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Old Jul 21st, 2022, 06:43 AM
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" I have all the gear you should need. Sidearms, assault rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, explosives, and even three L.A.W S. ", Lee said."It's all yours to use as needed. Not to mention the stuff the Colonel said he's sending. "

"This is great lieutenant. But what does this have to do with the cabin? ", David asked.

"Nothing yet. But they are sending an Air Force engineer. Joseph I think his name is. He'll be arriving with your new assault vehicle, and the equipment he needs to take out this back wall and build an underground hq. ", Lee said. As he pointed to the only wall not covered in weapons. " I'm starting on the plans for it now. So do you have any specific request? ", he said.

" I'll make a list. ", David said."Start by securing this area and a hidden entrance to the cabin. "

"Consider it done.", Lee said, as he started back out.

"And add a firing range to the cabin. I want my men trained here. ", David hollered at him.

"Is this all going to be necessary? ", asked Ova overwhelmed by the firepower in the bunker.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:43 AM.
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Old Jul 21st, 2022, 10:17 PM
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"After what we saw? Can you really ask that?" , David responded sarcastically. "Besides I'd rather have it not need it, then need it and not have it. "

"Agreed.", said Ova. "So what's next? "

"Well seems as how it's just the two of us. I guess we get busy. ", said David. "You go find some leads. I'm going to help here. Then I'll check on a lead I was given later. I'll call if I need backup. Otherwise I'll see you tomorrow Big O. "

"Hey why do you call me that?", asked Ova. But he didn't get a response. "Well I'll see what I can learn if anything. ", he said nonchalantly, never really expecting a response.

"Watch your back Detective. ", said David as Ova left. David helped finished the day's work on the cabin. And after work he followed Kenny.

While he followed Kenny, David received a phone call. "I'm
Out! I'm done! This is crazy! "
, yelled the caller.

"Calm down Christy. Calm down and tell me what's going on. ", said David as he kept a watchful eye on Kenny.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:43 AM.
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Old Jul 21st, 2022, 10:36 PM
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"You were right. About all of it. The virus, the town, victory Inc, their experiments on animals and people. I think the attack on the town was a test. I'm done, I quit! ",she says still hysterical.

"Okay, I get it, I know. But it's just like the super soldier program. Remember that some of them died. ", he said , trying to relax his sister. Trying to solve this problem quickly cause Kenny was almost home.

"No this ain't. They are kidnapping people not taking volunteers. And torturing animals, then turning them loose on the world. That's way worse than the super soldier program. Besides that program is meant to help the world, and ain't ran by A crazed loone ", she said. " James Stokely is a psycho. And plans to do bad things. Very bad things. "

"Yes well don't you want to stop it?", David asked knowing that would hit the right button.

"Yeah but...", she began.

"I can't stop it alone. I have no one else with the inside info. ", he told her. "And you are the only hope for a cure. ", he added for good measure.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:43 AM.
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Old Jul 21st, 2022, 10:54 PM
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"Alright , alright. I'll stay at least until I have a vaccine and or a cure. But David they are already working on a new virus. One with more powerful creatures and more dangerous results. And Stokely is trying to find a way to control the creatures.", she told him. David had already figured that out when most the creatures suddenly disappeared that day. "One more thing, A.T.T.A.C.K. isn't a security unit. I found a file on the computer today. It stands for Advance Trained Terrorist Assault Combat Killers."

"That's good to know. From now on give all Intel to Dave and have him report it to me. That should keep you out of the crosshairs.", he said in order to put her more at ease with what was going on.

"And Christy you get a working vaccine make sure you start with Dave and yourself. Then send some for me, to keep at the C.A.T.S. HQ. I may need it if there is another virus outbreak. ", then he hung up. Seeing A.T.T.A.C.K. agents in, on, and around Kenny's house.

"Dam I hate being right. ", he said as he headed in to help Kenny.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:45 AM.
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Old Jul 21st, 2022, 11:06 PM
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Kenny pulled up at home. He removed his gun from the glove box. Knowing that someone would come to shut him up at some point. He decided to keep his sidearm close at all times.

He started towards the door. But paused, his porch light was off. It's solar so the only reason for it not to be on, as dark as it is right now, is if it was broken. And it worked this morning before he left.

Then he heard it, the click of an M16 being charged to fire. He dropped into a somersault and rolled under the porch.(If only I could reach the headlights on my car, I might have a chance. ) he thought.

As he saw a pair of feet charge up to the spot he was standing a moment before. "He's move sir he may... Ackkk...", said the man as Kenny rolled out enough to shoot the man in the head. (BANG!) Kenny couldn't see real good only the man's outline but he could have sworn that the guy had tactical gear and night vision. He rolled back under the porch and crawled toward the other end.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:45 AM.
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Old Jul 21st, 2022, 11:22 PM
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Suddenly that exit was shadowed over. As he heard, "Target located... Argggh! ", and watched the shadow move away. Kenny crawled out just enough to see his rescuer. David had the man in a chokehold up in the air with one hand as he twisted his wrist snapping the man's neck. He looked down and motion for Kenny to keep silent. Then handed Kenny the man's communion and night vision.

