attempt to update ALL info
This is a mechanics attempt post going over how a general rules PVP match will look like mechanically: (word count in thread: 931 Characters count: 5122) Rules we are following: What do you start with? 10k Gold, a d6 of each unit type, one commando, and a d12+6 commoners. (custom rules may include an entire base ALREADY constructed. when it comes to custom rules as long as I can understand it your allowed to have it) Are there NPC Buildings? Yes, one random. Building material? Wood and wood material rules, respectively. Are there optional buildings available? No (at the time this was typed up optional buildings do not exist but WHEN they do would be builds that would be extra stuff that you don't need like a building that builds carriages, a boat dock, a flying machine, and finally a building probably going to go by the name of the stone circle that has WMD capabilities) What is the starting level? 1 Mechanics Breakdown start: you start off with your starting stuff of 10k Gold, a d6 of each unit type, one commando, and a d12+6 commoners. With your one commando you are able to build a Head Quarters (here forth be known and referred to as HQ). Your six guaranteed to you commoners build your HQ and once your HQ is complete you have one HQ and one building crew consisting of 6 people (your six commoners turn into your building crew). Once you have your HQ you can only build one building of any type but you are available to build your income buildings, your training buildings and your defensive buildings. Now the general rule is using wood materials and wood material rules, now what is this you may ask? well there is three materials Tent, Wood, and Stone, the material rules are as follows, Wood buildings and units trained in a wood base take in the amount of rounds of one tenth their price so a building that costs 500 coins will take 50 rounds (each round being normal D&D 6 seconds long). Tents being tents take half as long normal build time to construct on the flip side though their units take twice as long to build due to improper equipment. And finally Stone buildings take twice as long to construct however they perfect equipment and so their units take half as long to train as normal building time. Now there maybe 5 different training building but they all cost the same amount to build. With that said prices for each building and their material:
Being kingdoms aren't very diverse you are only allowed to choose 5 races and non that compete against each other. These races can be any non LA races. You can not multi-class with any of you units except the Commando which you can only multi-class ONCE with. Units have a base cost of 100 Gold and you must add the cost of equipment to that before finding out how much it costs to build that unit. (so a monk with the Vow of Poverty feat only costs 100 gold, a fighter with a Great Sword and full plate will cost 1650 Gold to train) any thing under a gold in costs is ignored. Buy 10 packs of arrows or bolts to be considered unlimited ammo and add this price to your price to buy for those that need this type of ammo. So that breaks down the people mechanics of this game please remember that nothing is concrete feel free to add some of your thoughts to the development of WoK. now onto the income buildings. the income buildings require being manned by the commoners if you have no commoners your not going to have any income. now the commoner goes out the the resource mines at the resource for 30 rounds then walks back to the income building and turns it into income taking him about 10 rounds for his load that took 30+ rounds to bring to the building. it is possible to have one commoner sit in the income building and just keep turing loads into income. however if the work starts piling up outside the income building it might be recommended you build another income building to compensate. you can also build commoners for 50 gold from the HQ. Once a load has been transferred to income the base will have gained 10 Gold. The commando has exceptions to the normal units. one is that unlike the other units you can choose what class he is instead of being stuck on one class. this class can be any D&D 3.5e class, you can even use over powering classes. however if you abuse over powering classes i will have to take them away one by one and ruin the fun for everyone. so to be clear yes you can overpower class... but don't be overpowering ![]() as you construct you base and explore the map you may come across a Neutral or NPC buildings. these buildings consts of the Tavern, the Cemetery, The cave of weaklings, and The Traveling Merchant. the Tavern, Cemetery, and cave of weaklings provide extra units options to you. the tavern lets you buy mercenaries with is 2 units of any class and race (not subjected to your kingdom's race limit) at a base cost of 200 then add in equipment. The cemetery provides you with an army of undead (prices and type of undead subjected to min level of game if its high enough we may just see lich in here ![]() Then there is a leveling system for all the units. The Commoners at level one bring in 10 gold per load every level they gain lets them pull in an additional 10 gold (except for the Traveling merchant which doubles that number). Battle Units upgrade as normal D&D rules (nevel roll HD its always MAX) the tabel below hows how much a commoner must bring in in gold before he can level again. When a unit is slain he gives you a kill point for each one of his levels that he has. the table below shows how many kill points a unit must have before leveling up another level. Commoners have no max level. all other units can only level up 3 times (that is why a min level must be choosen) of course this is defalt rules and can be altered at the player's discrestion.
