"We will need some gold upfront, not all o' us are the fighting type," He waves a piece of bread towards the robed man "Might needa bribe sumone ya'know" He takes a mouthful and talks again, "If'yer got a whole vault of stuff, why issit us nice adventurer folk only get a cut like 200g, i mean it prob wont last a month and then we be back on the streets looking for more work, jus doesn't seem right ya'know. I slayed cap'ns and all the pirates that get in my way and im only worth 200g, shows ya 'ow much respect shes got don't it." Herb seems to be in a bad mood as he likes to stay out of the way and the room is awefully open but he means well and is still calm, he gets back to his eating.
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. |
Laviana looks at Herb, inside a bit disgusted at the lack of manners, but on the outside she merely smiles and answers the man's questions. "I apologise if I have insulted you Herb, but you must understand my predicament." Laviana waves her hand around the room "At current I have access only to what is in this house, and the gold stashed here isn't very much at all. I also have no idea just how much money is stored in the family vault, if it will be enough to cover the debts I now owe."
With a wink at the pirate, Laviana continues. "However if you do this well, there might be other jobs I need taken care of. But if it's the money you're worried about, I'm prepared to offer you another hundred gold on top of your initial payment, but only if you accept no payment up front. You'll have to excuse me, but after this bungle with Soller Vark I'm wary of giving out money before necessary." Indicating the letter she has just written, Laviana grins. "And nobody in their right minds would ignore such a letter from a well known noble house." |
Thanking the beautiful woman and assembling his calligraphy kit, he whispers "A talented man named James Dirmajere knew the man who made this, it was a birthday present some years ago. Sadly James has passed away and i do not know the craftsman I am afraid."
Taking his seat again with the letter securely tucked into his inner robe pocket, Hubris waits quietly for the others to make a decision on the matter. Last edited by Redoak; Dec 20th, 2009 at 12:28 AM. |
Walking in behind the Lady Lavinia, Kevot enters the room accompanied by a somewhat predatory air, his swarthy skin smooth and visibly unmarred with shoulders and thick arms toned from years spent with the powerful bow strapped to his back. As those assembled look over him, wether giving him a good long look or brief, passing glance they notie his angular features, his high-cheekbones and pronounced, cleft chin. His eyes which sit on either side of a straight, pointed nose gleam golden in the light cast by the fireplace giving him a rather hawkish appearance. He wears nothing in the way of head-protection leaving his sandy-blonde hair fully visible, the yellow strands falling down to his shoulders, kept out of his face by his long, elven ears aswell as his own bangs which have been braided and tied together in the back to form a sort of natural headband. Thick leather bracers cover either wrist the one on the left bearing a simple sheath on the top bearing a knife while the other is embroidered with a styalized hawk in gold thread. His shirt of chain is well-kept and strapped to the thick leather belt he wears is a large quiver, bristling with white-fletched arrows. Wearing little else in the way of armor, his legs are covered by a pair of baggy, brown trousers, cut off at the knee by a pair of well-fitted, travel-worn boots.
Last edited by Askaran; Dec 20th, 2009 at 10:14 PM. |
Herb seems happy at squeezing the lady for all she has got, "300g is a better offer" he lets it hang there while he grabs at another fruit, proberly his 4th or fifth. "Ok lady, count me in." Herb gives a little respect and at this point you could imagine its the most he gives anyone.
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. Last edited by Barark; Dec 20th, 2009 at 02:41 AM. |
An extraordinary amount of food seems to disappear from the table in front of Jules, more than you would expect possible. He doesn't make a mess, but his sailors upbringing is evident: he is completely at a loss as for what to do with the cutlery. Finally, after listening to all the others, he speaks up. "So, you're hiring a bunch of ruffians to rub a few people up for money. There are professionals you could hire. Why do you want us?"
"No, no! You're not roughing people up for money." Laviana says with a gasp. "I just want you to see what's going on at my ship, Soller won't let me anywhere near it. And please I ask that if it comes to it, you don't throw the first punch." Frowning slightly, Laviana says with a sigh "I've been to the city guard, but I have no proof of what happened...and as for professionals, I've just sent the Jade Ravens on a far harder task." She doesn't say it, but it's clear Laviana is currently looking for cheap work, as she's extremely worried about getting all her parents debts paid...she has no idea whatsoever how much money there is in the vault.
The sexy beautiful pirate who your sure is wearing makeup sits back clearly with a full belly from his gluttony, he loosens his belt and pats his belly lightly. "Im gonna burst" he comments loudly. "Ok well im going to go for a nap and we can sort all this out tonight at dark." Herb makes as if hes about to get up and leave.
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe. |
"We should set a meeting place, perhaps a tavern near where the ship is moored. Is anyone familiar with such a place?" he asks the group in general with an air of formality.
Last edited by Redoak; Dec 21st, 2009 at 01:39 AM. |
Frowning, Kevot looks over the group before looking down at Lavinia, voice thick with a rolling accent, "My lady.. Must we really rely on such, uncivilized and... Questionable folk?". His tone is one of disgust in the most part, his falconine gaze falling upon Jules and Herb as he makes his final remark. Arms crossing over his lightly-armored chest.
OOC: Added to my first post now that Im sober. Last edited by Askaran; Dec 20th, 2009 at 10:15 PM. |
Laviana hushes Kevot with a raised hand. "Men shouldn't always be judged by how they eat a meal, or the cut of their clothes." With a sad little smile, Laviana turns her head towards Kevot. "Besides, my parents weren't always preened nobles. This house is founded on the money they won through adventures." Looking sternly at the men before her, the young noblewoman sternly states. "But you are going too Kevot, to ensure that the job is done properly, and that violence is only used in defense."
Last edited by Avelestar; Dec 20th, 2009 at 10:50 PM. |
Eyes travelling back to Lavinia, Kevot dips his head in a single, low nod, his calm-expression and toned betraying the surprise he felt at having to accompany this band on the behest of his lady, "Please, pardon my outburst, Lady Lavinia I should learn to think before I talk.. And ofcourse, I will ensure the good name of your house is kept in order and not spoiled by the actions of these... Men.."
Jules puts a serious look on his face. "I don't deal with honor, but I will serve you to the best of my ability." Jules bows his head slightly, in response to Kevot.
Boar has been eating at a steady, measured since he sat down, eyes down but ears open. Things seem to be moving along quite well. The dwarf continues to observe the others, including their employer. "Think I get it." He finally speaks up, finishing what must've been his fifth glass of wine. "Ye're counting more on our names than our talents." Boar is crude and violent, but he isn't stupid. "Makes sense, I s'pose. Count me in."
DM of Beyond Evergrove Player in Out of the Abyss ------- Status (3/26/18): On a short hiatus. Work + allergies + probably sick. |
"So then since we are all agreed to help, is anyone familiar with that district and the docks there about. We should set a meeting point, so we can gather our resources...be it information, weapons or what have you. Then we can proceed from that staging point as a group." he states plainly to the assembled men.
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