They moved as the others on the comm asked dead man to respond. Then move to his position. Too late David and Kenny were already attacking from behind. "Hq come in we need help! ", a voice came over the radio.

Another voice responded, "Are you kidding. We sent a whole unit after one man. ", it said.

"But he's not alone. There's something else here. Three men dead, were dropping like flies... Aggh! "

"What a shame. What a waste of training. ", said The Voice then the comms went dead.

"What kind of human beings are they? ", said Kenny as he turned to David. "They didn't even care that these men died. ", he said a shocked expression on his face.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:46 AM.
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Old Jul 22nd, 2022, 01:55 AM
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" As far as I'm concerned they're not human, rather rabid animals. And I'm going to wipe them all out! ", he declared to Kenny. After killing the rest.. Then Ova pulled up in a pickup.

"You radioed for cleanup crew. ", he said as he and David started rounding up the bodies.

Kenny watched for a moment. Then dropped the comm unit and night vision gear on the ground and walked into the house. David rounded up the gear. Then left.

In the morning Kenny couldn't find a sign that anything had happened. Except for his smashed porch light. He put his gun in the glove box and drove out to work.

There a helicopter was Landing with equipment and some workers. Who disappeared. It left with six bodies loaded. Will show Kenny what part of the cabin to work on, and Kenny didn't see Lee anywhere. He was helping Jr with the roof when David and Ova arrived.

" I had some visitors as well last night. ", Ova said to David. "A couple of suits asking me to give them info on the investigation for money. They claim to be FBI, I blew them off. ", Ova said matter of factly.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:46 AM.
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Old Jul 22nd, 2022, 02:19 AM
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"Made sure I got the vibe that I'd get seeing them again soon. On less friendly terms. ", He added.

"They want an insideman. DAM!", said David. ( That means they at least suspect we are investigating them.) He thought as he watched the cabin being built. "If they can't recruit us. I think they will try to take us out. Like they did Kenny. We need more men." , he said. As Kenny approached.

"I'm in." He said, "That is Captain, if you still wantme."

"Welcome to C.A.T.S. Big O take him to town. Make Chief Marshall give him a badge and a gun. That ought to stick in his craw. ", laughed David. "And Detective he's now your partner. Never leave each other's side. "

David turned as Lee walked up from somewhere. "Captain I have something to show you. ", he said. And they walked off.

" Big O? What's that about? ", Kenny asked the 6-ft 4-in tall 345 pound detective.

"A nickname he seems to have given me. ", answered Ova, as he rubbed his bald head."Well recruit let's get going. Welcome to the team. "

"You know these guys don't have a clue, what you have them building here right? ", said Kenny.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:47 AM.
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Old Jul 23rd, 2022, 12:50 AM
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"That's the plan Kenny. Keep the cabin a secret, so the bad guys don't come calling. ", said Ova.

" Something tells me David wouldn't care if they did." , said Kenny. " It'd be a mistake on their part if they did.", he added seriously.

"That God takes his job very serious. And I seen how he moves to help his friends.", said Ova as they drove to town."Trust me I'm staying on the friend side of that man. "

After last night Kenny knew Ova was definitely speaking true. He also decided never to betray him. He pitied Victory Inc if they got a go ahead, David would take the whole company out.

Shortly they pulled into police headquarters."Hey Chief.", said Ova, as they entered.

"What's the news from the taskforce?", Marshall asked.

"Nothing much. Just a new recruit.", said Ova with a smile. "Someone should tell the bad guys not to 'attack', what they can't kill. It might just get them killed.", said Ova the sarcastically to Chief Marshall.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:47 AM.
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Old Jul 23rd, 2022, 01:11 AM
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"Maybe someone should. ", growled Marshall, as he slammed a badge down on the desk, for Kenny. As Kenny retrieved it Chief Kevin Marshall motioned for him to follow."So what kind of firearm do you favor son? ", he asked Kenny.

"A 9 mm or 380 auto. ", answered Kenny. "Or M16 assault rifle. "

"Yeah , that's right you were Army infantry once. Well we have all three right here take a belt holster and two clips for the side arm of choice.",he said. While Kenny grabbed a 380 and 2 clips. Then he picked up a M16.

"It's not loaded. ", said Kevin."Take it. But remember you and Ova still report to me, you know. But you do a good enough job and all recommend you for the Academy, and get you a permanent job here. ", he offered.

A minute later. "All set?", Ova asked.

"Yeah I guess. ", Kenny answered.

"Good sign here, and we are done here. ", said Ova. As he handed Kevin the paperwork.

Outside, "Do we really have to report to the chief? ", Kenny asked.

