Ungalu scowled at Galmath’s words, his eyes burning with golden flames of anger. He admired the half-breed’s fiery spirit, but to accuse him of robbing the warrior of his pride and honor was tantamount to ungratefulness and there was nothing the Darkseer hated more than to be denied his rightful reward.
"strictly IC!You have not been chosen to satisfy either your honor or your pride, dragonling", the Darkseer spat angrily, somehow straightening his crooked form to reach his full, impressive height. "Fate decrees that your axe parts the scaled hide of your sire and it is my duty to see that you get the chance to do so. You may lie to yourself all you want, but everyone with eyes on their head knows that you would never have survived your duel with the ice troll this day!"
Not waiting for a reply, Ungalu strode away, his steps echoing in the underground cavern as he was looking for a crevasse in the frozen stone to cast the troll-turned-snail inside. replacing the 8 of the Survival roll with the 13 from the PortentSuddenly he froze, his golden eyes going blank, his body rigid. After a moment, he shook his head and changed his direction, walking confidently towards the exit of the cave until the column-like icicles fully hid him from the sight of his companions.
Action: Ungalu attempts to find a crevasse to cast the troll-turned-snail inside. Survival check: 13 - replacing the roll with the Portent (13) for a total result of 18. Roll. Reaction: Bonus: Move: Effects: Notes etc:
Ungalu Darkseer Iceheart | human (variant) statisticsGoliath | Wizard 8 (School of Divination) Armor Class: 10 | HP: 47/47 | Speed: 30 ft Melee/Ranged Attack: +3 / 1d6 or 1d8 (quarterstaff) Str 10 (+0) | Dex 10 (+0) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 20 (+5) | Wis 14 (+2) | Cha 10 (+0) Saving throws: Str +0 | Dex +0 | Con +2 | Int +8 | Wis +5 | Cha +0 Skills: Arcana +8 | History +8 | Medicine +5 | Religion +8 | Survival +5 | Herbalism kit Passive Perception: 12 | Initiative: +0 | Hit Dice: 8/8d6 | Inspiration: 0 Gift of the chromatic dragon: chromatic infusion (1/1 LR), reactive resistance (3/3 LR) Arcane Recovery 1/day (SR) up to 4 spell slots | Cantrip Formulas Divination Savant | Expert Divination: regain spell slot lower than the one used Portent:5 and 13 - replace attack roll, saving throw or ability check Spells: 1st level – 4/4, 2nd level - 3/3, 3rd level - 2/3, 4th level - 1/2 | DC 16 (Int) | Spell Attack: +8 Spells known/*prepared: *Fire Bolt (0), *Light (0), *Mage Hand (0), *Shocking Grasp (0), ritual, divinationComprehend Languages (1), ritual, concentration, divinationDetect Magic (1), *Feather Fall (1), ritual, divinationIdentify, *Magic Missile (1), Protection from Evil and Good (1), *Sleep (1), Disguise Self (1), ritual, divinationAugury (2), *concentrationDetect Thoughts (2), *Invisibility (2), *Scorching Ray (2), *concentrationBestow Curse (3), *Counterspell (3), *Dispel Magic (3), *Fireball (3), *concentrationGaseous Form (3), *Blight (4), *ritual, divinationDivination (4), *concentrationPolymorph (4) Languages: Common | Giant | Draconic Items of note:arcane focusheartcrystal, herbalism kit, spellbookbag of power crystals, six divination crystals, augury material componentcarved crystals, identify material componentunderground pond pearl, potion of superior healing (8d4+8 HP), Attacks against the wearer are made with DIS. The ability is suppressed until the start of the wearer’s next turn if 1) the wearer takes damage or 2) is incapacitated, restrained or otherwise unable to move.Mantle of Shadow, 5 gp.
At Ungalu's words, Galmath stood up and tried to look the taller Goliath in the eye. He didn't back down; he wasn't capable of that. He stood his ground, a guttural growl emanating from somewhere deep inside him.
