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Every time I close the door on reality, it comes in through the windows. |
Apus Arvandulin was my first ever character and I tend to use him more often than not in PBP games where I'm not a DM. His elf father was a high ranking Knight who fell in love with a Barbarian. The other elf kids used to pick on him and even stole his father's bow and hid it in a griffin cave. Apus escaped within an inch of his life the first few attempts to retrieve the bow, but with help from a Windrider, he fashioned a horn that charmed the griffin and created a strong bond between them.
Sadly, my first character was my only character, and he only got to see the light of day for a few sessions. However, he did do something incredibly epic, that I will always remember as one of my first DnD sessions.
He was a Dragonborn Warlord. As he burst through a waterfall to the cave behind it, 5 kobalds rushed him. Without missing a beat, he grabbed the first one by the neck and swung him like a baseball bat.....breaking the necks of all the other kobalds. He killed 4 kobalds.....with a kobald. It was great. It's a shame his adventures never got to continue. :-( |
My first character is still around, though the campaign his in has gone to the dogs.
He is a Genasis Firesoul Psion. I liked him because he started out a Neutral Good Pelor follower and then shifted to become a very zealous follwoer as the campaign continued. He wasn't the most well built character, but I still am fond of him and he was cool for a while. Highlight would have been psionically smashing a group of injured retreating drakes into each other when I rolled my first crit ever |
My first character was a human sorcerer in 3.5ed. The party was only me, an elf wizard and a human monk. Even though i was the chaotic character of the party the monk managed to always get us in battles no matter the odds. That resulted in me having to stabilize myself in 9/10 battles. Even though outnumbered though for a weird reason 1 of us always remained alive. Pitty we couldn't continue for long with that game... While starting the adventure the wizard had a dream... She was in a room with a dwarf (note dwarfs were her favorite enemy). The devil she worshiped gave her a saw, a dagger, a torch and a scroll "disintegration for dummies". His command was to simply kill the dwarf in whichever way she wanted...
I remember my first character vividly, despite the two decades since his birth and retirement.
We played second edition dungeons and dragons, my grandfather had gotten me the players handbook, dungeon master's guide and a monster's manual for christmas when I was 9. That alone was amazing in itself, as he was not a roleplayer at all, I think the store staff talked him into it. Wrex Skyborn, Human Fighter (No choice, as I only qualified for fighter). Str 16, Dex 7, Con 3, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 14. Hit points: Level 1 = 1 Level 10 = 11 Level 20 = 22 I stared with 40 GP, so he used a warhammer and medium shield, he also carried throwing daggers and wore studded leather. To be said, starting with fewer hitpoints than the party wizard was a bit of a downer, but really, I just had to make sure I was never hit. Unfortunately, I was constantly at the center of attention in the group though, as most of the audacious plans were my own, thankfully they mostly went off without a hitch. In the early levels were perilous, though I survived without dieing by being a combination of smart and lucky. This went on until I finally managed to win a keep and some land through a combination of service to the king and gambling with a pair of barons and a duke, and at level 9 I became a full on Lord, the party gained a 7th level Knight to finally tank for the group and I ended up with a small army of 60 heavy calvary and 20 longbowmen. I brought my character's brother in to help run the holdings while I was away, and we left on a quest fromt he king to slay the Dragon Lords that plagued the land. We got through the White, Green and Black lords without too much trouble. The build up to them involved the rogue and I infiltrating the enemy camp's as followers to gather info and sow discord, then the druid and I combined our knowhow of Engineering and Carpentry/Blacksmithing to build elaborate traps to draw the dragon's into, involving catapults, ballista, a pumping mechanism to deal with the swamp/marshland, and a heated steam bunker to deal with the white dragon and it's rider. The Wizard helped us with the big guns and research, as well as enchantments that improved the traps. The Blue Lord was tricky, as he was a hedonist, and had somehow managed to gift his dragon with a human form, a rather pretty young thing by the name of Valetoria, which Wrex managed to seduce, while the rogue assassinated the Dragon Lord with the Wizard's help, our knight died perminantly in that action, and the rest of the party fell, but I managed to convince Valetoria to join me (as wife and 'cohort'). I got the party resurrected and we went after the final Red Dragon lord, who turned out to be the king. A vailent final battle raged on, Valetoria managed to keep the Red Dragon off the party's back as we took down our employer, she had a beef with him for killing her last mate. By the end, Wrex turned the kingdom into a republic and was it's first leader for a few years, until he retired to settle down with his wife in his waxing years. The entire campaign took 2 years to finish. But man it was fun. Still, best accomplishment for me was that he never once needed to be resurrected. |
The first game I played was a homebrew by one of my best friends called Therios. I played Alaster Gnarlstaff, wizarding companion of Eltros Dragonshield and Axum Edgehope. We went forth from the port city of Diving Dolphins an conquored the Orc's prison beyond the woods where the mad alchemist gave Eltros a Girdle of Feminity. We saved the city from a plauge of Sahuagins who crept from the city every full moon to extort tribute. We entered into the Celetrial War that was fought between the many Layers of the world (the prime material plane here was layered like outer plans with each lower layer becoming a worse reflection and each above becoming better with Therios being in the center). Eventually we would claim the Elemental Blades, Eltros would ride upon a dragon, Axum would rise to becoming a Celetrial, and Alaster would imbibe one too many potions (go mad, travel back in time and become the Mad Alchemist that gave Eltris the Girdle of Feminity)
"Everything has laws; most are dark. Learn the laws of the multiverse and you can rule it." -- Factol Haskar |
My first ever character was in DnD 4th Edition. I was priviledged to play a Deva Cleric of Ioun, who managed to die rather stupidly, though I believe he was resurrected after I left the game and is still tending his church as an NPC of the game, a level 14 cleric.
