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Old Jan 18th, 2010, 03:51 PM
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"Umber hulks possess many eyes... I had the displeasure of disposing of ones body back home.. Nasty creatures.." Kevot sniffs lightly in disgust before looking over the room, eying the carvings, the pillar, the gems in the wall and then Herb, openly suspicious.
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Old Jan 18th, 2010, 04:55 PM
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"Nasty creatures arn't the issue here. Kevot. I praise th' efforts of this mage here, but I have a feeling we'll all know when the rhyme is needed. Perhaps we should let the rogue do his business." Jules looks at Herb, smiling.

"Lets get our weapons ready. It seems Herb likes to cause trouble wit the guardians of this here vault." Jules straps on his shield and readies his sickle, not intending to let too much damage be done this time, should a fight happen.
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Old Jan 18th, 2010, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by HarpyBane View Post
"Nasty creatures arn't the issue here. Kevot. I praise th' efforts of this mage here, but I have a feeling we'll all know when the rhyme is needed. Perhaps we should let the rogue do his business." Jules looks at Herb, smiling.

"Lets get our weapons ready. It seems Herb likes to cause trouble wit the guardians of this here vault." Jules straps on his shield and readies his sickle, not intending to let too much damage be done this time, should a fight happen.
Ok so just so were clear you know everyone's name but mine...this is getting personal...prepare for magical missles to strike you in the next combat.

"Mmm yes your right DRUID, we should ask PIRATE to try and find the catalyst or trigger device."
a small smile crosses HUBRIS face. " I think Umber Hulk's have four eyes now that I think on it." finishing his train of thought outloud. Taking heed of the possibility that the vault holds more defenders or traps Hubris places his quarterstaff in both hands, backing up slightly to flank the ladies left side. Giving Herb a chance to puzzle out what the next move is.

Last edited by Redoak; Jan 19th, 2010 at 02:47 AM.
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Old Jan 19th, 2010, 05:25 PM
Barark Barark is offline
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Herb slowly searches the room more cautious this time, he first goes round the outside looking for clues or moving parts, then he checks the statues looking to see if they move in anyway, lastly he looks for anything valuable, checking to see if he can take the gems from the eyes, noticing the others watching him he flashes a guilty smile, he shrugs sadly and then takes 20 .

When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe.

Last edited by Barark; Jan 19th, 2010 at 05:28 PM.
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Old Jan 19th, 2010, 08:10 PM
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Jelly anyone?
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True to form, the first thing the pirate checks is if the glowing red eyes are worth anything....they are, but you find Toki at your side growling a warning when you lift a dagger to pry one away. Sighing, Herb moves around the room, looking for more secret levers and the like. Nothing is to be found on the statues themselves, though scratches on the floor indicate that each of the statues has been moved before. No amount of pushing, pulling, or cursing will move them however, and its not long before the pirate gives up and turns his attention to the only untouched thing in the room, the central column. He finds two very small cuts spanning the entire circumference of the column, roughly half a meter apart. Pushing on this section, he finds that it turns and makes a loud clicking noise.

Playing with it for a few minutes, holding his ear flat to the stonework and carefully turning, he comes up with a few ideas. It's akin to the locks on a safe, requiring a combination of left and right turns, the numbers being counted by the amount of clicks. He also thinks one could crack the code without actually knowing it...but that is beyond his skill level, without some sort of magical aid.

OOC:Please don't say you take a twenty in character. In future if you have the time just RP that you're taking your time and looking carefully, with an OOC note that you are taking a twenty. A rolled search check is needed if you don't have time to waste (say the building is collapsing around you, and you need to find the secret book in the bookcase that will allow you to escape), or if I say you can't concentrate enough for a dedicated search (a battle going on around you etc.)

Last edited by Avelestar; Jan 19th, 2010 at 08:12 PM.
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Old Jan 19th, 2010, 09:31 PM
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6 eyes, 1 eye, 2 eyes, 4 eyes, 2 eyes...
sunrise..right, sunset...left.

