upon them—had dispelled many of her misgivings. Whatever her relation to the cycle of life and death, she did not lack for compassion.

The question about fishes and hooks seemed as perplexing to others as it was to Rahat, so she decided to drop the subject for now to give everyone time to mull it over. She turned to Merris. "Yes, a camp is a good idea. I don't know how long we will be exploring the grove, and I would hate to cut our trip short due to having to return to town by nightfall." Rahat considered the possible camp sites and soon dismissed the lakeside. For one, Langtree would be uncomfortable being so exposed, but admittedly, so would Rahat. Fresh water drew animals and animals drew predators. A bit of distance would be safer. Her eyes fell on the ridge. "If you want to take in the night time views, that ridge seems like a good place. I wouldn't mind seeing the lake at night myself."

Rahat set about clearing the area for the camp. "Does anyone else have tents they would like me to set up?" Pitching and taking down tents was a frequent task among her clan, one that every member spent time mastering. No one else seemed to have brought their own, however. Rahat shrugged. It's not as though they would have to worry about sand blowing around and burying them as they were trying to sleep. She set up her own in short time and then focused on assembling a serviceable fire pit and gathering fuel. As she did so, she took note of the tallfellow reeds clustered near the lake and the way the children were playing with them. It reminded her of her ney, although the children were clearly operating on a different idea of how a flute should work. "If anyone forgot to bring a fishing pole," she said when she returned to camp with a bundle of scavenged wood, "those reeds by the lake might work as a substitute." Finally, she took her shovel and dug a small pit latrine at a discreet distance from the camp.

When the camp was complete, Rahat found Khrysa and Merris. "I'm going to head towards Twinspring Grove and explore. Either of you are welcome to join me, but if you would rather fish for now, that's fine. I can tell you what I've found when I come back here tonight."
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Old Oct 26th, 2023, 05:02 AM
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"Ah! You must be referring to the temple in Twinspring Grove, south of here. Some nice gentlemen in town told us about it. I'd love to check it out as well. It's best reached by boat, but seeing as we are without one, we'll probably need to walk."

"Oh, you already know about it and how to get there! Great! I don't mind walking a while and staying out here, it's so nice! And it's not like there are any other jobs in town, so we'll just have to find our own adventures out here!"

"Besides... I wouldn't want to miss nightfall around here. I bet this place looks AMAZING under the stars. The question is... where to camp?"

"Ooh yeah, I want to see a pretty view of the stars. Camping next to the lake sounds pretty fun, doesn't it? Near the water and..." from the looks on the others' faces, Khrysa suspected that this actuallly might not be a good idea. "Orrrrr we could camp somewhere else too!"

"If you want to take in the night time views, that ridge seems like a good place. I wouldn't mind seeing the lake at night myself."

"Ahh yeah, that's a great idea!" Khrysa joined with Rahat and Merris in setting up camp. She helped the centaur with her tent (Khrysa kind of wanted one of her own as well, but alas budget and space were limited) then eagerly contributed to the fire pit. Once it was ready, she happily set up her stewing pot and other tools. It was a relief to get the weight off of her back, but she was also quite excited to cook once it got to be mealtime. At first, she'd struggled cooking while out on the road, not used to roughing it in the wilderness after all the time spent in the Silver Scale Inn's meticulously arranged kitchens. But over time she'd come to enjoy the sights and scents of nature while preparing meals. And it had been a while since she'd cooked for so many others; she could always savor food herself of course, but it just wasn't entirely the same.

"I'm going to head towards Twinspring Grove and explore. Either of you are welcome to join me, but if you would rather fish for now, that's fine. I can tell you what I've found when I come back here tonight."

"No, you shouldn't go alone, Rahat! Let's stick together! Plus, I was the one who promised Elem and the Kerfluffleas I would get their ingredients, so I should come along to see it through."

