Information Suggestions for Next Year - RPG Crossing
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Old Apr 10th, 2021, 01:53 PM
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Suggestions for Next Year

This was our first scavenger hunt on RPGX, and we'd love to hear how we did.
  • What was your favorite part?
  • What was your least favorite part?
  • What was your favorite/least favorite clue?
  • Did you like the tag lines on the scavenger hunt items?
  • What could we have done better?
  • How was the event timing?
  • Did you like having to find your team mates on the fly, or would you have liked to have formed a team ahead of time?
  • Other comments?
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Old Apr 10th, 2021, 02:35 PM
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Thank you Ion2Atom for running this cool event!

I really liked the fact that it forced us to dig through some layers of RPGX that we hadn't maybe peeled back before. Some of the clues led me to learn stuff I didn't know about the site.

The least favorite part was worrying that I'd somehow bork up the list we were collaborating on with a million links and lose all our work. I did a lot of backup copies in Notepad!

Favorite clues were the ones where we were Tetrising our team around to see who fit where.
Least favorite clue was the emotional support animal -- that one really stumped us.
I liked the clues where it felt like there was a definite answer you were looking for, but I also liked the ones where we could interpret it different ways. I know that made it somewhat subjective but that was a fun part of it.
I liked the taglines.
I can't think of anything to really change.
We probably would have all liked more warning, but there was something fun about seeing it and having to immediately leap into action.

Thanks again for all the work you did to make this fun for us! And thanks to #TeamMoM for such a great race!
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Old Apr 11th, 2021, 12:32 AM
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Thanks for doing this Ion2Atom!

Favorite part was going through RPG history; I liked the questions that felt more like general lore.

Least favorite was not having the game announced ahead of time. I think more teams could have formed.

Favorite clue was one where I felt there wasn’t one specific answer, like the rope clue.

Least favorite clues were ones where it was inside info about particular admins. Seemed a bit closed circle.

Tag lines were nice.

Advance notice. We were submitting our results while others were still learning about the competition. Didn’t seem fair.

Timing is problematic when it is a surprise. People in particular time zones will have an advantage.

I don’t think teammates were found on the fly, but we defaulted to known friends because we didn’t have time to form from the recruit thread. It would be cool to assign teams at random through a sign up though!

Well, our team obviously missed the rule about no double-dipping. Although maybe that is a standard scavenger hunt rule in some cultures/areas, but not one that crossed our minds. Again, having advance notice and time to look over rules would have helped.

Thanks for putting this together! What a lot of work on your part! Much appreciated and enjoyed!!

Last edited by bananabadger; Apr 11th, 2021 at 12:34 AM.
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Old Apr 11th, 2021, 12:40 AM
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What was your favorite part?
Working with a team

What was your least favorite part?

ETA there was no least favorite part.

What was your favorite/least favorite clue?

the 100 dice one. I OWN 247 dices! lol. The wording made me think you wanted a 100 sided dice which of course I own. I was mad to not get that point when I EASILY could have.

Did you like the tag lines on the scavenger hunt items?


What could we have done better?

ETA nothing

How was the event timing?


Did you like having to find your team mates on the fly, or would you have liked to have formed a team ahead of time?

Liked the fly. Made it fun and connective, I met new people

Other comments?

ETA ... Aw there was a pixel! Lol sorry I was Barn Sour! I love the pixel.
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Last edited by Fillyjonk; Apr 11th, 2021 at 10:18 AM. Reason: I was wrong!
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Old Apr 11th, 2021, 01:59 PM
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What was your favorite part? - working/scrambling desperately with the team. A good variety of clues.
What was your least favorite part? - I suppose the relaxed deadline made it feel a little less urgent, but couldn't have been helped this time around.
What was your favorite/least favorite clue? - uhhhhh yeah the emotional suport animal was tough!
Did you like the tag lines on the scavenger hunt items? - yuppers
What could we have done better? - more pictures of peoples dogs I guess?
How was the event timing? - good!
Did you like having to find your team mates on the fly, or would you have liked to have formed a team ahead of time? -I think more teams would have formed if registration was open say... a day before the clues? but the rush was also kind of fun!
Other comments? - BAWK BAWK Motherflippers!
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Old Apr 11th, 2021, 02:48 PM
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I liked the part where I won a pixel!

Last edited by bothers; Apr 11th, 2021 at 02:49 PM.
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Old Apr 11th, 2021, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Ion2Atom View Post
This was our first scavenger hunt on RPGX, and we'd love to hear how we did.
  • What was your favorite part?
  • What was your least favorite part?
  • What was your favorite/least favorite clue?
  • Did you like the tag lines on the scavenger hunt items?
  • What could we have done better?
  • How was the event timing?
  • Did you like having to find your team mates on the fly, or would you have liked to have formed a team ahead of time?
  • Other comments?
favorite/least favorite part
My favorite part: I think the most fun about this whole event was working with my team. The way we all kind of just fell into place, and worked together was amazing. I am not sure how it went in TEABB was organized, but #TeamMoM ended up having one person that basically organized and certified the clues, and the other players threw answers at the coordinator to sift through and Organize.

