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Old Oct 2nd, 2024, 01:42 PM
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Khrysa frowned, unable to make sense of why these words were the way they were. She was pleased that her spell had worked, but what was the point of writing descriptions on things if they weren't enchanted? Surely if you built and used something you wouldn't need to remind yourself how it was like? Then again, she had been scolded in the kitchen about failing to label ingredients before, so perhaps there was a purpose...

"Hmm...yeah I think I can try to copy the noise!" Khrysa whispered back to Rahat. "Just let me know where and when!"

Last edited by Xyza; Oct 2nd, 2024 at 01:43 PM.
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Old Oct 4th, 2024, 07:50 PM
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"Let me look to see if there is food for it nearby," Rahat whispered back. Friendly noises might not be enough to entice it close enough to where she could pluck a few leaves. She took a look around, scanning for signs of partially eaten food or of spoor that contained remnants.
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Old Oct 8th, 2024, 09:17 AM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is ERROR.???????
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is ERRORHeavy Fog; 30°F
Time of Day ERR:OR ??
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
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🩸 14/14 • Current Stamina💪 3/3

🩸 21/21 • Karma for this Locale🍀 2 • Current Stamina💪 2/3
Rahat & Khrysa
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The companions' search continues, now focusing on more recent events, and Rahat's keen eyes scan the area in search of anything that might otherwise attract the strange creature out of hiding.

The area here is thick with vegetation, making it all the more difficult to differentiate such sources, but a few possibilities stand out. Several overturned logs and debris indicate that something regularly scrounges through the area, possibly in search of grub and bugs that hide beneath or between things, and given the strange creature they've been chasing has bird-like legs, it isn't a stretch to assume it might have avian tastes.

Alternatively she notices several small indentations in a nearby tree, and a thick trail of gooey yellow sap spilling forth from within. There is no clear indicator of whether the creature is after the sap itself, though, or perhaps something else that does feed on it.

Finally, there is a noticeable lack spider activity in the area. This could possibly be due to the spiders being too much competition, or perhaps they, themselves are part of the menu.

With all of this in mind, it seems likely that the creature's diet leans toward, or wholly consists of, bugs and similar creatures.
Storyteller Notes---------------------
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Old Oct 8th, 2024, 05:01 PM
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RahatRahat had to make a thorough survey, because it stood to reason that this area was not the exclusive lair of the leafy avian. It was certainly clear that something around here was eating up the bug population—there was no way there wouldn't be spiders if that weren't the case—so it seems a reasonable enough idea to go with. Logs and smaller debris had already been scrounged through, but Rahat reckoned herself stronger than the creature, so she overturned some larger rocks and debris to scrounge for some additional grubs, bagging them up to present to the creature.

"Alright," she whispered as she returned to Khrysa, "See if you can call it out, and I'll see if I can't get it close enough with an offer of food."
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Old Oct 10th, 2024, 02:48 AM
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Khrysa focused and Minor Illusionattempted to recreate a gentle version of the noises the creature was making, first a bit outside the building it was hiding in to lure it out, then if that was successful another noise leading it toward the direction of Rahat. As silly as it might be, she tried her best to put herself into the mindset of the tea-sprite(?) and feel what tones it might find comforting.
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Old Oct 16th, 2024, 02:14 AM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is ERROR.???????
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is ERRORHeavy Fog; 30°F
Time of Day ERR:OR ??
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
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🩸 14/14 • Current Stamina💪 3/3

🩸 21/21 • Karma for this Locale🍀 2 • Current Stamina💪 2/3
Rahat & Khrysa
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Rahat's idea to scrounge up grub bears a decent amount of squirmy wormy 'fruit', though interestingly enough, she recognizes none of the insects that she finds, and notices that they all have a sort of bioluminescence to them that attracts the eye.

It isn't much, but she manages to get a few handfuls.

Once Rahat is in position, Khrysa begins casting her spell, and a series of small, chirping noises permeate the area. The creature falls completely silent as the cacophany fills the area, and despite how close the sound is to its own calls, doesn't seem eager to respond.

However, shortly after Rahat presents a handful of the glittery grubs, the creature's beady, glowing eyes can be seen at an egress in the crumbling building. It peers out, seemingly fixed on the morsels presented...
Storyteller NotesRahat has two chances to make one of the following checks. The DC for all checks is 13. She has advantage on these checks thanks to Khrysa's spell serving as a distraction.

If Rahat wishes to try and catch the creature, she'll need to make an Athletics or Animal Handling check.

If Rahat wishes to try and remain still and snag a few leaves when the creature approaches, she'll need to make a Cunning or Acrobatics check.

