Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step to move 25' east (from P7 to P12)
Movement: 30' east (P1-P2-P3-P4-P5-P6-P7)
Concentration: Bless (9 rounds remaining)
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Few things have saved as many lives in the Windspire Range as fire. Some stories say the ability to create flame was a gift from Skaadi when goliaths were still new to the world. Other oral histories say an enterprising young goliath stole it from beneath Thalor's hearth. Wherever it came from, fire saved the lives of two Stormwatchers on this day as Ungalu's well-placed fireball erupted amid the Frostfangs, scorching the attackers and clearing the ground of snow in a thirty-foot area.
Immediately after the spell, a stillness blanketed the mountain's edge. No movement except for the steam rising into the night air, no sound but the gentle whistle of the wind and the crackle of a tree branch caught in the blast. Caught off-guard by the sudden magic, both hunter and prey found themselves flat-footed, but the Fangs recovered first.
A lean goliath with a bow and armor signed from the explosion stumbled over to a tree trunk to steady himself, then drew back his bow. He loosed one arrow, then a second in Ungalu's direction, piercing the ancient seer's skin despite the illusion wrapped in his cloak.
The hulking goliath with the war maul followed the scout's lead. "There," He called, ordering two goliath from the circle to prevent the new threat from interrupting the hunt.
Behind him, the rest of the war party closed on Eaggal and Ekaitza, who blocked or dodged all but two of their opponents' strikes despite being outnumbered two-to-one. Eaggal took a hard hit from a heavy club, and an axe grazed Ekaitza, but no hit was hard enough to take them out of the fight.
You survived the first round! Everyone may now act. Krossingkhory & Demonslayer, you can both redo your turns, either keeping your current rolls if they align with your updated actions or rerolling if they don't.
Map is from Tom Cartos' Patreon. Apology for the slightly messy number/letter grid. Blame the AI.
Uthal's Bless has 8 turns left.
Round 1 (so far): Ungalu casts fireball for 27 (13), hitting Goliath Scout, Goliath 2, and Goliath 3. All 3 fail their save. Goliath 2 uses Stone's Endurance to resist 7 damage. Goliath 3 uses Stone's Endurance to resist 16 damage. Goliath Leader moves to Q14. Goliath Scout moves to S15 and fires twice at Ungalu. Hits with 15 for 6 damage. Hits with 19 for 8 damage. Goliath 1 moves to Q11. Goliath 2 moves to R10. Goliath 3 moves to O16 and attacks Eaggal. Scores a critical hit for 24 damage. Misses second attack with a 10. Goliath 4 moves to N18 and attacks Eaggal. Misses both attacks with a nat 1 and a 19. Goliath 5 moves to M19 and attacks Ekaitza. Misses both attacks with a 12 and a 16. Goliath 6 moves to L18 and attacks Ekaitza. Hits once with a 23 for 8 damage. Misses second attack with a 9.
Best laid plans are dropped when the battle starts. Eaggal grimaced as these words passed through his head. He and his cousins had discussed many different scenarios as they had left on their trex and a few more as they were being pursued. Once they were surrounded the options were limited. Even then multiple plans had run through his head as he considered his skills and his cousins. Webbing. A thunderous blast. A line of acid. Teleporting.
These all changed as the firewall arrived. Help was on its way. Eaggal with his back to his cousin had only two in front of him. The same for his cousin. Eaggal mind went down to the basics. Need to survive these two. His first thought. A thunderous wave? This was rejected as quickly as it arose. No, they are too strong for that.
A good old fashioned fight? Eaggal nodded his head answering his own question. He gathered thunderous energy and then jabbed out with his fist at the one on his left as he gathered some minor energy for a small shield of magical defense. Finally he set his physical shield waiting for a strike from the one he just hit; sending them back fifteen steps.
Aid +10 max (55>65), +10 Temp. Pre-damage = 12. Temp = 0, HP=63. See spoilerbutton for turn.
Movement: Bonus Action: Defensive shield +6 temp Action: Booming Blade Punch with Gauntlet at target at O18, all thunder damage.
