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Old May 30th, 2012, 07:32 PM
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The New World

Applications are now closed. Thanks to all that applied!

Game NameThe New World
Game SystemDnd 4e
ThemeCharacter-Driven Exploration and Adventure
FlavourHeavy Role-Playing; roughly equal parts Combat and Non-Combat Encounters

Plot Summary (The Big Picture)For the better part of three centures, the Erathic Empire has been expanding its influence over the known world. Some thirty years ago, Imperial explorers discovered a previously-unknown continent known as Medrona. The Empire has since gained a strong foothold on the continent, calling it the New World. A small handful of civilized settlements has been established, and Imperial dignitaries and missionaries have been working hard to promote the word and the will of Erathis amongst the continent's savage indigenous people.

In the years since its discovery, Medrona has become an attractive destination for explorers and adventurers of all kinds; the lure of uncharted territory and undiscovered treasures has proven too strong for many to resist, while rumours and whispers of what might await discovery in the New World have been capturing the Empire's imagination in the Old World.

Despite their wild imaginations, the Erathic Empire's subjects could never have guessed what was truly waiting to be found in Medrona.

Plot Summary (The Small Picture)Morrigan the Bladewitch is an impulsive felon and a known murderer. She has been spared the noose for one reason and one reason only: Morrigan alone knows how to access the Branch of the Ancients. It is a highly sought-after artifact, and the Empire has contracted a disparate group of individuals, Morrigan among them, to retrieve the Branch and deliver it into the hands of the Imperial authorities.

The party is currently in the small port city of Olid, and it is going to set out shortly to the temple where the Branch is allegedly located. The journey promises to be exceedingly dangerous, and Morrigan's company could use all the help they can get. Unfortunately, there are few who possess the courage, or perhaps the madness, to join them.





Apps submitted to date for replacement players (0):
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The Game Forum is set up and the campaign is in full swing. Feel free to check it out if it helps to guide your character's background development.

Applications are now closed. Thanks to all that applied!

Last edited by Enthusiast; Jan 1st, 2014 at 12:14 AM.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 08:16 PM
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Name: Jarrett Mils, Rhett, Oathbreaker
Race: Human
Class: Fighter (Slayer)
Role: Striker
Alignment: Good
Deity: None




Last edited by Doghouse; Jun 1st, 2012 at 06:12 PM.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 08:42 PM
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Posting interest placeholder.
Most likely to be active in the evenings US Eastern Time.

Lost laptop charger, posting from phone.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 08:56 PM
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Doghouse, I'm glad you're excited! I am too! Yes, you can definitely create a Slayer. Sounds awesome! But please take a sec to check the Character Creation Guidelines in the original post first, just to make sure your chosen race and everything fits in with the campaign setting.

dpbj602, thanks for your interest. I'm looking forward to seeing your app!
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Old May 30th, 2012, 09:46 PM
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I'm very interested. I'm new, but I've been looking for a 4e pbp game for a while (even before I found this site) and this one sounds fascinating. I love the idea of exploring a new world.

I'm thinking about a Hunter (the Essentials Ranger Archer, which is a Controller), leaning Elf. Seems like it would fit very well with your setting. That said, the class is listed as a Martial/Primal class, and many of the powers post-level 1 are primal powers. My thinking is that he could have been among the first children born in this new land, and has acquired some primal abilities during his time in the wilderness. Development of his primal abilities could even potentially be worked into the plot, as nothing overtly primal is available until level 2.

Could this work? If not, let me know and I'll put something else together.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 10:04 PM
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Berliad, I love the way you're thinking. The "Ranger (Hunter)" class is great, and you're right, it's listed as Primal. Your post is an excellent example of how you can convince your DM of just about anything, as long as you make a good argument. Given that Medrona has been settled for a good 30 years, there's no reason why children born on the continent couldn't dabble in Primal powers. An elf or human could make a good living as a hunter in the New World. I like what you're thinking. Can't wait to see your Ranger (Hunter) app. I just started playing a character with this build in another campaign, and I love it.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 10:10 PM
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How do you feel about someone who only has limited knowledge of 4th ed. I have played in maybe 2 4th ed sessions total and don't know that I have a solid grasp on the rules.