He went through a hundred scrapes and fights, set himself on fire to kill a rat swarm, dove down the gullet of a dire crocodile, used a massive battle axe as a "lockpick", and used wisdom, knowledge, and force of arms to try and make the world a better place. I do remember him very fondly. Ah, Zachar, how I miss you. |
My first ever character was a Cleric of the deity St. Cuthbert, named Rendan(3.5e). I was going to call him "Brendan" but the DM of the session wanted the name less "realistic" so he cut off the B in Brendan to make it Rendan. I don't exactly remember his stats, but If i had to recall how they were, it went something like-
Str-13 Dex-10 Con-14 Int- 11 Wis- 14 Cha- 10 Not the best stats...it was my first character and I made TONS of role-play missteps, but over-time I got better at stating my character's prayers for when I cast a miracle or said the correct phrase for healing. I never really knew how to role-play the words for Cuthbert's "Smite" correctly lol. I should probably look that up. Last edited by Prisoner8490; Apr 28th, 2013 at 01:06 AM. |
My first character was a Half-Elf Fighter in 2nd edition D&D. When rolling attributes, I rolled an 18 for Strength and was happy because three 6's must be pretty good. Then I was told I had to roll a pair of 10-siders and was unhappy because I rolled two zeroes. Imagine my surprise when I learned that result was 100, not zero. My friend, who was coaching me through the process, sulked all through that first game session because I ended up with 18/00 Str on the first try. Good times.
A retry for fun: Warning: rolls have been deleted from this post.
Last edited by Gnomeo; Apr 29th, 2013 at 02:23 PM. Reason: Messed up the stat roll, but nailed the d100... |
My first character SHEET wasn't really a character at all. His name was Tyoka, and he was an elven ranger I believe. Our first encounter was with a dire weasel. I missed my shot and ended up hitting a sugar glider flying across the battlefield, which became a running gag along with a mysterious clown who was always walking around in the background getting pelted by arrows and rays.
My first CHARACTER, though, was Aidlian. I enjoyed RPing him so much that I really don't see the point in playing anything else.
Pixels! |
I forgot the name of my first character but she was an elven rogue. I believe she ended up dying in the second encounter via arrows to the torso. Repeatedly. A shame I never got to use her for more than two battles.. *Shakes head*
Luckily she managed to help the party complete a puzzle before she died! |
My first character was Lyrin. A half-elf Paladin who fought a DM created creature (that was grossly OP mind you) and was sadly slain at LVL 3. He however was resurrected and went on to become a Greyguard of some skill and ended his journey with the defeat of a demon.
My first character was Mialee, an elven cleric for a 4e game which sadly I had to drop out of when my computer broke.
My first character was a pyromaniac wizard who, through small bits of misfortune and massive amounts of DM stupidity, cast spells he didn't intend nor had memorized, solely to the detriment of the party, died to be resurrected by vecna, developed multiple personalities with their own sheets, forms, and stats, that included captain morgan, a prostitute, and a gorilla, became a wererat with no control over his shifting, inspired the wrath of the god o paperwork, and used the pacifist gnome druid as a weapon in an attempt to bring someone down with me, because I no longer cared about my character at this point.
Interested in being a Co-GM for shadowrun? PM me |
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