Dice Gauntletatk:
Total = 25
Dice Gauntletdmg:
Total = 12
Dice Booming-blade:
If target moves
Dice Booming-blade:
3, 1
Total = 4
Reaction: Repulsion Shield - if hit in melee send target back 15 feet. Current Effect: Temp HPs (6/6), HP (63/65(aid)), Resistance to Cold, Advantage Initiative Object Interaction:
Eaggal Stonetwister Veomiala | Goliath | Armorer Artificer, Twilight Cleric AC: 19 HP: 55/55 Passive Perception: 15 Speed: 30 Languages: Common, Jotun, Sylvan Ability Scores: STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 12 | INT 16 | WIS 14 | CHA 8 Saves: STR +2 | DEX +1 | CON +4 | INT +6 | WIS +2 | CHA -1 Trained Skills: Athletics +5 | Insight +5 | Nature +6 | Perception +5 | Survival +5 Trained Tools: Leather working +9, Smith +9, Thief +9, Tinker +9 Features (Race): Little Giant, Mountain Born, Stone Endurance Features (Feat): Telekinetic Features (Artificer): Magical Tinkering 0/4, Infusions, Tool Expertise (all tools) Features (Cleric): Eyes of the Night, Vigilant Blessing, Twilight Sanctuary 0/1 short Features (Spells): Spell slot 1st 0/4, 2nd 0/3, 3rd 0/2
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
When the group came upon where the tracks led, it didn't take Galmath long to realize that they would be in for a fight. Several Goliaths from the Frostfang clan had 2 others pinned down and in a serious situation. Normally Galmath wouldn't get into a fight with those he didn't know, but the Frostfangs were the sworn allies of the wyrm. And any friends of the wyrm were certainly his enemies. The other 2 caught in the crossfire? Not his concern at the moment.
He hefted his axe and started quickly through the snow towards combat. He waited for just the right time to make his entrance and presence known, entering a Primal Rage as he got between a pair of Goliaths, his body transforming, his tail growing thick and long, snapping this way and that. Cracks of thunder raced from him, down the snowy slope, bouncing off the walls of the mountains as he mounted his attack, his axe swinging wildly, at least one of the attacks cutting cleanly through armor, fur, flesh, blood and bone.
Movement: Start at Q6. Move 20 feet to Q10.
Bonus Action: Enter Primal Rage. Thunderwave activated by entering rage. All creatures adjacent to me (Q11, R10) need to make DC 15 CON check. Take 7 points of damage, half on save, and be pushed 10 feet away.
Action: 3 attacks, concurrent with and in addition to entering rage. Attacks will focus on Goliath 2, unless following him would open me up to Attacks of Opportunity. That is, if G2 is pushed away and G1 is not, I will focus on G1. Otherwise, follow G2 and attack that one.
- Attack 1: potential hit with 17 for 9 points of damage.
- Attack 2: critical hit for 22 points of damage. If both attacks hit take an extra 8 points of thunder damage.
- Attack 3: probable miss with 13 for 11 points of damage. If this attack hits take an extra 2 points of thunder damage.
Last edited by krossingkhory; Nov 8th, 2024 at 03:35 PM.
Two goliaths close in on Ekaitza, one weilding a large club and the other an ax. She readies to rebuke the first one to damage her with a weapon with a cry to her God Thalus for aid and defense. Ekaitza's hair and eyes and fingertips start to sparkle with static electricity as energy begins charging up. She is able to duck the first wild swing of the ax and use her shield to block the bashing of the club, but the second more measured blow of the ax gets through while she is defending herself from a clubbing, wounding her and drawing blood. A big shock of electric energy envelops the axehead when the strike lands and jumps from the axe to shock its weilder. He gets blasted from the shockwave and travels 10 feet North - from the impact in a combination of her Wrath of the Storm rebuke and her Thunderbolt Strike.
Ekaitza had just seen the battle turn, the enemy reposition, and she had just survived their first onslaught. She shouts taunts at the four nearby foes who remained to close around her and her cousin - after the fireball went off and they all one by one realized how their hunt had drastically changed. She and Eaggall quickly prove that they are no easy prey, that they have been underestimated, and the Frostfangs must now know they have just lost their advantage are now at disadvantage. They toyed and taunted for too long. She points that out. The Gods have decreed our destinies sealed. Rather than stalking us like shadows, you have woven threads of our lives together with those you tried to trap, forging an alliance that rises against your petty tyranny. Eaggal is quite used to her rantings. Ekaitza can get worked up on just about any subject. And, right now she's on full adrenlin, so she sounds amused and aggresive and triumphant and crazed all at the same time as she attempts to demoralize the Frostfangs. She's gesturing a spell at the sky with her hand while she yells, she calls forth a storm, a storm that will join the fight on her side, a warrior made of the elements that cannot be harmed and the emblem on her shield of a lightening bolt glows with magic and the sky darkens quickly. Suddenly they are all of them fighting in the shadow of a huge dark grey storm cloud, hanging ominously low overhead. It spins like a vortex and makes a sizzling sound before a lightening bolt and a crack of thunder send a shockwave of light and noise that blinds and deafens everyone for a moment. She has Called Lightening and she sends down a bolt of deadly and destructive lightening just behind and in between the two goliaths coming up at Eaggal from the other side (3 and 4).
