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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 01:05 PM
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The application of an application

About the player:

1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game?

A: What I'm looking for most of all is that the game is Active. Far too many games seem like we're waiting to play instead of actually playing. Therefore, I pledge to do my best to be responsive and interesting and engage other player characters when I post.

2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game?

A: One of the flavor elements listed for this game is War. I would not like to see explicit detailing of the atrocities of war. That doesn't seem necessary. We all can imagine what that kind of stuff is like, at our own comfort level.

3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game?

A: I'm running 1 game (which is very lively) and, in theory, involved as a player in 2 others. But they seem to be of the opinion that posting less than once per week whether they need to or not and ignoring the other player characters is okay. There have been a shortage of new games recently. I want to play!!

4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focused on role-play? Or a mixture of the two?

A: Variety is the spice of life. And I enjoy the spectrum of aspects that DnD has to offer. I'd get bored of doing just one thing over and over. Plus, it's great to have options. Can the players choose to engage in combat or find another way?

Character details
right-aligned image

Name: Sarabeth

Class: Rogue
Race: Human (variant)
Background: Folk hero

Alignment: neutral good

  • Personality Traits: Trusting, Virtuous
  • Bond: I believe in community and working together to solve problems and prosper.
  • Ideal: Few things are more worthy than a life of service.
  • Flaw: I follow my heart over my head every day of the week.
Sarabeth is a kind, generous person who tries to live by a moral code. Unscrupulous people have fooled her into doing things that she's not proud of but she still trusts in the goodness in people's hearts and trusts her instincts. She prefers the company of a few close friends rather than large crowds or solitude.
Appearance: Sarabeth is the only redhead in her family. Between that and her impressive height and white skin, she stands out. Growing up, the attention she garnered was a source of embarrassment and she dressed very conservatively. Lately, she's started coming into her own, growing from a gangly teenager into an attractive woman. She presents herself with more self-assurance with each passing year. On a typical day, she wears light, breezy clothing, enjoys her hair loose, and insists on having a great set of boots (and will often assemble an outfit to suit them).

Backstory: Sarabeth's family are foresters - hunting, trapping, and harvesting timber. She is the youngest of 4 children, the next oldest being 6 years different in age. Sarabeth was commonly teased as being "an accident" instead of her parents wanting another child. Her mother insists that wasn't true. The family business is going well to the point where they don't expect Sarabeth to join in. With that in mind, Sarabeth started to pursue what seemed like a good opportunity to take another path, learn interesting skills, and meet new people in town. Unfortunately, they turned out to be a small guild of thieves and not adventurers, and she bailed on joining them. She did however pick up skills such as picking locks and sword play.

Recently, she teamed up with some neighbors to track down a family that had not returned from their travels. They found them trapped by a horrible creatures that somebody referred to as a Hook Horror and they devised a scheme to rescue the beleaguered family, many who were injured. Unfortunately, when part of the group confronted the monster, their courage failed and Sarabeth ended up holding off the creature alone while the others proceeded with the rescue. Barely making it out alive, they returned home with a surprising number of people still alive. Sarabeth was heralded for her courage and willingness to sacrifice herself for the good of others, becoming a bit of a local hero.

  • Father (54): Harald
  • Mother (51): Delliana
  • Brother (32): Jolian
  • Jolian's wife (32): Cassi
  • Brother (30): Leorin
  • Leorin's wife (31): Tassona
  • Brother (26): Venlon
  • Venlon's wife (23): Geralin
  • Sarabeth (20)
  • 7 nieces and nephews


Known: Marvik the Entertainer is a recruiter for the local thieves' guild who almost convinced Sarabeth to join their ranks, until she learned that they were far less than honorable. And that Marvik's true purpose was to convince Sarabeth to be his wife.

Unknown: The man who raised Sarabeth is not actually her father. She is the result of an affair that her mother had with a dashing adventurer. That's why her mother kept telling Sarabeth that she was destined for something greater than a simple, peasant life.

Notes: +2 dex, +1 wis, Feat: Moderately armored?
Dare to be different!

Last edited by HexCursed; Oct 30th, 2024 at 10:35 AM.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 01:27 PM
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Name: Ronan Blackwood
Race: Human
Class: Warlock

Personality Traits: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.

