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Old May 19th, 2024, 06:01 PM
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I am setting a deadline on this game. 5/25, Saturday.
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Old May 20th, 2024, 09:06 AM
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App complete. Not the biggest fan of his background so I might tweak it a bit, but it's weird and I like it for that aspect at least.

Character Concept
right-aligned image

Name: "Sir Basil" (he will never say his last name)
Race: Harengon
Class: Fighter 3 (Battle Master) - crossbow build but if we need a meat shield I can easily make him a sword and board.
Background: Knight (Noble)

Traits: I live by my own set of weird and wonderful rules. I am full of energy and have trouble standing still for very long.
Ideal: Rule of Three. Everything in the multiverse happens in threes. I see the "rule of three" everywhere and try to show others the way. (Lawful)
Bond: Once I give my word, I would rather die than break it.
Flaw: I have no concept of time and am late for everything.

Sir Basil is a strange but charismatic fellow that sees a friend in everyone. He speaks quickly and is incredibly energetic, and is full of life and zeal. He carries himself with regal bearing but has a variety of bizarre practices that makes others wonder if these are practices from his strange homeland or if he is a bit soft in the head. He is honorable and brave, and has a number of strange mannerisms and rules for himself as part of his code of conduct that seem strange to others but make perfect sense to him. He fully believes in the philosophy of the "Rule of Three" in the multiverse - everything in creation happens in threes, and all actions and events are intrinsically tied together with each other. It's a bizarre philosophy but Sir Basil wholeheartedly believes in it. If there is anything truly negative one could say about Sir Basil, it is he is constantly late for any important events and never seems to know what time of the day it is.

Sir Basil is a humanoid rabbit, standing approximately the height of an average dwarf but only half as wide. His furry body is lean and athletic, with overdeveloped legs and long feet and the recognizable ears and whiskers of a regular rabbit. He wears a beautifully made suit of chain mail armor which gleams with a silvery-blue finish and over which he wears a gold tabard depicting what appears to be a set of upside down rabbit ears with crossed arrows behind them. A thick black belt encircles his waist from which hangs a rapier with a whip coiled behind its scabbard and a belt purse on his left side. He holds a crossbow in his hands and wears a sturdy backpack on his back.

Sir Basil is not quite sure exactly how he ended up in the Kingdom of Cormyr. Or, at least that's what he says. Sir Basil grew up in Mugsquaffle Hold in the demiplane created by Michabo, where (at least some) harengon hail from as home. Sir Basil was of noble birth and soon became granted a martial title when he became of age, and was one of many knights of Mugsquaffle Hold in charge of its defense. He was initially tasked with delivering a courier note to a harengon noble named Lord Lannipus in the nearby kingdom of Brightwatch only to discover that he had now moved on to Stiffhopper Hold. Upon arriving at the next hold, Sir Basil learned that Lord Lannipus was no longer there either and no one knew where he went. The frustrated harengon slept outside under the stars only to awaken in Faerun... somehow. But, Sir Basil knows for sure that Lord Lannipus must be on this plane of existence and that is why he must find him and deliver him this incredibly important It's actually a recipe for a delicious carrot bread.sealed courier note. Sir Basil has since been visiting kingdoms nearby seeking this missing harengon lord and acting as a de facto emissary of sorts up to this point.
02/26/24 - New position and personal real estate work is keeping me busy, please PM me if I am running behind.

Last edited by Grouchy; May 21st, 2024 at 07:39 AM.
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Old May 20th, 2024, 07:23 PM
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Do you Allow Warforged, and things from Wildemount like Echo Knight? I know those are technically official as well, but can be iffy for DMs so thought I would check.
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Old May 20th, 2024, 08:42 PM
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@Chaos Havik: I don't particularly like warforged but I suppose if done right, it can't be all bad and echo knight is fine.
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Old May 22nd, 2024, 07:54 PM
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Just giving this a little bump, 3 days until the deadline!
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Old May 23rd, 2024, 02:11 AM
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right-aligned image

Name: Wrthu Raashnak
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Fighter (Rune Knight)
Background: Mercenary Veteran
Personality Traits: I’ve lost too many friends, and I’m slow to make new ones. I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success.
Ideal: Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others.
Bond: Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for.
Flaw: My hat⁠red of my enemies is blind and unreasoning.

Personality: Wrthu tends to have a tough and gruff personality. He had become a very pragmatic man over the years, and his propensity to be blunt can make him come off far more rude or uncaring that what he truly is at heart. Years of combat have made him tough, both physically and mentally affecting his ability to relate well to those that he has just met, save for those that are more of liked minded or of a similar mindset. Still despite his rough exterior, he is still a man who cares for those that would fight along side him be it for one job or many. He has lost enough friends to know that death is an inescapable fact of this profession, but he always strives to ensure that everyone in his group can make it home. His former years as being part of a mercenary band have had an effect on him. Seeing what can happen one one only fallows orders, and having been in that position before, he has sought out a more free life where he might be able to actually do good though making his own choices in the matter of things.

Appearance: As with many half Orcs, Wrthu's heritage is very easy to tell. Dark green skin, jutting under-bite with tusks on his lower jaw and a huge broad body. Under his helm is short back hair, and he grows his facial hair into chops. His personage is often covered in armor, and weapons adorn at his side,and on his back. His face tends to wear a resting scowl, though that dose not always belie what is going on in his head.

