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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 02:06 PM
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(Post Apocalypse) The Siege of Crooked Creek (New Charaters Needed)

Savage Worlds - Deadlands: Hell on Earth
The Siege of Crooked Creek
Applications are CLOSED

Link to Current Game can be found HERE
Our game has been running for over a year now and is still going strong. Although we have lost some players our current team still wishes to continue their quest to save Crooked Creek Ranch from the machinations of a Combine Commander and his army of Black Hats. However, for as dedicated as they are they still need help. Might you be such a hero? Ready to dive into the Post Apocalyptic Wastes to save a community of good people? Looking for a long term game that won't disappear after a few months? Apply today and discover your story after the bombs.
Savage Worlds (SWADE) and Hell on Earth Reloaded
Supernatural Post Apocalypse I have stories which will exist within the Game but it is you, as players that will decide where you as a group will go and explorePlayer Directed Adventure.

A mixture of Mad Max, Fallout, Boarderlands, and Lovecraft/Bruce Campbell actually endorsed the game for a while Evil Dead Horror.
Expected Posting RateI will be posting a minimum of twice a week and would prefer players who can do similarly or more. Ideally I will try to post more then twice a week but will guarantee a minimum of one weekend and one weekday post barring any extreme circumstances.
What is Deadlands: Hell on Earth
left-aligned image
As the name might imply, Deadlands: Hell on Earth is set in the same world as the original Deadlands roleplaying game. Specifically, it is set in a post-apocalyptic future of the original "Weird West" setting of Deadlands, also known as the "Wasted West." What was the Weird West? It's an alternate history where neither the North nor the South won during the American Revolution due to.. interference from a group of beings known as the Reckoners.

The Reckoners were god like beings who appeared to feed on the dark side of humanity; rage, pain, sorrow, and especially FEAR. To generate such emotions the Reckoners quietly began to influence humanity though the use of demons called Manitous and monsters created from humanity’s nightmares made to spread further terror. Legends such as vampires, werewolves, and more began to stalk humanity from the shadows but rather then reveal this to their populace the governments of the world kept the truth of such entities secret. It was due to the idea that knowledge of these supernatural events appeared to spread more fear then quell it; creating further monstrosities. This led to a shadow war between the unlikely heroes of humanity and the dark forces of the Reckoners, all against a backdrop of the Wild West, Rail Wars, and Weird Science.

After many centuries of this, through a series of machinations, the Reckoners from the original Deadlands setting plotted to spark a nuclear war between the United/Union States and the still-strong Confederate States, in which the weapons were not simply powered by nuclear fusion, or even fission, but by a supernatural element known as "Ghost Rock". This was a super fuel which had long driven the Weird Science of the world; first replacing coal but eventually Uranium as well. What only a few had ever realized was that this powerful resource was actually created by the Reckoners themselves to fuel the eventual corruption of the world.

Although useful for various innovations Ghost Rock and the Weird Science that supported it was predominately focused around military advancements or others devices that spread chaos and destruction. Even more benign inventions tended to have a myriad of side effects or complications that only further spread suffering and pandemonium. The peak of this was the “Ghost Rock Bomb”, a weapon powered by irradiated Ghost Rock which promised to eradicate the population of an area while leaving the majority of it’s structures untouched. It was also advertised to have next to no radioactive fallout, ensuring that conquering armies could move into taken territories within only a few years rather then centuries without the risk of exposure to radiation.

This sparked an arms race even greater then the cold war which eventually went over the edge, leading to World War III. However, unlike previous conflicts, the deterrent of mutually assured destruction was not enough to stop the leaders of the world and soon, with a little push from the Reckoners, buttons were pushed and death rained down upon the world. Nearly every major city in the world was hit by a Ghost Rock Bomb and soon left nothing but howling ‘Ghost Storms’ raging at the center of blasted wastelands.

The formation of these "Deadlands", and the fear which they brought, allowed the Reckoners to enter the mortal realm, where they were revealed to be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They ravaged America, civilization all but lost and the lands turned into a wasted landscape of nightmares and death. Then they vanished, traveling east to likely continue their reign of Terror across the rest of the world's remains.

