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Old Jun 8th, 2011, 04:57 PM
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my first caricature was a half elf rogue Named Michial but gave his name as Dracoon to everyone only his closest friend a human ranger named Thompsion knew his real name. Got into the table we played 2 sessions the DM ducked out and no one took over. Group disbanded and its been 10 years since and i still haven't found a table top group that would help a new player out. But i did have fun making that caricature had a 3 page back-story and everything loved him still have him in my players handbook
"The only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"-Alucard

Last edited by dracoon; Jun 8th, 2011 at 04:57 PM.
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Old Jun 11th, 2011, 06:04 PM
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First character that I had was a run of the mill human wizard. He lasted roughly two hours before having an entire tavern come crashing down on his head after a poorly aimed magic missle
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Old Jun 11th, 2011, 06:57 PM
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Not my FIRST character, but the first character I've had that lasted more than 4 sessions, so gets some credit there. But anyways.

Bane, the Revanent Executioner(4e), partying with a Revanent Bard, a Hakf-Orc Barbarian, and a Dragonborn Sorceror. used to have a Dragonborn Paladin, but he hasn't been there a few days.

So, the game starts out at a Carnival, at which I, a professional assassin, am here to eliminate someone, guarded by our Dragonborn paladin. I manage t sneak up with some good stealth checks on my part. After a zombie attack, I kill the man and we dash for a boat that's nearby. I use a power to turn invisible and stalk the rest of the party. I only get busted after I try to get the Paladin's squad's attention to a door and rolled a 1 on the stealth check.

Since then, the boat was haunted and we ended up on the Shadowfell(Gloomwrought more specifically). My Executioner has a bit of kleptomania, as in throwing anything that isn't nailed down into his Bag of Holding, which did end up leadng toa number of good finds(namely a Dread Helm and a Ring of Giants for our Barbarian and an Exodus Knife for myself). I had also revealed at one point Bane has absolutely no memory of his life.

Recently, our Bard(who is also a hired assassin) found and is searching out a man named Godfried who had him killed by an assassin in his life(which sounded familiar to Bane when he heard the story) and we've had an interesting number of shenanigans since then,a few caused by me.(We ran into a Sandbox tree and after taking damage from it I decided to climb up and steal a fruit for later. For those who don't know, a Sandbox Tree's fruit explode when ripe and have hooks inside them. Later our party was negotiating their way out a fight while I was hiding up on the chains after a chase sequence and I gt bored and dropped down and strangled one their men and started a fight that we won easily. Then today we had a very tough battle with some guards after infiltrating noble's house that I managed to end by threatening the noble...until her husband showed up and we managed to talk with him peacefully).

The infiltration was silly as well. We had some Shadar-Kai allies help us out and snuck in like as the "Dark Carnival" as our Bard called it to entertain the noble. I snuck behind them, not liking the costume and got spotted, the Bard said I was the "Sneaky Bas****" and thinking quickly, I threw on a false mustache and disguised my voice. I then passed a Bluff check against a Revanent Raven Knight who was guarding the noble, despite being seen by him the day before. We then took advantage of my Vanish and me and another Shadar-Kai started picking offguards silently(I crit my first one and the DM flavored it I did an Ezio stealth kill and dragged him into the shadows). Then I failed my second horrbly and the Bard failed his Bluff check to playi it off("Aaah, you found the Sneaky Bas****") after I tried to lift his weapon in case of a fight. I panicked and tried to talk out of it("Ah, you see I..uh...*changes voice to normal* Forget this *rips off mustache and stabs guard*). Our Barbarian was busy juggling 4 guards, some chairs, and even a guard ON a chair and promptly threw them all across the room.

All in all, fun character, fun game.

