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Old Dec 21st, 2009, 02:37 AM
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Jelly anyone?
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OOC:What time/where are you meeting? Feel free to discuss this in the OOC instead if you want.
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Old Dec 21st, 2009, 05:04 AM
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OOCWell what i was thinking was that those of us with the ability to gather info on the ship, or bribe guards to look the other way should do stuff like that then we can meet at a bar/tavern and set out as a strike force. Not all of our characters are good at that type of sneaky business, so I was hoping one of two of you would ihave an in character idea. Also if this guys a weasel and hes extorting money from "Lady V" then I think we can assume hes gonna have backup of some kind.
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Old Dec 21st, 2009, 05:06 AM
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OOCI just had another idea also, if some of us feel there characters wouldnt be sneaky etc. We could go to the Dock Master and try and clue him into what this guy is doing in his docks.
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Old Dec 21st, 2009, 04:51 PM
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"I will meet you all at the entrance to the docks, just before dusk.. I will, with my Ladies permission go to scout out the area now so that we can be prepared for what is to come.." with this Kevot shifted his gaze back to Lavinia, the light from the dimly lit room causing his eyes to glow.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 04:18 AM
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"I will go acquire a boat for us, I assume the Blue Nixie can be 'investigated' in many ways. Perhaps straight up the gang plank isn't the best way. I for one certainly don't want this Soller Vark character or his minions to assault me for asking questions. And he does sound just the type to be less than shy about physical confrontation." he states plainly as he gathers his gear and quarterstaff.

Getting up from the table he bows to Lady Vanderboren "My Lady it has been a pleasure, I hope we meet again with good tidings and your property."

Taking a few steps from the table towards the door he glances back with a smile to the others. "If any of you would like to join me you are welcome to, if not then I shall see you at dusk."

He pauses a few moments to see if anyone would join him in securing a small boat to use in there mission.

Last edited by Redoak; Dec 22nd, 2009 at 04:18 AM.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 05:00 AM
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Jelly anyone?
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Laviana looks confused at hiring a boat, and asks. "I'm not sure why you'd need a boat, the Blue Nixie is in the Merchants District, pier five. It should be easily accessable directly from the pier...unless that scum has moved it."

"But if it turns out you do need a ship, you have my blessing. I'd suggest against mentioning the name of my ship, or who you're investigating though...Soller Vark is second in command at the docks, not the sort of man any person who works there would want to cross." With that Laviana politely says goodbye, and whispers something to Kevot, handing him a small purse. Those of you who decide to go do some investigating now head directly to the Merchants District, and end up at the docks soon after. Those who don't, do whatever they please for the afternoon, and meet at pier five at sunset.

OOC:Diplomacy check if you're asking around for information on the Blue Nixie, or what Soller is up to (but word might get back to him). Also a Diplomacy check to try and find a rowboat you can hire from someone for tonight. If you decide to investigate pier five I'll let you know what you see.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 09:14 AM
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Nodding, Kevot takes the purse and makes for the exit, determined to scout out the area as he said. Once outside, the half-elvan archer clicks his tongue and a massive hound pads up to walk alongside him, mid-stride. The beasts fur is a tawny, golden color dark around the muzzle and paws with exceptionall musculature. Standing just above the mercenaries waist at the shoulder it bears a few small nicks and scars, its dark tipped ears cropped up and alert.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 03:24 PM
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Leaving the Ladys' abode behind him Hubris heads down to the Merchants District hoping he can acquire a rowboat quickly.

Clearly I am the only one thinking that a moored boat at the docks is like a small floating castle, and one doesn't typically approach an unfriendly castles gates directly. No this rowboat may come in handy if we need to get on the boat quietly and undetected.

Lost in thought Hubris weaves his way among the Merchant Districts inhabitants and shops.

oocBoom natural 20 on the Dip Check
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 03:59 PM
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Following the mage, Kevot states simply, "The Lady has given me money for a boat.. You've ne need to spend your own.. I believe we did not exchange names? Personally atleast. Kevot, and this is my hound Toki.."
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 04:14 PM
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Herb leaves the establishment, however he waits for Boar to leave to and watches him with great intrest.
When you turn over a rock and it says on it made by god, then, and only then, will i believe.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 07:24 PM
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"My name is Hubris Rathanoir, master Kevot it is a pleasure to make your introduction." holding out his hand in friendship.

Smiling down at the hound he holds out the back of his hand to allow the canine to smell him before patting him lightly on his head.

"A handsome beast indeed, yes you are Toki."
he speaks gently to the hound.

"Well perhaps we can join forces, I have been told that I could talk the tusks off an ogre. I may be able to get us a low price on the boat." with a smile he gestures towards the road with a sweeping wave, as if to offer the right of way to the elf and his companion hound.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 09:10 PM
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Toki noisily sniffs Hubris's hand for a few moments before trotting back to Kevot's side, "He's not so friendly, warhounds are like that.. Just be grateful he's smart enough not to know who his enemies are.. And perhaps we can at that, Hubris.. Dont let the accent fool you, I couldnt talk a small child out of doing chores if I tried.." The half-elven archer continues to walk along for a few moments, "And please.. Just call me Kevot.. Master sounds.. So formal, no?"
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 09:19 PM
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Nodding thoughtfully "Just Kevot it is, I apologize for my formality. It is a mannerism I picked up in school, showing respect and grace. I know to some it seems snobbish, but I assure you I am not sticking my nose in the air at anyone."

Wandering along with his new friend Hubris starts humming a soft tune, anyone familiar with Wee-Jas recognizes the afternoon prayer song his clerics chant at noon mass.

Last edited by Redoak; Dec 22nd, 2009 at 09:19 PM.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 09:24 PM
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"It is perfectly fine, friend. So... What do you plan to do with this rowboat of yours, exactly? Kevot pays the humming no mind, not overly familiar with its origin he just takes it as simply humming and nothing more.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2009, 09:32 PM
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A slight smile at the corners of his mouth appear as he answers.
"Well Kevot to my thinking the Blue Nixie is a moored boat. And it is being held by one if not many unscrupulous men. Now sir it stands to reason if these extortionists of the Lady Vanderboren, they may not appreciate a direct approach to our acquiring her signet ring."
He laughs for a moment at his own small jest.
"Perhaps undercover of the night a few of us can assault the ship from the water in a boat, while one or two of us try the direct approach." waiting for Kevot to follow his logic and perhaps add some insight.

"I haven't always been a nose in the book Wizard"
he states with a small wink of his azure eye.
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