Thirteen (Twelve at the start of this game) years have passed since the Reckoners appeared, and civilization is once more attempting to assert itself in small, isolated pockets. Players take on the roles of characters struggling to survive the nightmarish wasteland that the Reckoners left behind. Perhaps even rise to become true heroes of the Wastes.. That is if they don't get shot in the brain pan first.
About the GameI've always enjoyed the setting of Deadlands: HoE Classic, with it's combination of Post Apocalypse Survival and Supernatural Horror; especially with how many secrets are hidden within the original story lines. Unfortunately, the rule set was always a little clunky and I found players evolved into unstoppable powerhouses too quickly once they gained, what the game called, Arcane Backgrounds. Rather then Survival Horror the setting became more and more Action Power Fantasy with each expansion of the rules. There were also many issues with the rules themselves which could easily create imbalance between character and created long, drawn out combats. When Pinnacle, the producers of the setting, reworked the setting to Savage Worlds many of these issues were corrected but I will always have a soft spot to the original’s more robust setting and world building.

And so that is what I hope to fix here, keeping the essence of what made Deadlands: Hell on Earth great while using it's more recent Savage World rule set.
The Start of the GameCharacters will begin the game as residents of Crooked Creek, Wyoming; once a simple Guest Ranch now turned survivor settlement. Located close to the town of Dubois the people of Crooked Creek were driven to the ranch after Dubois was first quarantined due to an unknown disease and then fire bombed during the war. Currently the people of Crooked Creek eek out a simple but fulfilling life of ranching, farming, and hunting. It's been hard but the people of Crooked Creek have survived and try to be happy in their current, simple lives. This however may be all for not as dark clouds are beginning to gather and some fear for the future of the settlement.

As residents of Crooked Creek the players will have either moved there during the war, been born there, or drifted in over time after the bombs fell. They each have some roll within the settlement but players should not feel required to be anyone of significant importance unless they wish to be. What they must be is someone either willing to volunteer or skilled enough to be asked to deal with a threat to the settlement which one of its hunters has recently discovered.

This small event, and those that follow, will soon see the party traveling across the Wasted West in an attempt to save Crooked Creek and hopefully themselves.
Current SituationHaving saved the Ranch from the threat of a Mutant Bear and a mad Toxic Shaman the posse returned home to a grave revelation. While they were gone Combine Black Hats arrived at Crooked Creek and stole anything of value. Devouring limited food stores like locusts and killing two of the residents. One being Stella Humphry. With Alex still in a coma and the Black Hats planning on returning come harvest the posse has decided to travel out into the world to find allies and resources to fight back against the Combine's forces. Will they save the ranch or is it doomed to be milked of all it's resources by the insatiable forces of the Combine?
The Setting
A Map of the Wasted WestThis is a custom Google Map showing the majority of the points of interest originally detailed in HoE Classic along with a few new editions of my own. Most notable of this is the 'Wasted North' which was never described in the original or Savage/Reloaded games. This is purely custom made content which is inspired by the Great Weird North HoE Classic Book and my own experiences as a Canadian. The players/characters may possibly explore this area in the course of the game but it is not required. It is also a work in progress so please excuse some of the missing content.

There is also a sizable addition to the Idaho/Wyoming Boarder area where the players will likely be traveling through during the initial parts of this adventure. Of course, if the players decide to travel elsewhere that is entirely their choice but that would mean (likely) abandoning their family and friends in Crooked Creek. The information itself is not all encompassing, with several areas which can be visited not noted, but this is due to the information being presented as the notes of one Kyle Maldin, a traveling merchant who lives in Crooked Creak. Although Kyle has learned much trading among survivor settlements he doesn't know everything. Still, to those unfamiliar with the area his journal could prove invaluable.

Crooked CreekAlthough not a part of the original game Crooked Creek is an important part of the Character's lives as their home and possible birth place. Those interested in learning more about this Survivor Settlement can open the Spoiler below to discover more.

RulesWe will be using the Savage World - Adventure, Hell on Earth Reloaded, and HoE Reloaded Companion books; all of which I recommend purchasing. However, for those unable to make such investments I have listed some of the general rules below. If you need help, such as selecting Edges and Hindrances which are not listed here, I can provide it so long as your character application is interesting/detailed enough.



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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 02:15 PM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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Heroes of the WastesCurrent Players
Swordplay82Talia HumphryAdopted daughter of Alex and Stella Humphy. Determined to save her home after the loss of her parents while dealing with a mysterious origin.
EffeteBill DawesEx-Ganger turned Mechanic plagued by nightmares from his past.
Cup UtSamuel WellsA young Junker looking to save his new home. A lover of Superheroes who has a fledgling romance with Talia.