Ekaitza is desperate to make a case for joining the dragon huntersby showing off her most destructive power to the "chosen." Why would they want weak allies who get surrounded and need help and need to be saved? She needs to show and prove her strength to these chosen dragon fighters. She wants to prove her worth. She hopes that the spellcaster that threw the fire observed and noted her spell power.
She stays put. Eaggal is so much harder to hit than she is, with his crafty magical defenses, and she wants to concentrate on this spell. He went full defense, she went full offense, yin and yang. She knows it would be smart to get behind him somehow. Maybe it will be possible soon. She puts a hand on Eaggals shoulder to let him know with a gesture, she's ready to heal.
Ekaitza gets ready to rebuke any who decide to attack her again, hoping to hold onto concentration of her powerful lightening spell. Her whole body is now crackling with electricity and rumbling with thunder, matching the energy of the dark cloud just 60 feet overhead.
Reaction:Wrath of the Storm:
Dice Roll:
4, 6
Total = 10
Lightening damage on Goliath 6 (guy who just hit her) You can thunderously rebuke attackers. When a creature within 5 feet of you that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw DC 15. The creature takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice) on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one. Ekaitza chooses lightening damage so she can push the attacker 10 feet away from her with Thunderbolt strike - pushes that attacker ten feet away. I think that combos?
Bonus Action: none this round
Action: Casting spell Call Lightening with Channel Divinity Destructive Wrath - Max Damage of 30 (3d10) this round. Bolt to hit P17 and getting Goliath 3 and Goliath 4.
A storm cloud appears in the shape of a cylinder that is 10 feet tall with a 60-foot radius, centered directly above you can see within range directly above you.
When you cast the spell, choose a point you can see under the cloud. A bolt of lightning flashes down from the cloud to that point. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your action to call down lightning in this way again, targeting the same point or a different one.
Free Action:Channel Divinity Destructive Wrath - max damage your thunder or lightening No thunderbolt strike, that would put 3 on Ekaitza's side of the back to back and that would be rough.
Movement: not at this time
Ekaitza Torrentsdottir
Chaotic Neutral
HP: 52/69 (+10 with aid) | AC: 18 | Conditions: None | Hit Dice: 8d8: 8/8
STR 10(+0) DEX 14(+2) CON 16(+3) INT 8(-1) WIS 18(+4) CHA 8(-1)
Weapons: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed“Crossbow": +5, 1d8+2, Ammo:20 | Simple, Finesse, Light, ThrownDagger (x6) : +5, 1d4+2 You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects and then becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves 5 feet or more before then, the target takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target on a hit, and the damage the target takes for moving increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and 3d8) and again at 17th level (3d8 and 4d8).Booming Blade +1d8 thunder, triggers Divine Strike +1d8 thunder
Features and Abilities:Common, Draconic, Celestial, PrimordialLanguages | Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields Weapons:Simple, Martial Skills: Survival, Religion, Perception, Medicine, Insight Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom, CharismaProficiencies | When a creature within 5 ft. that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a DEX saving throw (DC 15 or it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on success). Resets on Long Rest. Wrath of the Storm; Reaction 3/4 | You can use Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead of rolling for lightning or thunder damage. Refreshes on Short Rest. Channel Divinity can also be used to Turn Undead. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a WIS saving throw (DC 15). If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. When an undead; fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if its CR is lower than the threshold for your level. At 5th level, when an undead fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if it is of CR ½ or lower. At 8th level and higher, it is instead destroyed if it is of CR 1 or lower. Resets on Short Rest.Channel Divinity Destructive Wrath 1/2 | Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage.Divine Strike - Once Per Turn
When you deal lightening damage, you can push opponent up to 10 feet away from you.Thunderbolt Strike
Spells DC15/+7 spell attack: Booming Blade, Light, Mending, Spare the Dying, Sacred Flame, Shocking Grasp, Toll the DeadCantrips | Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Fog Cloud, Thunderwave Level 1: 4/4 | Aid, Lesser Restoration, Protection from Poison, Spiritual Weapon, Gust of Wind, Shatter Level 2: 3/3 | Call Lightening, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Spirit Guardians Level 3: 1/3 | Control Water, Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm, Death Ward Level 4: 1/2
Last edited by cappucina; Nov 11th, 2024 at 06:23 PM.
