Ok, by request of Rosen, I'm here to give cheap & easy method of coding your kingdom sheets. First I'm gonna post what I actually use. Unless you really are advanced coding, I don't suggest using it as you're pretty much guaranteed to get lost in the code. After I do my block, I'm gonna write out a simplified block that will hopefully be usable by non-code-junkies
[/fieldset][/tt][color=red] ~ [/color][tt=Ranger][fieldset=Ranger][table="css=cent;head;width=750px"]{colsp=4}Ranger
[b]Race[/b]|Strongheart Halfling|[b]Weapon[/b]|Mighty (+3) Composite Shortbow
{colsp=2}Attack & Damage +1 if within 30 feet|{colsp=2}Using Serpents-tongue arrows.
[B]Attack[/B]|+6 & 1d6+5|
10|+1 Size|+5 Dex
[b]Feats[/b]|{colsp=3}Point Blank Shot & Precise Shot
[b]Level 01[/b]|[b]Level 02[/b]|[b]Level 03[/b]|[b]Level 04[/b]
Above + Track|Combat Style (Rapid Shot)|Distracting Attack|Animal Companion[/table]
[/fieldset][/tt][color=red] ~ [/color][tt=Rogue][fieldset=Martial Rogue][table="css=cent;head;width=750px"]{colsp=4}Martial Rogue
[b]Race[/b]|Strongheart Halfling|[b]Weapon[/b]|Mighty (+1) Composite Shortbow
{colsp=2}Attack & Damage +1 if within 30 feet|{colsp=2}Using Serpents-tongue arrows.
[B]Attack[/B]|+5 & 1d6+1
10|+1 Size|+5 Dex
[b]Feats[/b]|{colsp=3}Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot & Distracting Attack
[b]Level 01[/b]|[b]Level 02[/b]|[b]Level 03[/b]|[b]Level 04[/b]
Above|Evasion & Coordinated Archery|Manyshot|Uncanny Dodge & Weapon Focus
[b]Race[/b]|Anthropomorphic Bat|[b]Weapon[/b]|Unarmed
10|+1 Size|+2 Dex
[b]Feats[/b]|Improved Natural Attack
[b]Int[/b]=12|[b]Wis[/b]=24|[b]Cha[/b]=6|100 Gold
[b]Level 01[/b]|[b]Level 02[/b]|[b]Level 03[/b]|[b]Level 04[/b]
Above & Improved Grapple|Evasion & Combat Reflexes|Distracting Attack, & +10 move speed|Ki Strike (Magic)
[/table][/fieldset][/tt][color=red] ~ [/color][tt=Barbarian][fieldset=Barbarian][table="css=cent;head;width=750px"]{colsp=4}Barbarian
[b]Race[/b]|Krynn Minotaur|[b]Weapon[/b]|Large Executioners Mace
[B]Full Attack[/B]|+8/+2|2d6+9 & 2d6+3
[B]Charge Attack[/B]|+10 & 2d6+9
[b]Armor[/b]|Studded Leather|[B]AC[/B]|18
10|+3 [SIZE="1"]Armor[/SIZE]|+2 [SIZE="1"]Nat Armor[/SIZE]|+3 [SIZE="1"]Dex[/SIZE]
[b]Feats[/b]|Weapon Focus
[b]Int[/b]=6|[b]Wis[/b]=10|[b]Cha[/b]=6|200 gold
[b]Level 01[/b]|[b]Level 02[/b]|[b]Level 03[/b]|[b]Level 04[/b]
Above & Fast Movement|Uncanny Dodge|Reckless Rage|Rage 2/day
[/table][/fieldset][/tt][color=red] ~ [/color][tt=Cleric of Pelor][fieldset=Cleric][table="css=cent;head;width=750px"]{colsp=4}Cleric
[b]Race[/b]|Anthropomorphic Bat|[b]Weapon[/b]|Shortbow
{colsp=2}Attack & Damage +1 if within 30 feet|{colsp=2}Using Serpents-tongue arrows.
