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Old Feb 13th, 2013, 12:04 PM
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How To Guide

This is a how to guide for the specifics of posting, formatting, rolling, and so forth.

Basic font editing stuff is at the top of the text box. You can use all the buttons at top to do everything, and it basically puts in simple HTML programming stuff. I'll use {} to demonstrate, but just know they should be [ ].

It's best to write in 3rd person instead of first person: "Cedric did this, Cedric said that..." But you can write in first person. Just don't jump back and forth, because it would make it confusing. Personally, I just think it helps the narrative when it's in third person. essentially we are all writing one big story together.

Spoken text should be in bold: Cedric said, "What's the word in goblin for sexy?" {B}stuff{/B}

Thought text should be italicized: Cedric thought, 'What did I do wrong?' {I}stuff{/I}

EVERYTHING not in the narrative, such as dice rolls, combat specifics, etc... should be in a spoiler button. Example:
ExampleCedric cried out, "Charge!" as he drew his daggers, stabbing at the nearest foe. 'I hope I can actually hit somebody this time,' he thought.

{fieldset="example"}stuff inside fieldset box{/fieldset}

{spoilerbutton=name}stuff inside button{/spoilerbutton}

Roll Dice: Press the dice button up top, or {dice}1d20 or whatever{/dice}
Dice Roll:
1d20 6

That's the main stuff. You can roll inside your posts, and when you edit it saves your dice rolls. So you can do combat details and rolls first, and if you roll high or low where you obviously hit or miss, you can tailor your post accordingly. Or what I always did is left it off as a "swing" or something, and let the DM finish the narration for whether I hit or not.

There is also the secret button, the SHH! button, that allows you to set who sees the secret text. If you're whispering just to one person or something. Note: the DM can always see secret text, even if not posted to me. {secret="name of person"}message{/secret}. I always used this when my halfling rogue was stealing from his own party.
Marriage is like a eating at a seafood buffet; it seems like a good idea at the time, but you immediately regret it afterward.

Last edited by juxtaposition; Feb 13th, 2013 at 12:59 PM.
Old Feb 13th, 2013, 12:57 PM
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juxtaposition juxtaposition is offline
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juxtaposition juxtaposition juxtaposition juxtaposition
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As far as NPC's go, you can take small liberties when interacting with them. Say you speak to an orc, in your post you can say the orc grunts in reply, or things like that.

Or say you roll high on an attack, you assume you hit, and post accordingly with your strike hitting your foe. If you actually missed that attack, I will retcon it, but in my own post. I won't change your post. So something like say "Cedric thought his blow hit, but in actuality his dagger skipped harmlessly off the orc's armor."

It's my job to move the story along, especially if things are getting slow. This will probably happen in more in the beginning. Most of the time it happens if people get bored with one thing. Like say if 2 people are dialoguing and everyone else is just kinda sitting there doing nothing, that is a time I'll kinda push it forward. If I move something along in time, and you still wanted to get a last word or action in, just do it. Say my post is "The innkeeper rushes you out the door. 3 hours later you're on the road......" You can post something like "As the innkeep pushed the group out the door, Cedric shouts at him, "You'd better pay up next time we're here!" Later, as they were along the road....."
Marriage is like a eating at a seafood buffet; it seems like a good idea at the time, but you immediately regret it afterward.
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