A flash of inspiration strikes Hubris, walking up to Herb as the young man figures out the column is the key. "Try this Herb, let's work together. You turn the pillar right six times, then left once. Yes now right two times, and left four times. Alright now if my guess is correct turn it twice to the right..." pausing for some reaction from the vault he holds his breath.
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Old Jan 20th, 2010, 12:09 AM
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Boar raises an eyebrow, mystified why someone would spend so much time to design a riddle-locked door controlled by a complex mechanism, when the constructs seemed to be doing their job just fine. Hell, from what little he knew of magic, it didn't seem like much of a stretch to just make a door construct that obeys the ring-wearer, if they're going to go through all this trouble.
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Last edited by Prometheus; Jan 20th, 2010 at 12:10 AM.
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Old Jan 21st, 2010, 04:18 AM
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Jelly anyone?
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After entering the code, the five statues turn around, allowing entrance to five small alcoves filled with chests. Laviana gives a cheer and moves to the first alcove...but comes out only ten or so seconds later with a frown on her face. Moving to the second, and she comes out just as quick, looking a little concerned now. Onto the third...comes out almost crying. Fourth alcove and you hear her sigh in relief, walking out with a bundle of papers under one arm.

At the fifth alcove Laviana takes a deep breath, then walks in. Finally she starts to smile again, finding five chests filled with gold and platinum pieces. After all the commotion is over, she explains that the first three alcoves all contained empty chests, with only a few silver pieces left at the bottom. The fourth contained more empty chests, but also debts owed by other noble houses and guilds in Sasserine. The fifth alcove contains nearly three thousand gold, more than enough to pay for your services and the last of the fees Laviana owes. The debts and loans to other people however, will help keep the Vanderboren House afloat for a year, but it will be a rough one.

After helping Laviana carry the chests back to her manor, and store them in the safes within she pays the five of you three hundred gold pieces and an advance on your first payment as bodyguards as well. Over lunch however, Lady V does express some fears and curiosities. "I'm concerned as to where the greater part of the family treasure has gone. Especially because the chests didn't have a layer of dust on top....they must have been emptied fairly recently." She frowns for a few moments, as if trying to work things out, before suddenly talking excitedly. "Oh but, I found these papers in a small iron chest in the fifth alcove. Honestly I can't understand it, but it looks to be some kind of Elvish, and a lot of sea and jungle maps."

OOC:120xp for the Iron Cobra and 120xp for the Puzzle Lock. 300gp payment for reclaiming the Blue Nixie, and 50gp as an advance on your first month's payment (1/2 of your 100gp). At current you're still talking to Lady V, possibly trying to help her out with the little mystery or the strange texts and maps. There'll be a little bit of downtime after these talks to go shopping if you wish, and another scene starts tomorrow (in game, not our tomorrow).
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Old Jan 21st, 2010, 04:38 AM
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Before leaving the vaultAs the group left the vault Hubris attempted to question any guards or figures in authority.
"Has anyone been to the Vanderboren vault recently? The Ladies signet ring was in the possession of some rather nefarious men, for more than enough time to abscond with some of her families wealth." he asks whomever may be in charge at the vault.

Upon receiving his payment Hubris returns his share. "I think your house needs some kindness in these trying times you find yourself. Let me be kind to you as a friend should." the romantic young nobleman genuinely crushing on the Lady V.

"And as the scion of House Rathanoire, let me assure you of our loyalty towards yourself and your family." leaning over the maps Hubris tries to riddle out the meaning.
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Old Jan 21st, 2010, 05:24 AM
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Jelly anyone?
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The little gnome at the desk replies with a surprised tone. "Why of course not! One is only allowed in the vault if they are of the bloodline. If you're enquiring about the Vanderboren vault, Master Vanthus has visited twice in the past month, and once the month before that." Laviana however is out of earshot by this point, and Hubris has to rush off down the street after the rest of the group, as they've already left. The piece of information slips his mind in the rush, well and the excitement of maps and getting paid until Lady V mentions her concerns.

