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Old Feb 15th, 2023, 03:05 AM
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Ooh, I've been looking for a Savage Worlds game! I'm not familiar with Hell on Esrth specifically, though I'm passingly familiar with Deadlands.

I'll need a couple says to make a full app,. I do want to confirm this game is using SWADE and not an earlier edition, correct?
I'm a big adventure hound, and goblins are my dog biscuits!
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Old Feb 15th, 2023, 08:55 AM
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Yes, this is SWADE.

Although He// on Earth has yet to receive a proper SWADE treatment we have been addressing many of the issues that are around due to that with our own, unofficial, conversion.

As to your familiarity that won't be an issue either. Other then the outline within the application here you don't really need to know much to get into the game. Yes, this is the world of Deadlands with all of it's alternate Wild West history but when it comes down to it this is a Post Apocalypse. Mutants, Road Warriors, the fall of common society. It's all here.

You can of course design a character that plays into the more unique aspects of the settings like it's Arcane Backgrounds. However, any type that might mix well with an 'After the Bombs' story could fit here. HoE does have a slightly supernatural tilt to it but many don't realize that truth.

If you have any other questions I'll be more then happy to help. Just throw them my way.
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Old Feb 15th, 2023, 12:18 PM
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So I power-skimmed the opening post and the current situation. Here are some ruminations/thoughts before I settle in to a proper app.

I'm assuming joining characters don't necessarily need to be from Crooked Creek?

My initial thought was to play some sort of world-weary priest type character questioning his faith (just as a good ol' Western trope), and I was considering an Arcane Background as well. I wasn't initially thinking something like the Templars but they did sort of jump out at me when I read about the background. They also seem like they'd fit well into the present plot helping oppose the Combine.

Templars do seem to have a bit of a physical focus and I was initially thinking a bit more of a supporting character. To that end I was also considering the potential of a Book Worm whose initial powers at least were from a Bible.

It seems like at present either Arcane Background is alright? (based on the Character Creation rules which the FAQ points to).

Do you have any preconceived notions about how to introduce the new characters? Is there an 'archetype' missing in the group that might need filling (either gameplay or storywise)?

Do the new characters start with any Advances beyond the standard? (apologies if I missed that)

I should also remark that I'm a little antsy at the idea of Allusions because my pop culture knowledge is limited at best.
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Old Feb 15th, 2023, 04:10 PM
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As the main posse is on the road looking for allies to help the ranch new characters would have to be from places other then Crooked Creek. You could have it so they were from the ranch originally before moving away but more likely they are from somewhere else within the Wasted West.

Templars are like wandering heroes empowered by the spirits of heroes who have past. Although they typically work around the idea of knights that's not the only way they can work. Some can be more focused on healing or guns or anything else given the wide range of Martyrs that support them. The main thing you have to remember is the Templar's main Oaths and how Simon typically leads them.


As for Bookworms they mostly come from 'The Library' in California. See, the reason Bookworms get to cast magic isn't because of one, powerful book in their possession but because of ALL books. Deadlands has this idea that when you make something, like really pour your soul into it, you actually do that. A small portion of your soul goes into what you make.

This makes the item have a soul, albeit a week one, but one which can grow stronger the more others use and care for it. That's were a Junker's Tech Spirits come from. However, in the case of a Bookworm they gain power not from the single book but also all the copies of that book who's spirits were freed upon the destruction of their bodies.

Unlike a Tech Spirit who wants a new body to continue serving it's purpose, a Book Spirit wants it's information/ideal/story shared. That's why the Library, which is trying to preserve as much information from the past, has so many Bookworms.

That isn't to say you would have to be a Librarian to be a Bookworm. A 'priest' looking to spread and preserve the words of the bible could make an excellent Bookworm. However, in a world that is 'He// on Earth' there might not be many who will take such teachings seriously. After all, where was god when the bombs fell?

For a support like character I think you might want to go with the Bookworm.

There's nothing wrong with a Templar and, as stated above, they don't NEED to be a melee fighter. However, their tendency to hide their abilities until they know people are worth helping might limit you a little.

Introductions will likely take place within Dornans, the posse's next stop, or somewhere else on their journey.