"If you feel that I would not have survived the Troll, then how can you feel that I am suited to be on this quest to destroy the dragon? Perhaps you fail to realize that part of this quest involves building the resolve to take out the Frostreaper, and what better way to do that than to stand in the way of death and overcome it? My honor lies in that area where all great warriors hope to be - standing down death. Were I to have won or lost, my honor would be intact. But you stole that from me by not letting the Fates decide what was to happen."
He waited but a second to let that sink in, more words of anger and resentment coming to his mind. But the diviner had walked away, leaving him there with nothing but his anger and wounds.
"You are but a coward and a charlatan," he yelled after the diviner. "Using your tricks to play on the minds of the weak."
He turned away from the diviner, his focus on the corpses of the fallen around him.
"You were never given proper rites. Perhaps this day those who are touched by the gods shall send you to your glory."
AC 14 | HP 39/78 | Status Primal Injured
Last edited by krossingkhory; Sep 30th, 2024 at 03:07 PM.
Uthal watched the Darkseer leave, followed by Galmath's accusatory words. He smiled, gently placing a hand on the dragonborn warrior. 'I appreciate your desire for a challenge,' he assured his fellow warrior. 'But observe... This troll was barely more than beast. An unthinking brute, all muscle and teeth, with not a spark of wit behind its eyes. The challenge was... Beneath you,' he nodded. 'I am sure there will be more challenges ahead, before we meet the dragon. Challenges worthy of you,' he promised.
'Besides,' he added, 'you saw what it did. It pressed ice into its skin, and then it healed. And ice is not in short supply here. Who knows how much time we would have lost fighting this beast?'
While Ungalu stalked off, Uthal knelt beside the bodies of the slain,
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Aurok and the two clerics from Crystal Waters joined Galmath and Uthal at the maze's center. Palu rushed over to the wounded dragonborn, calling upon Lirael's light to knit his scaled skin shut. Meanwhile, Tabral Kask stood guard, awaiting Ungalu's return, and Aurok knelt beside Uthal to investigate the fallen Goliaths' bodies.
"I do not think they are any of ours," the chieftain of The Crystalline Keepers said, "Unless something terrible occurred at Crystal Waters and they came after us, they would have no reason to venture so deep into the Iceveins."
Unfortunately, logical extrapolations would be the only information the party gained from these fallen goliaths. Uthal was a smith, not a tracker, and what little of their frozen bodies were left told him very little.
* * * * *
Ungalu's steps quickened at the site of a large cave, the far side of which the floor fell into a dark nothingness. The old goliath had been searching for nearly an hour, the entire length of the polymorph spell. Any moment now, the troll would return to its original form. If the small stabs he had felt for the last hour on his wrinkled palm were any indication, the beast would want revenge on whoever had shrunk him into a snail.
Reaching the edge, the Darkseer wound up in a movement he likely hadn't done for decades and heaved the snail-troll over the side. Before it disappeared over the edge into darkness, there was another warping of flesh, and the snail-troll became just a troll once again. It was too far over the edge to arrest its momentum, and Ungalu was blessed with a rare sight: a fearsome cave troll flailing its arms wildly as it fell away into the unexplored depths.
The troll is no more thanks to Ungalu just barely meeting the DC he needed to find a deep crevice to toss the troll into before the end of the spell.
No luck for Uthal, though. All our smith can tell about the dead goliaths are that they're dead goliaths.
Palu uses a 4th level Cure Wounds to heal Galmath for 26 health.
It will take Ungalu a bit of time to get back. Galmath & Uthal, let me know what you guys want to do in the meantime. Also worth deciding - do you want to camp here or continue on? You still have a half-day's journey before your next 'night'.
Ungalu never doubted that he would find what he was looking for. In his heart, he had absolute confidence in Fate and the accuracy of his predictions. Unfortunately, his legs did not possess the same discipline as his mind and it was with shame that he allowed himself to be persuaded to walk in unseemly haste as he felt the weakening constraints his will had imposed upon the troll, even before the snail started stirring on his palm.
In the end, all his decisions were proven right and he was rewarded with the sight of the terrible beast being devoured by the blackness of the bowels of the earth. The Darkseer laughed, alone, surrounded only by stone and ice and darkness, the elements he honored above all else joining in his celebration.
