For a moment, Uthal noticed the current building in the air, the smell of burnt copper invading his nose- and then it felt as if all his muscles contracted at once. His skin burned, the meat underneath numb for a blissful moment as his limbs seemed to draw away from the unseen source of their torment, almost as if they had a will of their own. And then the numbness was gone, while pain pulsed through him, wave after crashing wave.
Then he noticed his foes were in similar straits- the leader tensing up, convulsing, his face contorted into a rictus grin. And the minion was worse off, howling a undulating, erratic cry of pain as he fell to his knees.
And finally, Uthal realized he felt not as heavily afflicted as his enemies. Sparks of lightning danced across their bodies without pattern, but the lightning coursing through Uthal followed a very distinct path- down his arm, and towards Stormhammer. The ancient weapon glowed in recognition of this familiar power from the heavens, its runes flaring up with a bright yellow.
Noticing his enemies were vulnerable, Uthal wasted no time seizing the opportunity. His hammer rose, then swung in a deadly sideways arc, down towards the kneeling Frostfang. The steel head connected to the side of his enemy's face, breaking bone, shattering teeth, tearing at ligament and muscle. Dark blood sprayed across the snow as the foe's lower jaw was ripped from his head, landing several feet removed from the rest of the body.
Uthal then placed his hand on the shoulder of the enemy leader, looking down into his foe's hate-filled eyes for a moment. Then he smashed his forehead into the nose of the Frostfang's chief, and was rewarded with a satisfying crunch, followed by the enemy leader screaming and grasping at his now blood-soaked face. One final strike of Stormhammer sent the goliath's weapon flying.
'Yield,' Uthal commanded. 'Your men are dead, your master cares not for your pain. Yield, answer our questions, and the pain ends.'
With the enemy's surrender secured, Uthal turned to the newcomers, and listened. When the woman had finished her introductions, Uthal nodded and approached her, extending his had. 'Well met, Ekaitza,' he offered, his voice volumes softer than the tone he had used against the bleeding enemy. 'And you, Eaggal. You fought well against these raiders this night, and your actions lend weight to your words.' He looked back at Galmath and Ungalu, letting a particularly worried glance fall on the elder, who seemed to have taken quite a beating.
Looking back at the two newcomers, he hesitated for a moment. 'Stormwatch, I heard you say?' he asked, failing to hide an eager smile. 'I've... Heard tales, of your Lightning Forge. I believe the maker of this hammer,' he spoke, raising the bloodied Stormhammer, 'studied with your smiths for a while, before undertaking the solitary quest on which she forged the weapon. Your clan's teachings are evident in its power, for which I thank you,' he spoke, bending his head respectfully.
He then turned to Eaggal and waited, wondering what the other newcomer had to say.
* Initiative 1
Dice Stone's Endurance vs second attack:
Total = 8
Bonus Action:
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Eaggal was able to blind the one in front of him which allowed him and sister to dropped him quickly. The duo using their momentum charged into the others. Eaggal defensive magic continued to pulse out in a dim light providing minor protection against blows. Even after the last opponent dropped the light continued to bolster him, his cousin and his new allies.
Eaggal stepped forward to the look at the hammer and nods his head Very well made hammer. Similar in quality to my armor and weapons that I helped craft. . Eaggal steps back after nodding his head again in approval of the weapon. My cousin words flow better than my own. So nothing more to add. Even though they are most likely cursed and their souls will not be accepted by Thalor, I feel the need to pray over their bodies and give them a proper fiery burial. . As he approaches the bodies We should collect their arms and armor, store them until such a time we can bring them back to strengthen our clans.
