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Old Aug 11th, 2012, 08:00 PM
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Well, I've never played D&D before so I don't have one of those characters just yet. However I started roleplaying back when I used to play WoW and that is where my first real character was born. He was an Undead Rogue. He only ever went out of his way to do something if gold was involved or as a favor to his friends. Also, he had a pretty bad case of amnesia.

Hopefully I'll get my solo game started soon and I can have my first D&D character to put here!
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Old Aug 13th, 2012, 12:10 PM
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My first character was a dwarven barbarian, Died by attempting to tackle a wraith, suffice to say I have learned much since that day.
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Old Aug 27th, 2012, 07:14 PM
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my first table top character was named Gohan and he was a human wizard. He was really rushed, but did ok the 3 or 4 times I used him. The DM that I was using him with stopped DMing and thus never got to continue him.
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Old Aug 31st, 2012, 10:06 AM
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Well, technically my first character was Anais, an elven wizard, who was made with 2nd edition rules before I knew anything at all about DnD. The DM was fantastic, so even though we only played once, I remember her. Her best moment: Rolling a crit while jumping out of a tree to stab an orc in the head. DM was piiiiissssed.

My first REAL character, when I knew more rules and was playing a full campaign, was (and still is) Jzakalinne Niavalis. I love her to pieces. I write new characters related to her. And I'm still playing her.

She started out as a level 7 wizard. A high elf with raven black hair to her feet and silver eyes. Originally she was Chaotic Neutral, but she rather quickly dipped into Chaotic Evil. Good times.

A lot happened. Our original game lasted 7-9 years... can't remember exactly. We got all the way up to level 19. We went from being low class hirelings to saving the world from the folly of gods. A few highlights:

-died and had vamp blood splashed in her mouth, thus becoming a vampire
-underwent a ridiculously painful ritual while being cured of permanent insanity that also removed said vampirism
-had the soul of a raven attached to her own and grew wings
-loosed a vampire god on a village
-killed the avatar of Ra single handedly
-also killed a tarrasque single handedly (a lesser version, I'm told, but still!)
-killed a party member for ****ing with her head (and was the only one to ever successfully KILL him)
-collected animals (she had a friggin' menagerie... it was ridiculous)
-opened a gate to heaven right over a gate to hell
-pleaded with the divines in order to have her alignment wrenched from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Good
-managed to have her lifespan extended by a ridiculous amount when they accidentally stumbled across a fountain of youth
-drank a drunk bunny

Ahhh, the good old days.

After that game was over, a full year or so went by before my best friend and I started having withdrawal symptoms from missing our characters. So we started what we lovingly call 'The Epic Game'. (The original was called 'The Bad Campaign.)

Scheduled to begin 30 years after the end of the other campaign, we would be starting at ECL 25. Li was rebuilt to be a high elf with the winged template. Her classes are now Wizard 5, Elf Paragon 3, Magical Trickster 3, Ruathar 3, and Mage of the Arcane Order 10. (We leveled up.) Her life span is roughly 15,000 years. She works for the Eladrin Court in her off time, and is a member of the ruling body of the magical country of Toth (and also a teacher). She has a daughter who is half-elf with my fellow party member. And she continues to kick ass and take no names.
Status: Never Around

Currently Playing: Nothing
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Old Aug 31st, 2012, 12:18 PM
sonicattack sonicattack is offline
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My First real character was a thief in d&d 2 called Radison Darkspawn a dwarf. He died in the first adventure when trapped after springing a trap and his party abandoned him to die.....sniff
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Old Sep 9th, 2012, 01:20 AM
Araliss Araliss is offline
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My first character was Rae, a character that made my DM want to punch me because everything about her didn't "make sense", even though I was able to justify her being a Paladin. She was quiet and a loner most of the time, and was the only one of all of the characters in her campaign to ever get below 0 HP. She was a rather effective tank to say the least, especially considering she had Wrath of the Gods, which gave a +charisma mod to everyone's damage rolls for the entire encounter.
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Old Sep 10th, 2012, 05:59 AM
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My first was a Halfling thief, quite a sensible start I think in hindsight. He was called Snooki or something ridiculous (years before Jersey Shore). I was convinced we were going to be involved in many underwater adventures so I took many swimming skills and equipped him with snorkels, and hooked javelins and nets and the like. It never happened. Even after months - level 8 or so - he was still looking for items for underwater breathing even though the wettest we had got were crossing rivers.
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Old Sep 11th, 2012, 05:55 PM
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Ah, my first character...Rev Worrington.

Started as a level 3 Fighter with a party consisting of a Rogue, Sorcerer, and Cleric. Starting with an 18 in Strength and Con (Lucky Rolls are Lucky), I pretty much tanked with a Greatsword his entire career. There was one moment where the party was teleported to an alternate dimension (Discovered this after we left) where the entire populous of a city were concaved-faced brtes with metal staffs. OUr horses were stopped in the streets by a band of them that exploded out of every house we could find. THem being 3 feet tall with metal quaterstaffs, my character was like "Just beat the **** out of'em!" Sadly, the party didn't support this, so we were taken prisoner.

As we went up a magic elevator, the Sorcerer was spoken to by a Gold Dragon (Didn't know what those were at the time, almost fought him, too, at level 5 XD) that said they were using him to power the whole city. Of course, we honestly didn't really care, but we were all a form of Good, and the creature was suffering. Damn altruism....

When we reached the top, we were all led to a large meeting hall, at the end sat an Anubis-like creature maybe 30 ft tall, cables extending from it's head in dreadlock form. We were still being led by these runts, which I wasn't to happy about, up to what looked like the main short-stubby guy. He became enraged that they let us keep our gear and walked right up to me (At this time I had my Greatsword out) and tried to grab it. Me being me, I punched him in the face...erh...whatever it was.