His moment of triumph was short, however, far too short, and very soon he once more felt the weight of duty on his shoulders. He wasn’t some child, content in spending its time with activities that benefited none but itself. Ungalu lived and breathed with a single goal - the fall of the Frostreaper. He was the only one who could bring it about and to this end he would guide and advise and - when necessary - castigate the pawns that Fate had chosen to achieve this task.
Content that nothing could be heard from the abyss, he turned around and slowly returned to the group with labored steps. Much time had passed, he knew, and the light inside the magnificent cavern would be different now.
But he didn’t care. He was blind to the light, the beauty, the world around him.
All his golden eyes saw was the dragon’s demise and the path that led to it.
Action: Roleplaying only. I propose continuing down the path, though I don’t mind if you prefer to take a short - or long - rest first. Reaction: Bonus: Move: Effects: Notes etc:
Ungalu Darkseer Iceheart | human (variant) statisticsGoliath | Wizard 8 (School of Divination) Armor Class: 10 | HP: 47/47 | Speed: 30 ft Melee/Ranged Attack: +3 / 1d6 or 1d8 (quarterstaff) Str 10 (+0) | Dex 10 (+0) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 20 (+5) | Wis 14 (+2) | Cha 10 (+0) Saving throws: Str +0 | Dex +0 | Con +2 | Int +8 | Wis +5 | Cha +0 Skills: Arcana +8 | History +8 | Medicine +5 | Religion +8 | Survival +5 | Herbalism kit Passive Perception: 12 | Initiative: +0 | Hit Dice: 8/8d6 | Inspiration: 0 Gift of the chromatic dragon: chromatic infusion (1/1 LR), reactive resistance (3/3 LR) Arcane Recovery 1/day (SR) up to 4 spell slots | Cantrip Formulas Divination Savant | Expert Divination: regain spell slot lower than the one used Portent:5 and 13 - replace attack roll, saving throw or ability check Spells: 1st level – 4/4, 2nd level - 3/3, 3rd level - 2/3, 4th level - 1/2 | DC 16 (Int) | Spell Attack: +8 Spells known/*prepared: *Fire Bolt (0), *Light (0), *Mage Hand (0), *Shocking Grasp (0), ritual, divinationComprehend Languages (1), ritual, concentration, divinationDetect Magic (1), *Feather Fall (1), ritual, divinationIdentify, *Magic Missile (1), Protection from Evil and Good (1), *Sleep (1), Disguise Self (1), ritual, divinationAugury (2), *concentrationDetect Thoughts (2), *Invisibility (2), *Scorching Ray (2), *concentrationBestow Curse (3), *Counterspell (3), *Dispel Magic (3), *Fireball (3), *concentrationGaseous Form (3), *Blight (4), *ritual, divinationDivination (4), *concentrationPolymorph (4) Languages: Common | Giant | Draconic Items of note:arcane focusheartcrystal, herbalism kit, spellbookbag of power crystals, six divination crystals, augury material componentcarved crystals, identify material componentunderground pond pearl, potion of superior healing (8d4+8 HP), Attacks against the wearer are made with DIS. The ability is suppressed until the start of the wearer’s next turn if 1) the wearer takes damage or 2) is incapacitated, restrained or otherwise unable to move.Mantle of Shadow, 5 gp.
Uthal tried in vain to find anything which would betray the slain goliaths' identity, but came up empty. What hadn't been eaten, had become encrusted with layers of ice so thick his fingers could not easily break through. And using his weapon to clear the ice was an indignity he wished to spare these fallen warriors of. So after a while, Uthal got up, with naught to show for his efforts save a deep melancholy at the knowledge these goliaths had died nameless and unknown, far from their loved ones.
Finally the Darkseer returned, and the artisan nodded to him. 'It is taken care of?' he asked, more to acknowledge Ungalu's return than to actually question him. 'Good. The troll was a distraction- we need to press on.' Looking about, the goliath shrugged. 'This may be a safe place to set up camp, now that the local apex predator has been taken care of. But there are many miles of stone and ice between us and the dragon yet. The sooner we slay it, the sooner it will stop defiling our legacy with its greed.'