Movement: Bonus Action: Action: Reaction: Current Effect: Temp (8/8), HP (58/65(aid)), Resistance to Cold, Advantage Initiative Object Interaction:
Eaggal Stonetwister Veomiala | Goliath | Armorer Artificer, Twilight Cleric AC: 19 HP: 55/55 Passive Perception: 15 Speed: 30 Languages: Common, Jotun, Sylvan Ability Scores: STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 12 | INT 16 | WIS 14 | CHA 8 Saves: STR +2 | DEX +1 | CON +4 | INT +6 | WIS +2 | CHA -1 Trained Skills: Athletics +5 | Insight +5 | Nature +6 | Perception +5 | Survival +5 Trained Tools: Leather working +9, Smith +9, Thief +9, Tinker +9 Features (Race): Little Giant, Mountain Born, Stone Endurance Features (Feat): Telekinetic Features (Artificer): Magical Tinkering 0/4, Infusions, Tool Expertise (all tools), Defensive Shield 2/3 Features (Cleric): Eyes of the Night, Vigilant Blessing, Twilight Sanctuary 0/1 short Features (Spells): Spell slot 1st 0/4, 2nd 1/3, 3rd 0/2
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
There was nothing more satisfying for Ungalu, Darkseer of the Iceheart clan, than watching what he had foreseen and foretold come to pass. It was like watching the sun rise after a long, dark night, its light filling the clans’ world of rock and ice and snow and making it gleam as brightly as the heartcrystal in the elder goliath’s hand. It too shared his elation, it appeared, having done its part to destroy the dragon’s servants.
But now the battle had come to an end.
Ungalu walked slowly among the corpses, the hem of his robe stained by the blood of warriors that lay at his feet. He didn’t seem to mind, however. Blood was often the ink Fate chose to write the glorious history of the clans and Ungalu was not afraid to either touch or shed it himself.
The female goliath called Ekaitza spoke and her words caught the Darkseer’s attention, earning his approval. Next to her stood the heavily armored male, bloodied and battered but unbroken. This was a feat not many goliaths could have accomplished, not against such odds. Ungalu walked to them and nodded, as if answering a question only he had heard.
"The time for proper introductions and tales by the fire will come, storm-daughter. As for your worth, you have made it as obvious as the lightning that splits the skies and the roar of thunder that makes the earth shake. And so have you, rune-carver. Your craft has saved your life and claimed those of your enemies. Not many can claim mastery of such a skill. Not many can resist the fury of the Frostfang clan. But you can."
Without warning, he turned around, facing the leader of the enemy warriors. Approaching him without fear, he gently placed his hand upon Uthal’s shoulder, standing menacingly in front of the Frostfang.
"You ask the impossible, Uthal Oretamer. A warrior of the Frostfang clan does not yield, not while breath passes through his or her lips. This one will tell us what we want to hear only if he meets one who will best him in body and spirit."
The Darkseer’s golden eyes looked for Galmath and with a smile Ungalu beckoned him to him.
"I keep my promise to you, son of the dragon. Victory and glory are yours, if you have the strength and the will to claim them for yourself. One last fight remains: Ungalu proposes a duel between Galmath and the enemy leader - see under the SpilerbuttonFrostfang war leader against champion of the free clans - no one else shall interfere. The winner will be rewarded with freedom or truth. The loser shall taste death. Do you accept these terms, Galmath?"
Ungalu slowly turned towards the last remaining enemy. He was badly wounded, but so was the dragonborn. The duel was a fair one in his eyes.
"Do you, Frostfang? I offer you freedom or an honorable death - but you must swear to reveal to us the Frostreaper’s plans. I can wrest them from your mind with the ease of crushing the snow beneath my feet, but I will give you a chance to surrender them willingly - if you fail to defeat the dragon’s child. Tell us your name and your decision, so that history might remember you as a worthy scion of the Frostfang clan."
The heartcrystal shone in Ungalu’s hand, the light seemingly captivating the Frostfang warrior’s gaze.
Whatever he chose, the Darkseer’s hunger would not be denied. Not now, not ever.
