[Insert relevant parts of old post here, minus the tang, tang, tang]
DM of Beyond Evergrove Player in Out of the Abyss ------- Status (3/26/18): On a short hiatus. Work + allergies + probably sick. Last edited by Prometheus; Feb 10th, 2010 at 12:37 AM. |
"Well, someone make a decision, I will back your play. Either way we are down here with no knowledge of a way out, and Vanthus' laughter and taunts seemed to imply there is no way out...besides death." the macabre nature of that statement causes Hubris mouth to pinch in a grim frown.
He shifts his quarterstaff to his left hand, and rests his hand on the ornamented dagger he wears at his belt. The blades hilt seems to calm his nerves, and he waits patiently for one of the more forceful members of the group to make a decision on which door they would enter. Would it be the seafood loving Zombie couple, or the less threatening pillared room. |
"Lets not deal with th' zombies. Th' other door appears ta lead us out o' here, so lets go." Jules starts walking towards the empty pillared room.
Herb sneaks through after pushing the door wide enough to get through, he checks the room for traps and enemies before signaling the others to follow.
Sneaky sneaky pirate
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. Last edited by Barark; Feb 10th, 2010 at 07:18 PM. |
"Should we follow? He look's like he might be trying to scout it out for us..." he says as the tip-toeing Pirate Herb minces into the pillared chamber.
"Hey Boar, what happens if those zombies hear us and come up behind us?" the thought gives Hubris the shivers, as his mind wanders back to the small necromancy class from the wizard academy. The idea of necromancy giving Hubris the willies, he didn't end up requesting the advanced course. |
The room seems perfectly safe, and mostly dry, but the smashed boxes and crates contain little more than ruined goods or jars blackened with mold. On his lap of the room, Herb comes across two more doors. The first is on the same wall as the entrance, twenty or so feet to the left, whilst the second is a huge set of wrought iron doors set into the wall facing the way the group entered this room.
Herb moving from his sneaky stance suddenly appears back at the door the party saw him enter, "Well it all checks out in 'ere, its all safe for you ladies now" he makes a flourishing display as he bows sarcastically. He waits for the others to enter and then whispers to Boar, "I do think we should fetch the unliving to our little party, dontcha think? I'd 'ate to have sum party crashes later on when we least expect it?".
Herb waits quietly for Boar's reaction, pulling his rapier's halfway out of their sheaths and nodding towards the door he left ajar with the sounds of water floating across to be heard by the party. "What do you think friend?" Herb finds it easier and easier to call this party his friends. Although he flicks a quick sour look at Hubris before looking back to Boar.
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. |
Ignoring the other mans sarcasm, Kevot strides into the room, Toki padding along beside him, both of them making no effor to hide their presence, Kevots booted feet echoing in the dark room./
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