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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 06:31 AM
Robvdhjr Robvdhjr is offline
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I have some DnD 4e experience. I am new to the PbP format.
I have come up with another idea for a character. A Goliath Barbarian who spent time as a gladiator.

Name: Vimak "The Incredible Hulk"
Race/Class: Goliath Barbarian
Role: Striker/Defender
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: Kord

Appearance: Vimak towers over most people, being almost 8 feet tall, and he is very muscularly built. He has grey skin. He has no hair, on his head or face. He usually wears his gladiatorial armor that is in disrepair. He has adorned his armor with small patches representing his victories in the arena. He always carries his family axe. He guards his axe with his life and yells at and may attack anyone who touches and/or grabs his axe.

Personality: Vimak has an aggressive nature, preferring to fight rather than talk. He has a temper which he usually keeps controlled, unless he is on the battlefield or his axe is taken or messed with. He finds himself most comfortable in a battle. When speaking, Vimak speaks his mind and can be very blunt. Most of his life he has intimidated people to get what he wants and/or needs. Vimak enjoys speaking about himself in the third person, refering to himself as either Vimak or Hulk.

Background: Upon reaching the age of an adult, Vimak decided to venture to the bottom of the mountain that he had lived on. When he reached the bottom of the mountain he heard what sounded like noises from battle coming from a nearby settlement. As he ventured into the settlement to find the source of the battle sounds, he noticed that the people within the settlement move out of his way and some ran into buildings to hide from him. Investigating the settlement he found where the noises were coming from, a small arena pit. Enjoying the spectacle of the arena, he requested from one of the people around the pit on how to participate in the battles. Soon he found himself within the pit facing an opponent. Vimak defeated this opponent and began a career of being an arena gladiator moving from arena to arena. He never lost a battle, and soon became known as one of the greatest gladiators of history. During his time as a gladiator he took the arena name of "The Incredible Hulk." When not fighting in the arena he hired himself out as a sell-sword.
Recently Vimak became bored of the opponents he was getting from the arena and left for the new land of Medrona in search of new opponents to fight. On the boat to the new land, Vimak heard that a baron was searching for people to find an ancient artifact. He also heard legends of artifacts from the new land and how they were guarded by powerful guardians. Wanting to test his might against these ancient and powerful guardians, Vimak decided to find this baron and join the search for the artifact and it’s guardians.

Possible Character Connections: was hired by some of the noble PC as a body guard or other position when not in the arena.

Character Sheet: http://www.rpgcrossing.com/profiler/view.php?id=31491


Last edited by Robvdhjr; Jun 3rd, 2012 at 12:34 AM. Reason: Added character sheet. Added some info. Added another app.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 08:25 AM
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3 pages of good apps to read through and thoughts on having a two character app. By which I mean a npc that is basiclly the first character's shadow.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 10:13 AM
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DetailsName: Jonathan Tarot
Race: Human
Class: Mage (Enchantment and Illusion)
Role: Controller
Alignment: Unaligned (leans towards good, but when the chips are down does what he needs to do to survive)
Deity: Hates the gods (where were they when he needed them)

Appearance and Personality

Jonathan has a well practised smile. It used to be a genuine match to the mischievous gleam in his eye. But now it is lined with a hardness that disguises regret. Trouble has been a constant companion throughout Jonathan's thirty odd years, and was once upon a time a welcome companion at that. At least until Jonathan was forced to stare into the bloody face of the consequences of his own frivolity and something inside him broke. Just as he flees his old companion, Trouble, Jonathan wants to leave behind that part of himself that attracts it to him. But ... his addiction to magic keeps pulling him back in.

BackgroundJonathan was once an apprentice mage of promising talent, a talent he preferred to squander. He preferred instead to flaunt and misuse the small talents he had mastered chasing skirts. A pastime that went hand in hand with his expensive habit of drowning his brain in exotic liquors and smoke. The study of the arcane was hard work, with, as far as Jonathan was concerned, very little reward. The pleasures of the flesh were far more appealing. So he gave up his studies and become lost in a hazy world of self serving hedonism. It was not until his money supply ran dry that he awoke from his self inflicted daze, crawling back home only to find blood stains, ash and a charred corpse dangling from the tree he used to swing upon when he was a young boy. At that moment, as Jonathan broke standing before the ruins of his past, his mind came awake once more.