Action: Ungalu proposes a duel between Galmath and the enemy leader. If Galmath wins, he requires the Frostfang warrior to tell him all he knows about the dragon and his plans. Ungalu will cast the detect thoughts spell to make certain that he tells the truth and he will do the same if he refuses to fight Galmath. Should the enemy choose to resist and even succeeds on his Wisdom saving throw (DC 16), Ungalu will substitute his roll for the natural 1 from his remaining Portent. Reaction: Bonus: Move: Effects:bless Notes etc:
Ungalu Darkseer Iceheart | human (variant) statisticsGoliath | Wizard 8 (School of Divination) Armor Class: 10 | HP: 25/47 | Speed: 30 ft Melee/Ranged Attack: +3 / 1d6 or 1d8 (quarterstaff) Str 10 (+0) | Dex 10 (+0) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 20 (+5) | Wis 14 (+2) | Cha 10 (+0) Saving throws: Str +0 | Dex +0 | Con +2 | Int +8 | Wis +5 | Cha +0 Skills: Arcana +8 | History +8 | Medicine +5 | Religion +8 | Survival +5 | Herbalism kit Passive Perception: 12 | Initiative: +0 | Hit Dice: 8/8d6 | Inspiration: 0 Gift of the chromatic dragon: chromatic infusion (0/1 LR), reactive resistance (3/3 LR) Arcane Recovery 1/day (SR) up to 4 spell slots | Cantrip Formulas Divination Savant | Expert Divination: regain spell slot lower than the one used Portent: 1 and 18 - replace attack roll, saving throw or ability check Spells: 1st level – 4/4, 2nd level - 0/3, 3rd level - 1/3, 4th level - 2/2 | DC 16 (Int) | Spell Attack: +8 Spells known/*prepared: *Fire Bolt (0), *Light (0), *Mage Hand (0), *Shocking Grasp (0), ritual, divinationComprehend Languages (1), ritual, concentration, divinationDetect Magic (1), *Feather Fall (1), ritual, divinationIdentify, *Magic Missile (1), Protection from Evil and Good (1), *Sleep (1), Disguise Self (1), ritual, divinationAugury (2), *concentrationDetect Thoughts (2), *Invisibility (2), *Scorching Ray (2), *concentrationBestow Curse (3), *Counterspell (3), *Dispel Magic (3), *Fireball (3), *concentrationGaseous Form (3), *Blight (4), *ritual, divinationDivination (4), *concentrationPolymorph (4) Languages: Common | Giant | Draconic Items of note:arcane focusheartcrystal, herbalism kit, spellbookbag of power crystals, six divination crystals, augury material componentcarved crystals, identify material componentunderground pond pearl, potion of superior healing (8d4+8 HP), Attacks against the wearer are made with DIS. The ability is suppressed until the start of the wearer’s next turn if 1) the wearer takes damage or 2) is incapacitated, restrained or otherwise unable to move.Mantle of Shadow, 5 gp.
The moon was beginning to dip in the sky as the Goliath heroes corralled the last of the Frostfang. It had been a long night, but Eaggal and Ekaitza were safe, and the Frostreaper's minions had been brought low. Time well spent.
Eaggal separated from the party to give the fallen warriors their last rites. A thoughtful gesture for a clan that, had the roles been reversed, would have looted his body and tossed it off the cliff's edge without a second thought. While the Stormwatcher stood over each Goliath, saying the necessary words, he could better examine their weapons and armor. It was made of mainly leather, hides, wood, and crude steel. A far cry from the fine armaments forged by the Iceheart and Stormwatcher clans. If the Frostreaper outfitted his Fangs well, this war party had been left in the cold.
The Goliath leader's nostrils flared at Ungalu proposition of a duel. "I am Thorak Stonefist, Cragreaker, and I will defeat any of you in single combat and earn my freedom," he declared, puffing out his chest. "Skaegor will witness!"
When Galmath stepped forward, Thorak's chest deflated ever so slightly, but he kept his face composed. He moved to stand, but the dragonborn warrior was faster. Galmath took the butt of his axe and slammed it into the side of the Frostfang Leader's head, knocking him out cold.