She then turned to call out to everyone else. "I'm still full from the Caspian earlier, but I hope you all aren't too hungry! We're going to go check out the grove and temple, then once we're back I'll cook a nice big meal for everyone for dinner! Anything that anyone is craving? Ooh, you'll be getting some fish, right? And we can also check along the way to the grove for ingredients. No snowberries though, we need to save those!"
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Old Nov 9th, 2023, 08:34 PM
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"Forgive my ignorance, but are all vampires sensitive to sunlight? Or is that just the rumor? Ah, that could be a weird question to ask, hmm? Please don't feel obligated to answer."

Langtree fixed Merris with a long, bemused stare. "Why would that be a weird question?" she asked as she prodded at her girls to clamber out of their cage and explore a bit. Being nocturnal, she would let them all get back to sleep shortly, but occasionally they would be bidden to fly messages in the day so she wanted them trained not to be too crabby about it. Content with their progress, she returned her attention to Merris's question, "The sun doesn't fry us, but it is quite uncomfortable. I find if I'm out overlong in direct light I start to get a headache."

"Your friends are adorable! I've got one tucked away too, though he's probably sleeping at the moment. I'll have to introduce him to the group a bit later."

"Oh?" Langtree's eyes settled on the little basket and she tipped her head as if she could look through it if she just found the right angle. "What's yours then?"

"If anyone forgot to bring a fishing pole those reeds by the lake might work as a substitute."

Keeping one eye on the girls as they munched their various fruits and dried insects, Langtree trotted towards where Rahat was standing to observe the reeds. "Helpful, thank you," she said, pinching the tip of one of the reeds and bending it towards herself. She didn't have a rod, as Rahat had surmised, and if she was going to sit around with Goop while she fished, she wanted to at least attempt it herself. "I think I'll stay here and see what I can finagle with these..." Not only that, but she wasn't one to go back on her word, and she had told Goop they would fish.

oocShall I make a roll to try to craft a fishing rod?
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Old Nov 9th, 2023, 10:53 PM
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Merris listened to Langtree's explanation of her sun aversion with interest, content to be learning more about the world outside and the people that inhabited it. The undead, not unlike the denizens of the great forest, were the subject of many a rumor, superstition, and half-truth, and it was nice to get some perspective on these things straight from the source. Upon being complimented on her bats, the vampire responded in kind with interest in Merris' companion.

"What's yours then?" She seemed to be trying to look THROUGH the basket, and Merris smiled and reached down, slightly lifting the edge of the basket lid. Inside, the vampire could see what appeared to be a mound of yellow and black fur nestled in a blanket.

"That's Smoky. He's a snufflebee. They're native to my home; quite the little foragers. Very good at sniffing out useful herbs and edible plants in the wild... though they do tend to sleep a lot." Merris chuckled quietly before lowering the lid again.

After some discussion with the others, it seemed like the ridge was mostly agreed upon as the best place to set up camp for now. Khrysa, Merris, and Rahat took point on getting the necessary setup out of the way, and it wasn't long before they had a cozy little campsite ready for when they were done for the day. That was a long ways off however, and as the others began to discuss their next moves, Merris deliberated internally. Gloop and Langtree would be staying here and fishing, with Langtree presently tending to her bat friends as well. Rahat and Krysa on the other hand had decided on exploring the grove, a most exciting prospect.

"Hmmm..." The firbolg gazed down at the basket containing Smoky again, lifting it gently to his ear. The faint, gentle sounds of snoozing breaths could be heard from inside, and Merris nodded to himself. Smoky would probably still be out for a little while... and if a few folks were staying behind anyway, it seemed the camp would be a safe spot to complete his nap for the moment without worry. "Alright you little fuzzball. Just relax... I'll be back later to feed you and give those wings and legs a stretch."

Gently nestling the basket against his bedroll, Merris turned and approached the exploring duo.

"Count me in as well. I've been very interested to look into these ruins I heard about." Grinning, he gave Gloop and Langtree a little wave before setting off down the path, stopping for only a moment to take a closer look at the grown-over carriage wheel. "Hmm... I wonder what happened to the REST of the carriage?"
Rolls & Actions
Merris takes a brief look around the area for more clues about the wheel.