Bond: I'm guilty of a terrible crime. I hope I can redeem myself for it.

Ideal: People. I'm loyal to my friends, not to any ideals.

Flaw: An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I'm okay with that.

Background: Criminal





Current Games:
The Knick Knacks of Doom

Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Oct 27th, 2024 at 09:30 PM.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 03:00 PM
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Undecided yet if to apply with a Hylar dwarf Fighter or an Aghar (Gully) dwarf Barbarian

It's gonna be a Mountain Dwarf regardless, but the game flavour changes a lot!

Gonna start with what I know so far:
WIP Dwarf App
right-aligned image

Name: Grunri Cavestone
Race: Mountain Dwarf Daewar
Class: Fighter
Alignment: LN
Background: Guild Artisan (Stonecutter)

Appearance: While a human might think that Grunri has a healthy tan going on, he's been rather pale lately, he's adapting to life on the overland, and somehow that's making him look a bit emaciated, for a Daewar who's never seen the surface before. Since then, he kept his beard free, barely brushing it, as opposed to the ornate braids he used to wear in the tunnels, which reflect his lost honor. His armor and weapons are kept in a pristine state, as no respecting dwarf would go around with a dull blade or a tore armour bits, no even a dirty miner dwarf like Grunri. He's in a dour state lately, having great nostalgia of his teammates, his family and his city (and yes, also of his old tunnels), but he knows that the only way up is forward (a dwarven flip of the human saying) so he's trying to come to peace and finding the silver lining in this surface world, where everything is too fast, too flimsy and too fleeting for his dwarven taste.

Background: Originally from Thorbardin, the Cavestone clan was responsible for the tunnels on the south-eastern side. Protecting the city when enemies emerged from the guts of the mountains. He committed a crime in the eyes of the city, and is now expelled until he can pay a fine (300.000 gold seems appropriate.) Grunri spent two years travelling the lands of man, trying to raise that fortune of gold to clear his name, without much success. He received recently news of the diparture of Ispin Greenshield, an old family friend, and knows he's the only Cavestone able to attend the funeral. Despite the stain on his family name, he's still part of the Cavestone clan.

Sample RP:

I'm back, baby!!!

Last edited by Remorazz; Oct 31st, 2024 at 07:37 AM.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 03:07 PM
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Admittedly, a heroic (?) gully dwarf barbarian would definitely be a sight to behold. In more ways than one...
"We'll have to go out through the kitchen."

I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 03:08 PM
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Arkanis; was Ispin Greenshield a Solamnic Knight? If he was, would it be possible for him to have been the Master of my character (I.e. the knight who he was squiring for)?
Current status: All good.

Last edited by Lazer; Oct 27th, 2024 at 03:08 PM.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 03:14 PM
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He was not a Solamnic Knight unfortunately.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by FCastor View Post
Admittedly, a heroic (?) gully dwarf barbarian would definitely be a sight to behold. In more ways than one...
He would be the shame of his clan, the least cowardly gully in the world!
I'm back, baby!!!
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by FCastor View Post
In more ways than one...
Two! No more than two.
He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 06:19 PM
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What are your thoughts on kender bards? Would bardic magic still fall under the purview of the mage orders?
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 06:35 PM
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A Kender Bard, what a horrifying proposition . Naw just kidding that’s fine with me. To get access to level 3 spells or higher I feel bards would have to pass the test of high sorcery or be classed as a renegade, even if they aren’t full “wizards” per se.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 06:37 PM
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Hmmm, how does a non-divine spellcaster work exactly like wise?

Like, I wanna play a Shilleliagh Bard, but by Dragonlance Lore, I'm either a cleric, or part of the three circles, and thus can only use a dagger for combat... unless I'm a renegade and disguise my magic? Hmmm...
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 06:48 PM
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ApplicationThe application process will be fairly standard, I am looking for characters in the below template. Please note, this is 2014 5e only.

left-aligned image

Name: Kallion Nightwind
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Fighter
Lawful Neutral

The Noble
Trait #1
I've enjoyed fine food, fine drink, and fine company... Rough living grates on my nerves.
Trait #2
I go to great lengths to maintain my appearance and follow the latest trends
Change - Life is like the seasons, in a constant state of change. We must be able to change with it.
My Family is the most important thing to me... Even when far away, they are close to my heart.
I am easily distracted by promises of wealth or 'secret' information
Part 2
Give me a bit more detail on the below three sections:

Appearance: Kallion has dirty blonde hair that is kept cropped short, with a goatee that is painstakingly maintained. He has emerald green eyes and a fair complexion that belies his fairer ancestry, though his stocky stature stands closer to the average human than of the Elves.