Backstory: While there are a good number of half-orcs that try to shy away from the more violent side of their nature. Wrthu choose to lean into it as he made a living early as a caravan guard in the local are of his home town, before he eventually signed on to a mercenary company. That time of his life was filled with much more fighting and blood shed, and Wrthu would spill his fair share on the battle field. But his life as a mercenary was not to be long lived though. A battle in the mountains of the frozen north had turned particularly nasty. Wrthu managed to survive the initial encounter, however wounded grievously, Wrthu would not survive long on his own. His fate was saved by a wandering patrol of Storm Giants, which was pretty much just two, who had come across the remains of the battle and the wounded Half-Orc. During his time resting and healing, Wrthu's saviors were impressed to find the Half-Orc was not only quick to learn their tongue, but that he could call upon the inherent magic found in the great runes of their people.

When Wrthu was at last able to return to the warmer lands of the south, he found himself free to once more choose the path he wished to walk. He would keep fighting yes, but perhaps in a more freelance way as an adventurer.

Last edited by Chaos Havik; May 24th, 2024 at 09:48 PM.
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Old May 23rd, 2024, 03:12 PM
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@Red Leper
And I am finished. I don't like how the backstory came out; I feel like I know what I'm trying to convey here, but I'm not getting it across very nicely. The short version is that Kask thinks he is serving Semuanya, but really he has entered into a pact with a Genie who, for all intents and purposes, is merely using him and his ability to potentially get back to its home plane at some point.

Anyhow, let me know if you need anything else from me on my app!
Jesus saves. Everybody else takes damage.
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Old May 23rd, 2024, 11:56 PM
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It is not too late...

right-aligned image

Name: Ezrala en Tikameni

Race: Human

Class: Warlock

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Background: Soldier (corporal with the Flaming Fist, the City Watch of Baldur’s Gate); she specializes in trapping thieves, infiltrating criminal organizations, and supporting the steel with her sorcery.

Trait 1: she wants to build a reputation and eventually command her own squad of Fists to take down those who prey on street kids. With no family or contacts (except the surviving urchins she ran with on the streets) she takes on impossible jobs to hone her skills and increase her rep.

Trait 2: Absolute dedication to the job at hand, and to that end will work with anyone, paladin or purse-snatcher. The ends justify the means.

Ideal: “I’ll stick my neck out for the voiceless, even if that means disobeying the law.”

Bond: “Working with the Fist is a great way to understand the criminal mind. Conning a swindler, or trapping a thief is simply … delicious.”

Flaw 1: Situational ethics. “I’m happy to overlook a child stealing bread, or a fellow Fist who falls asleep because his baby kept him up, but a merchant who flogs his help better make sure his papers are in order.”

Flaw 2: Light fingers. “Confiscating” magical items and lore from criminals, and studying them, helps me to understand their mind (even if my captain told me to turn them in).

Despite a burning desire for justice that pleases her superiors, she sometimes spends time on the streets (out of uniform) exercising a more personal brand of revenge. While it threatens the home and safety the Fist provides, Ezrala still feels the pull of the street life of her youth strongly, and has turned down attempts to recruit her by several criminal crews. Recently, on a routine patrol, she just found this river stone of polished agate. She feels it might be lucky. We’ll see.

Description: When not in her Flaming Fist uniform, Ezrala wears a long split-tail coat, and carries a whip, short sword, and crossbow. She decorates her wide-brim hat with prayer papers and fingerbones hanging from the brim. She’s trying to develop a penetrating glare that freezes people so violence is not even necessary. Occasionally a crow with an exposed skull can be seen near her but never for more than a few heartbeats. She is incapable of conversation without sneering and sarcasm. She eats like she expects someone to steal her food and she drinks like she needs to forget.

Background Story: Ezrala survived Twin Songs, one of the worst districts of Baldur’s Gate, with rat-fast-feet and by mastering enough hexes to outwit the drunken priests and weird sects that made the district notorious. Desperate for “three hots and a cot” she joined the Flaming Fist, and quickly made a name for herself as someone that could use her street know-how to stem the tide of scum.

Her mantra is still personal survival, but she’s slowly figuring out she can make a difference for those, like her, who have only known the rough side of life in Faerun. The little taste of authority and power she has been granted has not gone to her head yet, but a few “demons” from her youth are rotting in prison, or in Avernus.
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Old May 24th, 2024, 08:03 AM
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Nice picture Albus, the POV really make it stand out.
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Old May 24th, 2024, 01:03 PM
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Old May 24th, 2024, 09:48 PM
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Glad i double checked if my app was up right
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Old May 24th, 2024, 10:43 PM
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If I'm missing something, Red, just let me know. Thx.
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Old May 25th, 2024, 01:56 PM
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Application Process Is Closed!

The deadline has been met and I will be making the selections sometime today.\

If you are still marked as WIP in the character app table feel free to finish up quickly. If you are finished but are still marked WIP, let me know so I can take your application into consideration.

Last edited by Red Leper; May 25th, 2024 at 01:57 PM.
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Old May 25th, 2024, 04:59 PM
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PlayerCharacterClassRaceApplication status
Xbow November Falls Ranger (Gloomstalker) Human Complete
Ghrimm Dravyn Stormborne Cleric (Arcana) Human Complete
Togot Belthesar Gelt Wizard (Transmutation) Human Complete
HexCursed Vistra Balderk Barbarian (Berserker) Gold Dwarf Complete
Double or Nothing Geren Tolz Rogue (Phantom) Half-elf Complete

Congratulations to everyone who was chosen and to everyone else, I don't want you to be discouraged, You all gave Grade A effort and keep hunting out there! It was a very hard selection to make.

Game Thread

Pop in, post your applications, start on character sheets to link in apps and say 'Hello' in OOC!
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Old Jun 7th, 2024, 11:27 AM
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Application Process Reopened!

We're gonna need one person to fill a slot. Please give a bump if you're still interested and new applicants are welcome!
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