Bonus Action:
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Blood stopped flowing, flesh repaired itself, pain subsided. Galmath, though proud of standing toe-to-toe with the Troll, was thankful the gods had sent the priests along with them. Without their divine influence, this would have been a far shorter trip than any of them wanted.
"If this challenge was beneath me," Galmath said, directing his words towards Uthal, "then how do you explain the injuries? We should never look at challenges as beneath us or worthy of our attention. Challenges are challenges, all of them. The gods decide what to put in our way; it is our choices to face them or flee them that determines our worth."
When Ungalu returned, he merely stood his ground, arms crossed over his chest. He nodded in acceptance when they were told that the Troll had finally met its end, even though he was still stung by not being able to finish the job himself; his pride simply would not let him accept that he needed all the help he could have gotten in this skirmish.
"I agree, Uthal," he said, turning to the Goliath. "While we are not pressed for time, in actuality we are pressed for it. We still have half of the day remaining; we should make the most use of it and travel as far as we are capable of, stopping for rest only when night has fallen."
'I have taught the ways of the forge to a number of apprentices,' Uthal spoke, after a moment's quiet. 'I do not teach them to make pieces worthy of legacy, not at first. I start simple, and show them, how to entwine two bars of metal to make a simple bracelet.' He smiled, looking pointedly at the dragonborn. 'On those days I forge things an amateur could make. But my arms are still weary after beating the metal into shape. My lungs still burn with the smoke of the forge. When sparks of flame fly, they still burn when they touch my skin. Tell me, then, is making a child's bracelet a worthy use of my time?'
'There is no shame in recognizing your worth,' Uthal spoke. 'And besides, if we were to accept every challenge thrown our way, there would be no beasts left for the apprentice hunters to hone their skills on. And the children's arms would grow heavy indeed, from all the bracelets they wore,' the artisan chuckled. 'Sometimes, there is wisdom in knowing which challenges are meant for you.'
Bonus Action:
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Ungalu's return to the maze marked the midpoint of their second day of travel. Instead of making camp, the collected heroes pushed on again into the web of tunnels beneath the Windspire Range. The wind coming through the crack far above faded as they got farther from the maze, leaving them in silence except for their footfalls and whatever conversation they might have had.
The underground passages twist and turn, narrowing in some places to barely allow a single one of the broad-shouldered Goliaths to pass. The heroes tread cautiously, their steps echoing in the dimly lit tunnels. Despite half the party coming this way just over a week ago for the summit, the troll's attack proved that a once-safe passage could not be relied upon here.
Over the next two days of travel, the group passed caverns with massive stalactites that could have speared the Frostreaper whole, a glistening, half-frozen waterfall, and a tunnel network thick with softly glowing frostmoss. They healed, camped, and continued their march forward to the surface.
Near what they judged to be the end of their third full day of travel, the slope of their path turned perceptibly upward. Their legs began to burn as their long trek brought them closer to the surface. "I remember this. I can almost hear Thalvryn's flowing water and the sound of the wind howling around the peaks. It will be good to see the sky again." Aurok looked at Uthal and Ungalu, meaning no offense. "It should be just around this corner."
Galmath was the first to turn around the bend in the tunnel upward, and he saw... near-total darkness. A mix of rock and snow had covered their exit, with thin pillars of dull night shining through. It was not impassible, but they would not stroll easily through this particular exit from the Iceveins. The debris at the top of the cave mouth looked loose enough to be cleared, at least to allow the party to squeeze through. Or perhaps there was another way around.
You rest. You heal. You keep walking. You see some cool stuff. And then you reach the exit!
Unfortunately, the exit is less exity than it's supposed to be. Now what?
The party kept on walking, ever deeper into the Icevein, ever forward. For the most part, Ungalu remained silent. The anger had dissipated, like boiling water, leaving beside it a bitterness that sat thickly upon the Goliath’s tongue and the inside of his mouth. There were glares and there were frowns, but no biting words and no direct accusations - a brewing storm inside the rime-encrusted tunnels.
