The Land of the Dead
GM of Curse of the Azure Bonds
Last edited by Arkanis; Jun 22nd, 2024 at 05:55 PM. |
Frequently Asked Questions
GM of Curse of the Azure Bonds
Last edited by Arkanis; Jul 24th, 2024 at 12:23 PM. |
Name:caeldrin koehlanna
Race: eladin Class: divine soul sourcerer Alignment: n moving toward ng Personality Traits: I'm convinced people are trying to steal my secrets I'm open to new ideas Ideal The goal of study is the betterment of one's self. /Bond /Flaw: I'm easily distracted by knowledge Go into a bit more detail on the below: Appearance: Personality: History: RP Sample (a scene from the character’s perspective): |
Race: High Elf Class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster) Alignment: Chaotic Good Personality Traits: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me. I always have a plan for when things go wrong. Ideal/Bond/Flaw: I will find the guilty to face the consequences of their actions, no matter what. I lost someone I loved, and the guilty were never caught or punished. It will never happen again if I can help it. In my pursuit of justice, I sometimes believe the ends justifies the means. Appearance: A moon elf of middling height and light build, with fair skin tinged with blue, green eyes flecked with gold, and long silver-white hair. She wears light leathers, with a rapier on her left hip, a dagger on her right, and a short bow and quiver of arrows slung across her back. Personality: Friendly and honest, Ielenia is still very task-oriented. She tends to take things seriously without being serious all the time. So while she enjoys hearing a good joke, she seldom tells them. She enjoys song and laughter, but rarely joins in a song or laughs with the others, simply smiling and enjoying the company. While on the job, she is very focused and single-minded, regarding the laws or objectives of others to be of secondary import. Her duty takes precedence over everything else. History: Ielenia is from Evereska, a secluded elven city within a valley in the Western Heartlands. For generations, her family has proudly served as guardians and caretakers of the elven tombs within the Greycloak Hills. Ielenia was a novice Tomb Guardian tasked with tracking down those caught defiling or robbing the tombs, in accordance with the Everaska Charter. It was while tracking one such mission, while Ielenia was tracking a group of robbers through the Greycloak Hills, that she encountered a strange mist that sprang up without warning. Though Ielenia could tell the mist was unnatural, there was little she could do to avoid or counter it. She drew her blade and proceeded in the direction the tracks she had been following went. She wasn't sure how long she had traveled, or in which direction, when the ground gave way beneath her feet. She tried to scramble back, but pitched headlong into a deep pit. She could not see how deep the pit was, and tried to brace for impact, wondering if she would be killed outright by the fall or simply break her legs or back and wind up starving to death. Instead, when she landed her impact was softened by what seemed to be deep sand. Even before she came to a full stop, she felt the extreme heat of the weather, as well as the dryness of the air. Struggling free of the dune, she stared around at a land completely different from where she had come from. At first, she thought she had wound up in the Anauroch Desert, but there was no sign of the Desertsmouth Mountains to the east. Additionally, the first night revealed a clear sky of millions of bright stars...none of them familiar to Ielenia. She was not near the Western Heartlands or her home; in fact, she began to realize she may not be on Faerūn at all. Player questions: 1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? Fun, of course! And great story telling, both from the GM and the players. The interpersonal relationships and character growth are my favorite parts! 2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? The usual, I guess - I don't want OOC drama, and I don't want a railroad plotline (though I understand sometimes it's necessary to nudge the players in the right direction or there's no story). 3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? It's an Arkanis game. Duh. Plus, I have a character concept I've been wanting to try. 4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focused on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? I prefer an even mix of the two, though if I leaned slightly toward one or the other, I'd lean toward role-play.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
Last edited by The Rat Queen; Jul 19th, 2024 at 03:30 PM. |
Name: Adze Usher
Race: Dhampir Class: Rogue Alignment: CN Background: Criminal Personality Traits: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy. Ideal: People. I'm loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care. (Neutral) Bond: My ill-gotten gains go to support my family. (kids) Flaw: I have a "tell" that reveals when I'm lying. Appearance: Standing about 6 foot tall, he is medium built, a bit on the slender side. Brown hair down to his shoulders, matching goatee, and brown eyes. A young but very attractive male. Dressed in dark clothing, a sword sheathed at each hip, and a shortbow at his back. Personality: Laid back, can get lost in a crowd, for he’s on the quiet side. Has had some trust issues while growing up, so he doesn’t trust others easily. Being a rogue is all he ever known and while he does hang out with others, there are times when he prefers to be alone. Not fully happy being alone, but yet, not fully happy being among people either. Two secrets. First secret character is aware of, and second secret they are not aware of. Please put both of these in secret text to me. 1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? Fun and companionship 2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? Hmm, troublemakers of course. Ones that try and take over and questions everything. 3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? Besides loving fantasy roleplay, the campaign looks interesting. 4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focused on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? Mixture of two is best in my opinion. Too much role-play can get boring and too much combat can get tiresome.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die." Last edited by Seekr34; Jun 30th, 2024 at 05:49 PM. |
Name: Pippa Strongleaf
