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Old Jun 28th, 2010, 01:06 PM
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Religion Information

ReligionAlignmentDomainsFavored Weapon
The Sovereign OneNeutral GoodGlory, Good, Healing, Liberation, Protection, SunLucerne Hammer
The Way of the StagTrue NeutralAir, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, WeatherClub
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Jul 1st, 2010 at 04:19 PM.
Old Jun 29th, 2010, 01:09 PM
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Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim
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The Sovereign One
BasicsKing of Nirvana, Holy One, Sovereign Lord
Alignment: Neutral Good
Favored Weapon: Lucerne Hammer
Portfolio: Compassion, Love, Mercy, Goodness, Sun
Domains: Glory, Good, Healing, Liberation, Protection, Sun
Subdomains: Honor, Restoration, Freedom, Purity, Light
Followers and ClergyFollowers of the Sovereign One come from all backgrounds and walks of life. Among the flock are members of every race and class. Nearly all the worshipers are non-evil; while some evil aligned individuals claim to follow the faith, few have any deep convictions and pay it little more than lip service.

The clergy is primarily made up of adepts and clerics, though some druids and paladins have been known to act in a priestly capacity.
OverviewAccording to the Prophecies of LeDalle, the sacred texts of the Sovereign One's followers, the King of Nirvana shaped the material plane by using material gathered from the Inner Planes and thoughts and ideals gathered from Nirvana, Heaven, and Elysium. Originally it was a place of love and light, a paradise where mortals grew and prospered, and when they died they populated the formerly empty Outer Planes. The Sovereign Lord was close to his creation, and visited often.

The Prophecies also tell of an unidentified Enemy, who discovered the new material plane and pulled thoughts and ideals from the Abyss, Abaddon, and Hell to corrupt it. This rush of evil sent the Sovereign One away, for he wept at what had been done to his world. With the King of Nirvana absent, the Material Plane was left to it's own devices, its people left to follow an array of false beliefs.

Still, the prophecies say, one day the Sovereign Lord will return and cleanse the evil, bringing redemption to everyone and lifting up those who held true to his beliefs. Until then, followers are expected to uphold the philosophies of love and compassion, setting an example for others to follow.
Organization and SpreadThe Church of the Sovereign One is evangelical in nature, and while conversion by force is against the teachings of the Prophecies, certain members have been known to be a bit overzealous at times. The Church is run by a council of seven high priests. When one dies, the remaining six choose his replacement, though tradition has it that the deceased can make a recommendation in his or her will.
Relations with other faithsFollowers of the Sovereign One sometimes have disagreements with the followers of the Way of the Stag - the former often see the natural world as the creation of their god, a garden to be tended, which directly conflicts with the philosophies of the latter.
Special Spellcasting Rules for FollowersBards may learn the following spells at the given levels: Shield of the Dawnflower (4th), Flame Blade (2nd).
Clerics may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Holy Sword (8th), Burst of Glory (5th), Good Hope (4th), Shield of the Dawnflower (4th), Flame Blade (2nd).
Druids may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Holy Word (8th), Restoration (4th), Prayer (3rd), Bless Water (1st).
Paladins may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Burst of Glory (4th), Shield of the Dawnflower (4th), Good Hope (3rd), Flame Blade (2nd).
Rangers may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Shield of the Dawnflower (4th), Flame Blade (2nd).
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Sep 9th, 2010 at 01:17 AM.
Old Jun 29th, 2010, 01:09 PM
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Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim
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The Way of the Stag
BasicsAlignment: True Neutral
Favored Weapon: Club
Portfolio: Nature, The Cycle of Life and Death
Domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Plant, Water, Weather
Subdomains: Wind, Caves, Growth, Oceans, Seasons
Followers and ClergyFollowers of the Way of the Stag are usually close to nature, including farmers, shepherds, or woodcutters. Adventurers may be followers too - especially rangers. However, there are even adherents in urban areas, who stay in cities to ensure that the cityfolk do not forget what lies outside the walls. After all, they reason, where best to preach against disruption than in the heart of it? Most followers are true neutral, or one step away.

The leaders of the faith tend to be druids most often, though occasionally a cleric or ranger adopts the role.
OverviewThe Way of the Stag isn't the oldest druidic tradition, but it is the most prominent. Founded by an awakened stag named Whiteforks, the druids of the tradition teach limited interference in the natural world. While individual members may disagree at what "limited" means, and when interference is desirable, the basic idea is that the natural world functions best when left alone.

Druids are encouraged to live in or near civilization, doing what they can to minimize the incursion of settlements. Some have taken this to mean they should perform acts of terrorism, but the majority simply try to teach the townsfolk about the local ecology and how to live their day to day lives with a minimum of disturbance to it.
Organization and SpreadLike most druidic paths, the adherents of the Way of the Stag are organized in localized groves. People may travel from one grove to another, and the groves remain in communication, but each is autonomous. The Way of the Stag is only mildly evangelical - followers are encouraged to spread the philosophy of noninterference, but not change a person's existing religious views.
Relations with other faithsFollowers of the Way of the Stag sometimes have disagreements with the followers of the Sovereign One - the latter often see the natural world as the creation of their god, a garden to be tended, which directly conflicts with the philosophies of Whiteforks.
Special Spellcasting Rules for FollowersClerics may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Tree Stride (5th), Animal Messenger (2nd), Deadeye's Arrow (2nd), Gozreh's Trident (2nd), Goodberry (2nd), Whispering Wind (2nd), Calm Animals (1st).
Druids may cast Goodberry on nuts as well as berries.
Druids may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Water Walk (3rd), Gozreh's Trident (2nd), Whispering Wind (2nd), Deadeye's Arrow (1st)
Paladins may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Deadeye's Arrow (1st).
Rangers may prepare the following spells at the given levels: Goodberry (2nd), Whispering Wind (2nd), Create Water (1st), Deadeye's Arrow (1st).
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons

Last edited by Pilgrim; Sep 9th, 2010 at 01:49 AM.
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