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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 04:23 PM
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@sammichweasel: i'll try to cook up a letter or two for ya
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 05:01 PM
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Still hopin I make it, I really want to use this character concept -- monks not being gimped in 4e is exciting.
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Lost laptop charger, posting from phone.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 05:33 PM
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Morrigan the Blade
left-aligned image
Name: Morrigan the Blade [her last name has been stricken from the records of her people in disgrace, thus she only goes by her first name and current 'title'. If asked, she will offer her opponent a right to duel her to know her last name, and likely offer her life in the process.]
Race: Eladrin
Class: Swordmage|Warlock (Hybrid)
Role: Defender/Striker
Alignment: Unaligned

Morrigan has a flowing set of dark brown hair, permitted to freely fall past her shoulders with little care for style, whirling about her when she fights. She wears a set of elegant and studded leather armour, weathered and battered with years of use and ill maintenance - she clearly has little concern or time to take care of her armour in recent days. Morrigan's skin is very pale, in Eladrin nature, with bright blue eyes complimenting her otherworldly presence. Lithe and agile, she seems ready for combat at a moment's notice, a smirk often on her face. Her wispy form seems to drift through a crowd with ease, yet she tends to draw attention, much to her chagrin. Despite her normally refined nature, Morrigan seems much more unkempt than usual during her time away from her home in the Feywild. A deep red cloak on her shoulders and a red sash at her waist are the only true splashes of colour upon her person, and the only things she seems to keep better maintained than her sword, the cloth being meticulously cleaned and pressed at least weekly. Her blade is often at her side, and when drawn, it gleams almost as much as the unhinged glint in her eyes.


Full of bravado and a deep desire to set things right and prove herself useful, Morrigan can rub a lot of people the wrong way with her blunt and vaguely condescending nature. Reeling from losses in her personal life, and a separation from her people, she often lashes out at others (and strangers) to try and give her life some semblance of purpose. Often at least mildly intoxicated, Morrigan can be difficult to deal with on a personal level, as she is very obviously trying to bury or fix something from her past. Despite this, when Morrigan counts someone as a friend, she would die to defend them in the nature of an Eladrin Feyknight. However, this also means she has a tendency to take offense on the behalf of her allies, sometimes looking for a fight where there was none to begin with. Morrigan is at her happiest when permitted to drink in peace, and meets any questions about her history with very open hostility. She tolerates Gnomes & Elves, a more 'advanced' pair of cultures with fey origins, and looks down on humans in particular, seeing them as weak and coddled. Despite her stand-offish nature, she has a curious tendency to defend even those she hates if she sees them as too 'weak' to defend themselves, perhaps seeing it as a personal victory over the ones she protects. She does not hesitate to draw steel. At the very least, Morrigan knows when her brand of diplomacy is not helpful, and can at least be persuaded to hit the taverns when a silver tongue is needed instead of a silvered blade.

Morrigan is an ex-soldier. A swordmage and a warlock; one who blends the arts of blade and spell, serving to defend and fight for those who cannot. Previously serving within the Eladrin Military at the ancient Eladrin city of Seleneth, she was a young officer, a sergeant dedicated to leading small squadrons to reinforce defensive positions and escort important individuals. Morrigan was well known in her time to be relentless in her nature, often sacrificing her own safety to ensure that of another. Though this commended her nature as a soldier, it showed her as being too reliant upon her 'intuition' rather than any overarching military plans, thus her rank was never to advance beyond that of a leader of small groups of soldiers: something she was perfectly happy with. Morrigan's father was killed in a conflict within the Feywild when she was still quite young, but has always had a loving mother while growing up. Morrigan's mother is a warlock, and while less pleased at her daughter's decision to follow in her father's footsteps as a warrior, she is delighted at the prospect of her using magic in new and ingenious ways - Morrigan's dedication at blending the arts of the Swordmage and the Warlock had long been one of her most notable accomplishments. Though always supportive of her daughter, Morrigan's mother often found her time more devoted to her studies into spell work than her own flesh and blood. Although Morrigan never found herself deprived of love or attention, she found herself to be much more independent as a result.