Finally there is an upgrade building. this building costs the equivalent of the HQ. The way this building works is you choose a type of unit (like fighter) and pay 1k gold for their first stat upgrade and now ALL FIGHTERS on the battlefield (and any fighters created there afterward) has that stat upgrade. Then after you upgraded you fighters one stat point you can go and give your Wizards their first stat point upgrade for 1k gold AND it can be a different stat you upgrade then the one you gave to the fighters. once again once this stat upgrade is finished it gets applied to ALL of your wizards out on the battlefield and ever wizard therfore created afterward. you can do this for each class you have (and even for your commando) but you can only do 4 stat point upgrades and its price increases. so you have given your fighters their first stat upgrade their second stat upgrade will now cost 3000 (this is because it is expected that your army has grown some before you buy your next stat upgrade) the third stat upgrade will cost 6000 and then the final stat upgrade will cost 10,000 gold. There is an ingame reward how ever it is not in the general rules of a PVP match as it will be an unfair advantage. now can you include the in game reward in your PVP fights by all means but this will then be custom rules and not General rules. Any questions, concerns, or comments about the rules direct them to the interest thread please
If my PM inbox is full... Please blame Admin Dirk Then please refer to my PM Thread where you will be able to reach me. Last edited by GodRosen; Jun 29th, 2015 at 05:44 AM. |
Your character sheet will be posted before you enter EVERY match. So the break down of the character sheet is like so...
Kingdom spoiler fighter class spoiler Lowest level stats (if its one then level one stats. if however you are starting a game where you lowest level unit will be 17 then make these stats level 17 stats) Spoiler Levels Then Spoiler button the same method for your other races. If you have a different way to condense you Kingdom "Character" Sheet feel free to do so. Just make sure everything is taken down. Also I do request a Kingdom War Block and the info requested her is subject to change according to needs (just giving you a heads up so your not surprised when it happens) Combat blocks for each class you have (a combat block for a unit would include HP, AC, Saves, Attack, and Full Attack, Spells cool down left when applicable) your Kingdom War Block will also include: Your Current Gold Count and then any income or spending activity for the last turn (or turns if more than one was skipped to move things along) How many of each unit you have in your kingdom currently built the time left for a building to be completed the time left for any units in training to be completed the time left for each commoner before they bring in more cash a Commoner's Level and how much cash he/she has brought in Spells memorized by the Wizards also so it can be kept better track of I request any and all stat upgrades bought be kept track of as well.
If my PM inbox is full... Please blame Admin Dirk Then please refer to my PM Thread where you will be able to reach me. Last edited by GodRosen; Jun 29th, 2015 at 06:03 AM. Reason: deleting stuff |
Maps and Maps Keys:
this is base map where the squares are 15' squares Base HQ: Head Quarters
W: Wall T: Tower IB: Income building #$: Additional Notes* B: Barracks CD: Church of (Deity) WT: Wizards Tower SI: Spy's Intelligence NG: Natural's Grove TM: Tavern of Mercenaries $$: Traveling Merchant CW: Cave of Weaklings GC: Graveyard/Cemetery Additional Notes: the number next to a single $ represents how much more funds that natural resource square can provide. A zero next to a $ is useless land and can not be built on till its taken care of. Its like left over tree stumps. can't build on tree stumps so the Commoner must make it build-able on. Combat
If my PM inbox is full... Please blame Admin Dirk Then please refer to my PM Thread where you will be able to reach me. Last edited by GodRosen; Jun 20th, 2015 at 05:45 AM. Reason: Deletion |
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