Upon mentioning Vanthus' name Laviana goes deathly silent, and her face drains of colour. "Vanthus? I thought him dead! He's been missing for over a month now! Oh dear....this is bad, very bad." Chewing her bottom lip as she thinks, Laviana asks another job of you as her paid guards. "Please, try and locate Vanthus for me. I've no idea where he'd be hiding...but its probably with the wrong people. The truth is that I was sent to a rather prestigeous school...whilst he was sent away to work on one of the Vanderboren plantations...he came back a rather different man than he left."

OOC:Hurr durr, forgot one of you might ask the guards. Here's my dodgy attempt at fixing that .

Last edited by Avelestar; Jan 21st, 2010 at 05:25 AM.
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Old Jan 21st, 2010, 07:33 PM
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Before LeavingBoar shakes his head. Elven is not a language he's familiar with, nor does he really want to be. No use for it for someone like him.

"Refresh m'mem'ry, how long ago did y'lose the ring?" The dwarf asks, examining the axes he dropped on the ship for signs of damage. It was unlikely, but possible. "'N' does this Vanthus 'ave uhn?" His mind is working, rusted and atrophied from disuse, but the gears still turn. He tries to think of another question, or a course of action, but is again reminded that he's only really good at hitting things.

TomorrowBoar will A) Sell his old waraxe, and one of his throwing axes and B) purchase a masterwork throwing axe.
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Last edited by Prometheus; Jan 21st, 2010 at 07:37 PM.
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Old Jan 21st, 2010, 09:52 PM
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"Perhaps my Lady would see it fit to allow me to examine the documents? My fathers tongue is not so lost to me.." Kevot turns slightly and gives Lavindia his usual emotionless stare hands resting on his belt.
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Old Jan 24th, 2010, 02:14 AM
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"Yes of course we shall endeavor to find your brother, first thing in the morning I shall make attempts to locate him." Hubris states, trying and failing to stifle a yawn with the back of his hand.

He waits for the Lady to respond to Boar and Kevot's questions.
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Old Jan 24th, 2010, 04:35 PM
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Herb has been very silent, arm still slightly bleeding, he has made no attempt to cover it at all. After receiving all his gold his eyes flicker like bright flames. He says happily, "If yer not be need'n me, i have some business to attend to" and he leaves the manor.

When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe.

Last edited by Barark; Jan 24th, 2010 at 04:35 PM.
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Old Jan 26th, 2010, 06:15 AM
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Kevot looks over the papers, mouthing words silently to himself. It's written in a rather fancy cursive, but it's clearly Sylvan. Looking over a few of the maps and pages of notes, he says to Lady V "It's in Sylvan mistress, and seems to reference heavily to somewhere called the Isle of Dread." Laviana looks confused, but pleased and thanks Kevot. Luckily she doesn't ask him to spend days translating the documents, but instead mentioning that she will hire a translator when things have settled down and she has the money to spare.

Some of you get up to some heavy drinking, or shopping to pass the day, others stay with Laviana to help her work out what to do next, and read the mysterious documents. But time passes, and the new day is upon you. The task for today is to try and locate Vanthus, which sadly Laviana seems to have little information to help you. "I doubt he would be in the Champions or Noble districts, he would be far too easily recognised there. The only rumour I've heard is that he took up a lover in the Azhure district." You also look at the portrait in the dining room, showing a much more...civilised Vanthus than the man Laviana describes him to be now. From what you can guess, he's turned into a rather dubious man, and Laviana hints at some sort of fight between them.


OOC:Look at the map of the Sasserine to find the different districts, and your Player's Guide to read about them. I need to know where you're heading, if you're splitting up...and you get to make a single Gather Information check for every hour you spend searching in an area. A Diplomacy check and good roleplay will give you bonuses to the GI check.
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