Potential New Players
Player Character Concept ArcBg (Limited)Starting XP (Allusions)

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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 02:16 PM
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What are you looking for in terms of an application? Character concept? Ties to Crooked Creek? A fully realized character created from the rules?
Application formats will be left to the player as I like to use that as one of the parameters to decide who will join. A well organized and detailed application with a finished character stat block would be considered before a 2 paragraph description with bad grammar. That said I won't turn people away just because of a short Application; it's just one way to see how committed they might be to the game.

As for character's themselves they are required to be staying in Crooked Creek at the start of the game. They can be locals, people who have moved in after Judgement day, or even wanderers who just happened by but whatever the case they should be willing to help Crooked Creek at the start of the game. There are some restrictions on Arcane Backgrounds and other Edges but these are listed under 'Character Creation'.

Without knowing anything about the Savage Worlds system, is there something equating to a magic system? I see "Arcane Background" so I'm assuming yes?
There is a magic system and it's based around the Arcane Background Edge. Each ArcBg has it's own flavor and some are not allowed or will be restricted but I'm happy to describe any of them to you if one sounds interesting. Possible Magic Users include..

How will combats be handled in terms of Theater of the Mind vs. battle maps?
I can produce maps with character markers if I feel it's necessary or helpful to keep things organized but minor skirmishes will likely just be dealt with detailed descriptions if I feel greater detail is not required.

Will we be using the Action Deck?
No, we will not be using an Action Deck, instead deciding 'Order' based on whoever posts first. NPC's will go together typically before or after the players depending on who had the upper hand during the initial attack. I realize this makes a lot of Edges all but useless but unfortunately Action Deck Initiative doesn't really work with a Play By Post style unless I wanted to really draw combat out. I'd rather have everyone get their posts in when they can rather then having to wait on one another to post themselves. It saves on time and keeps the interest higher.

There are instances in which the concept of session is used. I've seen that the refresh of Bennies has already been houseruled, but what about other cases, like the limited uses of Gadgeteers per session for a Junker?
For any mention of abilities or powers that can be used 'Per Session' they will instead be considered 'Per Day'. I might come across some specific example where a different format makes more sense and will bring up such a possible change before implementing it but for the most part we will be using a Daily time format.

How is Occult dealt with in this setting?
Even though the 'Occult' is much more common place in Deadlands it's knowledge is not universal. Even those who are not a Doubting Thomas have limited knowledge of what's actually happened to the world. Most don't even know about the Reckoners and just assume the Bombs F*cked everything over. Zombies? Bio Weapons most likely. Mutants? Well, there is a lot of Radiation. Those giant ghost storms howling like a million dead with faces like tortured souls trapped within the endless vortex? Um.. Ok, that's pretty weird.

Those without Occult can still know that dangerous stuff prowls the night and might even know words like Vampire or Ghost but they won't know anything about the truth behind it all. Prior to the war the governments kept a tight lid on the Occult and many survivors haven't left their small settlements since the bombs fell. They might encounter a Zombie and know to aim for the head given old movies but knowing that the Zombies are corpses animated by demons serving the 4 Horsemen.. most don't know that much.

As a point of reference use this list below to give an idea of what a person might know about given their level of the Occult skill.
Occult Knowledge Levels
d4 - After the bombs fell the Four Horsemen showed up and brought hell with them.
d6 - Evil spirits called manitous carry fear to the Reckoners (ie. the Horsemen). Zombies are Corpses where Manitous have taken up residence in the body's mind. Other abominations are created from areas with large amounts of fear.
d8 - The Reckoners feed off fear and would die without it. The hero knows of the Harrowed and that the Reckoners create abominations, called servitors, to further spread fear and empower themselves.
d10 - A shaman named Raven started the Reckoning during the American Civil war, freeing the manitous and awakening the Reckoners.
d12 - The Reckoners lost, but they sent a man named Stone into the past to kill the world’s heroes. This time, the Reckoners won.

This is of course a general overview and even a Character without Occult can learn more in game from a trusted source.

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 14th, 2023 at 08:09 PM.
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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 03:17 PM
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Hooboy... this is ticking a LOT of boxes for me! I'm very interested. No experience with Savage Worlds as a system, but if I'm excited about something I will absorb myself in the mechanics without issue.

Some questions, I don't think I missed these anywhere but apologies if I did!

1. What are you looking for in terms of an application? Character concept? Ties to Crooked Creek? A fully realized character created from the rules?