Perception: 5

When the others are ready, he'll join them and head to the grove.

Travel: 11 (success)

Also, in the event that Langtree is planning to perform any dedicated actions with her bats, Merris will also spend 2 Community to make the camp a Sanctuary of Friendship.
I have taken the Oath!

Last edited by Touketsu; Nov 11th, 2023 at 01:11 AM.
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Old Nov 12th, 2023, 08:03 PM
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"Ahh, you're coming with us, Merris? Yay!" Khrysa did a little clap. "Good luck with the fish!" she called out to the others while waving goodbye.

"Hmm... I wonder what happened to the REST of the carriage?"

"Hmm...maybe the wheel was broken and they switched it out before moving on? Orr...someone used it to anchor their fishing rod?" Khrysa had no idea how plausible her guesses were, but surely it wasn't anything sinister in this nice area!

Freed from the weight of her cooking gear, she eagerly bounced along the path beside her new companions.
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Old Nov 13th, 2023, 04:56 AM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is 6.Lowland Lakeside
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is +0Partly Cloudy; 62°F
Time of Day ~ 11:20 PM In-Game TimeLate Morning
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music
🩸 14/14

Karma for this Locale: 1🍀 Current Stamina: 3/3💪
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Community for Today: 1❤️ Current Stamina: 2/3💪
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Langtree & Goop
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As Rahat, Merris, and Khrysa set off for Twinspring Grove in search of the mysterious temple and the fabled snowberries that are said to reside there, Langtree opts to stay behind with Goop and potentially try her hand at fishing.

Fortunately, it seems that Langtree's tiny winged wards all seem to be no the wear for the trip from town, albeit they would no doubt much prefer that there be less sun, but don't we all? They fervently accept the snacks given to them, munching away without a care in the world.

Her tasks with her little friends complete, the dhamphir moves to investigate the reeds that Rahat mentioned. Tallfellow reeds, as the name suggests, are long, green stalks that protrude from the deeper shallows of the lake, but even after breaking the water's surface, they can grow well past the height of a human.

Langtree has no problems finding them. In fact, it would be pretty hard to miss them! And getting to them presents no great obstacle either. Harvesting them, on the other hand, isn't quite so easy. The reeds are very thick, and a bladed tool of some sort is going to be required to do so, or an excessive application of strength.

Storyteller NotesLangtree can indeed attempt to craft a fishing rod using the Tallfellow reeds, however first, we need to answer a few questions.

1st Question: What method is Langtree going to use to harvest the reeds?
Option 1: If she's going to use a weapon, she can hack away at the reed to chop it down by making attack rolls against it. The reed has an 'AC' of 10. You successfully chop it down after 3 rolls regardless of whether you hit or miss, but if you 'hit' all three times, you get the High-Quality Materials preparation to use in your crafting attempt.

Option 2: If you want to try and snap the reed off with brute strength, you can try to. However, this will require you to roll a Strength Saving Throw and beat a 13. Doing it this way, there is a 25% chance (76-100 result on a d100) that it ends up being a High-Quality Material.

Of course, if you have any other ideas, like maybe some fun/interesting combination of magic, I'd love to hear it~
2nd Question: You'll need something to use for a line and a hook, as well as potentially bait! Any thoughts on what you'll be using for any of these? Depending on what answers you give, you might be able to get the Sacrifice preparation this way.

Once you've answered these questions and gathered the materials necessary, you can try your hand at crafting the pole. A fishing pole is outside of the scope of Langtree's trade, so she'll need to use the Crafting Generalist rules on page 14 of Witch+Craft.

Incidentally, crafting a fishing pole would be within the scope of Goop's trade, too, so you might be able to talk her into making one for you, too. Or if you prefer to make your own, she can grant you the Assistance preparation instead.