"The battle is already over," Galmath growled. "The blood has been spilled. They have lost. That duel would be a farce. Rip what secrets you can from his mind, Darkseer, then let us prepare for tomorrow." The hulking barbarian stalked off.
A quarter-hour later, Thorak regained consciousness. Dried blood caked his face and matted his beard as he blinked awake. At least Galmath hadn't killed him outright.
The duel is a very cool idea. Props @Elanir. I'm having Galmath bypass it while krossingkhory takes the time they need.
In the meantime, how do you plan on questioning Thorak, and what are you doing now that the battle has been won?
@Eaggal, none of the equipment you find on the fallen Frostfang is an improvement over any of your own. You are of course welcome to take it to try to return it to their clan in the future, however.
Eaggal finishes the rites and then spits to the ground with disgust at the equipment of their enemies Another reason the dragon must go. It does not provide for its own warriors. It should be ashamed with the weapons and armor it sends them out in. Greedy.
Eaggal moves over to his cousin and the others and begins to address anyone’s wounds.
Movement: Bonus Action: Action: Reaction: Current Effect: Temp (8/8), HP (58/65(aid)), Resistance to Cold, Advantage Initiative Object Interaction:
Eaggal Stonetwister Veomiala | Goliath | Armorer Artificer, Twilight Cleric AC: 19 HP: 55/55 Passive Perception: 15 Speed: 30 Languages: Common, Jotun, Sylvan Ability Scores: STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 12 | INT 16 | WIS 14 | CHA 8 Saves: STR +2 | DEX +1 | CON +4 | INT +6 | WIS +2 | CHA -1 Trained Skills: Athletics +5 | Insight +5 | Nature +6 | Perception +5 | Survival +5 Trained Tools: Leather working +9, Smith +9, Thief +9, Tinker +9 Features (Race): Little Giant, Mountain Born, Stone Endurance Features (Feat): Telekinetic Features (Artificer): Magical Tinkering 0/4, Infusions, Tool Expertise (all tools), Defensive Shield 2/3 Features (Cleric): Eyes of the Night, Vigilant Blessing, Twilight Sanctuary 0/1 short Features (Spells): Spell slot 1st 0/4, 2nd 1/3, 3rd 0/2
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
Galmath’s blow fell the Frostfang leader like a great pine struck by lightning. The force behind it was enough to split open the heads of most living beings and turn their brains to mash, but the sons and daughters of the clans had skulls as thick as ice and as hard as stone. Galmath was certain that no permanent damage had been done to the Frostfang war leader, though he would doubtlessly have a thundering headache and an even larger bruise on his ego when he woke.
If he wakes, Ungalu corrected himself, glancing at his companions. Most wanted to see their defeated enemy dead as soon as possible and there might be those among them who didn’t care to grant him a warrior’s death. The Darkseer shrugged. Fate did not concern itself with those that history couldn’t recall and neither did he.
Approaching the unconscious goliath, he kneeled next to him, placing his hand atop his bloody forehead. Though unresponsive, the warrior’s mind didn’t stop working, the Darkseer knew. It merely curled upon itself like a winter fox in its den and lost itself in the senseless wanderings of dreams. But the senses could perceive, if one knew how to stimulate them, and order could still be enforced upon the mind.
Scooping up some snow from the ground, Ungalu rubbed it against the goliath’s face, leaving it long enough to see the skin turn first red then white and finally blue. Placing his lips close to the warrior’s ear, the Darkseer whispered in it, his words penetrating the mist of unconsciousness like the rays of the morning sun.
"Do you feel the cold, Thorak Stonefist of the Frostfang clan? Do you sense the dragon’s presence? Thalorgarax has need of you. He commands your service! Do you hear his voice? It makes the earth shake and the ice crack! What does the Frostreaper want? What is your appointed task? The dragon’s mind is restless, his heart heavy with desire. What is his plan? What is your place in it?"