2. Without knowing anything about the Savage Worlds system, is there something equating to a magic system? I see "Arcane Background" so I'm assuming yes?

3. How will combats be handled in terms of Theater of the Mind vs. battle maps?

In any case, I'm gonna start poking into the Savage Worlds system and give this some serious thought! Very nice advert.
Posting Status: Current and ready for new prompts!
Currently co-GMing Age of Desolation: Gallaht
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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 04:04 PM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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Welcome MoldyNolds. I know Savage World isn't one of the most common systems but even if you don't plan on downloading any of the books the rules are easy enough to catch on quick. I'm happy to help out anywhere I can. As for your questions..

1. Application formats will be left to the player as I like to use that as one of the parameters to decide who will join. A well organized and detailed application with a finished character stat block would be considered before a 2 paragraph description with bad grammar. That said I won't turn people away just because of a short Application; it's just one way to see how committed they might be to the game.

As for character's themselves they are required to be staying in Crooked Creek at the start of the game. They can be locals, people who have moved in after Judgement day, or even wanderers who just happened by but whatever the case they should be willing to help Crooked Creek at the start of the game. There are some restrictions on Arcane Backgrounds and other Edges but these are listed under 'Character Creation'.

2. There is a magic system and it's based around the Arcane Background Edge. Each ArcBg has it's own flavor and some are not allowed or will be restricted but I'm happy to describe any of them to you if one sounds interesting. Possible Magic Users include..
--- Cyborgs: Cyber enhanced soldiers (NOT Permited)
--- Harrowed: Undead Heroes dealing with internal demons (NOT Permited)
--- Templars: Would be Paladins fighting against the forces of darkness. (Only allowed with an EXCEPTIONAL Application. May be gained later in the game if the character finds someone to teach them)
--- Doomsayers: Rad Priests with the power to channel the power that destroyed the world. (Only allowed with an EXCEPTIONAL Application. May be gained later in the game if the character finds someone to teach them)
--- Kung Fu Artists: Mystical Fighters right out of the Street Fighter line up. (Only allowed with an EXCEPTIONAL Application. May be gained later in the game if the character finds someone to teach them)
--- Junkers: Mechanical marvels who channel technological spirits to create devices out of common junk.
--- Witches: Women (and the occasional man) who have learned magic from a secret tome of knowledge; 'How to Serve your Man'. Most don't realize that the author would rather serve a man For dinner rather then serve them dinner.
--- Psykers: Ex-Military Mental Powerhouses who channel power directly from the 'Hunting Grounds' through their own brain at the expense of their hair. Some Children have since begun developing powers like these even without prior training
--- Book Worms: People dedicated to the preservation of knowledge who gain power from the spirits of books.

3. I can produce maps with character markers if I feel it's necessary or helpful to keep things organized but minor skirmishes will likely just be dealt with detailed descriptions if I feel greater detail is not required.
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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 04:13 PM
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Also expressing much interest!

Love the setting and the humble premise. I’m not familiar with the system but I love learning new games - I’ll delving into rules and concepts and I’m sure I’ll come back with some questions Thanks for crafting and posting your game ad!
Pronouns: he/him | Posting Status: condition green | Games: Beobachterin the Ragman | Madame Darling | Co-GM of Age of Desolation: Gallaht
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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 04:39 PM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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Thanks for coming Cottontailwind. Like I said In my Game Application the original HoE system always suffered a little from power creep but Savage Worlds corrects a lot of this.

For example, it use to be that the 'Bennies' you earned in the original game were of random values, were regularly used to reduce damage, and were the main source of advancement. This caused those who stayed out of combat or who were just lucky to routinely gain more 'XP' then everyone else. Stat values were also randomly generated from card draws allowing some to be near superhuman while others were more normal. Then there were combo's that, although technically legal, kind of broke the game if a GM allowed it.

All that said the setting itself always had a special place in my heart and the Lore was an interesting combination of Player Known information and Marshal (GM) Only Secrets. It was one of the only systems I ever saw that did it this way rather then just leave the secrets up to the GM or left such confidential tidbits out in the open for players to know by reading about the setting. Of course most players ended up reading these Marshal Only parts anyways but it still gave a great sense of overarching story and mystery to the setting.

You never knew who might be the true villain or Monster in Disguise.