As for roles.. I guess Bill fills the role of the 'Big Guy' in melee along with being a driver/mechanic. Samuel handles tech and scavenging. Talia is a definite Face who's also a decent shot. And Garret is a bit of a team leader also good with guns. If there was one section I would have to say they are lacking in it would be Healing. I think your idea would help round out the team. Narratively I would say read some of the story so far and get a feel for the team.

All characters will start as Novices (no Advancements) unless you take Veterian of the Wasted West. That gives you 4 Advancements, makes you Seasoned, but also gives you a random Drawback.

As for Allusions I wouldn't worry. The XP you get for them can help get advancements, but this can easily be off set with excellent posts and defeating major enemies. You can also gain XP (Which leads to Advancements) by doing things to help the game. Creating interesting NPC. Starting documents to help organize the rest of the party. He//, you draw a picture of the posse I might just give you a full advancement. Really anything you do within the game or to help create a more interesting narrative will be rewarded. Allusions are just a small part of that.

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 15th, 2023 at 04:13 PM.
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Old Feb 16th, 2023, 08:28 AM
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love the feel of the setting but know close to nothing of the game.

found some pages of what I assume is an old version of the game.

I'm sort of interested in playing a mad scientist, but is it the same as being a junker? (I don't wanna step on anyone's toes)

I would be ok to take on the Healer role, if OwenQuillon's pc doesn't. (I mean.. nobody should be patched up by a mad scientist, but beggars can't be choosers)

Or because I'm a newbie I should look into more of a Common Folk type of guy, maybe an established NPC or a relative of one?
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Old Feb 16th, 2023, 11:30 AM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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Mad Scientists were actually more of a Weird West thing. The Wild West setting which represents the past of the Apocalyptic Wasted West. There Mad Scientists would create all sorts of dangerous Steam Punk devices that had a chance to explode.

Junkers actually developed when some of these mad scientists discovered their 'inspiration' came from the manitous (demons) whispering future technological secrets into their ears. When the bombs fell the demons stopped helping the scientists so they had to look elsewhere to develop there skills. Luckily the destruction of so much technology finally allowed the spirits of cars, buildings, guns, etc. to be numerous enough for these soon to be Junkers to start noticing them.

So ya, Junkers have a great deal of history with Mad Scientists.

Now currently Cap Ut (Sammuel) is a Junker but that doesn't mean another one could not be useful. Although two Junkers share many abilities that doesn't make them the same character. Just like any Arcane Background two characters sharing one can be as different as night and day based on their skills, flaws, edges, and powers chosen.

Examples include..
- Gearheads (Junker's focused on vehicles and going fast)
- Tainted (Corrupted Junkers obsessed with guns who have a chip on their shoulders)
- Repairmen (General Fix-it men who don't specialize)(Samuel falls into this Catagory)
- Chamber Initiate (A member of a psudo-secret group of Junkers who delve into the more spiritual side of their craft)
- Fly Boys (Like Gearheads but for planes and ultralights)
- Net Jockies (Although the internet is down the Tech Spirits have created something similar in the spirit realm holding all kinds of secret information)
- Radio Heads (Junkers interested in communication devices. Possibly even starting their own radio show)

And that's just a small sample.

The biggest issue is the use of Components, the pieces of garbage that allow a Junker to make temporary devices. A party full of Junkers might start fighting over these resources but two should not have big problems.

I'd say play what you want to. Yes, the party is in desperate need of a Healer but that doesn't mean you or OwenQuillon have to fill that role. If anything, having no healer will add tension to the game as the posse will have to be VERY careful about the fights they pick.

This game is more focused of the characters and their story rather then statigic combat. That comes up of course but it's not the focal point.

Now we are using the SWADE edition of Savage Worlds and He// on Earth has not had an update for that. With that said the previous edition is very close and we've done conversions for much of it. If you need help I'm always available to walk you through character creation.

As for taking over an NPC it will be a little hard as most are either stuck back at the Ranch or have specific tasks they will be handling away from the main group. A new ally is the best option.