Personality: Somewhat haughty, Kallion is a cut above the unwashed masses... and he knows it! While he tries to be fair and equitable in dealing with people, he is not above the occasional lie or bribe to make sure he achieves his goals. Despite his somewhat superior attitude towards people, he is friendly enough. And would always prefer to make a new friend, rather than turn someone into an enemy. Let's be honest here, it's much more dangerous to have actual enemies about, and much much harder to call in owed favors from them as well!

Backstory: Though some, perhaps many(?) of Kallion's Noble peers did not see the need to mingle with those below their stations; Choosing instead to remain at a safe, and perpetual distance. His Father, 'The Lord of Nightwind Keep' did not agree with their 'conventional' wisdom. No, rather he often did things in his own way... And left Kallion to defend him to the world! Kallion's Father was himself a half-breed, so when it came to choosing the love of a good woman, it did not matter that she was an Elf. He balked at the overly rigid expectations of pre-arrangement and patriarchy, along with the slew of mistresses that usually accompanied it... For a chance at something real, even if it was less politically powerful as a result. Even as disobedient as his Father had been towards his own parents, Lord Nightwind allowed no slack, or reprieve, from the duties he expected from his own son. Having found it quite important that the young Kallion be taught a wide range of subjects, and exposed to as much education as possible. After all, as Heir, Kallion was to be a reflection on the Lord personally. If he was found to be wanting, it could fall back upon his Father's rebellious choices, and no son would dare disrespect his Lord in such a manner! Even though Kallion had younger siblings coming behind him, if he failed in his duties as First Born, all of the expense, all the expectations of his wasted potential would mar the Nightwind Dynasty forever more.

RP Section: Kallion sat with his book propped open on the table of the tavern, though he was not reading the pages. The general din of the patrons was more than enough to keep his focus from the words on the page, but more than that, even possessing such an item as a book in public marked him as an outsider. One whom would likely not appreciate their closer attention once the evening wore on, and those present had imbibed past their limits. As one of the higher caste, Kallion would perhaps one day be responsible for controlling this steading? Or perhaps not. But regardless of whether he was given to it's administration, understanding the people and their customs was of utmost importance. And there was no finer teacher than "Active Participation".

"Hey YOU!" The words cut through the room, raising the tension to breaking point. "What's an ugly face like yours doing lookin' at me?" The body of a young man came into view on Kallion's periphery, sailing majestically through the air. His landing, however, lacked the grace of his flight... As he came crashing down breaking the very table Kallion was sitting at. Slowly drawing himself up to his feet, Kallion reached out and swung his pack around so that he could safely stow his book. As he placed the tome away, his holocaust cloak drifted slightly open to reveal the gilded and beautifully ornate hilt of his Rapier. It was obvious that this was not a weapon for a common soldier, not that they would have been found with their head in a book, or a mug of honeyed wine in their hands... Kallion did not want a fight them; but he was determined that if it was time to draw his steel, he would defend himself from the drunken attacks of these hounds.

part 3

Lastly I would like to know a little bit about the player behind the application. Could you answer the below questions for me as part of your application. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, it just allows me to tailor the game to meet individual expectations:-

Originally Posted by Arkanis
1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game?
First and foremost I want a good story... I like the rush of combat, the feel of victory... But if the story isn't going anywhere? It's just not the same...

Originally Posted by Arkanis
2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game?
I try to be open to most things... nothing is really springing to my mind as a hard "NO" at the moment...

Originally Posted by Arkanis
3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game?
I've tried applying to your games in the past because the premise always seems good ... I haven't managed to crack it yet, but I still want a chance to play in the world.

Originally Posted by Arkanis
4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focused on role-play? Or a mixture of the two?
A mix of the two, but I would prefer leaning more into combat than just endless RP banter (if you know what I mean?)
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.