That said, I am posting my interest at least.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 10:11 PM
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Elementalist, I see that your post is deleted, but if you're still interested, I'm open to the "Foulborn Heritage" Bloodline Feat, as long as it's written into your character description/background.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 10:13 PM
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Great! I'll start putting it together. Thanks for the quick response! -B
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Old May 30th, 2012, 10:15 PM
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c12sprint, I'm very open to having players with limited 4e knowledge. I'm not much of an expert myself, so it's all good. Having said that, I'd rather not have a party composed entirely of new-to-4e players, because that could get a little cumbersome. But please feel free to submit your app. The real driving force behind my selection will be the development of interesting characters. I'd like to see some characters with a little depth; I'm hoping that this will become something more than a basic hack-and-slash campaign, so if you can give me an interesting character, I'd love to have you on board!
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Old May 30th, 2012, 10:23 PM
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Name: Yang

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Centered Breath Monk.

Role: Primary Striker/Secondary Controller by the looks of it.

Alignment: Good-ish? (I prefer the 3/3.5 alignment system a BIT better...According to that he'd be Neutral Good, borderline Lawful.)

Deity: He likes what the Elven God is about, but doesn't particularly claim a deity as his own.

Appearance and Personality:


Potential Connections to Other Characters: wait for it......

RP Sample: I'll get one up eventually...I just have to get where I posted the sample XD

His background wouldn't necessarily have anything too exciting or earthshattering in it (Woke up...sparred with Father...sparred with mother...trained with brother so-and-so...) but I hope that helps you get my picture for the character. My inspiration was that pic I posted -- THAT is a freakin awesome moustache he's got. If you'd like, I could work on a RP sample that fleshes out a specific point in his life or something like I did with the one I was going to post anyway.

I think his total-focus mentality would mesh well in an RP setting with a jokester character XD I could have fun with that.
Most likely to be active in the evenings US Eastern Time.

Lost laptop charger, posting from phone.

Last edited by dpbj602; May 30th, 2012 at 10:30 PM.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 10:41 PM
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Cool, I'll write something up soon.
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Old May 31st, 2012, 12:39 AM
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Name: Isaac Bren

Race: Half Elf

Class: Bard

Role: Leader

Alignment: Unaligned

Appearance and Personality: If courage could be sold Isaac would be the richest in the world, he's never met a challenge he had to back away from. Also if courage could be sold Isaac would sell it. If flair was a crime Isaac would be hanged, and if stories were free Isaac would never stop talking(he never stops talking). Isaac always wears something flashy and loves attention, but if he must be subtle then he can suck it up and suffer through it. Isaac is blond with a beard connecting his neatly trimmed hair kept tied into a short ponytail, and he is battling his greatest foe of limited wardrobe space on this expedition.

Background: Isaac comes from a very privileged family, the hardest times he ever experienced were when his personal servant broke his leg, and he had to feed, dress, and even plan events for himself. He's never been exposed to anyone who openly disagrees with him, and as such has a hard time believing he could be wrong. He's grown up knowing everyone connected to the government, and is expected to to go into the field himself, this expedition is to get himself a foothold.

Potential Connections to Other Characters: Any other character involved with the government is a possible connection, especially a fighter type could be sent as a guard possibly.

RP Sample: Soon
Just forget the words and sing along,
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Old May 31st, 2012, 12:57 AM
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Posting interest as a dragonborn warlord or dwarf artificer.
in honor of Shipjacked: Not all venom is meant to kill and death comes unexpectedly to those lost in jungles.

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Old May 31st, 2012, 01:42 AM
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Is there any format you want the application in?
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