The heartcrystal seemed to have been granted true life as a bright flame suddenly engulfed it, the dancing light painting wild shadows upon the Darkseer’s face. His lips moved without pause, whispering words of power, words he had discovered in the crystals. Thorak’s lips, in contrast, twitched and the warrior groaned softly, obviously resisting Ungalu’s mental probing. He had no chance of prevailing against what Fate had already decreed, however, and his will soon crumbled before the Darkseer’s determination.
Suddenly, the war leader’s lids flew open, but his eyes were blank and unseeing. Ungalu smiled and ceased the arcane chant. Instead, he listened.
He listened very attentively to the thoughts forming in Thorak’s mind…
Action: Ungalu casts the detect thoughts spell to probe Thorak’s mind. Should the enemy succeed on his Wisdom saving throw (DC 16), Ungalu will substitute his roll for the natural 1 from his remaining Portent. Reaction: Bonus: Move: Effects:bless Notes etc:
Ungalu Darkseer Iceheart | human (variant) statisticsGoliath | Wizard 8 (School of Divination) Armor Class: 10 | HP: 25/47 | Speed: 30 ft Melee/Ranged Attack: +3 / 1d6 or 1d8 (quarterstaff) Str 10 (+0) | Dex 10 (+0) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 20 (+5) | Wis 14 (+2) | Cha 10 (+0) Saving throws: Str +0 | Dex +0 | Con +2 | Int +8 | Wis +5 | Cha +0 Skills: Arcana +8 | History +8 | Medicine +5 | Religion +8 | Survival +5 | Herbalism kit Passive Perception: 12 | Initiative: +0 | Hit Dice: 8/8d6 | Inspiration: 0 Gift of the chromatic dragon: chromatic infusion (0/1 LR), reactive resistance (3/3 LR) Arcane Recovery 1/day (SR) up to 4 spell slots | Cantrip Formulas Divination Savant | Expert Divination: regain spell slot lower than the one used Portent: 1 and 18 - replace attack roll, saving throw or ability check Spells: 1st level – 4/4, 2nd level - 0/3, 3rd level - 1/3, 4th level - 2/2 | DC 16 (Int) | Spell Attack: +8 Spells known/*prepared: *Fire Bolt (0), *Light (0), *Mage Hand (0), *Shocking Grasp (0), ritual, divinationComprehend Languages (1), ritual, concentration, divinationDetect Magic (1), *Feather Fall (1), ritual, divinationIdentify, *Magic Missile (1), Protection from Evil and Good (1), *Sleep (1), Disguise Self (1), ritual, divinationAugury (2), *concentrationDetect Thoughts (2), *Invisibility (2), *Scorching Ray (2), *concentrationBestow Curse (3), *Counterspell (3), *Dispel Magic (3), *Fireball (3), *concentrationGaseous Form (3), *Blight (4), *ritual, divinationDivination (4), *concentrationPolymorph (4) Languages: Common | Giant | Draconic Items of note:arcane focusheartcrystal, herbalism kit, spellbookbag of power crystals, six divination crystals, augury material componentcarved crystals, identify material componentunderground pond pearl, potion of superior healing (8d4+8 HP), Attacks against the wearer are made with DIS. The ability is suppressed until the start of the wearer’s next turn if 1) the wearer takes damage or 2) is incapacitated, restrained or otherwise unable to move.Mantle of Shadow, 5 gp.
Much blood had been spilled this day, and a lot of it was from Galmath's axe. He brought the axe up and down multiple times upon his opponents, and the gods had rewarded his valor with the taste of victory. One by one the enemy fell, he and his journey-companions swiftly bringing and end to their ugly machinations.
But victory, for all its glory, was not without consequence. As the adrenaline stopped flowing, so too did his anger and rage. As the last of the enemy fell, so too did his inner desire to cause more pain. And as the world about him returned to its normal color, so too did the beast inside return to a place of peace and waiting. He hefted his axe one last time, a snarl and a small grunt emanating from his curled lips as he started to take a few steps towards the others.