It did not take him long to put the pieces together. Jonathan's master, Rurot Breulot a mean and spiteful man, had continued to charge his father for Jonathan's tuition, forging letters in Jonathan's hand to have him believe his son continued with his studies. When his father discovered the ruse, he went immediately to confront Rurot. He dragged him into the streets and beat him senseless in front of a crowd of people. A shaming that Rurot would never forgive nor forget. A game of torment begun which lasted years, and went as far as any game could. Torture and murder.

Rurot in the mean time had became an influential figure and faithful servant of the Empire. Jonathan did not care. He took bloody revenge on the man, stealing into his house in the dead of night and ending his life in a manner that does not bear repeating. Then he fled. He fled the Old World following the promise of the New, found on a scrap of parchment in a way side in far from the city. He left the world he knew with nothing more than his bloody dagger, his dusty and disused spell book, an apprentice orb, half a loaf of bread and a slice of cheese.

The New World was made for Jonathan. He could reinvent himself here, become the person he had always meant to be, the person his father had wanted him to be. He swore off drink and smoke and began his studies of the arcane once more, though his mind was no longer quite as sharp as it used to be. But Jonathan had a charm that opened doors. In Olid his popularity is on the rise and he now has friends who are friends of the Baron. Jonathan's former addictions have been replaced with an addiction to magic, so when he heard mention that the Baron was gathering a group to go in search of a powerful artefact, Jonathan's efforts to find his way into that group became relentless. And those efforts may have just paid off.

Jonathan has no love for the Empire, their gods or their leaders. But being a practical man, he can see the advantages of staying on their good side, though he is especially careful to never be related to the violent death of one of their beloved back in the Old World.


RP Sample:"Jonathan!" cried Larissa in a harsh but hushed voice as she scooped up her blouse and clutched it to her naked breast. "How ... What are you ... Why ... Damn it Jonathan, my husband is downstairs! If he hears you and comes in and finds you here, he's going to think ..."
"Larissa, my pet! What lovely breasts you have, I never would have guessed ..."
"Forgive me, I was distracted, and who wouldn't be, what wonders ..."
"Jonathan!!" The last plea is accompanied by a sharp kick to the shin.
"Ah! ... Yes, I digress ... again, forgive me. I need to ask you for that favour you owe me, Larissa."
Larissa's frown is deep, obviously unhappy at the mention of favour owed. She crosses her arms and scowls, forgetting her vulnerable state.
"Please, pet. Cover yourself up or your husband will truly have need of redress with me. I am but a man."
"What is it you need?"
"The Ball, pet. Tomorrow night ... I need you to have your husband invite me to the Ball ..."
"Why you have a bloody cheek coming in here Jonathan Tarot and asking ..."
Larissa's voice raises too loud. Footsteps are heard approaching down the hallway.
"And I need him to introduce me to the Baron."
The look of disbelief on the woman's face is priceless. "And how am I supposed to ..."
There is a knock at the door. "Lady Feychild ... is everything alright in there?"
Lady Fey turns to respond to her maidservant: "Yes, Nanny, everything is fine. I will be down for dinner in a moment."
When she turns back to Jonathan she finds nothing except the sealed letter in her hand scribed neatly with a name: "Lord Feychild"
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!

Last edited by jbear; Jun 2nd, 2012 at 10:51 AM.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 11:50 AM
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Name: Eberek Ugnant and Rhogar Ugnant


Race: Human/Dragonborn

Class: Artificer/Warlord


Alignment: CE or CN by 3.5e

Diety: Himself/ Eberek

Appearance: Eberek is a strange human because he has a dwarvish name and he resembles a very large dwarf. His years in the Old World have caused him to be built like a heavy-duty siege weapon. He stands at 7' tall with the the most impressive set of shoulders seen in either world. He has no hair to speak of but he looks like a walking piece of art as his body is covered entirely in flashy and shifting sigils. Very little is said by Eberek so we enter his mouth and general barrier from the world named Rhogar.

Rhogar stands at nearly eight feet tall or taller but no one has ever bothered to find out. He just about dwarves everything around him because he is a moving fortress that does his best to charm or scare his way through all events. Life has made him quick-witted but also very blunt. He doesn't spare time for idle chat unless he needs information. Worship only barely hits the surface of his devotion to Eberek.

Personailty: They are both straight forward and blunt though Eberek only talks if he needs to. It's not because he hates people but he has become so obessed with his tinkering that he forgets people exist. In his mind he is the only creator and god so he has declared himself a god and worships himself.