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 16th, 2023 at 11:39 AM.
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Old Feb 16th, 2023, 05:30 PM
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I was thinking something along the lines of "cyborg obsessed doctor (closer to snakeoil salesman than an actual doctor) that tries to push his patients for augmentation whenever he can" definitely within Weird Science stuff. (not gonna 'cyborg' himself as the science is just not there yet)

If it doesn't work for the setting I'll think of something else entirely
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Old Feb 16th, 2023, 06:45 PM
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Actually, that idea works perfectly with the setting.

Although TRUE cyborgs can only be made from Harrowed (Undead people) there is a type of person called a Scrapper who is a normal person with mechanical augments. They originally come from the Weird West setting but are possible to be used in Wasted West too.

For a Junker or otherwise mechanically inclined person there isn't much difference between a Scrapper and a Cyborg besides the chems used to attach the new parts and where the power for the devices come from.

For a Cyborg the demon inside the Harrowed's skull is trapped and squeezed to provide power while a Scrapper usually has to rely other power sources. Primarily a Motivator that burns Ghost Rock to power the augments.

The big issue is where you get the augments themselves. SWADE doesn't really have crafting rules persay. Junkers can create devices but they are typically short lived with minimum power to use. I am allowing Junkers to use Ghost Rock to recharge devices but there isn't much precedence to allow for a body part to be built. That said, I'm open to the idea.

We would likely handle it this way. A Junker with a high enough Heal skill could surgically implant a device they create using their Gageteer ability. The Device would have a number of Power Points dependent on the components used as normal. However, the device can also be recharged using ghost rock.

Devices can either be linked to a Power like normal (Using stored Power Points as usual) or be created to duplicate an existing body part. In the case of a simple body part only one Power Point will be used each day.

I would also allow your Starting Power to be a device you have already implanted in yourself. Say a cyber arm with the Boost/Lower Trait Power. When you want to Boost a Trait you calibrate your arm to do that. Say like sprouting multiple surgical tools to help with a Healing check. Then for Lower maybe it shoots drugged darts at people. OR would you rather have a mega man style buster arm with Blast?

In either case the Power Points for such a Starting Power Device recover automatically like other Junker Powers would. No need for Ghost Rock.

Lots of fun

Whatever the case I'm more then willing to work with you to create an interesting character you will love to play.

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 16th, 2023 at 07:01 PM.
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Old Feb 17th, 2023, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by taleteller50 View Post
Actually [...]

Jokes aside...

I've found Hell on Heart and I'm giving a read to the player section. Between what I've read so far and the context I've read in this thread I think my idea didn't fit the way I imagined.

Gimme a couple of days and I'll make an app. No more mad scientist but still probably an arcane background.

Last edited by Remorazz; Feb 17th, 2023 at 12:55 PM.
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Old Feb 17th, 2023, 02:02 PM
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That should be Hell on Earth not Heart. Just a warning, the official Savage World book for the setting is a little out of date. It uses the edition before SWADE while we use an adjusted form for SWADE.

Also, the official book places the campaign 26 years after the bomb but we're using more of the Classical Setting Lore which was 13 years ATB.

The new rules may not make your idea an easy fit but the adjustments we have and a little homebrew on my end should make it possible. Of course, if you have a different idea that's fine too. Just realize that I am willing to work with your original idea if you still want it. If you give me an idea of what you're hoping for we'll see if we can make it work.

I'll also have the new, homebrew Mutant race up soon so you can check that out if you wish.

Last edited by taleteller50; Feb 17th, 2023 at 02:03 PM.
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Old Feb 17th, 2023, 06:35 PM
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With the possibilities of new players I would like to introduce an alternate, homebrew race for the game. MUTANTS! There is technically a Flaw that can also make you a mutant but this race makes you a true "MUTANT" with multiple mutations. Become a freak today!


It's still a little of a work in progress but it should give you a good idea how it all works.
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Old Feb 17th, 2023, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by taleteller50 View Post
That should be Hell on Earth not Heart.
Ye.. English is not my first language, so these dumb mistakes are bound to happen with me as a player.

Originally Posted by taleteller50 View Post
With the possibilities of new players I would like to introduce an alternate, homebrew race for the game. MUTANTS!
Seriously.. get out of my head.