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 24th, 2022 at 04:41 PM.
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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 06:54 PM
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I think I found one of those Allusions you mentioned... nice

Posting Status: Current and ready for new prompts!
Currently co-GMing Age of Desolation: Gallaht
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He/Him | I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Feb 24th, 2022, 11:07 PM
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Another question, I don't see Toxic Shaman on your list of Arcane Backgrounds. That most closely fits the character concept I have cooking up... Any ruling on them?
Posting Status: Current and ready for new prompts!
Currently co-GMing Age of Desolation: Gallaht
Current Character: Haas | Quintus Kaldera
He/Him | I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Feb 25th, 2022, 12:25 AM
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Look and you shall receive

I wasn't planning on suggesting Toxic Shamans but I have no issues with them if you wish to use the Arcane Background. Just be sure that they're a Caretaker and to give a reason why they are in Crooked Creek. It's a small settlement with very little pollution. There is some of course but not as much as in other areas a Caretaker would likely focus on. Of course your story could likely explain this. At the very least the Sioux Nations are close enough that it's definitely possible.

As for your guess.. correct

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 25th, 2022 at 12:25 AM.
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Old Feb 25th, 2022, 12:14 PM
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I think I’ve got a good grasp on a character concept I’m feelin

Taleteller, is there a list or any lore about deities/greater powers (not including the Four Horsemen or the Saints) of this setting? Or is it in-bounds to suggest something to you for the purpose of a character concept and workshop it from there?
Pronouns: he/him | Posting Status: condition green | Games: Beobachterin the Ragman | Madame Darling | Co-GM of Age of Desolation: Gallaht
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Last edited by cottontailwind; Feb 25th, 2022 at 12:16 PM.
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Old Feb 25th, 2022, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by cottontailwind View Post
I think I’ve got a good grasp on a character concept I’m feelin

Taleteller, is there a list or any lore about deities/greater powers (not including the Four Horsemen or the Saints) of this setting? Or is it in-bounds to suggest something to you for the purpose of a character concept and workshop it from there?
The only ACTIVE religions after Judgement day are Doomsayers (Radiation Priests), Templars (The Saints), Indian Spirit Worship (Both Natural and Pollution), and various cults (Demon, wormling, etc. Prior to the bombs religious worship was about the same as our real world (Christianity, Jewdaism, etc.) but many have lost faith in such powers over time and after seeing the world burn.

If you have an idea of something YOUR CHARACTER worships they can of course believe in it but if you gain actual power from said faith the source may or may not be what you think it is. What were you thinking?

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 25th, 2022 at 12:48 PM.
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Old Feb 25th, 2022, 01:45 PM
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I was thinking…

Pronouns: he/him | Posting Status: condition green | Games: Beobachterin the Ragman | Madame Darling | Co-GM of Age of Desolation: Gallaht
cottontailwind's PC: "So there's this thing called a collective bargaining unit..." GM: "No unionizing the kobolds!"

Last edited by cottontailwind; Feb 25th, 2022 at 03:43 PM.
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Old Feb 25th, 2022, 02:36 PM
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Application Withdrawn
Posting Status: Current and ready for new prompts!
Currently co-GMing Age of Desolation: Gallaht
Current Character: Haas | Quintus Kaldera
He/Him | I have taken the Oath of Sangus

Last edited by MoldyNolds; Feb 27th, 2022 at 08:55 AM.
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Old Feb 25th, 2022, 02:38 PM
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Okay @telltale I put up a WIP application to get the ball rolling. There's a lot missing; the statblock is just atrocious and I still want to add an RP scene between Haas and Alex Humphry when they first meet so I can get baseline for how Haas is going to act. But this should give you a good idea of where I'm going.

A couple questions, one very high-level concept and one very specific.

I kinda see-sawed back and forth between Toxic Shaman and Doomsayer, I don't feel like either one exactly fits Haas' character concept. I would say Doomsayer is probably closer, but Toxic Shaman has some of the spells I want lol! Is there such a thing as a regular Nature Shaman? Not one that deals with the toxic spirits of the wasteland, but your normal everyday nature spirits?

Question on the Bersek Edge, if someone were not able to shake off Berserk and they ended up incapacitated from fatigue would Haas fall unconscious? And if so, for how long? Looks like it's kinda left up to GM's discretion on both counts. With Haas' Smarts I'd say if he goes Berserk in battle there's no coming back, even if everyone is dispatched lol!
Posting Status: Current and ready for new prompts!
Currently co-GMing Age of Desolation: Gallaht
Current Character: Haas | Quintus Kaldera
He/Him | I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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