The enemy scout’s arrows flew through the air and the darkness, whistling behind them words of hurt and pain and blood. Ungalu heard them, but it was not in his power to deny them. This was a future he would have to accept.
A sharp pain in his shoulder made the Darkseer cry out and was quickly followed by another in his thigh. With clenched teeth, Ungalu searched blindly in the darkness, his hands touching wood that was sleek with his own blood. He pulled hard, grimacing as his old, wrinkled flesh was torn asunder to release the missiles, but refusing to succumb to something as insignificant as pain.
"Nothing but the bite of gnats", he murmured, trying to enforce a truth of his own making. If his mind accepted it, his body would too.
"Wood and metal cannot harm a servant of stone, darkness and ice!", he cried out defiantly to the archer, his eyes full of death. "No skill that you and the other willing slaves of the wyrm possess can quench my flame. It will burn hot and bright and rid the earth of your unclean presence!"
The heartcrystal stirred in his hand and as Ungalu looked inside it, he saw a sea of fire, wide and angry and full of the screams of his enemies. The Darkseer smiled and spoke the truth as he witnessed it, making it reality.
A second star was called down from the heavens and when it touched the earth, it burst in flames that were as beautiful and magnificent as the dawn, filling up the night with light, if only for a short time. Ungalu watched the red consume the ugliness and rejoiced.
What did a few flesh wounds matter before such greatness, he mused and ignored the pain as if it had never existed.
Action: Ungalu casts the 3rd level spell fireball centered on the lower right corner of the square T15 and so affecting Goliath Warriors 1, 2, 3 and 4, the Goliath Scout and the Goliath Leader. All allies should remain outside the area of effect. Those within are dealt 21 points of fire damage or half (10 points) if they succeed on a Dex save DC 16. Rolls. Reaction: Bonus: Move: Effects:bless Notes etc: Initiative 20.
Ungalu Darkseer Iceheart | human (variant) statisticsGoliath | Wizard 8 (School of Divination) Armor Class: 10 | HP: 33/47 | Speed: 30 ft Melee/Ranged Attack: +3 / 1d6 or 1d8 (quarterstaff) Str 10 (+0) | Dex 10 (+0) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 20 (+5) | Wis 14 (+2) | Cha 10 (+0) Saving throws: Str +0 | Dex +0 | Con +2 | Int +8 | Wis +5 | Cha +0 Skills: Arcana +8 | History +8 | Medicine +5 | Religion +8 | Survival +5 | Herbalism kit Passive Perception: 12 | Initiative: +0 | Hit Dice: 8/8d6 | Inspiration: 0 Gift of the chromatic dragon: chromatic infusion (0/1 LR), reactive resistance (3/3 LR) Arcane Recovery 1/day (SR) up to 4 spell slots | Cantrip Formulas Divination Savant | Expert Divination: regain spell slot lower than the one used Portent: 1 and 18 - replace attack roll, saving throw or ability check Spells: 1st level – 4/4, 2nd level - 3/3, 3rd level - 1/3, 4th level - 2/2 | DC 16 (Int) | Spell Attack: +8 Spells known/*prepared: *Fire Bolt (0), *Light (0), *Mage Hand (0), *Shocking Grasp (0), ritual, divinationComprehend Languages (1), ritual, concentration, divinationDetect Magic (1), *Feather Fall (1), ritual, divinationIdentify, *Magic Missile (1), Protection from Evil and Good (1), *Sleep (1), Disguise Self (1), ritual, divinationAugury (2), *concentrationDetect Thoughts (2), *Invisibility (2), *Scorching Ray (2), *concentrationBestow Curse (3), *Counterspell (3), *Dispel Magic (3), *Fireball (3), *concentrationGaseous Form (3), *Blight (4), *ritual, divinationDivination (4), *concentrationPolymorph (4) Languages: Common | Giant | Draconic Items of note:arcane focusheartcrystal, herbalism kit, spellbookbag of power crystals, six divination crystals, augury material componentcarved crystals, identify material componentunderground pond pearl, potion of superior healing (8d4+8 HP), Attacks against the wearer are made with DIS. The ability is suppressed until the start of the wearer’s next turn if 1) the wearer takes damage or 2) is incapacitated, restrained or otherwise unable to move.Mantle of Shadow, 5 gp.
While he had been eager to add his voice in support of the plan to aid the beleaguered Goliaths, now that he stood on the field of battle Uthal experienced a hint of doubt. The cold night air and frigid snow cooled his blood, causing the artisan's muscles to contract against the cold. It made his movements sluggish, which was exacerbated by the need to plod through knee-high snow. Initiative: 1Much of Uthal's momentum was lost in those first few steps, as he doubted how effective he would prove against warriors more accustomed to fighting outside.