After reading "whatever manual I found", my first though was of a Joan's Doomsayer or a Syker with a mutation (with a homebrew option of sykers being able to 'cast' healing on others). Either way a mutant with some "ugly" vibes possibly able to heal people and do some other mutant/magic shenanigans on the side.

As I decided to ignore the marshal part of the handbook (life is too short to read bits I'm not allowed to) I was debating whether to get the major or minor mutant hinderance, kinda wanted a light physical flaw and a light/medium social flaw (kind of mitigated because, who wouldn't want a magical healer in this world?). This sorta went out of the window with your homebrew (I'm a big fan of randomized rolls)

all of this wrapped in a christian character to justify his closeness to OwenQuillion's pc (as they 'in' together)
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Old Feb 18th, 2023, 01:41 AM
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Was just making sure you had the right book As for your head... Hmm, when was the last time you dusted up here.

For Mutants there is one other sect of Rad Mages. The Hekants are separate from both Silas and Joan but are still generally considered good guys like Joan's crew. They come out of Couer d’Alene and are more isolated then the other groups. Believing that radiation is a blessing from the Egyptian god Atum (Atem) and that abominations are the minions of Set.

Less about spreading word of their religion and more about defeating evil in general and honoring gods rather then radiation itself and the 'Saint' of radiation. Most of them are REALLY MUTATED. Like looks more like an animal then human kind of mutants. Like their head priest has the head and wings of a bird, mutant.

Not that that's what you're really interested here but I did want to make sure you knew it was a choice.

If you go Syker just be sure to consider if you were Earth bound or one of those who went to Banshee. For a Mutant the Earth Syker is the more likely background but it's not limited to that.
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Old Feb 20th, 2023, 06:14 PM
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As a player of this game I want to say that TT is a pretty attentive GM. He seems to have put a TON of work into this campaign. Maybe a bit too much. I don't think our team will have the chance to explore half the stuff he's set up. It's also kind of nice to have a GM that doesn't drop the game after a few months. We've been going for a year and everyone seems to be still enjoying the story.
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Old Feb 20th, 2023, 07:29 PM
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WIP Miller
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Name: Miller
Race: Mutant Homebrew
Background: Joan's Doomsayers

History: Thomas Miller was a farm kid from Austin, Nevada, he was studying botany in California as the world always needed more food. While he was back home to celebrate his little brother's birthday, the bombs fell. The days after the initial shock were pure nightmare, as the radiation killed his family under his eyes and then everyone he knew in the city he grew up in. The following weeks were a different kind of horror. The grief almost had no time to dwell, as pure unfocused rage took to the streets. As Miller's body painfully mutated, he also saw humanity change: gangs, monsters, cults.. everything was so surreal.. and everyone had the same priority, survive. Those who didn't, didn't.

When Silas came under the spotlight, Miller finally found a group that wasn't completely crazy and not only accepted him despite his mutations, they celebrated him, and for the first time since the ghost busters, the young man felt like had a family. Then of course, Virginia City happened. Silas speeches made it feel so righteous and justified, but the aftermath came with realization and guilt. For the young mutant and many others, the voice of reason shifted to Joan.

Wearing the purple tunic, now Miller roams the wastes, trying his best to help people whenever he can, occasionally using his botanical knowledge to help settlers survive in this dark world. Sometimes he's welcome to help, many times he's shooed away, usually with bullets, yet he remains steadfast in his mission of improving the mutant-normie relationships, one example at the time.

StatsAgility d6 Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d4, and Vigor d4.

Pace Base is equal to 6”/ 6 squares on a map.
• Parry is equal to 2 plus half your Fighting die (2+d4+ Armor).
• Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your Vigor die (2+d4+ Armor).

Hinderances, Enemy (Minor), Heroic, Delusional (Minor) , Cautious (SuperMinor-0pts) (1 point used for extra Faith point 1 for Fighting, keeping 2 for Edge)

Edge: Extra Power

Powers: Enviromental Protection, Healing, EMP, Fear


Last edited by Remorazz; Mar 9th, 2023 at 06:23 AM.
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