And that's when the pain hit him for the first time. He had multiple scrapes and deep cuts on his arms and chest, but he hadn't noticed them when he was fighting. He stopped and flexed, seeing if any of his limbs were to fall off or more flesh was to be lost. The blood was flowing, slowly and clotting over, but the wounds still hurt. This was the part of the fight that he had both at once looked forward to and loathed. The pain from the wounds shot through him to remind him that he had done his job, but the scars that they would leave behind...
The scars will show everyone the mettle I am made of.
He tore a small piece of cloth from his damaged clothing and wiped his face, the smear of spattered crimson from both himself and his enemies left behind.
"Don't begrudge the weapons the enemy uses," Galmath retorted towards Eaggal. "The war is won with things you'd never imagine were useful.
"But let's not focus on what the dragon has used. Let us instead, as Ungalu is doing, focus on what he has left behind."
There was the one goliath who fell down the mountain. There is no recovery of his weapons, armor, items and there is no praying over his body. Perhaps he carries a map or a missive. The blame for that rests on my soul. She ponders a moment and decides would push him off even with the hindsight.
Ekaitza observes the heroes in order to triage while Eaggal starts seeing to the wounds. He and Galmath are having light conversation about weapon quality. Alive, conscious. No poison. No bones sticking out of skin. No gut wounds. No eye wounds. Nothing else so urgent on one more than the other. Just grievous wounded. She and Eaggal have the Aid spell going. She prays to her God and then casts another Aid spell, experimenting with making it more powerful. A barely visible shimmering woven blanket of magic wraps around Ungalu, Galmath and Uthal and vanishes. It does not heal their wounds exactly, it does make them less significant. Ekaitza nods at them, satisfied that she has done enough for the moment. This was an act of war against the Frostfangs. It will be found out soon enough when these Frostfangs don't report back and their search team finds this spot. The dragon could have other spies as well. They must. They were waiting for you. Our next step is to go to Crystaline Waters? We should have them send runners to all the Clans to be cautious, have extra watches, signals ready. I do not wish Stormwatch to be caught off guard. I am loyal to the Clan, though I betrayed our chief. Ekaitza knowingly pulled Stormwatch into a conflict, but does not wish it harm. Though harm might be a logical consequence. There is a small thought, that this is why the Chief refused to commit to this quest and why he basically isolated Stormwatch. He tried to protect. But, that was just short sighted. He was limited as a long strategy thinker. Eventually the dragon would come for Stormwatch, when it needed it. His plan was only a waiting plan. He had no real control about the future of Stormwatch and that was his true duty.
Ekaitza then kneels near Ungalu and watches the wiseman work his crystal magic. His arcane magic was not something she easily understood, but she tries to understand what he does. She notes the crystals that respond to his methods, they seem to have power or enhance his power. Perhaps they are like her holy symbol - a channel of some kind. She remains quiet, not wanting to distract. Prisoner? Will we be keeping him prisoner? she asks when the moment seems right.