Regardless, if she is successful, she can spend 1 Karma to get 1 '1d4 servingsfistful' of leaves off the creature. After which you can stop, or try again if you still have grubs left.
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Old Oct 17th, 2024, 10:59 AM
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RahatKhrysa's mimickry sounded skillful to Rahat's ears, and it did seem to get the creature's attention, but it was wisely cautious. That is exactly why Rahat looked for food in the first place. She kneeled down and pulled a handful of grubs out of the bag she had placed them in, marveling a moment at the way they glowed. Useful for her purposes, helping the creature notice them at a distance. "Look what I have," she called softly. "Are you hungry?"

It seemed the creature was, because it emerged from the house, seeming to test the air before slowly, haltingly approaching, wary of the apparent gift. Rahat remained patient, unmoving except to turn her hand when a grub was in danger of crawling off and falling to the ground. When the creature was close enough to snap up a grub that was attempting to crawl up her wrist. She slowly reached out to run her fingers through the creature's leaves. "There we go," she said. Her fingers quested for leaves that were already working their way out or coming loose, aiming to help the critter preen rather than yank out a handful and leave it with a bald spot. Each leaf made its way into a bag at her hips.

Once the critter seemed engrossed in its meal, she set her bag of grubs down in front of it to allow it to feed itself and free up her other hand. She got more leaves than she expected out of the exercise. "Do you suppose it's molting?" she whispered to Khrysa. "Or maybe it's missing a companion to help it groom?"
OOCRahat succeeds on her Cunning check and gets 2 fistfuls of leaves, spending 1 karma, leaving her with 1 remaining.
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Old Oct 17th, 2024, 10:12 PM
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Khrysa winced when at first it seemed that her illusionary noises weren't attracting the creature. However, though patience was difficult for her, it paid off this time as Rahat's gentle offering of food was able to draw it out of hiding. She observed as the centaur was able to delicately pluck some leaves free from the critter as it indulged in the offered food, silently cheering at their plan's success.

She isn't quite sure how to answer Rahat's questions though. "Hmm...molting? Companion? Is that how it works? I don't really know that much about creatures actually...other than the ones we used for dishes. Well, I guess this one kinda is, but I don't think I've seen anything like it back home. Do you think those leaves will be good for the tea we're supposed to make?"
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Old Oct 20th, 2024, 10:15 PM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is ERROR.???????
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is ERRORHeavy Fog; 30°F
Time of Day ERR:OR ??
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
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🩸 14/14 • Current Stamina💪 3/3

🩸 21/21 • Karma for this Locale🍀 2 • Current Stamina💪 2/3
Rahat & Khrysa
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The strange bird-like beast is skittish even as it picks at the grubs, snatching one up in a flash and stepping back to turn away. It repeats this process several times before it seems to become wholly taken with gorging itself, at which point Rahat is able to skillfully trim some of the rogue leaves out.

As she daintily picks them from the creature, she notices two things: one, the leaves themselves are small and appear jagged, but the consistency in the way they feel is more similar to that of a feather, and she finds she can spread the plant-like plumage just as she could a pinion.

The other thing is about the creature itself. Despite its bulbous, bush-like shape, try as she might, she can't see a 'body' within the brush, only two, dancing yellow orbs of light which themselves don't appear to be attached to anything.

Once she has collected enough leaflets, she lets the creature eat, and the moment that it finishes, it high-tails it out of sight again, this time delving deeper into the misty woods...

With the creature gone, the two are once again left alone in the strange realm. Or are they...?
Storyteller Notes-------------------
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Old Oct 29th, 2024, 04:57 PM
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RahatAs Rahat ran her fingers through the leaves, testing their resilience and consistency, she brought one up to wave in front of her face and then in front of Khrysa's seeing if she was correct that the chamomile scent came from this creature. "I don't know," she admitted. "We'll have to try it out and see."

Now was not necessarily the time to build a fire and get brewing, however. She took stock of their surroundings, marking the path she trampled into the cluster of buildings and any potential paths out. "We should find that water," she said, forgetting that she never mentioned the moist air and fungal overtones she had smelled before having her attention drawn by the creature.
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Old Nov 1st, 2024, 04:42 AM
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"Right! I'm no tea expert, so we'll definitely need to experiment a little with this. I wonder how much it's like making stew? They're both a way..."

"We'll need water, and maybe we could find other ingredients too...oh yeah, I smelled something tasty back there! Well...probably tasty...isn't there something about...some mushrooms being dangerous?" Khrysa only remembers this detail after having watched Rahat's careful observation when gathering.

As they begin heading back toward the water, Khrysa takes a final look around the ruined city with the strange runes. She was glad they were on track for collecting ingredients, but they still had no real idea what was going on in this strange place.
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Old Nov 5th, 2024, 02:59 AM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is ERROR.???????
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is ERRORHeavy Fog; 30°F
Time of Day ERR:OR ??
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
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🩸 14/14 • Current Stamina💪 3/3

🩸 21/21 • Karma for this Locale🍀 2 • Current Stamina💪 2/3
Rahat & Khrysa
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Rahat indeed finds that this was the scene given off by the creature, a distinct chamomile scent, but with a sharpness to it, much like cinnamon or mint might have. It burns the nostrils ever-so-slightly if inhaled too deeply, but she senses that this effect would likely provide a similarly pleasant zing to something brewed with it.