Morrigan had long been friends with a higher-caste Eladrin girl, Kylaina, a daughter of a high-ranking Eladrin general, known for leading the Seleneth military to victory many times within the Feywild. Kylaina was looked down upon with disdain by other members of her caste, her father included, for daring to freely associate with one below her means, but Kylaina & Morrigan had formed a great affinity for each other during their time together at the Academy. As they grew older, they could feel a strange connection growing between them, finally admitting their love for one another towards the end of their training. Their relationship was kept a strict secret, both to preserve Kylaina's reputation and to save Morrigan from a scandal that would likely result in her banishment from the military. And so they met in secret, or under the guise of study, spending all the time they could together. Their romance went on for the next few years, with Morrigan's mother being the only other person aware of their love, a love she gladly supported with warmth and understanding.

Kylaina, a warlord, was destined to be a general like her father, and thus trained to be an officer, commanding entire platoons of Eladrin in larger-scale conflicts. Within Seleneth, training of officer and soldiers would be carried out with raids against the city's foes - small groups deployed to enact brutal guerrilla strikes against key locations. The missions were never designed to be overly dangerous for the young soldiers, but an ever-present air of lethality would go with them, and lives would clearly be on the line; nobody would make a mistake when death was more than likely if you faltered. It was an ideal way to train soldiers & officers alike in long-distance travel, preparation and combat. Morrigan had successfully led two of these expeditions herself, and though Kylaina's father sought to protect her from leaving the confines of the city, or even the Feywild, he eventually gave in and permitted Kylaina to lead a task force to investigate rumours of dark creatures in the Sidhe. She was the logical choice for the mission, an outstanding officer in need of real-world experience, and thus he begrudgingly permitted her journey, on the condition she take an extra dozen soldiers with her. Kylaina agreed, officially requesting Morrigan as her second-in-command, stating there's no other she'd trust more to have her back.

The expedition, meant to be a simple reconnaissance of a likely false report, ended up being a complete failure. The larger number of Eladrin resulted in them being detected prematurely; additionally, the task force was completely unprepared for the numbers they were to face, and the ferocity of the attack completely overwhelmed the Eladrin's defenses. Using unexpectedly advanced tactics and far greater numbers than anticipate, the enemy force surrounded and assaulted the Eladrin, striking hard and fast at both their healers and their leadership - including Kylaina. Despite her best efforts, Kylaina and half of the Eladrin were brutally murdered under a hail of arrow and spell, leaving Morrigan to take command of a battered and demoralized force. Rallying her fellows, she was able to make a successful retreat, tearfully carrying the body of her beloved with her to Seleneth.

Her claims were impossible to behold, an enemy force of that size couldn't possibly exist, not without the Eladrin knowing. The death of Kylaina, a daughter to one of the greatest Generals of the Eladrin, at the hands of a 'weak' foe was too much to bear, and Morrigan suffered the blame for the defeat. It didn't take long for the surviving Eladrin soldiers to be bribed or coerced into speaking out against her, and the evidence was damning. They blamed her for the unit's deaths, claiming she failed to responsibly oversee the operation, without taking necessary precautions to ensure survival.
"Feyknight Morrigan, for your reckless and irresponsible failures in the face of Seleneth and her people, and incompetence upon the field of battle, you are hereby sentenced to exile - never to return to our fair city, nor the Feywild. You are an enemy of our people, and will forever be treated as such." Not even permitted to see her mother one last time, Morrigan found herself banished and cast out into the mortal plane, forced to trek on foot to civilized lands, and the Erathic Empire.

She hates these humans, their petty squabbles and their ever growing kingdoms, and her only refuge has been in her intensely developing alcoholism, a habit she never partook in whilst still serving as a soldier. The so-called 'civilization' that surrounded her sickened her to her stomach, and her lack of money hurt her drinking habits - resorting to gambling and fighting for her money. She decided to tread the path of the mercenary, and upon hearing of the coin available in Medrona (not to mention a chance to distance herself from the bloated bureaucracy) she took her first opportunity to travel there. Morrigan now feels truly alone, struck with depression and self-blame for her lover's death. She now finds herself within Olid, getting into fights with commoners and wasting away her days drinking at the various cardhouses and taverns, paralyzed with grief. She finds herself lacking a will to survive, and combined with her brash and hotheaded nature, she expects (and perhaps hopes for) death to come visiting her soon, well aware she is unlikely to survive long with her current attitude.