Then a tiny orb of orange light flew past him, bringing with it a momentary warmth which thawed Uthal's limbs. The orb continued past him, towards the Frostfangs, and detonated in a fiery explosion. Fire which sang to Uthal; to him, the flames were companions whom he'd come to respect over many a year spent by the forges.
He reached out to the flame, the warmth in the air, and felt at home. Closing his eyes, the artisan allowed himself a smile, his memories transporting him back to his most joyful moments, when fire and steel were the tools with which he created his masterpieces. As Uthal focused on the fires, he became one with the flames, Cast Misty Step to appear next to the Leader on P13his body turning into a thousand embers dancing on the wind.
He drifted lazily in the air, carried by currents of heat and icy wind, then suddenly coalesced back into his usual self again. The winds had carried him to the leader of his foes- the first of the Frostfangs from which penance for the worm's sins would be extracted.
He knew Ungalu wanted the warband's leader alive, but Uthal did not yet know whether he could honour the darkseer's wishes. It was not malice which brought him to the enemy chief, nor a lust for revenge, though that spark burned brightly in the artisan's chest. No, it was simply the most expedient way to lay low this band of thieves and murderers. To make their leader an example was to rob them of their resolve. Long had these cowards relied on strong tyrants- the worm above them all. Break their leader, and the others would fall. Ungalu would need to extract his answers from one of the lesser foes.
Not wasting time mincing words, Uthal swung Stormhammer in a wide arc, attempting to Attack 1
To hit: 24
Damage: 13 (6 bludgeoning, 3 lightning, 4 fire)
Attack 2
To hit: 23
Damage: 12 (6 bludgeoning, 3 lightning, 3 fire)bring down the hammer on his chosen opponent's head once, then again on the backswing. The discharge of power, both Stormhammer's innate magic and Ungalu's enchantment, flared up brightly, sending sparks of electricty and burning embers alike flying, lighting up the dark night. The violent flash surprised even Uthal, who pulled his punch as a result, distracted by the weapon's bright fury.
Finally, the artisan collected himself, and he called out to the two beleaguered Goliaths. 'Hold fast!' he called out. 'The frost-worm's lackeys shall prey on us no longer!'
Please see the rolls in my previous post! Uthal's doing pretty much the same thing, except now I'm targeting the leader rather than the scout (becsue the scout's no longer in range)
* Initiative 1
* Starting at P1
Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step to move 30' east (from P7 to P13)
Movement: 30' east (P1-P2-P3-P4-P5-P6-P7)
Concentration: Bless (8 rounds remaining)
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Shadows cast from the light of the moon, and the remnants of flames danced wildly across the mountainside as the two goliath bands slammed into one another. Charging in from the west, Galmath entered his battle rage with an explosion that knocked the two nearest warriors backward. One teetered on the cliff's edge, arms pinwheeling, before catching his balance. He reentered the fray with a roar, crossing melted snow spattered with his companion's blood and landing a thumping hit on the dragonborn with a giant spiked club.
Another detonation of arcane fire erupted just behind the two Frostfang, catching them, the warband's apparent leader, and the lone goliath archer in another blast of heat. "Bring him down!" the bearded goliath roared, gesturing towards Ungalu as the archer fired two more well-placed arrows at the ancient wizard. Any further orders were interrupted as Uthal appeared directly before him from a veil of mist.
The seasoned warrior reacted quickly, slamming his maul twice into the center of Uthal's mass. Any normal goliath would have been sent sailing down the mountain's steep slope, but the massive weapon glanced off the smith's ancient armor. He retaliated with fire and lightning-infused strikes that battered down the Frostfang's defenses.
The circle of goliaths that had surrounded Eaggal and Ekaitza was now broken. Eaggal had punched one of them nearly off the cliffside, Ekaitza had summoned a bolt of lightning that sent two others sprawling, and the final one had dashed away while the pair were distracted to help their leader against the encroaching threat. Dazed, three of the Frostfang charged the two Stormwatchers, surrounding them, and scoring a few glancing blows on the warrior cousins.
Went a little rogue when describing the results of combat, taking a few things out of turn order for narrative effect. Full round of mechanical actions listed in the Combat Spoiler. In situations where your actions couldn't be executed as stated, I did my best to maintain the intent behind it while slightly modifying the actions.
2 notes: @Cappucina, I had your Call Lightning knock back the two goliath because I had already made the changes on the grid and in the HP when you said you didn't want to knock them back. Worked out though, because Goliath 4 had to trigger Eaggal's booming blade to rejoin combat. Cool combo.