[B]Attack[/B]|+4 & 1d6|[B]Cure Light Wounds[/B]|1d8+ 1/level Positive Energy
10|+1 Size|+4 Dex
[b]Feats[/b]|Point Blank Shot
[B]Special[/B]|{colsp=3}Using the "Destroy Undead" variant from Complete Divine
[b]Int[/b]=8|[b]Wis[/b]=24|[b]Cha[/b]=16|133 Gold
[b]Level 01[/b]|[b]Level 02[/b]|[b]Level 03[/b]|[b]Level 04[/b]
Above|Spell: Hide from Undead|Precise Shot & Spell: Animalistic Power|Spell: Cloud of Knives
[b]Hide from Undead[/b]|{colsp=3}[SIZE="1"][I]Creature touched cannot be perceived by undead unless they attack the undead. Non-intelligent undead get no save. Intelligent undead get a save. Will DC = 12+Wis Mod or 19[/I][/SIZE]
[b]Animalistic Power[/b]|{colsp=3}[SIZE="1"][I]Creature touched gains +2 Strength, Dexterity & Constitution. Duration: 1 minute per level[/I][/SIZE]
[b]Cloud of Knives[/b]|{colsp=3}[SIZE="1"][I]1 round/level, free action shoot enemy within 30 feet[/I][/SIZE]
|Attack|+12 & 1d6+2|Crit 19-20/x2[/table]
[/fieldset][/tt][color=red] ~ [/color][tt=Wizard][fieldset=Wizard][table="css=cent;head;width=750px"]{colsp=4}Wizard
[b]Race|[/b]Strongheart Halfling|[b]Weapon[/b]|Club, Sticky Floor, & Summon Monster 2
[b]Armor: [/b]N/A|[b]AC[/b]|16
10|+1 Size|+5 Dex
[b]Feats[/b]|{colsp=3}Precocious Apprentice, Spell Thematics ([SIZE="1"][I]Double CL of Summon Monster 2[/I][/SIZE]), & Augment Summoning
[b]Level 01[/b]|[b]Level 02[/b]|[b]Level 03[/b]|[b]Level 04[/b]
Above|Spell: Benign Transposition|Sudden Extend & Spell: Greater Slide|Spell: Invisibility
[b]Sticky Floor[/b]|{colsp=3}[SIZE="1"][I]10x10 square. Anyone in the area is entangled. Reflex save or stuck DC=15 Strength check to break free is 15[/I][/SIZE]
[b]Benign Transposition[/b]|{colsp=3}[SIZE="1"][I]2 willing targets swap places via teleportation[/I][/SIZE]
[b]Greater Slide[/b]|{colsp=3}[SIZE="1"][I]Move target 20 feet in straight line. Will to negate DC=16[/I][/SIZE]
[b]Invisibility[/b]|{colsp=3}[SIZE="1"][I]1 Minutes per Level[/I][/SIZE]
[tt=Krynn Minotaurs]Dragonlance Campaign Setting[/tt], [tt=Executioner's Mace]Dungeon Magazine #135[/tt], [tt=Strongheart Halfling]Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting[/tt], [tt=Anthropomorphic Bat]Savage Species[/tt]
[tt=Distracting Attack]Allies get +1 attack bonus against enemies I attack[/tt], [tt=Coordinated Archery]Adjacent Archers delay to fire together & gain +2 Attack & +1 Damage[/tt], [tt=Reckless Rage]Rage improves Str & Con score by additional +2 but Rage AC penalty is -2 worse[/tt], [tt=Destroy Undead Variant]Each attempt deals 1d6 damage per cleric level to all undead within 30 feet
Will save for 1/2 damage
DC=10 + Cleric Level + Cha Mod[/tt], [tt=Sudden Extend]1/day extend spell free[/tt][/spoiler][/right]