Story Expedition I: Lake Kagamihara - Page 9 - RPG Crossing
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Old Jan 13th, 2025, 01:39 PM
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Rahat eyes Ser Brookshire right back, trying to get a read on its disposition. It certainly sounds like devoted, rigidly formal courtier, but she almost thinks she can detect an element of irony to his words. Assuming she's not imagining it. There's also the fact that its warnings could just as easily apply to itself; it could just as easily be employing a trick to draw them into a place where it can exercise its power over them. It's not as though she has a better idea of how to find Argritte, however.

"It is not easy for me to ignore a cry for help—it is why I am listening to you. But I hear and heed your warning."
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Old Jan 19th, 2025, 02:18 PM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is ERROR.???????
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is ERRORHeavy Fog; 30°F
Time of Day ERR:OR ??
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music

🩸 14/14 • Current Stamina💪 3/3

🩸 21/21 • Karma for this Locale🍀 2 • Current Stamina💪 2/3
Rahat & Khrysa
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"Queen Alyskrandaricroix," the catbird persists, this time a little more harshly, in response to Khrysa. It seems quite perturbed about something so menial, and less so about the prospect of someone being in potential trouble. "Come now, it isn't difficult. Say it seven times in a row and you'll have it."

The bird watches Khrysa for a moment or two after with narrowed eyes and an expectant look, but ultimately is re-distracted by Rahat's response. Its feathers having been slightly ruffled, it takes a few seconds to preen a few of them back into place before shaking and returning to meet her gaze.

"Then you are wiser than most," it says plainly in response. "And were it not for the need of outside help on behalf of poor Argritte, I might be tempted. But fortunately for you, that is not the case, as I am bound my professional courtesy to see them safely home. So for that long, at least, you've nothing to fear from me."

Rahat can't discern any untruths in the catbird's statements. Its eyes do certainly have the look of a predator, but its tone and demeanor suggest wisdom and pragmatism, and moreover, a sense of refinement, likely thanks to its position.

"Now then," it continues, straightening itself, "The problem is as so: Argritte is, as I have already said, the Alchemeister to the queen, and is thus responsible for a great many thing including, but certainly not limited to, preparing Her Majesty's meals and refreshments. But Her Eminence's tastes are constantly changing, and thus, Meister Argritte regularly has to come up with new and more interesting dishes, which, in turn, requires obtaining new ingredients for said creations. As it happens, Meister Argritte was out attempting to procure one such ingredient, but in doing so has wound up trapped, and is in need of assistance. I would help, but I lack do so."

So saying, it lifts its bird-like claw and taps them together, making a sound similar to that of two marbles striking one another.

"Thus, I sadly must rely on you. Now, let's get going, shall we?" The creature takes off into the air again, and begins swooping towards the forest's edge where the strange new path has appeared.

Storyteller NotesPlease make Travel checks per the House Rule here.
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Old Jan 22nd, 2025, 05:37 AM
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"Oh! Err, sorry..." Khrysa stammers apologetically at Brookshire's rebuke. "Um, seven times, let's see...Alakrandracrox...Alysandracroix....Alyskrand acroix...Alyskrandarycroix...Alyskrandaricroix.... Alyskrandaricroix...Alyskrandaricroix! Okay, I think I got it!" she announces.

Khrysa is unsure what to make of the creature's exchange with Rahat. It did still seem helpful despite some grumpiness, but she couldn't totally ignore some of the more ominous hints in its speech despite her proclivity to see the best in people.

She brightens up as the owlcat discusses Argritte's problems. "Oh, a fellow chef! And one that gets to create new dishes all the time! Ahh, that's so much better than just making the same recipe over and over every day..." she admires wistfully, reminded of her motivations for exploring away from home. "Getting ingredients can be tough sometimes, though with this, er..." she couldn't quite work out exactly what this thumb-dependent problem might be. "Well I guess we'll see when we get there?"
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Old Jan 29th, 2025, 12:36 PM
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"Lead on," Rahat says, not inclined to waste time practicing the Queen's name if there is truly someone in need of assistance. Normally she would show more respect, but the Queen does not seem to merit it
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Old Jan 31st, 2025, 06:14 AM
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Lake Kagamihara