A Silvered Tongue
"What'd I learn from my own kind? Spells, swordplay, and a disdain for the law and its keepers. From the humans? Alcoholism, how to pick a lock, and ways to use the common tongue to incite men into leaping upon my blade. It's been an exciting decade for me."
~Morrigan, the Witch of Blades

Last edited by Darkling; Jun 2nd, 2012 at 10:23 PM.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 05:44 PM
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Name: Aukan Thalimaka

Race: Goliath

Class: Berserker(Barbarian)

Role: Defender

Alignment: Unaligned (CN, leaning towards TN)





Character Sheet:

Need to find a pic; sadly there are like 2 goliath images :<

Edit: Updated connections, will work on others shortly.
Edit2: Updated appearance and personality.
Edit3: Added connections.

Last edited by grav; Jun 3rd, 2012 at 09:03 PM.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 05:52 PM
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You could always say its based on this but different in X, and Y.
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Lost laptop charger, posting from phone.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 05:54 PM
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Added hook ideas for the two new apps.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 06:08 PM
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So many walls of text. x.x so hard to keep up... anyone related to one of my charries, please just PM the overwhelmed yena.
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 07:36 PM
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Strawberries, I just PMed you about the Genasi thing. Let me know what you think.

elementalist and nebelun, thanks for updating your apps to make the connection. Looks good. Could be really interesting!

Darkling, great app! Wonderfully written, as always.

grav, good background. I like it! Just be careful that that bloody tiefling doesn't get his hands on the skeleton in your closet, or he'll blackmail you real quick.

Speaking of whom, thanks for updating your app, sammichweasel!
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 08:46 PM
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Ok will leave Rhogar in Eberek past.
in honor of Shipjacked: Not all venom is meant to kill and death comes unexpectedly to those lost in jungles.

Are you a Pathfinder GM? Join the team at Eternity's End
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 10:10 PM
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This is my first Play by Post campaign that I have ever played - even through I do know how they work. Even through this is a late submission, and it may be pretty brief, I really hope that I get accepted into this PbP campaign.

Name: Davtiln Carter
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Artificer
Role: Leader
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Moradin





Last edited by William Imm; Jun 2nd, 2012 at 11:27 PM. Reason: Expansion? Expansion!
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Old Jun 1st, 2012, 11:48 PM
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Thanks to hyenaofleisure and sammichweasel for working my character (Erethil, ranger) into their possible connection bits. I fully endorse your connection descriptions. Though sammich, I gotta say, Erethil may be a nice guy, but he doesn't take kindly to being stiffed when it's time to pay for his services!

As a general point, my character is likely to be extremely interested in any individuals who are either a part of one of the shifter clans, or works directly with them. His main goal at this point is to learn from the shifters and further his primal connection with the natural world. If this sounds like an interesting angle for a connection, please feel free to PM me. I might still newbie impaired PM-wise, but I'll go take care of that if I have to in order to respond!

c12sprint, I can see Erethil and Tamos striking up quite the friendship for these reasons. Erethil is a fairly feral imperial, while Tamos seems like a fairly civilized clansman. And on top of that, the similarities of their fighting styles--ranged, complemented by primal abilities--would make them an interesting pair.
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Old Jun 2nd, 2012, 12:16 AM
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I'm happy to work with everyone. ^_^ And I'm kinda surprised that Cinna and Jet are the two star's of the show as it were for my apps. I'm looking forward to playing any of em, but still, those two will both have some really unique experiences I think, gosh, I'm starting to know how the DM's must feel. >_<
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Old Jun 2nd, 2012, 01:23 AM
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William Imm, thanks for submitting an app! Looks good, especially for a first-timer!
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Old Jun 2nd, 2012, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Enthusiast View Post
William Imm, thanks for submitting an app! Looks good, especially for a first-timer!
Thanks! For reference, my charcater's grandfather is a artificer, and both his parents are mages.
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Old Jun 2nd, 2012, 01:52 AM
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Oh my a lot of interest, and even moved the date up a bit!

I am thinking about a Human Ship Captain, would that fit into the world well?
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