I'm expressing interest; I'm thinking of being a rock gnome. Would it be possible to play an artificer or a clockwork sorcerer? I was having trouble finding if such things would be permissible in Dragonlance
They’re not in the approved sources, sorry, this is anything in PHB or SotDQ only.
Sorry about that. 5e tools is great for showing you literally everything, but I'm guessing it's attributing more to the PHB than there is.
Rock Gnomes are in the PHB, but Artificer & Clockwork Soul are both Tasha's Cauldron. Cool classes, but Takhisis does not approve, lol.
![]() Race: Ability Score Increase: Strength +2, Constitution +1. Darkvision: 60ft. Menacing: Intimidation prof. Relentless Endurance: drop to 1HP instead of 0HP 1x/day. Savage Attacks: when you get a crit w/ a melee weapon attack, roll 1 damage die extra and add it to the crit damage.Half-Orc Class: Warlock (Great Old One) Alignment: CG Personality Traits: The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can’t do it. I blow up at the slightest insult. Bond: Ideal: Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic) Flaw: Someone I loved died because of I mistake I made. That will never happen again. Background: Skills: Deception, Stealth. Tools: cards, thieves' tools. Equipment: crowbar, hooded common clothes (dark), pouch with 15gp. Specialty: burglar. Feature: Criminal Contact.Criminal. Personality: Gharbad has something of an inferiority complex concerning his frailty and lack of strength, or at least by his family's standards. He had learned to overreact to protect himself. Backstory: runts didn't have much value in his tribe. Half-orcs were expected to be weaker than others, but there were avenues to remain relevant, like technical or magical skills. Gharbad was just weak. He was asthmatic, had a glass jaw, and could barely lift an axe. Being the chief's nephew meant that he had a place, but he was an embarrassment. When he was a teenager, his mother had perished in a raid by another tribe. He didn't even have the chance to defend her; he was knocked on his back with one hit. With no one else left who had a compelling to keep him there, the writing was on the wall. All he could do was leave, with little in the way of marketable skills, and fly or fail. Known Secret: Unknown Secret: 1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? I'm curious to see where the story goes, and pbp is a convenient way to play d&d without so many scheduling problems. 2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? In a lines and veils sense? Stuff with kids, that sort of generally accepted bits and pieces. 3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? One of my initial hooks into d&d was a dragonlance book, the one that feature's Taz's last adventure. 4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focused on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? A mixture. Last edited by Dingbat; Nov 5th, 2024 at 10:00 PM. |
He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
Being a Kender, Bergen is Chaotic Good.
01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally. Last edited by Grouchy; Nov 5th, 2024 at 08:00 AM. |
I look forward to learning a new perspective on Kender.
* Dare to be different! |
I generally try to avoid championing kender to anyone with a negative opinion of them; they seem to be a love-'em-or-hate-'em type of character. But they can be a lot of fun, if played correctly.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
Yeah, I think that's the main thing, playing one, because of the personality.
When someone dies and the kender don't know them well, they don't care, life happens. However if a friend of theirs dies, then they will grieve and grieve heavily. Has no fear, a dragon comes and people run and kender looks in awe. Since they have no real ownership in their homeland, they give no thought when casually picking up an item not belonging to them. I read about Kenders in one of the dragonlance books and wow, unlike other races, the kender's life is a lot to take in.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die." |
![]() Race: Human Class:Cleric Alignment: LG Personality Traits: Naive. Talkative. Excitable. Artemis suffers from Arachnophobia and is Dyspraxic Bond: Artemis is desperate to build a Cathedral dedicated to the faith of Mishakal in his village of Deepdel. It is his life ambition to ultimately create the greatest gift to his goddess. Ideal: Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, then peace and prosperity will prevail Flaw: He also can be considered over-zealous at times, bordering on fanatical which can sometimes cloud his judgement as he is blinded by pure faith. His naivety can often lead him to experience uncomfortable situations which were entirely unecessary Background: Acolyte Appearance: Artemis is a young man, clean shaven and often sports an expression of pure innocence. He has longish brown hair which is just starting to curl, which frames his boyish but handsome features. He has bright, excited green eyes and most usually is dressed in simple smocks but have elegant embroidery sporting the symbol of Mishakal. He wears simple trousers and sturdy sandals and often can be found clutching a wooden staff with a gold icon of his deity attached to the topside. Personality: Young and naive, yet dedicated to his deity, Artemis believes that words will always defeat a blade, so much so he could often be considered over enthusiastic and misguided. He believes there is goodness in all, even the most vile of things. Artemis talks. A lot. Especially of his religion. Backstory: As a babe, Artemis was always taught about the old gods, despite them having been absent for many years. His mother, Sister Braavia had always believed they would return, and was often scolded for such beliefs, even persecuted on occasion. Yet, her stoic faith never failed, and this was instilled into Artemis from the earliest of days. Generally shielded from the world, he spent his life in Deepdel, although free to leave the confines of the church, he never actually left the village itself, for he had too many scriptures to read, too many books to study and peruse of the history of the once prominent gods. As a result, Artemis found it difficult to read a given situation correctly and his enthusiasm for his beliefs were quite often his focus in inappropriate moments. However, later in life, Sister Braavia began to prophesise that the Old gods would return, the villagers themselves concluding that the Sister had grown senile in her old age. Artemis refuted the accusations and supported Braavia in anything she wanted, and it was his twenty-sixth summer when Sister Braavia instructed Artemis to fulfil his purpose. Rumours of war were abound, and so she explained that she had been given a sign; Artemis was to embark on a pilgrimage across Ansalon, seeking answers to their faith and when he had those answers, he was to spread his deities name across Krynn. Its all about me... 1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? As always, I thrive from PC interactions and relationships. Of course, this is all just the side show for a good story and ultimately I love to see them mould together to form one, giant epic! I like good writing and try to emulate this myself, for better or worse. 2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? Friction and needless arguments among players, number crunching and long drawn out dice rolling. 3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? As if you needed to ask...It is an Arkanis game. Love the style and scene setting and helps me thrive off of such, helping to shape and develop my characters in a wonderful way. Plus its DragonLance - the first fantasy novels I ever read were the DL Chronicles! Its' a perfect storm, right? 4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focussed on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? I prefer the narrative more than combat, but do like the encounters to spice things up. Plus it is good to give some bad guys a good clobbering now and then, as long as it isn't too drawn out.
Dragons of a Broken World | Lights! Camera...ACTION! | Ascendancy - Requiem for the Gods | GM for Dungeons of Drakkenheim Last edited by Drifter One; Nov 8th, 2024 at 07:48 AM. |
You must have dropped it. Lucky for you the kender picked it up so nobody took it!
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
Oh cool! So, I can take all of the property from a Kender and sell it. Neat!
* Dare to be different! |
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