@Everyone, but especially @Krossingkhory, the numbers below don't take into account any resistances you have.
Map is from Tom Cartos' Patreon. Apology for the slightly messy number/letter grid. Blame the AI.
Uthal's Bless has 7 turns left.
Round 1: Galmath moves to Q10 and activates primal rage, causing Thunderwave. Goliath 1 saves with 17 and takes 3 damage. Goliath 2 fails with 11, takes 7 damage, and is pushed to T10. Attacks Goliath 1 three times with 2 hits and 1 miss for 39 total damage. Goliath 1 uses Stone's Endurance to resist 10 damage. Eaggal punches Goliath 4, hitting with Booming Blade for 19 damage. Ekaitza moves to N18 and casts Call Lightning. Goliath 3 and Goliath 4 both fail dex saves, taking 30 damage and being pushed by Thunderous Strike to M14 and M20, respectively. Uthal casts Misty Step, moves to P13. Attacks the Goliath Leader, hitting twice for 13 & 12 damage.
Round 2: Ungalu casts Fireball on T15, hitting Goliath Leader, Goliath Scout, Goliath 1, and Goliath 2. Goliath Leader and Goliath 1 fail their dex saves, taking 21 damage each. Goliath Leader uses Stone's Endurance to resist 15 damage. Goliath 2 and Goliath Scout save, taking 10 damage each. Goliath Leader attacks Uthal, missing both times. Goliath Scout attacks Ungalu with Longbow, hitting twice for 4 and 4 damage. Moves to T16. Goliath 1 attacks Galmath, hitting twice with 21 and 18 for 10 and 12 damage respectively. Goliath 2 moves to R12 and attacks Galmath, hitting once with an 18 for 12 damage and missing once. Goliath 3 moves to O13 and attacks Uthal, hitting twice with 22 and 25 for 9 and 12 damage. Goliath 4 moves to O19, suffering 4 damage from Booming Blade, and attacks Ekaitza, missing twice. Goliath 5 attacks Ekaitza, hitting once with a 20 for 10 damage and missing once. Goliath 6 moves to M16 and attacks Eaggal, hitting once with a 23 for 9 damage. Repulsion shield blasts Goliath 6 to K12, then moves to M16 to attack again. Second attack misses.
Inspired by the heroes who started burning and smashing their way through the Frostfangs, and pleased that she was able to keep concentrating on her spell, Ekaitza does not hold back. She does all she can to help keep the tide turning and cement a victory against the Frostfangs.
She's encased in crackling energy that sizzles, sparks, and snaps - and when a goliath gets past her defenses and wounds her it arcs off the connection - damaging him with lightening. She screams at the sky, Now! Here! and another bolt of lightening hits exactly where she wills it. It strikes behind and between the two Goliaths on her east flank and send them forward and past her, pushed by the energy of her Thunderbolt Strike! She steps below Eaggal to put two Goliaths on his side and just one on hers. She casts a quick spell and a small tornado, the size of a dust devil forms to the south of her. The tornado picks up ice chunks, dust, pebbles, and rocks and then slams into the archer scout who looks like any little damage might make him crumple and take him out of the fight. Upon impact it almost dissipates, but the discerning observer would see that it is still there and starting to reform. Ekaitza wishes to solve a problem of an archer in good position taking pot shots at her potential allies.
She now takes a breath and thinks it is time to make sure no one is in deep trouble. She checks on Eaggal. She surveys the fight.
Reaction: Wrath of the Storm a reaction rebuke of lightening dex save dc 15; half damage on success; on Goliath 5 (the one who hit her last round). No thunderbolt, he needs to stay put.
Dice Roll:
6, 2
Total = 8
Bonus Action: Spiritual Weapon - attack roll was 26 and damage was 11 - on the scout. It's a little tornado that does force damage by smashing debris against her target.
Action: Call Lightening another bolt, at N21 to hit goliaths 4 and 5 dex ave dc 15; half damage on success; with the thunderbolt strike to move them away 10 feet (sending those two goliaths diagonnally so goliath 5 moves to k17 and goliath 4 to q17?)