Last edited by Alemar; Oct 31st, 2024 at 05:48 PM. Reason: fixing...always fixing
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 08:03 PM
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Name: Kagonosarian
Race: Kagonesti wood elf
Class: Ranger
Alignment: CG
Personality Traits: If you are going to do something, do it as well as you possibility can.
Ideal: My prey gives its life so that I can live, and for that, I am grateful. (good)
Bond: I respect every animal that I slay.
Flaw: I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.
Background: Guide

Give me a bit more detail on the below three sections:

Appearance: He pretty much looks like your typical elven ranger. Medium size build, but shorter than most humans at only five feet tall, but unlike other elves, they are lean and muscular perhaps on the lanky side. Dressed in brown and green fringe with feathers , matching the forest. With a bow at his back. The elf blends in well as if part of the forest itself. 6' fall with green eyes & copper hair down to his shoulders & copper tan skin. Armed with a bow at his back, a sword at his hip.
right-aligned image

Personality: He's easy going, gets along with everyone and polite. People seem to find themselves opening up to him, finding him easy to talk to, someone that listens. He's the happiest when in the forest, as with most of his kind. He is wary of the outside world as most would be. The world isn't the same as it once was.

Backstory: Like most of his kind, he grew up in the forest, living the nomadic way of life and seeking harmony with nature. They keep to themselves, staying the thick of the forest, for they are just fully suspicious of most outsiders, having been enslaved by their own cousins, the Silvanesti and Qualinesti Elves, who thought their cousins uncivilized and barbarian, and attacked by other creatures, mostly the Ogres, hunted by Humans, and having their trees cut down by Dwarves over the course of history. Although some silvanesti refugees had come for help, they were let in, but kagonesti would be overwhelmed nor submit to their cousins’ ways.

Living under a tribal system, where each tribe is centered on a chief and his family, Kagonosarian was named after his ancestor, Kagonos, who was alive back in the Age of Dreams, namesake of the Kagonesti elves.

When he officially became an adult by his people, he decided to set out into the world. While he knew he was safe at home, he wondered for how long? No one was sure what happened to the Silvanesti homeland and Kagonosariar was concerned what if his people were next? Sure, some of his people were concerned, but none seem too bothered by it, thinking they were safe. He told his chief who was not happy but understood Kago’s concern for he was too. He wished Kago luck and bade him to be wary.

RP Sample: Months gone by while Kago was exploring the lands, sticking to the closest forests he could, keeping himself hidden from others. On occasion he would make friends, it was this day that a rider had come to the forest that he was staying in. He was packing is gear in preparation for the trip in the morning.

The rider stopped, looked him over slowly, then asked. “Would you be Kagonosarian?”

Kago was studying the man as well and when the human spoke, he nodded and answered. “I am.” His eyes narrowed in wonder, wondering why a human was asking for him.

“I am glad I found you, I have a message for you.” He hands Kago the letter while still on his horse. “Have a good day elf.” Then rider turned and rode off.

Kago watched him rode off for a moment, then looked at the letter, confused. He then shrugged, “Well, might as well find out what this is about.” He opened it and read it. His eyes widen as he read the letter, then he read it again. A Knights of Solamnia wrote this. He knew Ispin traveled with one, used to boast about it, but still, a solamnia knight writing to him. It was only a few months that Kago had traveled with the human. “I guess I made an impression on him. I wondered how he died, he was getting old, old for a human, but not that old.” He shook his head. He had no real direction to go tomorrow, but it seems now he does. Vogler

I would like you also to think about two secrets for your character. The first is a secret the character is aware of, and the second is a secret that they are not aware of. Please put both of these in secret text to me.

Lastly I would like to know a little bit about the player behind the application. Could you answer the below questions for me as part of your application. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, it just allows me to tailor the game to meet individual expectations:-

1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? To have fun. The fun having with others and the imaginations.

2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? Fighting about rules, fighting how other players play unless it's be disruptive.

3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? Only played this game twice, back years ago at 2nd edition. Almost 3rd time on here but game died pretty quick.

4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focussed on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? I prefer a mix of both. Too much role-play can get boring. Too much combat can get tiresome. A mix is more pleasant.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."