This got me a shotgun blast the the gut! Those metal poles were primitive shotguns. By the grace of the dice, I lived long enough to kill there god-thingy with a mighty swing (crit), severing the cables, apperantly killing it. Ready to fight the other 30 stubbies behind me, I turned to see a bunch of shocked creatures, even including my party members. For the rest of the campain, no one critized my capapility to kill big things XD At this time, the Gold Dragon decided it time to get out of the ground. Under the city. The WHOLE city. Needless to say, the rest of the night was spent running down a falling tower 200 ft off the ground to safety as it fell. In Platemail.

Long story short, GOld dragon died and gave us this orb we didn't know was actually a doomsday spell, basically a dispel magic spell times a billion, that would destroy all magic on the material plane and seal it off from the other planes permanetely, and no diety could prevent it. We later had to use it at level 34 to stop a wizard from basically doing the same thing, just with a "obliterate the hell out of everything that ever or will ever exist" spell (And that, kids, is how the Dark Ages started). Sad....But was an amazing game I'll remember 'til I don't.
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Old Sep 12th, 2012, 07:10 PM
whiterabbit whiterabbit is offline
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I have always loved creating strong women. My first was Samantha who was a kick ass fighter but more of a blacksmith/armorer that got stuck into adventuring. The ability to create and design armorer was i think the funnest part of having her. Maybe I'll get a chance to bring her back here.
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Old Sep 12th, 2012, 10:08 PM
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I'll never forget Maverick Curtis, the Human Ranger. This was back in 2e where Ranger's were amazing and you had to roll certain stats in order to play one.

My brother, who started learning the game with me, played my brother Bryan Curtis (another ranger). It was awesome playing the game with him and learning the ropes together. We would really come to each others aid and protect ourselves as brothers should. We even fought together when everyone else in our party tried to kill my brother for not wanting to burn down a village that had shunned us for allowing their patriarch to get killed.

Sadly, I have lost the character sheet but he still lives on in my heart.
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Old Sep 13th, 2012, 04:46 PM
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My very first character:

2nd edition
race: half-dragon, half-human
class: ranger
name: Draycos Goldaryn

The most notable thing about the original Draycos is his origins. His first name comes from The Dragonback series. the last name is my own amalgamation of the adjective golden with something that would be more appropriate for a name. His name thus means Golden Dragon. His appearance is based on that of Ven, a character from the Dragonvarld Trilogy.

As i have joined other Role-Play communities, Draycos has come with me. Each new realm would result in changes to his appearance, story, and relationships. But his personality has always been the same. Since I have been out of the Role-Play community for some time now, Draycos has instead become my online persona. Almost every forum I join, My user name is either DraycosGoldaryn, draycosgoldaryn, Draycos_Goldaryn, or Draycos Goldaryn. Some sites state this name to be too long. on those sites, I'm known simply as Draycos.

Currently, Draycos is in the middle of a story all his own in an rpg game I'm trying to create using RPG Maker XP. Thus, I will not be role playing as him on this site, but I do have a few other characters in my mind who may make an appearance here at some point.

EDIT: I found the original "sheet" for Draycos Goldaryn. It was handwritten on the first page of an old composition notebook. for your pleasure, I have transferred the information to this website. just click the spoiler to see it:

Last edited by Draycos Goldaryn; Oct 16th, 2012 at 04:31 PM. Reason: Added character sheet
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Old Sep 13th, 2012, 10:13 PM
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This was my first introduction to roleplaying, haha. I feel so old right now. Played a fat, trigger-happy MAC III pilot (to be fair, this was more than 15 years ago now and I was in middle school, so the thought of big booms was hilarious at the time :P ). He ended up trying to ram a Zentraedi dropship with his guns, for death and glory. It failed miserably, of course, but he was dead so he didn't notice

My first DnD character was a halfling bard with, you guessed it, a drinking problem and a propensity for challenging the party's Dwarf to knife-throwing contests, with an apple on each others' heads as the target. Surprisingly, it wasn't the knife-throwing that led to his death. It was a horde of undead that trapped the party in house. Very anticlimatic, lol.
Haller Fay: AC 17 (T 12, F 15); HP 34; Init +2; Perception +4; Intimidate +9; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4
Bridger Carbrey and his valiant steed, Gale Mark
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Old Sep 16th, 2012, 02:40 AM
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My first character was blessed with a DM who, over time, gave us a bit more "goodies" than we probably deserved. The end of that campaign ... which wound up in the slaying of a red dragon ... was one of those epic battles that very easily could have gone either way. We prevailed, but only barely.

I was an Elven Ranger, had armour that included such bonus features as health regeneration on the hour, and the ability to reattach severed limbs if they were held in place for an hour. It was surprising how handy that actually became at times. :-)
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Old Sep 17th, 2012, 04:14 AM
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I've just recently created my first actual D&D character.

Senci the Kobold Slayer. He's an overly-cheerful Lawful Good Guardian who constantly puts himself in harm's way. I've only been through a few encounters, but he's already growing on me.
"The one who ACTUALLY committed the crime...IS YOU! No alibi, no justice, no dreams, no hope! It's time to pay for your crimes! Take that!" -Phoenix Wright

Last edited by Champion RED; Sep 17th, 2012 at 04:21 AM.
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Old Sep 19th, 2012, 11:02 AM
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Oh boy... my first character...

Banemorth Surnok (my handle everywhere) was a Human Necromancer whom was Lawful Good. (I even created him in the game Everquest and spent a ton of time increasing his reputation to max with the Knights of Truth and the Ashen Order (Monks))

Sure he summoned the dead and reanimated corpses but he did it with a smile on his face! He thought it was much more humane using dead bodies than it was to use living animals like the Rangers did.
Not all treasure is silver and gold.
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