The Ring of Protection +3 is likely a boost for almost any character. Daijk has a +1 ring at the moment so is probably not first in line for an upgrade.
Father of proud children. Expect the next 18+ years to be erratic and/or chaotic.
Kalain has a full plate and is usually able to hold his own with his Swift action Lay on Hand and gimmicks, so the ring, good as it is should be used by someone else; Devlan maybe?
My ability to post here will be greatly impaired for another week or so due to unanticipated technical issues. Apologies for the lack of participation in the meantime.
Hey all!
It's been a fair while since the last in-game post. But now that the school year is starting up again, I want to ask: are people interested in continuing this campaign? Or, shall I just let it slip away?
Great Player || Great DM || Great Guy || Published Author|| Straight Path Games || Ronar's Twitter || (He/Him)
Um, yeah, I 'd like to continue. One thing I want to do though, is a little reviewing to catch myself back up. I'm not requesting a GM recap, because I don't think I should ask someone esle to do the work, but it could take a few days.
I like this game, but I have been terrible at posting and am not sure what the future holds for me for posting rate. It should be better now that the summer is over and I am back into a more regular schedule though.
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