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Old Nov 15th, 2023, 01:33 AM
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"Yeah boss.", said Kenny "See we smoked it! That's why you hired us. Right?"

"Alright get serious man.", said Ova. "Can't you see this aunt just fun and games."

"Let it go Ova. A little levity never hurts. At least you stopped it.", David said.

"So you find your man?", Kenny asked.

"No. And witnesses say he was infected by the creature. ", David said. "So now we have another problem. Move over BigO. ", he said as he opened the door.

"What for, boss man? You probably can out run the Dam thing. ", Kenny laughed.

"How about I make you run laps around it as we drive back to hq.", said David a little anger in his voice, as he winked at Ova. Kenny was quite all the way back.

As they left, a large shadow moved through the woods. After watching them kill the Bentley creature, the Tonya creature went to find easier prey...

___________________________________________ THE END _________________________________________________

"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Nov 15th, 2023 at 01:35 AM.
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Old Nov 15th, 2023, 01:45 AM
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Book 3 posted... ohh wow hope lots of you read them. Rep responses are welcome.

Not sure if I'll post book 4. Don't want to get banned.... but maybe I'll edit out half the book....who knows I'll reread it and see what works. It definitely kills the plot so maybe it's best to not post. Based on 100 themes I'd be banned.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Dec 30th, 2023 at 06:16 PM.
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Old Nov 16th, 2023, 11:40 AM
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Wow 1696 views and no rep!!??!!
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 18th, 2024 at 07:21 PM.
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 07:34 AM
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OK seems as I've deemed book 4 rated m for mature. And that's a bit above the sites rating. I chose not to risk a infraction and move on.

Brief CATS gets a limited vaccine, a second full out break happens out in the national park near the city. Both CATS &ATTACK responded. It was stopped. But while dealing with it. CATS HQ got broken into by a hacker. Book 5 the whole team dies in Victory Inc. Thus we leave off with uncertain future. And Victory Inc ready to go worldwide with their viruses.

Now on to my action pact Jr detective stories. Titled "Suicide Boys".
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 08:03 AM
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Written by Blackdragon0 [Introduction:]

Billy Gunn & David Lee were students in Carmel, California. They met their freshman year of high school. Their school had some trouble and the boys stepped in to solve the problem.

On the first case they worked separately against each other. And one of them almost died. It was made harder because each was alone and trying to beat the other. One wound up saving the other and they caught the bad guys together.

On the second case they decided to work together. And they solved it much quicker. But because of the shoot out at the end, the towns people dubbed them the " SUICIDE BOYS!" They liked it. And they started their own P.I. and protection agency. Naming it The SUCIDE BOYS.

Billy had been on the football team, & was into mechanics. His family had money. He just decided he didn't like when people were hurt.

David was a blackbelt at a kickboxing dojo. His family was from Japan. And had a local store. They weren't rich but also not poor. He loved martial arts, designing weapons, and wanted to be a pilot one day.

Billy and David became best friends. Billy quit the football team and joined David at the dojo. Which the other jocks didn't like very much. David being half Japanese and always standing up for what's right. Became even more unpopular after that. As the popular kids were mostly bullies and jocks who were bullies. Not that David cared much, as besides hanging with Billy, he was a loner.

"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 02:41 PM.
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 08:40 AM
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David Lee's family moved here from Japan when he was a baby. He trained all his life to be like a Samurai. He stands 6ft 2 inches tall. And is very toned and muscular. He's best at kickboxing, kung-fu, & swords. But is trained in many forms of martial arts. He has black hair, dark brown eyes, and looks kinda like "Don the dragon Willson" with a Highlander haircut. This year he is a 18 year old senior.

Billy Gunn is 6ft 4inches tall. Has a bodybuilders size but no athletic tone. He has short spiked blonde hair green eyes. Looks kinda like "Johnny Cage". And is a 18 year old senior. He's best at judo, aikido, and bo-staff fighting. But has been training with David in many styles of martial arts. His family runs big businesses. And he's never out of money. And loves cars.

Today is the second day of their senior year, class of 2000-2001. The boys were getting ready for their first class. When a girl and her boyfriend started arguing across the hallway from their lockers. The girl tells the guy it's over. And he slams her into the wall.

"He's mine!", Billy yelled as he charges before David realizes what's happening. He trys to tackle the guy, who's on the football team. But is caught and slammed into the locker. The girl trys to stop the fight but David gently pulls her back before she could get hit.

"He'll be fine.", David tells her, as he steps between her and the fight. Billy throws a back kick into the guys lower right ribs. As he pushes off the locker, and turns around with a punch to the guys face. The blood starts to flow from the thugs nose. Billy follows up with a punch to the guys stomach, and a uppercut to his chin. Then catches the guys arm as he tries to swing a punch. And flips him in a hip toss to the ground.

"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 02:45 PM.
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 09:05 AM
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Then 2 other guys from the football team, come running up, and grabbed Billy from behind. David watched in horror, as the first guy got up pulling a 5 inch boot knife. And headed towards a restrained Billy.