"Told you that, did he?", said Ova. "The mayor set us up as a separate unit from the chief's. So no we don't. But we can if we want. It's your call. ", he said.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:48 AM.
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Old Jul 23rd, 2022, 01:29 AM
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"I don't trust him. ", said Kenny.

"Good call. ", said Ova. "Put the rifle in the back. It's time for us to go to work.", said Ova as he started the car.

Lee and David were entering the arms bunker when,"Hault special clearance only!", yelled a familiar voice.

Dave Tackett stepped into the light rifle in hand. "Hello, Tackett. What are you doing here?", asked David.

"Guard Duty captain.", answered Dave."I was brought in to make sure the secret HQ stays that way. And that none of this stockpile leaves unwantedly ."

"Dam good security Lt.", David said slapping Lee on the shoulders.

"Yeah, he is also helping to set up the security for the HQ, cameras, auto weapons, and fences. ", Lee explained. "But that's not all come on in. ", he said as they entered.

David heard no noise, and the wall was still up. That Lee said would be the entrance to the hidden hq. He was about to ask Lee what was up, when Lee pushed a code on a hidden keypad. And the wall opened to a finished chamber, that led to a long hall which was being worked on.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:48 AM.
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Old Jul 23rd, 2022, 08:06 AM
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"Looking good boys. Here'smy list.", said David as he handed Lee a list of things he wanted done."Dave you know I'm recruiting, for this? ", he stated and asked at the same time.

"Yeah Christy told me. But if I joined it could put her in danger. ", David answered."Besides I'm a shooter not a detective. But I'll consider the offer. ", he said.

"Come on the cabin should be finished soon. ", said Lee. "We should talk about the office sizes and equipment. "

"No rush there Lt. ", said David with a sly grin. " As I said I'm recruiting. And so I stole a worker from you. ", Lee nodded and moved on anyways.

"I planned for that. So my men were told to work more in order to keep pace.", Lee said. "Did mayor Morrison tell you everything about my contract? ", he asked.

"No why? ", said David curious now.

"I'm not just building this place. I get to build two or three safe houses around the city. So you and your team can go. If this place is ever compromised. And for civilians. In case of another outbreak. ", Lee explained.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:49 AM.
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Old Jul 23rd, 2022, 08:27 AM
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"So your family won't be in danger again. ", David guessed. "Don't worry Lt. All have them brought here if need be at the first sign of trouble.", he told his friend.

They exited the bunker and went to the cabin. Which was a empty shell. Four main walls and a roof all done. We wasn't kidding about the work ethics of his crew. So they went on office space and equipment and positioning of each workstation and items in the cabin. The engineer from the military had also started some soldiers on the enclosed firing range already.

Later that day we came in the cabin, and knocked on David's office door. "How's the desk working out? ", says Lee. David knows he has something more to say but was waiting to do so.

"It's the locks on every drawer work for me. But this candle light ain't that good for working.", David replied.

"From what I remember you hated paperwork anyways.", smiled Lee. "When the walls are up and ready the engineer guy says he'll hook you up with power. Besides the facilities work ain't that a good start "
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:50 AM.
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Old Jul 23rd, 2022, 08:41 AM
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Lee was laughing until he sees David's face."Okay, okay. The generators and turbines just arrived. With a special package. " now David was interested, but it would have to wait. Ova & Kenny were back.

"Nice digs boss.", Kenny says slyly. "I know you're going for the bare necessities medieval look. Otterballs, a roof, and an empty desk, lit by a candle. But really where is the fireplace? ", he laughed.

"Yeah, okay. We got it, hard to work without the right equipment. ", David said. "Speaking of have one of Lee's army buddies bring you some loaded clips for that thing. "

Ova looked at Kenny. "How did he know it wasn't loaded? ", he said confused.

"Simple. ", said Lee. "He's too relaxed while holding it. And he's holding it high, like it's right. Which means no wait from the clip. The added way lowers the carrying stance a couple of inches. ", he explains. "When on an assault you can always tell a threat from a distraction. By the way they hold their weapons. "
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:50 AM.
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Old Jul 26th, 2022, 05:56 AM
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"How would you know that? ", Kenny asked.

"He was trained to.", David said. "All my S.O.F unit was.", he said as Lee went to get Kenny some ammo.

"He was S.O.F.? Wow didn't expect that. ",Kenny said.

" Assumption is the mother of all ****ups! Kenny you need to be ready for anything. We are not up against normal people and things.", David said sternly.

" I know, but I've known Lee for 2 years. I never even thought he was military." , Kenny said. "He never acted like most of the others in town. "

"That's why we get along. He keeps things quiet and acts normal. You feel like your around agood man. Around him.", David said. "He's not arrogant,
pushy or full of attitude like most soldiers."

"We have a report. ", Ova cut in.

" Shoot Big O.", David said. Waiting for news.

"A.T.T.A.C.K ain't really security. It stands for...", David cutin.

" Advance Trained Terrorist Assault Combat Killers, I know this already. ", he said annoyed.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)

Last edited by BlackDragon0; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:51 AM.
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