Langtree & Goop
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Leaving Langtree and Goop behind to enjoy some quality time together while fishing up something for dinner, Rahat leads Merris and Khrysa into the wild green yonder, starting with the long climb up to the foothills, which is certainly not to be underestimated. Any who isn't used to these kinds of jaunts could be quickly winded as a result, and the trek to the Grove promises an even more physically demanding hike.

Fortunately, the group's guide is an able one. Though lakes and forests are more of a rarity where she comes from, Rahat finds that her experience traveling abroad has already started to pay off, and with her help, Merris and Khrysa are able to find enough of a footing not to roll down any hills or step in any potholes along the way.

Before long, the countless forms of trees begin to rise up around them, and then begin to draw closer and closer to the road, even going so far as to choke the path from sight. Eventually, the trodden trail ceases altogether, lost in the long-since overgrown foliage, which says a lot about how often this part of the lake gets visited.

Here, the trees thicken in every direction, and there are no obvious signs as to which way might guide them to the secret temple that is supposedly housed here.

There is some hope, though, as there are several interesting clues about the area that may yet point them in the right direction, the first of which being a little statue of some sort of portly figure of indeterminate gender half-buried in the ground nearby. Most of the features have long since worn away, but the vague outline of a person is discernable. They seem to be standing casually, and their hand is outstretched. A little purple butterfly--not part of the statue--lands on the fingertip and rests there, slowly beating its wings as if observing the trio.

Additionally, it's faint, but if given a moment of silence, the sound of a stream somewhere nearby becomes discernable. If the name is any indication, that might be one of the 'Twin Springs', though whether or not it will lead the group to the temple is unknown.

Finally, a cursory glance around the area reveals something that appears a bit out of place. Someone has left behind a tool--an axe, in point of fact, which appears to be made out of a carved rock head, set into a knotted branch and tied tightly on with twine. This, by itself, isn't all that unusual; rather, it's the size of it, which is to say, it's huge! The haft's length easily extends past eight feet, and the blade is more than four feet. It must take someone of incredible strength to wield! It rests, blade down, against a nearby tree.

No sooner does the group spot the axe, however, when a loud, guttural sound emanates from the nearby bushes. A deep, snorting grunt, followed by a squeal. Perhaps a wild boar? Or something else?

Whatever it is, it doesn't sound like it's getting any closer, nor further away. Perhaps it doesn't know they're there?

Storyteller NotesCongrats! Everyone passed their Travel checks with flying colours and arrived at Twinspring Grove!

I'll let you decide how to handle the situation. Feel free to include checks in your next post, but let me know what you're doing and what they're for.
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Old Nov 13th, 2023, 03:52 PM
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Rahat - Twinspring GroveRahat opened her mouth to brush off Khrysa's concerns about her going alone, then closed it. She could have pointed out that she had been traveling alone for some time and so could handle both danger and solitude. Khrysa's follow-up point about being the one to volunteer to find snowberries was a good one, though, and Merris soon volunteered to come along as well. Rahat didn't want him making any more sly comments about taking care of herself. She nodded and said, "Alright, let's be off."

Taking note of the carriage wheel as a landmark, Rahat guided them deeper into the forest, checking her compass frequently and sketching a map on quill and parchment to track their position and progress. She didn't know exactly where the temple was, of course, but she had learned early on in her travels how easy it was to get turned around when she didn't have a clear view of the sky or horizon. Of course, she had also learned early that a small hole in the ground could be as dangerous as a sleeping snake if she was not paying close attention to where she was going, so she also kept an eye on her surroundings, especially as the trail grown more overgrown and less defined.

The trees grew thicker and thicker, forcing Rahat to slow down and be more careful about stepping over roots and squeezing between trunks. Centaurs were not well-suited for thick forest, after all. Sunlight grew dimmer, filtered through the dense canopy, making it difficult to determine where the sun was. "I have to admit," she said as Khrysa and Merris found a space wide enough for her to pass through, "this is easier with extra eyes." She would still have to brush the bark fragments and moss smears off her flanks later. That she was definitely not going to ask for help with.