David came jumping in with a flying dragon kick to the back of the guys head. Smashing his face into the locker he had pushed Billy against earlier. He drops the knife and slumps down to the ground unconscious.

Billy takes advantage of the distraction, that David's attack caused. He flips one guy over his left hip. Then spins around into a arm lock on the other one. Which he uses to slam the guy head first into the lockers. Then Billy stepped back and sidekicks him in the head which knocked him out.

Meanwhile the third guy gets back up. And he trys to punch David in the face. But David blocks and knees him in the groin. Then round houses him in the face. The guy flys halfway across the hall. He gets up and runs off.

David and Billy walk up to the first guy. Billy slaps him a few times to wake him up. " Touch her again and We'll Be Back!",, Billy tells him popping his knuckles. The guy trys to say something, but the principle walks up. And he stops. The principle suspends everyone there for a week cause he doesn't like fighting. And the one that ran off grabbed the knife as he did. So the principle didn't believe David about it.

"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 02:52 PM.
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Old Jun 28th, 2024, 08:04 AM
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Later that day while in town. Billy sees the girl walking, on the other side of the street. "She's, mine!", he yells, smiling at David. As he runs across the street to talk to her. And ask her out.

"I don't even know your name." , she protests. " And you don't know mine either. ", she adds.

"Im Billy Gunn. And that's David Lee.", says Billy as David comes up. "And we're the SUICIDE BOYS!" , he brags.

"So your the 2 that solved the mystery for the school last year. And that other thing. ", she says. " You 2 almost got yourselves killed on that last one. Not to mention all the damage!" she exclaimed.

"That's why we call ourselves The Suicide Boys.", says David from behind them as they walked. Then Billy asked the girl what her name was. She said it was Allison Williams. Then she told Billy she'd think about going out with him, as she dashed away home.

At her home Allison looked for her father . He was in a hurry as usual. " Daddy ummm." she began.

"Not now hunny. I have to go to work. " , he cut her off.

" What's so important you can't talk to your daughter?", she demands.

" I can't tell you. You know my work is classified. ", he responded.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 02:55 PM.
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Old Jul 5th, 2024, 01:03 PM
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"But dad..."

"No!", He yells. And Allison turns and runs out the door crying. She runs into her brother. Almost knocking them both down.

"What's wrong sis?", he asked.

"I got suspended. My ex-boyfriend hit me. ", she sobs. "I tried to tell dad but, he wont talk to me."

"I'll go handel him.", says her brother.

"No Jack.", she says "Billy & David already did that. That's why we're all suspended. "

"Ok, I'll go make dad come talk to you.", says Jack. Then he heads into his dad's office. But instead of his father he finds three men going out the office window. "Hey!", he yells and chases them outside.

He couldn't catch them so, he wrote the license plate number down. Then headed for his car to try to follow. Allison came running out. " Take this get help. I'll try to follow them. ", he told her and drove off.

The next morning Billy and David were playing one on one. When Allison came running up. They could see that she had been crying. "What's wrong?", asked Billy. "Did that guy come back?"

"No.", Allison sobbed ,"My father has been kidnapped. And my brother is trying to find them."
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 02:58 PM.
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Old Jul 5th, 2024, 01:39 PM
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"Do you know who they were?", Billy asked.

"No.", she answered. "But Jack got thier license plate number.
I called the police. They said since I didn't see them take my father. There's nothing they could do for 24 hours."
, she added. Then handed Billy the paper, and and asked. "Will you try and help find my father?"

"Hey, Billy don't you recognize that number?", said David excitedly as he looked over Billy's shoulder.

"Yes.", answered Billy. "That's the plate number from the red 81'mustange. I rented when my 67' was in the shop."

"Let's go see who rented it this time. ", says David as he headed for his truck. Billy follows David. They got into a modified Ford dully on mudslinging and off road wheels.

They sped off. A few minutes later they pulled up to a used car lot. Then Allison pulled up behind them. In a yellow 75' corvette, she had followed them.

A young man probably in his mid-twenties (thought David) came running up to them. He had a gun in his hand. It was Jack, but before Allison could say anything. David kicked it from his hands. And Billy caught it putting it to the man's chest.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 03:01 PM.
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Old Jul 14th, 2024, 09:26 AM
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"Don't shoot! That's Jack my brother!", she pleaded.

"Sorry.", said David as Billy lowered the gun. "But you really shouldn't run at people with a gun in your hands. "

"I didn't know you were friends of Allison's. I thought you were kidnapping her to. ", Jack replied.

"We thought you were one of the kidnappers.", Billy said. "What are you doing here Jack?"

"I followed them here.", Jack answered. "One of them must own this place. They have automatic guns. And they know I'm here. They shot at me. I shot back with my dad's revolver. And missed, I'm out of ammo."

"We should have ammo in the back of the truck.", Billy announced.

"Why do you guys have ammo in your truck? Are you gang members or something?", asks Jack.

"No their dectives. Billy Gunn and David Lee.
The Suicide Boys! "
, answered Allison.