Bonus Action:
Actions: upcast Aid at 4th level, 15 HP to original PCs
Free Action:
Ekaitza Torrentsdottir
Chaotic Neutral
HP: 39/69 (59+10 with aid, +3 temp) | AC: 18 | Conditions: None | Hit Dice: 8d8: 8/8
STR 10(+0) DEX 14(+2) CON 16(+3) INT 8(-1) WIS 18(+4) CHA 8(-1)
Weapons: Ammunition, Range, Two-Handed“Crossbow": +5, 1d8+2, Ammo:20 | Simple, Finesse, Light, ThrownDagger (x6) : +5, 1d4+2 You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects and then becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn. If the target willingly moves 5 feet or more before then, the target takes 1d8 thunder damage, and the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to the target on a hit, and the damage the target takes for moving increases to 2d8. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d8 and 3d8) and again at 17th level (3d8 and 4d8).Booming Blade +1d8 thunder, triggers Divine Strike +1d8 thunder
Features and Abilities:Common, Draconic, Celestial, PrimordialLanguages | Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields Weapons:Simple, Martial Skills: Survival, Religion, Perception, Medicine, Insight Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom, CharismaProficiencies | When a creature within 5 ft. that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a DEX saving throw (DC 15 or it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice), half damage on success). Resets on Long Rest. Wrath of the Storm; Reaction 1/4 | You can use Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead of rolling for lightning or thunder damage. Refreshes on Short Rest. Channel Divinity can also be used to Turn Undead. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a WIS saving throw (DC 15). If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. When an undead; fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if its CR is lower than the threshold for your level. At 5th level, when an undead fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if it is of CR ½ or lower. At 8th level and higher, it is instead destroyed if it is of CR 1 or lower. Resets on Short Rest.Channel Divinity Destructive Wrath 1/2 | Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage.Divine Strike - Once Per Turn
When you deal lightening damage, you can push opponent up to 10 feet away from you.Thunderbolt Strike When you deal lightning damage with a spell, you may choose to have all targets conduct electricity. If you do, the electricity jumps to any creature within 5 feet of the affected creature and continues to jump to any previously unaffected creature, causing 1d4 lighting damage each time.Conductor's EdgeOnce per long rest, you can cast Levitate on yourself as a bonus action, allowing you to float up to 10 feet above the ground for up to 10 minutes.Cloudstep
Spells DC15/+7 spell attack: Booming Blade, Light, Mending, Spare the Dying, Sacred Flame, Shocking Grasp, Toll the DeadCantrips | Absorb Elements, Cure Wounds, Fog Cloud, Thunderwave Level 1: 4/4 | Aid, Lesser Restoration, Protection from Poison, Spiritual Weapon, Gust of Wind, Shatter Level 2: 2/3 | Call Lightening, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Spirit Guardians Level 3: 1/3 | Control Water, Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm, Death Ward Level 4: 0/2
Last edited by cappucina; Dec 15th, 2024 at 01:28 PM.
Uthal let the duel between Galmath and the enemy chief reach its logical conclusion, then stood and waited while Ungalu used his sight to peek into the defeated warrior's mind. When the strange shimmering covered him, the artisan looked up in alarm, but soon found the sensation soothing. Uthal decuded the newcomer had placed a blessing on him, and he smiled at her in thanks.
When she spoke, Uthal was quick to agree. 'I believe we did the right thing, intervening when these wretched attacked you. But you are right; we should send warning, so that others might prepare for the ripples of what was done here. Though I wonder,' he added, gesturing for the slain warriors, 'whether the worm cares. I do not think the bloated lizard will even notice its missing lackeys- though it might in time notice less tribute is being delivered,' he conceded.
At the mention of taking the enemy chief prisoner, Uthal scoffed. 'Prisoners require more food and mercy than I am willing to spare. And I would not risk him escaping, simply to appease my conscience. His death will be the tiniest bit of penance, to repay the crimes done by the worm and its minions.'
Something Ekaitza had said, however, stuck with Uthal. 'Betrayed your chieftain?' he repeated, no judgement in his voice, and naught but curiousity in his eyes. 'Betrayed, how, if I may ask?'
Bonus Action:
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.
Eaggal went about checking wounds and healing alongside of his cousin. At Uthal side he responds I can answer that. Our Chief did not want to help in your expedition. We disagree and felt our clan should be in active participant in any activity that goes against the Frostfangs and the Dragon. So without asking for permission, knowing the basic plan, Ekaitza and I left to try to catch up to this group. Took a wrong turn but the results are what was desired; guided by Thalor I am sure.
Eaggal paused to do some minor healing magic. The Chief will definitely declare that we betrayed him and our clan by coming. Though we never asked for permission so we have some wiggle room. Eaggal shrugged Something the two of us will deal with once we are back.
. Eaggal has plenty of spells available for more healing words so speak up how much healing you want. Uthal = 4 hit points. (See spoilerbutton for rolls.