Briarheart Hollow
"The sunrise at Lake Kagamihara is pretty famous. You see, when the sun hits those glaciers just right...well, guess you should stay up and see for yourself, eh?"
-- Overheard from a passerby in Tradewinds
📅 11th Day of Second month in the Summer season.Aiou, 334 After Union / After UnificationA.U.
Terrain🌄 Travel & Camping Base TN is ERROR.???????
Weather🌞 Travel & Camping Modifier is ERRORHeavy Fog; 30°F
Time of Day ERR:OR ??
Locale Info
A quiet, out of the way lake famed for its solitude and crystal clear waters, it is overlooked by Mount Seneschal, the tallest and most iconic of the Reigncrown mountain range. Legend has it that the emblem on the Rouge flag was designed after the view of the mountain from this lake. In the Summer and Autumn, it is a common destination for hikers and campers, and features a small lodge where one can rent small boats to venture onto the lake.
Environs: Lodge Area, Northern Lakeshore, Southern Lakeshore, Twinspring Grove
Locale Info
Background Music

🩸 14/14 • Current Stamina💪 3/3

🩸 21/21 • Karma for this Locale🍀 2 • Current Stamina💪 2/3
Rahat & Khrysa
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Brookshire nods in time, counting each time Khrysa says the name, and ruffles its feathers in a way that seems...pleased?...when she finishes. "Excellent, and congratulations. Now you need only remember it when you meet Her Majesty in person. Supposing nothing eats you before you can, of course."

Rahat seems ready to go, however. The catbird seems in agreement, and so does not dawdle, jumping up into the air and spreading its bird-like wings wide. "On we go, then. Do try to keep up," it says, and flutters off towards the path it pointed out earlier.

It is a fairly straightforward path, and while nothing jumps out at the trio as they make their way through, you do get the sense that there are certain...presence...within the forest around them. Like being watched from many directions, but unable to see the watcher.

Eventually, the path comes to an end in a small, circular glade which is anything but natural. Four large trees stand in each cardinal direction, with what looks to be door-like impressions emblazoned onto the bases of their trunks and overgrown with ivy vines.

Meanwhile, the center of the glade is a low platform and a sort of pedestal in the center. Atop this pedestal is curious object--a tangle of five rings surrounding, and attached to, a metal sphere at the epicenter. The device sits, unmoving.

"Here we are," Brookshire says confindently, "A curious place, this. I believe Meister Agritte called it the 'Armillary Gate', though I myself don't know how the thing works, and, embarrassing though it is to admit, its far too intricate for me to manipulate. Which is where your dextrous little appendages come in. Argritte disappeared"

The owlcat winces slightly, its confidence faltering, and begins looking back and forth between the four doors. "...well, suffice it to say, they're behind one of these doors. Y-you figure it out!" it says at length, coming to rest on an overhanging treelimb.
Storyteller NotesBoth of you succeeded your Travel checks (just barely in Khrysa's case)!

Feel free to make whatever checks you feel appropriate! But I do suggest at least one of you make an active Perception check.

Last edited by briar; Jan 31st, 2025 at 06:15 AM.
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Old Jan 31st, 2025, 11:35 AM
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Given Brookshire's dire warnings, Rahat expects to walk a gauntlet as they follow the trail. She moves deliberately, eyes sweeping to each side, ready to snatch up Xyza and run if the situation calls for it. But for all that, the trip to their destination is uneventful.

The device at the center of the clearing calls Rahat's attention. It reminds her a little of the devices the learned members of her tribe would use to track celestial movements, though far more complex (and less portable). She hums. "I know you don't know how it works, but how does Argritte work it? Do they move the rings somehow?" She turns her attention to the doors. "Can we just open the doors to see if Argritte is on the other side?"

Rahat presumes the answer to that is "no," so she inspects the area around each door in turn."How long ago did Argritte go through?" If she can find tracks or another sign of passage, she can at least determine the right door.

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Old Feb 5th, 2025, 07:54 AM
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Khrysa sighs in relief as the owlcat confirms that her pronunciation practice had paid off, though needing to remember it for later and the possibility of being eaten beforehand scared her in about equal amounts.

She tries to remain on her toes as they progress down the path, especially as Brookshire had warned about potential danger along the way, but she finds it difficult to maintain the same level of watchful sharpness as Rahat the whole time, still fascinated by the mystical scenery of this area.

Once they reach the glade, Khrysa takes the time to Perception: 3look around, at first more drawn to the door inscriptions on the trees. "They're...behind one of these? So...inside the tree? Or..." Khrysa wonders. It probably wouldn't be that simple; there was definitely something magical going on here...perhaps it was similar to how she and Rahat had even been drawn here in the first place?

She then moves to look at the device in the center. It was apparently linked to the doors somehow based off what Brookshire was saying, but Khrysa wasn't sure how the sphere might indicate where Agritte had gone. She tries to tilt her head from side to side to figure out how to use it, but doing so just Investigation: 3made her head spin, literally.

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