Dice Roll:
10, 1, 1
Total = 12
Free Action: oops I forgot to use the dice rolling area for some rolls
Movement: takes a step to be on south side of Eaggal
Ekaitza Torrentsdottir
Chaotic Neutral
HP: 42/69 (+10 with aid) | AC: 18 | Conditions: None | Hit Dice: 8d8: 8/8
STR 10(+0) DEX 14(+2) CON 16(+3) INT 8(-1) WIS 18(+4) CHA 8(-1)
Weapons: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed“Crossbow": +5, 1d8+2, Ammo:20 | Simple, Finesse, Light, ThrownDagger (x6) : +5, 1d4+2 You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects and then becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves 5 feet or more before then, the target takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target on a hit, and the damage the target takes for moving increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and 3d8) and again at 17th level (3d8 and 4d8).Booming Blade +1d8 thunder, triggers Divine Strike +1d8 thunder
Features and Abilities:Common, Draconic, Celestial, PrimordialLanguages | Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields Weapons:Simple, Martial Skills: Survival, Religion, Perception, Medicine, Insight Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom, CharismaProficiencies | When a creature within 5 ft. that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a DEX saving throw (DC 15 or it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on success). Resets on Long Rest. Wrath of the Storm; Reaction 2/4 | You can use Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead of rolling for lightning or thunder damage. Refreshes on Short Rest. Channel Divinity can also be used to Turn Undead. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a WIS saving throw (DC 15). If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. When an undead; fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if its CR is lower than the threshold for your level. At 5th level, when an undead fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if it is of CR ½ or lower. At 8th level and higher, it is instead destroyed if it is of CR 1 or lower. Resets on Short Rest.Channel Divinity Destructive Wrath 1/2 | Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage.Divine Strike - Once Per Turn
When you deal lightening damage, you can push opponent up to 10 feet away from you.Thunderbolt Strike
Spells DC15/+7 spell attack: Booming Blade, Light, Mending, Spare the Dying, Sacred Flame, Shocking Grasp, Toll the DeadCantrips | Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Fog Cloud, Thunderwave Level 1: 4/4 | Aid, Lesser Restoration, Protection from Poison, Spiritual Weapon, Gust of Wind, Shatter Level 2: 2/3 | Call Lightening, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Spirit Guardians Level 3: 1/3 | Control Water, Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm, Death Ward Level 4: 1/2
Last edited by cappucina; Nov 16th, 2024 at 11:37 AM.
While the flames roasted his enemies alive, burning their flesh and making their blood boil, Ungalu found himself swatting at wooden flies with teeth of steel, the beasts eager to part his skin and drink deeply from his veins. Though they were too weak to undo the Darkseer’s great plan, pain and weariness started penetrating even the thick haze of fervor that surrounded him. The missiles reminded him of his own mortality so persistently that he could no longer ignore them.
He had to defend himself.
Wresting away his gaze from the still dancing flames, he surveyed the field of battle. The Frostfangs’ leader was shouting for the Darkseer’s blood, though it was unlikely that anyone would manage to pass through Galmath to reach him. The dragonborn was fighting like a man possessed by the spirits, his greataxe rearranging flesh and painting the snow a bright red. Ungalu nodded, pleased. Yes, this was the vision he had seen, the reason he had chosen the son of the dragon to slay the Frostreaper.
His eyes traveled next to the man whose reach was the longest and his touch the most painful. The cursed archer, fearing no doubt the Darkseer’s retaliation, sought to hide behind a nearby tree. Ungalu frowned. The mighty tree hid him from his sight and would protect him from another ball of fire. Still, the Goliath must have been terrified of the Darkseer’s wrath. Ungalu could imagine the panic in the archer’s eyes and the shaking of his hand as he held the bow. Oh yes, the scout was right to fear him, for fire wasn’t the only element that did his bidding. Darkness did as well.
"You try to hide, man with the wooden arrows, but you cannot escape my all-seeing eyes. I, however, can fool your mortal gaze. Observe, as Umbrus’ dark wings embrace me. It will be the last thing you see before you die screaming."
The heartcrystal shone brightly in the Darkseer’s hand and then both it and its master completely vanished from sight as if they had been nothing but the hallucinations of a damaged mind. The scout gasped in surprise and blinked rapidly, hoping that his eyes would manage to spot some trace of the wizard, but his search was soon interrupted. A fierce tornado about the size of a man came upon him, showering him with stones and snow, broken branches and sharp pieces of ice. The debris cut and bashed the goliath scout and he screamed in pain.
Had the Darkseer’s prophecy come true?
Action: Ungalu casts the 2nd level spell invisibility on him. Reaction: Bonus: Move: He moves 30 feet to square S7. Effects:bless Notes etc: Initiative 20.