Least Favorite Part: The suddenness. It did lend a nice sense of urgency, but there was a point near the beginning #TeamMoM considered folding into TEABB(due to being friends with many of their members), if that would have happen it would have made it a pretty straight forward contest.

favorite/least favorite clue
Favorite clue: personally? The which red was an engineer was my favorite. This only because I remembered Hugga telling me years and years(probably about a decade or more ago) that he was an engineer. Aside from that personal reason, I loved the clues that made us delve into the history of RPGX/DNDOG and TTRPGs in general. Maybe next time we could include more TTRPGs, or specifically have clues relating to different versions. Least favorite clue: To be honest, while our answer to it I felt was very playful, it was the dndog t-shirt. I was confused if it was asking for an actual shirt someone purchased or the digital advert for one. It was one of the last clues we answered and honestly was the only one I was super excited about.(though our eventual answer was a creative and fun moment)

tag lines
I am not 100% sure what is meant about tag lines, but if it is the flavor text and the end, then YES!!. They helped to clear up some misunderstandings I had, and was also very playful and made it very enjoyable.

There is two sides of what could be done better:

1: More time to plan and get teams together. I think was the big miss fire of the event and in the end is the one major change that I can see made that would most make an impact.

2: Not to sound like that guy, but I noticed feedback that a fellow contestant gave that mentioned the prize. The initial advertisement made it sound as if there would be something Personally it did not matter to me as I had no plans for easterunique or cool about winning; which to this point seems there was not. Do not take this as disappointment or disapproval in anyway, but I'll give honest feedback. I think giving some sort of honor token would be great.

May I suggest the following:
A: The reigning champion leader/team get an advantage of some sort(they see clues an hour in advance, they get one free answer, automatic tie breaker...ect)
B: Their name is added to the RPGX W.O.F
C: A badge similar to the Iron DM/H.O.F(I am personal a bit against this, but I could see why it would fit into this)
D: A free month of CS
E: Admin for a day/week/month. Not giving out any password or anything that would risk security, but maybe a bit of a peek behind the curtain. More of an honorary title then anything.

event timingIt was good and bad. I feel that Easter is a major holiday and conflicted a little, but I also felt 48 hours was plenty to work around any family plans if you wanted to. All and all I feel it was timed well, aside from aforementioned team building period.

team building
I liked the throwing a team together on the fly feel, but I did not like the impact on the attendance. Maybe a happy compromise is registration happens for 24-48 hours, followed immediately by 24/48 hours of search time. No clues during registration period, no team changes during hunt period.

Other Comments
Congrats TEABB, you emerged victorious. Please note TEABB is now the sworn enemies of #TeamMoM. we're coming for you! #2022, year of the In all seriousness, congrats guys; it was a blast and cant wait for the next go around! Much respect as that was craziness! MONSTER
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Last edited by Master of Monsters; Apr 11th, 2021 at 04:28 PM.
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Old Apr 12th, 2021, 09:12 AM
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The only thing I like more than a pixel is a sworn enemy. BRING IT, M.O.M.!

*catches a bad case of warring allegiances due to this Plot Twist*

How can my UPPER-ally also be my sworn enemy???? NO! The universe is rent in twain! Fire and brimstone coming down from the forums. Rivers of fonts boiling! Forty years of Fresh Lime. Earthquakes, Wi-Fi CRashes...The dead rising from the PotM. Elf sacrifice, Zhents and Harpers, living together - mass hysteria.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh
DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead
Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus

Last edited by Fillyjonk; Apr 12th, 2021 at 09:13 AM.
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Old Apr 12th, 2021, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Fillyjonk View Post
The only thing I like more than a pixel is a sworn enemy. BRING IT, M.O.M.!

*catches a bad case of warring allegiances due to this Plot Twist*

How can my UPPER-ally also be my sworn enemy???? NO! The universe is rent in twain! Fire and brimstone coming down from the forums. Rivers of fonts boiling! Forty years of Fresh Lime. Earthquakes, Wi-Fi CRashes...The dead rising from the PotM. Elf sacrifice, Zhents and Harpers, living together - mass hysteria.
Alternate timeline theory? Like from CW's Flash or something? Two MoM's and Two Fillyjonks?
As a DM: Lichy Business /|\ Fireside Tales: Group 1 /|\ Fireside Tales: Group 2 || Up Next as DM: Little to no activity over weekend Enjoy your 4th.
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Old Apr 13th, 2021, 07:37 AM
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I was a bit disappointed I couldn't partake this year, but I guess it couldn't be helped.
I was wondering about how the scav. hunt goes though. Are you supposed to relay your finds to your team leader who then submits them at the deadline under a secret tag (I'm not sure how that works either... can't other members see those entries and copy them if you post too early out of fear of being too late?)
I guess what I'm saying is: a bit more information about how it works might be useful? I'm very new to everything here, so I'm trying to figure everything out.
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