I don't remember my first character but I did play a ton of 2nd edition thief back in the day. It was probably one of those.
My first character was way back when. He was a halfling thief, all he did was pick peoples pockets in town and get in tournaments for exp. I was only like 8 at the time so I had no idea what the hell I was doing.
Eat bitter, Taste sweet. |
My first character was a halfling rogue/assassin. I remember him well, Kado Shadowfoot, The Mage's Shadow. Was the name he received thanks to his speality in killing magic users. He is still alive and kicking, but it'll only take so long till an Archwizard to powerful or a hit on his own head will be taken out.
An Elven Wizard whose name i can't remember, played him for 2 sessions before the game ended. He had an odd habit of donating exorbitant amounts of money to the church of Pelor.
Not counting the barbarian fighter I played in Dungeon Quest (old board game), my first character for 2nd edition D&D was a halfling thief called Pogie Ploof. I had a lot of fun with that character mostly because of how she fit in with the rest of our group and specifically because of how she got to give our elven wizard absolute hell throughout the campaign.
The wizard, called "Dave" (can you believe that) was played by "Tater" one of those guys who gives D&D players a bad name. He was thirtysomething, had no real job, lived with his parents, ate his weight in chips and pizza, and breathed through his mouth too much. He tried to play his wizard like some kind of high-literature Gandalf-wannabe, but didn't know one iota about how to do that within game mechanics or even within the practical realm of make-believe. To put it another way, he went through three small "beginners" skirmishes with kobolds trying to fight like the party's fighter rather than using any sort of spells. Of course he had almost no HP and had almost no chance, being armed only with a staff, but he persisted. The party's cleric was getting increasingly annoyed with having to patch up the mage to keep him alive while the two PCs who were designed for fighting slowly had their HP whittled away. Finally at one point the party got to stop and make camp. (This was like our 6th gaming session), and Tater had to get up and go to the bathroom, at which point he said Dave was also going to find a tree in the woods. I slipped the DM a note telling him I wanted to go through Tater's wizard's pack while he was away. The DM rolled the dice, and I successfully pinched the wizard's spellbook. The theft went unnoticed for the next three in-game days. Then on the fourth day, that's four days of the wizard NOT studying for his spells, I figured it was high-time to school Tater on the importance of checking your gear and using your spells. The party checked into an inn and, as often was the case, ended up in the common room for pints of something-or-other. Pogie comes strutting into the common room and plonks a huge tome upon the chair and then sits upon it like a child in a booster-chair. One of the other players passes a noticing-stuff check and asks where she found that. "Either Dave is a very good thief...or the worst wizard in the world." |
my first character was an elven deepwood sniper. Before anyone else found the encounters, i already fired 8 arrows and knocked out the enemies. After realizing the greatness of the sniper, the DM made invisible creatures and various other means to elude my obscene spot checks and sniping.
Once got into an archery "H-O-R-S-E" contest with the archvillain. first shot, 1/4 mile bullseye through 5 buildings, between a few orphans and through an old mans lunch. combat followed shortly thereafter. |
Keith the Necromancer
He had a fear of the dark and I once killed off one of the other characters because they got the ring of light (looting was first come first serve) I also remember pushing a guy into a seemingly endless hole just out of paranoia He killed. a lot. I almost split the party once when I got into a fight with the fighter because I tried to chat up a bugbear in order to escape from imprisonment and the fighter was being played as racist I also got hated on a lot because I was one of three mages and I kept getting to the scrolls first or paying the rogue to steal their spellbooks when I didn't. Or just paying the rogue to steal their spellbooks |
My first character was in Shadowrun <3 Lavender was a combat mage with tattoos of purple flowers all over. She was also "uncouth." VERY uncouth. She was very distinctive (not a good thing in Shadowrun) and had a real trash mouth (part of which is ME having a trash mouth >.>).
Some memorable points about that campaign: The big troll who earned the streetname "Doot Doot" after being given the remote to the vehicle. Oh how Lavender lovingly harassed her big, dumb friend ^_^ Also, there was their orc friend Slade who also happened to be uncouth. These two got into no end of shenanigans, like repeatedly getting thrown out of bars. Another fun fact: She passed out...A LOT. Partly me, partly the way I played her made it so she didn't handle her spells very well. And when I was the one shooting you just knew we were in a bad place We played with that group for a while, but I don't really remember the conclusion, only that we didn't die. Later, when I started playing Shadowrun again, the DM threw my character in as an NPC... married to Slade and handing out useful info to our newbie characters ^_^
"Like dragons they fly, glory upon wings. Like dragons they savage, fearsome pretty things." Never deal with a dragon. |
My first character, was a Dwarf Cleric, He died at level 1 the first time I played him. 3.5 Edition We were in a cave when the party went down a tunnel, I went in the opposite direction with my stupid 6 year old self. I found an army of goblins, and told them, "I am here to mug you, please put all of your money into this bag." I didn't know what mug meant. They chased me through the halls and killed me. The end. 4.0 Edition My most successful character was a Dwarven Cleric, (again right?) He was about level 5, when my brother, who was playing a level 6 Paladin, killed me for accidentally pushing him down a hill when he was locked in a grapple with a Halfling. I was 7 or 8 and could not think laterally, therefore I paid the price, to many prices in fact. |
First character is only memorable for throwing a anvail at someone's face..He was a barbarian and was a dragon born.. However I was just starting D&D so the DM let me do some stuff but later on I got better and got more serious in the game. (Table and dice)
Greetings, friends. Ah, yes, Worbak the anvil-hurling Barbarian. And in the next campaign, I recall you killing several commoners because... actually, I don't remember why. All I remember is you using an appropriate weapon: a scythe.
Yes, indeed though I was killing commoners cause the town was being "Purified" by racist humans so I started to act racist too..but the guy only gave me two pieces of gold so I shoved those two pieces right back in his eyes.
Yeah... and I played a Dragobnborn in that game, reflavored as a half-dragon. And despite non-human blood, my Paladin status got me put in a position of authority. And it was awesome.
In honesty I had two first characters, both from 3.5e. The first was a human Psionic Warrior by the name of Dragonfoot who wielded a scythe. I played one session with him, killing dire rats, before the group disbanded. My second(first) character, a whole year later, was a human Paladin named Ronivan Makorav. He was a nobleman's son who left his lands in search of glory in the name of Heironeous. He somehow found himself in the company of a Dwarf fighter and a changeling rogue and they traveled from city to city in their trusty wagon filled with treasures and mementos of adventures past. Playing a lawful good character was very tricky, especially with a very chaotic rogue in my party. Ronivan was guilty on many occasions to turning a blind eye to the rogues many "questionable" actions throughout the campaign. Ronivan and company progressed from 1st level to 18th level in a series of many strange adventures. Including creating a lake(s), decimating a goblin war party, pissing of Lolth, pissing off the elemental plain of fire, slaying a Balor in one round, messing with the space-time continuum, burning down a haunted house, instant killing a dragon twice(see space-time continuum), and aiding Heironeous in slaying his brother Hextor. The campaign ended and our characters became lesser deities. My friends and I loved these characters and still talk about them today. We were very happy to hear that about three years after that campaign our DM was running a group in the same world of our characters some 500 years in the future after our first characters. A couple had their deities as our characters and came across ruins from our exploits. I will always have fond memories of that party. It's what made me love DnD.
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