Last edited by Seekr34; Nov 1st, 2024 at 09:32 PM.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 09:11 PM
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CharacterName: Kellis Whittlewit
right-aligned image

Race: Kender
Class: Bard
Personality Traits: "I love a good insult, even one directed at me."
Bond: "I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds against that persons."
Ideal: Creativity - "The world is in need of new ideas and bold action."
Flaw: "I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a mistake that I will definitely repeat."
Background: Entertainer (Storyteller, Instrumentalist, Singer)

Appearance: Even among other kender, Kellis stands out with long, curly, blond hair partially pulled into a topknot while other long strands dangle down to frame the striking features of his face. His sharp, mischievous hazel eyes seem to focus with shrewd intent when he is interested in something or dart effortlessly from one point to another when excitedly distracted. His charisma is palpable and he is definitely not shy to attention. The corners of his mouth rarely turn down unless he needs to affect an angry tone but it is usually just part of the performance. As part of that performance, he will seemingly change moods in stride to fit the words he wants to say. Average of stature among his kind, his presence always seems to stand taller.

Personality: For a kender of such small stature, Kellis is a whirlwind of wit and charm. He is constantly looking for the next adventure, calling them his inspiration, which they are of course. To him, anything that has a hint of danger or mystery is the beginning of a story that must be told. He lives for the moment and the more exciting it is, the better. His sharp tongue is both a blessing and a curse as it has gotten him out of as much trouble as it has gotten him into. There's a boldness and a brashness that have become part of who he is because of that. Humor is important to him, even the biting kind, as he believes it brings people closer and keeps spirits high. There's nothing he loves more than matching wits in a caustic exchange, no matter if it is a rival or a friend. On the other side of that is his firm belief in heroism. Having collected a range of stories, some of which he has made up himself, one of the most important aspects of them is heroism. There is inspiration in those stories and in his mind, the heroes of the new dawn need that inspiration. For as quick as he can sometimes be to tear someone down if they deserve it, he will go out of his way to build someone up... if they deserve it.

Backstory: Like most kender, Kellis was born and lived his early life in Hylo. Even when he was very young, Kellis found his calling as a storyteller and an entertainer. His parents were the typical wandering spirit types and encouraged his curiosity but for him it wasn't just about finding shiny things or exploring new places. Everything had to have a story and more often than not it would be something he'd made up. He would often return from his little excursions and regale his friends with some grand tale about hideous monsters with massive teeth tearing through the forest after him. In truth, his adventure was little more than following a creek-bed to a beaver dam and running back as fast as he could before it got dark.

When he was a little older, he followed along with his parents as they went from village to village and in one of the cozy inns along the way Kellis encountered a bard from Solamnia. The rousing ballads captured his attention and he listened to each and every one of them. When the bard was finishing up, Kellis besieged the poor man with questions. If he had his way there would have been stories going long through the night and into the morning. The bard was gracious and gifted Kellis one of his old lutes. He even showed him a few chords and said he should tell his own stories someday. The young kender promised he would but something stirred in him that day. He would not just tell his own stories, he would live them as well. Of course, he would still make some up from time to time too.

Over the years Kellis became fairly good with the lute and developed his own routine as a performer, blending dramatic storytelling with music. Then one day, Kellis met and befriended a man named Ispin Greenshield. It wasn't a direct meeting and there was no reason for it other than happenstance. Ispin had been arguing with some noble types in a tavern where Kellis had been performing. He couldn't hear what they were shouting about but he did recognize the nobles as being a pair of particularly nasty fellows. The types that Kellis would be getting in disagreements with too if he had half the chance. So in a sudden burst of conviction, he leapt to a table near where the men were arguing and strummed his lute aggressively to get their attention. He then put on a thoroughly improvised show, mocking the noble types so thoroughly that their faces turned redder than tomatoes. Kellis even managed to work that into the song as well. The entire tavern was in fits of laughter, including Ispin. The nobles fled the scene in utter humiliation. They even tried to have Kellis arrested for slander and mockery and other audacious indecencies. Ispin intervened on his behalf and that's how they ended up travelling together for a short time.

It had been many years since he had seen the man last and so when the missive arrives to bear the sad news, Kellis became stricken with grief. With a heavy heart but determined spirit, Kellis set out for Vogler to pay his last respects. He would celebrate Ispin's life the only way he knew how - by telling his story.