Ungalu Darkseer Iceheart | human (variant) statisticsGoliath | Wizard 8 (School of Divination) Armor Class: 10 | HP: 25/47 | Speed: 30 ft Melee/Ranged Attack: +3 / 1d6 or 1d8 (quarterstaff) Str 10 (+0) | Dex 10 (+0) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 20 (+5) | Wis 14 (+2) | Cha 10 (+0) Saving throws: Str +0 | Dex +0 | Con +2 | Int +8 | Wis +5 | Cha +0 Skills: Arcana +8 | History +8 | Medicine +5 | Religion +8 | Survival +5 | Herbalism kit Passive Perception: 12 | Initiative: +0 | Hit Dice: 8/8d6 | Inspiration: 0 Gift of the chromatic dragon: chromatic infusion (0/1 LR), reactive resistance (3/3 LR) Arcane Recovery 1/day (SR) up to 4 spell slots | Cantrip Formulas Divination Savant | Expert Divination: regain spell slot lower than the one used Portent: 1 and 18 - replace attack roll, saving throw or ability check Spells: 1st level – 4/4, 2nd level - 2/3, 3rd level - 1/3, 4th level - 2/2 | DC 16 (Int) | Spell Attack: +8 Spells known/*prepared: *Fire Bolt (0), *Light (0), *Mage Hand (0), *Shocking Grasp (0), ritual, divinationComprehend Languages (1), ritual, concentration, divinationDetect Magic (1), *Feather Fall (1), ritual, divinationIdentify, *Magic Missile (1), Protection from Evil and Good (1), *Sleep (1), Disguise Self (1), ritual, divinationAugury (2), *concentrationDetect Thoughts (2), *Invisibility (2), *Scorching Ray (2), *concentrationBestow Curse (3), *Counterspell (3), *Dispel Magic (3), *Fireball (3), *concentrationGaseous Form (3), *Blight (4), *ritual, divinationDivination (4), *concentrationPolymorph (4) Languages: Common | Giant | Draconic Items of note:arcane focusheartcrystal, herbalism kit, spellbookbag of power crystals, six divination crystals, augury material componentcarved crystals, identify material componentunderground pond pearl, potion of superior healing (8d4+8 HP), Attacks against the wearer are made with DIS. The ability is suppressed until the start of the wearer’s next turn if 1) the wearer takes damage or 2) is incapacitated, restrained or otherwise unable to move.Mantle of Shadow, 5 gp.
Eaggal eyes blink on reflex as the thunder spell he left on the one frostfang erupted. The other frostfang swung at him bypassing his rising kite shield slashing into him. As the blade sunk in his defensive magical shield rose up absorbing some of the damage. Eaggal reacted quickly, pushed out with his left arm, his Kite shield magic exploded out sending the frostfang back. The frostfang rebounded quickly as he charged back at Eaggal. Eaggal was ready and was able to avoid the next swing.
Eaggal quickly once more used some of his magic to provide a small defensive shield within him. As he did this his cousin had called down some lightning pushing another opponent within his view. Eaggal stepped forward punching at the frostfang that had wounded him and then spun a completed circle as he punched out at the Frostfang his cousin’s lightning had moved.
Movement: Move to M17 Bonus Action: Defensive shield +6 temp Action: Thunder Gauntlet, if hit opponent disadvantaged to attack anyone except Eaggal.
Goliath 6
Dice Gauntletatk:
Total = 12
Dice Gauntletdmg:
Total = 12
Goliath 5
Dice Gauntletatk2:
Total = 10
Dice Gauntletdmg2:
Total = 9
Reaction: Repulsion Shield - if hit in melee send target back 15 feet.
Current Effect: Temp HPs (6/6), HP (60/65(aid)), Resistance to Cold, Advantage Initiative Object Interaction:
Eaggal Stonetwister Veomiala | Goliath | Armorer Artificer, Twilight Cleric AC: 19 HP: 55/55 Passive Perception: 15 Speed: 30 Languages: Common, Jotun, Sylvan Ability Scores: STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 12 | INT 16 | WIS 14 | CHA 8 Saves: STR +2 | DEX +1 | CON +4 | INT +6 | WIS +2 | CHA -1 Trained Skills: Athletics +5 | Insight +5 | Nature +6 | Perception +5 | Survival +5 Trained Tools: Leather working +9, Smith +9, Thief +9, Tinker +9 Features (Race): Little Giant, Mountain Born, Stone Endurance Features (Feat): Telekinetic Features (Artificer): Magical Tinkering 0/4, Infusions, Tool Expertise (all tools), Defensive Shield 2/3 Features (Cleric): Eyes of the Night, Vigilant Blessing, Twilight Sanctuary 0/1 short Features (Spells): Spell slot 1st 0/4, 2nd 0/3, 3rd 0/2
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.