Drawing by the movement of the butterfly's wings, Rahat spotted the worn down statue and tilted her head. "Now who are you?" she asked. She carefully approached the statue and Religion check = 8crouched to study it more closely. It was unlikely that she would recognize who it was supposed to represent, she knew, but the way the hand was outstretched made her wonder if it served as a way-marker, once upon a time. As she attempted to sight along the length of the statue's arm, she saw the giant axe and raised her eyebrows, but the underbrush had grown up around the blade, and a bit of adventurous moss had grown from the trunk of the tree onto the haft. It had been sitting there for quite some time.

Her ears twitched as she heard, from somewhere in the forest, the sound of a spring. And then the much closer sound of something grunting in the bushes. Motioning for the others to stay quiet and stay still, she took a tentative step towards the grunting sound and attempted to Perception check = 21get a glimpse of whatever was making the noise.
OOCI included a check to see if Rahat could figure out the statue's purpose (if not identity), treating it as Religion for lack of a better idea. I also made a Perception roll to have her try to see what's making the grunting noise. Both rolls are here.
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Old Nov 13th, 2023, 06:57 PM
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Langtree waved the explorers off as they turned to their path and then focused her attention on the reeds. They seemed quite hearty, but still no match for her knife, which she fetched from her pack. She sliced a reed at it's base and stood for a moment, admiring the weight of it. "Do you need one as well?" she asked Goop.

For her line, she had spotted a tangle of discarded line caught on a log when she approached the shore. Now, she discarded her shoes, gathered up her skirts in one hand, and waded out to it, dislodging it from the wood.

Back on shore, she settled back down next to her pack and held the line in one hand, Casting Mendingmuttering over it:
Tangles, knots, snags, snares
Unravel now, be used with care
Discarded stuff, so rudely used
I give you life, do not refuse

As she chanted, her fingers tingling with magic, the knots unfurled until the line lay flat and ready on her palm. The hook would be more complicated than the line. It appeared that some past fisherperson had left their cup, which she inspected to see if it could be cut and twisted into the correct shape.

oocUsing a couple things mentioned in your last post. Will make my crafting roll depending on the ruling on the metal cup.

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Last edited by morgantha; Nov 13th, 2023 at 06:57 PM.
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Old Nov 14th, 2023, 03:58 AM
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"Erghh...wheww..." Khrysa breathed heavily while proceeding up the path, caught off-guard by how strenuous of a trek it was. She'd definitely gotten into better shape during her travels since leaving the inn, but she was still hardly the peak of fitness. She usually wasn't great with paying attention to obstacles in the terrain either, so fortunately her companions were there to help along. Rahat even had tools to help navigate and track position with, which seemed brilliant to Khrysa; she easily lost sense of direction when alone, leading her to try and stay on the beaten path most of the time.

"I have to admit, this is easier with extra eyes."

"Yeah, definitely! Travelling is so much better with friends!" Not only for safety purposes, but also for having someone to voice her random idle observations about the scenery to along the way.

"Hmmm..." Khrysa peered at the portly statue when they came across it. "If there's a temple here, maybe this is related?" She pulled out her scrapbook to try and sketch the figure while remembering if she'd heard any stories about such a thing. Unfortunately, she was mostly distracted by her ink smudging and turning her drawing into a vague round blob.

Looking around more, she noticed the unusual axe, with a more primitive yet mystical design than standard smith work. Before Khrysa could consider it further though, the animal-like sound came out of the trees. She held back from yelping out, following Rahat's gesture to stay back. As the centaur scouted out the interloper, a flicker of magic ran through Khrysa's hand as she prepared to cast a spell if necessary; her natural instinct was to go for some kind of Minor Illusiondistracting sound in the opposite direction if it seemed the group might be in danger.

Last edited by Xyza; Nov 14th, 2023 at 03:58 AM.
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