"And I also build and design weapons. ", adds David.

"And I'm the money man!", bragged Billy, as he handed Jack his gun and some ammo. "Hey David where did the guns go?", asked Billy. As they weren't in the normal spot.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 03:04 PM.
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Old Jul 14th, 2024, 09:50 AM
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"Hidden in with the spare.", David said as he pointed to the modified second spare compartment. Then he hoped in back hit a code and it opened. He handed Billy a modified hand gun.

"What good is a hand gun against automatics?", yelled Billy.

"If your aim is good enough you dont need a automatic. ", David responded. "But that is my automatic hand gun prototype. I think, or maybe this one is.", he says as he pulls out another. "I have 3 or 4 of them. They aren't as loud as a machine gun either.", he says as he closed the compartment.

They walked over to find the building Jack said the kidnappers were in. The kidnappers open fire on them. They ducked behind a car and shot back. Then a big armored truck on monster wheels, with mounted chain guns. Came crashing out of the garage.

The truck was bigger than David's. And it's armor as good as David's. As they drove by they shot up David's truck. Bullets bounced off the truck but not the tires.

"Dam we should have armored the tires as well.", yelled David. Jack's car was shot up as well. But the kidnappers hadn't noticed Allison's corvette. So the boys hopped in, and followed leaving Allison behind, by David's truck.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 03:10 PM.
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Old Jul 16th, 2024, 06:58 PM
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The armored truck must have nos or something. Cause it was out running Allison's corvette. Luckily the only thing on this road was a private airport. They found the truck there as Billy and David had suspected they would. They arrived just a hair to late. They saw the kidnappers take off in a 2 engine plane.

They started searching the airport for clues. They found 2 dropped passports for Tokyo, Japan. By a refueling tanker. David figures they dropped them in their rush to fuel and take off. So Billy and David decided to hop the next flight to Japan.

That gave the boys 5 hrs to pack and deal with the police, over the shoot out at the carlot.The police were mad, but footage showed they were only defending themselves. And when Allison played a recording of the police saying they couldn't help. So she had to hire the boys to. The chief got in his car and sped off.

Billy had David's truck towed to his private shop. And drove David and Jack to the airport in his mustang. At the airport Jack saw 2 of the men from the kidnapping. Boarding the same flight as them. David and Billy recognized them as well. From the dropped passports. (They had done so to try and catch who was following them. )
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 03:13 PM.
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Old Jul 16th, 2024, 08:54 PM
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On the plane David decided he would keep an eye on them while Billy and Jack got some rest. While they were sleeping, the 2 men pulled a couple plastic hand guns. David went to confront them before anyone noticed. But a woman saw the guns and screamed.

As she was closer to them than David, it brought their attention to his direction. They turned and pointed their guns at him. Then one smiled turned and pointed his at a woman in the seat closest to him. David put his hands up in surrender, and the men turned and continued on towards the cabin of the plane.

A stewardess bringing out the in-flight meal saw them, screamed turned back around. And ran toward the cockpit to warn the pilots. The men took aim to shoot her. Distracted they didn't notice David coming. He kicked their guns out of their hands. And began fighting the men.

The screaming woke Billy. Who immediately began looking for David. He noticed the 2 men weren't in their seats either. He herd fighting coming from the next cabin towards the front of the plane. So he ran that way, knowing David would be in the middle of the fighting.

David grabs one of the men's arms, when he threw a punch. And sidekicks him in the ribs sending him a few feet back. The other guy tried to attack from behind. David turned and blocked the strike with his elbow. As the first guy decided to go for the guns while David was distracted.

The guy fighting David came at him with a haymaker. To his surprise David blocked it and countered with a uppercut to the guys chin. The man flew off his feet landing on his back out cold
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Jul 18th, 2024 at 03:19 PM.
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Old Jul 18th, 2024, 03:20 PM
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The second one managed to get to his gun. And was pointing it at David's back. Billy came in running and speared him. The man hit the ground hard, and the gun went flying. It went off twice. After hitting the ground and bouncing. Billy looked to see if David had been shot. But David was looking to see if any of the windows had been hit.

After they finished checking to be sure the plane was OK. David herd a man moaning, the sound coming from the cockpit behind him. David and Billy stared at the cockpit door. Then ran to investigate. Both pilots had been shot. One was dead. The other was hit in the shoulder. Billy asked, "Now who's gonna fly the plane?" As the plane begins a nose dive towards the ocean.

"I am.", yelled David. Over the missle like sound of the plane going down. "But I'll need your help.", he said to the wounded pilot.

"Do you even know how to fly a plane?", Asked the pilot.

"Single engine planes. And simulation jets. Actually I'm studying to be a fighter pilot.", answered David. "How far to the airport."

"About another...half an hour.", said the pilot. " think you..can keep it out of the ocean...that long?"

"With your help and a little luck, yeah.", exclaimed David. "But first we need to keep from crashing." He says having moved the dead pilot and taking his place. Then attempting to pull up.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 9th, 2024 at 06:29 AM.
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