Movement: Bonus Action: Action: Heal
Dice Healingword:
Total = 4
Reaction: Current Effect: Temp (8/8), HP (58/65(aid)), Resistance to Cold, Advantage Initiative Object Interaction:
Eaggal Stonetwister Veomiala | Goliath | Armorer Artificer, Twilight Cleric AC: 19 HP: 55/55 Passive Perception: 15 Speed: 30 Languages: Common, Jotun, Sylvan Ability Scores: STR 14 | DEX 13 | CON 12 | INT 16 | WIS 14 | CHA 8 Saves: STR +2 | DEX +1 | CON +4 | INT +6 | WIS +2 | CHA -1 Trained Skills: Athletics +5 | Insight +5 | Nature +6 | Perception +5 | Survival +5 Trained Tools: Leather working +9, Smith +9, Thief +9, Tinker +9 Features (Race): Little Giant, Mountain Born, Stone Endurance Features (Feat): Telekinetic Features (Artificer): Magical Tinkering 0/4, Infusions, Tool Expertise (all tools), Defensive Shield 2/3 Features (Cleric): Eyes of the Night, Vigilant Blessing, Twilight Sanctuary 0/1 short Features (Spells): Spell slot 1st 0/4, 2nd 1/3, 3rd 0/2
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
Last edited by Kshnik; Dec 16th, 2024 at 11:52 AM.
'Ah,' Uthal nodded his understanding. 'So a betrayal of a single goliath, to heed the honour of the clan. I cannot say I disagree,' he smiled compassionately. 'I am sure your chief will be in a forgiving mood, once word of the worm's death reaches him.'
Bonus Action:
Uthal "Oretamer" Iceheart, Goliath Oath of the AncientsPaladin (
Personality Trait: I have great respect for the elderly and for what's ancient.
Personality Trait: My calm, peaceful demeanour sets me apart from my more bellicose kin.
Ideal: Legacy. Lives are fleeting; our heirlooms endure.
Bond: Many of our treasures were stolen by the wyrm. I will slay the dragon for this affront, and from its hide and bones I will fashion armor to replace what was lost.
Flaw: My mind is fixated on creating something beautiful; as a result, I am easily distracted by the promise of resources like hides, materials or gems.
Kaelith's Aegis: AC 18. advantage on checks vs being moved, as a reaction 1/lr I may be encased in stone to prevent all damage until the end of my next turn
Little Giant: Proficiency in Athletics; count as one size larger for carrying/push/drag/lift.
Mountain born: Resistant vs. Col; acclimated to high temperatures.
Stone's Endurance: As a reaction when taking damage, reduce damage by d12+Con. May be used [prof] number of times per long rest.
Respect of the Forge: Artisans recognize you for the works of high quality you have produced, and will gladly offer room and board in hopes of picking your brain for new insights. They may also ask you a position as apprentice, or request that you write them a recommendation to another renowned craftsman.
Divine Sense: Sense location of celestials/fiends/undead/hallowed/unhallowed within 60' which are not behind total cover. May be used [Cha]+1 times per long rest.
Lay on Hands: Pool of points. As an action, heal (1:1) or cure disease/poison (5:1) touched creature.
Fighting Style (Defense): +1 AC while armored.
Divine Smite: After hitting an opponent, expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage (+1d8 for each level above 1st).
Divine Health: Immune to Disease
Extra Attack: When taking the Attack action, attack twice.
Aura of Protection: You and allies within 10' gain a bonus equal to your Cha on saves.
Channel Divinity: You may use one of the following once per short rest.
* Nature's Wrath: As an action, a creature within 10' must succeed on a Str or Dex save or be restrained. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
* Turn the Faithless: Each Fey or Fiend within 30' must make a Wis save. On a failure, it is turned for 1 minute (or until it takes damage). A turned creature must spend its turns moving away from you, and cannot willingly move to within 30' of you. It can only Dash or, if it cannot Dash, Dodge. If a turned creature's true form is concealed by illusion, shapeshifting etc, its true form is revealed.
Aura of Warding: You and allies within 10' have resistance to damage from spells.