Player Questions1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game?
I am always all about building a fun story with like minded people and play by post really lets me immerse myself in that. One of my favorite parts of pbp games so far is reading other players express their characters and being able to participate in responding to them and just having that continued back and forth. From the game itself I just like to get some kind of sense of progression.

2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game?
Anything that overly stalls the things I mentioned above like arguments over rules or general disinterest, lack of participation.

3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game?
I'm not much of a fan of too many established D&D worlds and I admittedly lean more towards science fiction but outside of Spelljammer, Dragonlance is probably the only one I have ever really liked a lot. It doesn't seem like a common one to pop up so it feels like a good opportunity to try and be a part of that world. I like the presentation of the advertisement and though I have not read the adventure I do know of it and it's ties to the lore.

4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focussed on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two?
Definitely a mixture. I've done quite a bit of slice-of-life rp in the past and while I do love some extensive character interaction through roleplay, I feel like a well narrated combat with a solid mechanical foundation presents the perfect balance in a pbp format.

Last edited by Salvation; Nov 2nd, 2024 at 12:32 PM.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 09:25 PM
Revlar Revlar is offline
Mature Adult Dragon
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Last Visit: Feb 7th, 2025
RPXP: 325
Revlar Revlar Revlar Revlar
Posts: 380
Character ApplicationName: Xavmorn
Race: Half-Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Wizard
Personality Traits: I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.
Bond: I've been searching my whole life for the answers.
Ideal: No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.
Flaw: Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a civilization.
Background: Mage of High Sorcery (Lunitari)

Appearance: Tall and thin with long, black hair he pulls back with a leather cord at his neck. Like many half-elves, he uses hair to try and hide his ears and other tell-tell signs of his origin. He wear a standard red robe and often keeps the hood up, even when it's not needed. He has one piercing blue eye. The other, the right, is gone and covered by a styled red leather patch.

Personality: Quiet, tending to wait till others have wasted their breath before giving his own opinions. He has been damaged in more ways than one though. He is angry at a society that ostracizes him, a world that has hurt him. He has learned patience and how to control his flaws. But still, a deep burning anger simmers beneath this veneer. He lets that anger out in displays of arcane violence.

Backstory: Xavmorn was the result of a rare love between an elf man and human woman. Though elves usually enjoy long lives, his father was killed before he was even born. Some say it was a fight turned ugly. Other say it was murder. Elves should dally with human woman, at least that's what the villagers said behind closed doors. His mother was ostracized. Called and elf-loving whore and worse, she never had a hope to marry. She worked hard, however, throwing all her frustrations into making Xavmorn's life better. She sold many of her belongs to set herself up as a weaver of silk. No matter how much she was hated, her goods were rare and she prospered.

Xavmorn tried to hide it from his mother, but children are cruel. He was mocked and bullied near constantly. He began to fight back, but he was weaker than many other children. A budding anger at society and the world was already kindling inside him. When he found he had an affinity for magic, he finally found something that made him special. Magic was powerful and didn't care about one's race or origin. Oh, people still judged him and looked down on him. But none could deny his growing ability and power. He devoured all the learning he could, eager to rise above the little men who hated him. It was during this time he met Ispin. He was able to bring out the calmer more introspective side of Xavmorn. It brought balance to a young man who was veering into very dangerous territory.

His Test at the Tower of High Sorcery was brutal. He had passed the tests of skill with flying colors. But the tests of psyche....that was brutal. Scarring. He walked out of the Tower with red robes, a bleeding socket where his eye once was, and a stain on his soul.


Why I want to be in this Game1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? I like the pace of a PbP game and the fact I can relax with the pace.

2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? Lack of interaction and half hearted posting

3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? The original Dragonlance trilogy was one of the first really modern fantasies I ever read. I was a fan way before I knew much about D&D. I read everything to do with the setting. I bought the annotated omnibus. So, year, Dragonlance is a big part of how I started into fantasy and roleplaying

4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focussed on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? A mixture, I want to use all my abilities. Spells, skills, and imagination.

Last edited by Revlar; Nov 3rd, 2024 at 04:45 PM.
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