As Khrysa takes her last look at the ruined city, she gets the odd feeling that once upon a time, this aged and lonely place must have been much warmer and livelier, and she feels like she can almost hear the laughter of children and the brisk calls of merchants echoing from within its lost memory. But whether that was true of this place, or it was simply a trick of her own mind, she'll likely never know.

Backtracking proves to be a simple affair. Thanks to the heavy hoofsteps of the centaur, the dirt path they blazed through the thick foliage is plain as day. Beneath some of the strides the duo begins to notice buried lain stone, which seems to suggest that roads once ran through this forest, though where they led or what they connected is yet a mystery that remains unsolved.

Invariably, and in a surprisingly little amount of time, the two once again find themselves at the crossroads where they'd originally spotted the creature, and the sound of rushing water returns with it.

Here, one path turns sharply to the left, and another continues off up and to the right. The strange, mealy scent, too, still hangs in the air here as well, though there's no apparent sign of caps littering the ground in this area.
Storyteller NotesFrom here, you're welcome to decide which direction to go, either following one of the two paths, or you could always cut through the forest to the river. And as always, if you have another idea, by all means, employ away!

Incidentally, don't forget that you already made Perception and Investigation checks in this area as well, but not Survival checks, and the DCs from this post still stand.
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Old Nov 8th, 2024, 12:31 PM
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Rahat's nostrils flared contemplatively as she smelled the leaf. Then she snorted and shook her head as she got a bit too much. "Spicy and bright," she said, thinking of the voices that had accompanied the queen. "It's a start. 'Tea' is more than just a drink, isn't it?" She had picked up that much in her travels.

As they came back to the branching spot in the path, Rahat scented the air again. "The Queen did say to follow our nose. Maybe we should see what is down to the right." She paused as she saw how dew collected and pooled in some of the plants, some of which had clearly been cut. Rahat carefully broke off a frond and wet her lips with the water, waiting to see if she picked up anything odd before actually drinking some.
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Old Nov 10th, 2024, 10:13 PM
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"More than just a drink? Hmm! I guess that's true, isn't it?" Khrysa hadn't really thought about tea specifically like that before, but she certainly felt that way about the dishes she cooked. And with all the effort that went into brewing a cup of tea - particularly when one had to seek ingredients in a mysterious place like this - she didn't see any reason why she shouldn't think about tea the same way.

"Yeah, that sounds good!" she agrees to the decision to head down the right path. "I definitely want to see what it was making that tasty smell..."
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Old Nov 14th, 2024, 06:02 PM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is ERROR.???????
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is ERRORHeavy Fog; 30°F
Time of Day ERR:OR ??
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
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🩸 14/14 • Current Stamina💪 3/3

🩸 21/21 • Karma for this Locale🍀 2 • Current Stamina💪 2/3
Rahat & Khrysa
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The first thing that Rahat notices about the dew is it tastes quite pure and refreshing, the kind of thing that would instantly slake a thirst and similar to water from a mountain stream. As she turns the taste over in her mouth, however, there is a very slightly sweet undertone, as the tiniest pinch of sugarcane had been dabbed against her lips.

Unfortunately, if her intention was to collect the water, it would likely prove a lengthy task, as she could get no more than a spoonful from any one source, and getting enough to do anything with would likely take much longer than they had time for. Perhaps if there were a way to funnel all the dew to one spot...

The duo press on and head down the right-most path, following the promising scent in the air. And it isn't long before they are finally rewarded, as they reach something wholly different: a vast clearing beneath a sky of endless gray.

Here, the trees thin out, opening the way for a green, grassy pasture, at the far side of which sits a winding knoll that seems to whimsically tilt in a way that defies gravity, the top twisting in on itself like a rogue curl. The grass on this hill, too, is darker than the rest that grows here, and they notice what appears to be a plume of white smoke drifting lazily into the sky above, emanating from somewhere in that direction.

What's more, everywhere you look, there are patches of mushrooms of various colors and painting the otherwise dreary landscape in vibrant spots. There are four colors in all: a deep, almost blood-like red with black and red speckles, a blue that seems to shimmer and glitter, a yellow one with several layers, and a purple with white stripes.

...none of which look like any mushrooms either Rahat or Khrysa have ever seen.

Beyond this area, the world seems to stretch on forever, but it is noticeably...difficult to discern, and the pair can make out vague scenery, but it feels like they're looking at it through frosted glass.
Storyteller Notes-----
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