The heroes of Fate traveled onward, eager to meet their destiny. But something inside the Darkseer told him that another test awaited them, the one he had seen in his vision.
…a narrow tunnel, almost completely devoid of light…
Soon, he knew. Soon.
It started with darkness. Darkness through night and broken stone and covering snow. What had been an opening to the outside world now resembled a wound on the slope of the mountain, sensitive and painful, covered by a scab of ice and shattered earth.
A rockslide had completely blocked the passage.
Ungalu sat down to rest his aching bones. He could feel the discomfort of the mountain, the tension in the air. His eyes took their time, looking into the darkness for an answer. And they found it. Streams of pale moon- and starlight penetrating the wall of fallen rock.
"There", he pointed. "There and there. The rockslide is recent, the stone still uneasy. It may be possible to clear the way."
He looked at his brawnier companions, Galmath and Uthal, and saw the spark in the crafter’s eye.
Good, good…, he thought, but said nothing. For him, overcoming this obstacle was trivial, for his crystal magic allowed him to take the form of mist and cloud and sneak inside even the tiniest of holes. He could have offered his companions this gift as well. But he didn’t. Galmath’s words were still fresh upon his mind, like spilled blood that had not yet dried upon the blade.
So he waited, to see what his companions would say and do.
How they would choose to influence the present to ensure the future.
'The stone may not yet have settled,' Uthal agreed with the Darkseer, gesturing at the rocks ahead. 'But that makes them unreliable, too. We must be careful not to cause a second collapse, in trying to clear the first. May I?' he asked, stepping forward, past Galmath and the others, kneeling beside the larger rocks and placing his hand upon the cold, hard surface.
'What is that...?' he wondered aloud at the light filtering in through the stone. 'Light the colour of silver, but I smell no aluminum burning, nor do I hear the crackling of a torch. And the light is too calm by far to be cast by flame. Flames dance, but this light... It soothes,' he muttered. 'Is this the light of the moon I've heard such tales of?' He turned to the others, and smiled sheepishly. 'Several smiths of old cooled their metals not in the water or snow, but left it bathing in the light of the moon. Arelea Starwhisper Kalagavi, for instance, fashioned the frame of a lantern in the cold night air, leaving the metal to harden in the moonlight. That lantern provided the soft glow of moonlight, illuminating without burning oil.' His expression turned from a smile to a frown. 'Another treasure taken from us by the worm. Another sin it will be made to atone for.'
He looked back to the stone again and, rather than marvel at the light, shifted his attention to the stone. Uthal took a small tuning fork from his backpack, bidding his companions for silence, and placed the butt of the instrument against the stone. Then, with his other hand, he flicked his finger against the fork, and listened. The low hum rang out through the closed cavern entrance, soft and gentle, until Uthal pulled the fork away. He repeated the process several times, listening each time for variations in tone. To the untrained ear, there was no noticeable difference in the ringing notes. But Uthal was an accomplished miner, who knew well the song of stone. It told him exactly where the hardest stone was, where the stone was weaker, and where pockets of air could be found.
'Hm,' he hummed finally, satisfied with his findings. He put the tuning fork away and, in its stead, retrieved a chisel. Standing back up, Uthal placed the tip of the chisel against the stone, at a spot where he had identified a weakness, and closed his eyes. This stone, he told himself, was an obstacle to overcome. It kept him from reaching the dragon. Kept him from exacting revenge, from reclaiming the tribe's stolen glory. Every fibre of his being needed to be on the other side, and Uthal willed that burning need into his chisel. And then, he struck the chisel with his hammer- and he was gone.
In an instant, Uthal pressed himself through the stone as if it wasn't there. No mere stone could keep the artisan from the fulfillment of his vow; combining the strength of that vow with his knowledge of the stone allowed Uthal to pass through the obstacle as if it was nothing but air, and he himself nothing but a ray of light.
A mere moment passed, and Uthal found himself, for the first time, outside of the cave.