Background: Eberek is the oldest of ten brothers but after the next child was born he was forgotten and by child six he was being shipped off to make room. He was sent to unversity once his family realized he had a gift for alchemy and artifice. Gift is the only way to describe the way this small child was able to make things work. He was considered to be a prodigy so advanced that people flocked to see his talks and thoughts on technology from all over the Old World. Half of the time, he was so far gone that his talks were mere ramblings at walls because his mind had reached a state where he was so intelligent that he was really insane. To fend off the questions and inquires, his family invested in finding him a suitable assisstant that would be just scary enough to keep people at bay. Enter Rhogar.

As the years dragged on, Eberek soon began to see visions of a new world where strange half-men roamed free. This world would consume him for the next thirty years as the New World was found and slowly explored. He can't shake images of various faces ranging from strange humans to dragonborn to even one of these "shifters" standing beside him as he seeks to remake the New World into his own world.

Possible tie-ins: Anyone with nobility may have heard of him and any fighters or mercs may have heard of Rhogar because he is nearly legendary for being what some claim to be a dragonmarked dragonborn. I will sort through all the apps and better put together the tie-ins later.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 11:58 AM
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I think it would make more sense to figure out tie-ins once everyone is accepted...Im looking at all these other strikers :-p
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 12:22 PM
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Last edited by sammichweasel; Jun 2nd, 2012 at 09:30 AM.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 12:23 PM
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Robvdhjr, I like the sound of Vimak. Seeking new challenges... very cool.

jbear, a mage with substance abuse issues. I have to say, I've never seen an addict in Dnd. I once submitted an app for a gambling addict, but unfortunately I never got a chance to play that character. Sounds like it could be interesting, and I'm sure that once the campaign is in full swing, I'd find a way for Trouble to follow him to the New World.

Gulielmos, Eberek sounds like an interesting character. I wonder about the mechanics of playing two characters. Would they both participate in combat? Would you control them both? I'm a little reluctant because there are so many players with so many great apps, that I'd rather have (for example) a party of 6 PCs controlled by 6 players, rather than a party of 6 PCs controlled by 5 players. Does that make sense?

dpbj602, a few people have said that they'll wait until character selection before forging tie-ins, and that's perfectly fine. The characters don't all have to be familiar with one another when the game begins; I just find it kind of interesting if there are a few characters with a bit of a history or a relationship of some kind (e.g., a nobleman and his/her guardian, long-time acquaintances, etc.).

Man, this is gonna be a tough call. I was not expecting this many apps.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 12:28 PM
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*cough* I, ah, didn't expect to run that long. Just expanded all of the spoilers, and that... is ridiculous. I apologize.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 12:38 PM
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Sammichweasel, don't sweat it. It was a good read! You weren't kidding about the "stupid-fun background." It sounds awesome! Now that I'm starting to look at party composition, I appreciate the flexibility within the character, but in truth I think a Skald build suits Roma best. I love the idea of him being a trader in secrets--there's no shortage of apps with characters trying to escape a troubled past, and Roma can either help them or hinder them. Could make for a really interesting dynamic. Love it.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 12:51 PM
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With 22 apps in various stages of completion (granted, 5 of them are from one player), I could make 3 balanced parties. If only I had the time. *sigh*

Anyway, there are a lot of excellent apps here, so I've moved the deadline up to midnight on June 3 (Sunday). If you were still planning on submitting or completing your app, then please, by all means, go ahead.

I'm planning on making selections on Monday or Tuesday. I'm still toying with the idea of two parties, but really, it goes against my better judgment, so I'll probably just stick with one party with 6 or 7 PCs. It's gonna be really hard to narrow it down.

Thanks for submitting such awesome characters!
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 02:31 PM
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So. It says to ask about Genasi, so I'm asking =P Gimme whatcha got cause I got an idea forming~
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 02:47 PM
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I have updated my application a bit to fit the setting better, though it is still a work in progress.

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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 02:55 PM
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I could see Hadrim and Oloros travelling from Port Calia together. In your updated background.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 03:09 PM
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That would make for an interesting pair. I'm all for it.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by elementalist View Post
That would make for an interesting pair. I'm all for it.
I updated my character background with this paragraph at the end. If you wanted to work it into yours, or change anything let me know.

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