Last edited by English Language; Jun 11th, 2011 at 07:03 PM.
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Old Jun 11th, 2011, 09:55 PM
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My first DnD character was a 3.5e Half-Orc Monk named Thokk. He was an interesting character and it was fun punching fools in the face. However he eventually met his demise at the hands of a dropped game due to lack of caring from two people... And I now don't like having a couple in my DnD games... Too much kissing, no problem solving :l
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Old Jun 11th, 2011, 10:16 PM
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Ahh... My first character was a 3.5e Half-elf Duskblade. He was pretty good actually, managing to capture and train an Elder Ice Elemental to use as a mount, fighting through a flying ship to capture the helm and dealing 19d4 + 42d6 in one round (belt of battle, arcane strike, quick cast, arcane channeling full attack).
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Old Jun 16th, 2011, 02:01 AM
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My first character was Kentobu. He was a Black Dragon-Kin Paladin who was partying with a Warforged Sorcerer, and a halfling rogue. He was strong as an ox, and smart as an elder god, but about as wise as a puppy. The best part was his mount. He had a Bloodstriker. It got quite a few kills on it's own. Come to think of it, it killed almost everything...
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Old Jun 21st, 2011, 03:19 AM
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My first character was for a one-night game, I wanted a Halfling Barbarian. DM wouldn't allow barbarians due to the setting, but fighters were fine, which meant more feats! yay! I rolled one 20, put it into strength, so with the racial bonus i still had 18 str, which made for an awesome halfling. I put all my skill points into jump, somehow convinced the DM that my halfling could carry a Dwarven War Axe, due to the proficiencies I had chosen and my strength, and I picked up every cleave/improved cleave/etc that I could. He turned out to be the best weapon in the game. Our Paladin threw him into rooms we knew enemies were in, and the one way we weren't supposed to go, I did.

DM was guarding one path with two leveled flesh golems, and little old Shem decided he wanted a fight. Jump + Cleave + Natural 20 = dead flesh golem #1, hurt flesh golem #2, and one halfling running back to the rest of his party in excited terror.

Second character I made was a ranger (can't remember race, maybe human or half-elf) that carried a dried squirrel with him wherever he went. He didn't have many friends growing up, but befriended and fed this squirrel when he was young.. Unfortunately squirrels have a shorter lifespan than PCs (most of the time) so when his friend/pet kicked the bucket, preservation was the only way. He was carried in my pack constantly, and was used as a pillow during every chance we got to sleep. That squirrel was important.
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Old Jun 23rd, 2011, 12:44 PM
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I'm still building my first character! He's a level 1 human thief, and I'm getting ready to start using him in my first ever MapTools game on Sunday. Very excited to see the kind of damage I do, as I've had help from the DM and scattered advice from the party on adjustments.
In any case, his fate is yet to be determined, though I have high hopes!
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Old Jun 26th, 2011, 02:48 PM
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The first character I ever played regularly and had any actual concern for was a 2nd Ed paladin, back when being a paladin meant something
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Old Jun 27th, 2011, 03:33 AM
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The first character I ever made was in 1990 when Dungeons and Dragons was first introduced to me by some friends in the library at our middle school. He was an elf named Rudolf who had an insatiable desire to burn any and all books filled with math problems. He died tragically after playing Keep on the Borderlands for about 20 minutes. Trying to sneak down a hallway to investigate a noise, he was discovered by hobgoblins or something and his handful of hitpoints were reduced to nothing in two rolls of the dice. The rest of the party managed to escape, poor Rudolf was left to be served as dinner that night.
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Old Jun 27th, 2011, 09:04 PM
WStodds WStodds is offline
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The first character I ever played was a Grey Elf Wizard. He was killed early on in the campaign by demons. I was then reincarnated as an Ogre. For some reason I had put max ranks in Disguise and had high Cha, so, I spent the remainder of the campaign disguised as a house because I became quite useless XD
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Old Jul 3rd, 2011, 11:16 AM
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I played my first character in a 3.5e tabletop game. He was a half elf ranger whose animal companion was a hawk, but died early on because of lousy saving rolls.
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Old Jul 5th, 2011, 01:42 PM
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My first character would have to be a cleric (set in 4.0 before I discovered 3.5) a youngster (because I was young then and felt the need to make teenage characters) who wielded a spear. I can only remember so much of her, but Blond hair and blue eyes were a common theme for me then; I do remember she managed to (accidentally)kill a good number of goblins that were hunting us down on spiders.
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Old Jul 5th, 2011, 03:38 PM
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My first character was human fighter (3.5ed) that had the original name of Jaime Lannister. He was an amazing character, every time he rolled initiative he rolled 4. He had an Int of 7 and rolled two ones for his D10 hit dice. Despite his handicaps he rolled amazingly for the mundane skill rolls, when it came to negotiating he was an idiot savant. Not sure what he was negotiating for but he always got amazing deals that left the wizard speechless. He was also a capable engineer and created the first mobile homes in his world. He mounted the house on wheels, attached it to three ponies (making all the engineering and use robe checks) and negotiated that his monk companion pay the owner for the house. He also had a terrible combat record but some how avoided death until the game ended.
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Old Jul 6th, 2011, 10:25 AM
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My first character was a 3.5e Human Fighter. I made him purely to just try the game for the first time. He died within the hour in a gladitorial battle against my friend's rogue, who promptly ripped my character's head off with a few nat 20's. :/

Anyway, as violent as a beginning and first look it was, I got addicted.
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