Uthal's knees buckled at the sight. The vast, open sky, punctuated by tiny spots of light- and an awe-inspiring, rock-like body of silver light floating high above. The landscape around him stretched far and wide, and for a moment fear gripped the Goliath's heart. This was nothing like the home he had known all his life, where solid stone had anchored him to the world. Here, outside, there was nothing on all sides- and at the same time, so much. Uthal couldn't help but break into laughter at the sight of it, his mind reeling. How much of the world was there left for him to see- how much left to learn?
The artisan sat crouched for a half dozen heartbeats, appreciating this alien, breathtaking world. Then he turned back to the entrance. 'I made it through,' he called back in a hoarse whisper. 'Let me see if I can find a safe way of clearing the passage from this end, while you work from your end. We'll be out of here soon,' he promised, as his fingers ran across the stones blocking the entrance, hoping to find purchase.
Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Although the wounds had healed and the anger had subsided, Galmath was still bitter over what had happened with the troll. Ungalu's words had stung him more than he cared to admit, and the way the Darkseer had seemingly swooped in at the last minute to play the hero...
Charlatan. All who wield magic are susceptible to its corruptive nature.
He took point on their journey through the Icevein, his inherent perceptive capacity far exceeding the eyes and ears of the others, his snout turned upwards at times to get a fresh smell of the air, his head moving back and forth to see and hear what may lie in the darkness ahead. The tunnel seemed to stretch out in front of them for an eternity, never-ending in its black silence, the only light being what they carried with them. Silence all around save for their footfalls and breathing.
And then they reached the exit. Or, rather, what should have been the exit, were it not for the collapsed stone of the roof over their own heads blocking the way. The Barbarian, for just a few moments, decided to take a backseat here; there was no reason for him to exert himself to clear the stone when.
"Darkseer," the Dragonborn gutted out, a low growl on his words, "surely you can clear this with your magick, can you not?"
There was certain sarcasm in his words, intertwined with a genuine curiosity to see how much power the magician wielded. It was both a question and a challenge, one that the others in his own clan would recognize and rise up to. For was answering a challenge not the way of all the clans? He would find out soon enough what the Darkseer thought...
...and then Uthal had vanished. Walked through the stone, coming out the other side. This turn took Galmath by surprise. While he had expected Ungalu to have done something tricky, he had not expected his other companion to do the same. The Barbarian's eyes widened, his puffed chest relaxing, his arms dropping to their sides.
"By Skaadi, as I live and breathe," he muttered.
He stood there, nearly dumbfounded by this latest development, his numb mind woken only when Uthal had mentioned that he would look for a way to clear the stones from the outside. He started to come back to his senses, realizing that what Uthal had said about being careful held the full weight of the conversation. Yes, they couldn't just start throwing rocks out of the pile, lest the rest come crashing down.
"I'll do some investigating and poking on this side," he responded. "It is possible that together we may find the one stone that will allow us to clear the whole path."
With the first clink of hammer on chisel, Uthal blinked out of existence. He returned a second later on the opposite side of the rockfall, no longer in the darkness of the Iceveins. Instead, he stood for the first time on the surface of the Windspire Range. Light from the twinkling stars reflected off the snow-covered ground, giving the entire world an eerie glow.
The Goliath smith knelt, the soft snow forming a divet beneath his knee. The cave-in was covered by a gentle layer of snow from the outside but otherwise resembled rockfalls he had helped clear deep underground. A hole could be cleared, at least large enough for the party to slip through, without risking further instability.
Galmath realized the same thing with his inspection from the inside. After poking and prodding at several rocks, the dragonborn was able to identify some that could be pulled out, shoved aside, or rearranged without bringing more rocks down on their heads. With the two of them coordinating, one from within and the other from without, they would have a far easier time clearing the rocks than if they had simply tried digging their way out.
Solid rolls! Galmath's rolls, plus having Uthal on the outside, have decreased the DC to clear a path. Athletics checks are the most straightforward way of doing so, but feel free to get creative and use other spells/resources to open a way.
Separately, @DemonSlayer, can I get a perception check from Uthal?