Race: Halfling Class: Sorcerer Alignment: Neutral Good Personality Traits: Despite my Noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood. The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity. Ideal/Bond/Flaw: Respect is due to me because of my position, but all people deserve to be treated with dignity. / I am in love with the heir of a family that my family despises. / By my words and actions I often bring shame to my family. Go into a bit more detail on the below: Appearance: About average height and weight for her race, Pippa doesn't really tend to stand out all that much. Some might consider her pretty, but not beautiful. She has a scar on the back of her left hand that has some age to it, already having turned white. She wears sensible clothes in greens and browns, with an occasional white blouse thrown in for variety. Personality: Pippa is friendly to those that are friendly to her. She will answer rudeness with rudeness as well. Stay on her good side and you'll be fine though. History: Things were starting to come to a head as the long line of Strongleaf nobility tried desperately to cling to their throne and the power it gave them. The King was a just and kind king, but that didn't mean that he wanted to lose the power he has or his kingdom to some upstart noble that was trying to take it from him. Pippa wasn't too interested in all the politics and definitely wasn't interested in becoming queen if her older brother refused the throne. Pippa was content to stay the dutiful princess and daughter and let others take on the responsibility of running the kingdom. Leaving the kingdom was not even an idea in her head as she had the best life she could imagine in her parents castle. Sure they tried to get her to think seriously about running things but she knew that responsibility would never fall to her. RP Sample (a scene from the character’s perspective): It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky that wasn't white and fluffy. And the birds were singing their praises of the beauty around them. Pippa was in a great mood. Sure, she didn't know where she was or how to get back to her parents kingdom, but she wasn't going to let that get her down on a day like this. It was just too beautiful out to be depressed. So with that thought in mind, Pippa made her way outside and took a deep breath of the fresh air. Twirling in place, she grinned over at her companions. "“Isn't it just a glorious day? The sun and the birds, and there are hardly any clouds. What more could you ask for?”" Yes they had their worries and problems, but Pippa was all for putting them off for tomorrow and just enjoying the day with her friends. You had to seize these opportunities when they presented themselves cause you didn't know when they would come again. So seize this one was what she was going to do whether anyone liked it or not. I would like you also to think about two secrets for your character. The first is a secret the character is aware of, and the second is a secret that they are not aware of. Please put both of these in secret text to me. Lastly I would like to know a little bit about the player behind the application. Could you answer the below questions for me as part of your application. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, it just allows me to tailor the game to meet individual expectations:- 1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? I'm looking to have fun and what appeals to me is interactions. Whether that's with the other players or with NPC's doesn't matter as long as they are there. 2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? I prefer things to fade to black if there is sex involved, and abuse or torture of minors is not something I like to read about as well. 3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? I love 5e. And it lets me apply as a favorite class and race as well. 4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focussed on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? I like a mixture of the two with maybe a slight touch more combat. Last edited by Wulfman; Jun 22nd, 2024 at 05:51 PM. Reason: Finishing the application |
Last edited by Mitsubachi; Jul 31st, 2024 at 11:56 AM. Reason: Withdrawn |
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night. Last edited by Alemar; Jun 26th, 2024 at 12:11 PM. Reason: finishing application |
Name: November Falls Race: Variant Human Class: Monk 2 Alignment: Chaotic Good Personality Traits: Ideal: Redemption. There's a spark of good in everyone. (Good) Bond: My tools are symbols of my past life, and I carry them so that I will never forget my roots. Trait #1: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me. Trait #2: I judge people by their actions, not their words. Flaws: People who don't take care of themselves get what they deserve. Appearance: November is 6"4, medium length dark brown hair, with unnaturally green eyes. Personality: He can best be described as an idealistic realist. He always hopes for the best and attempts to see the good in people, though ultimately he is no fool and understands that what the best may be, is not often the reality of the situation. History: 1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? - the main reason I gravitate to PBP games is directly due to the fact that I just dont have a lot of time these days. I have 2 young boys both are less than 20 months old (19/5) and I have to spend time with them. Hence large blocks of time are simply something I cannot commit to spending. 2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? -I avidly want to avoid ooc drama. 3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? -To be honest, I really liked the concept! Feels fresh, at least to me! 4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focused on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? -I prefer a pretty good split. I wouldn't want it to be one sided either way.
Last edited by Xbow; Jun 29th, 2024 at 08:36 AM. |
A quick question out of idle curiosity — the characters are of course getting Ravenloft-ed, as you do, but do you have any intended restriction on where they are being Ravenloft-ed from?
Returning transfem disaster RPer! Now with 100% better fashion sense!
I use she/her or ze/zir pronouns! |
Character name: Rain Ragnius Race: reborn Class: undead warlock Background: Noble Alignment: Lawful Good Personality Traits: I always try to do the right thing, even if I don’t always know what that is. I try to see the good in people Ideal: If everyone performed one act of kindness each day, the world would be a much better place. Bond: My father was a great man and I seek to live up to his name Flaw: I am very timid Personality: Rain is shy and unsure of himself due to the lack of encouragement he received from his mother and the severe bullying he endured at the hands of his peers, but he has a good heart and is well spoken and well educated. He always wants to do the right thing and be a good person, though he doesn’t always know how. He is terrified of the entity that dwells within him and what he is becoming. Physical Description: Rain is a short young man with shoulder length straight golden hair. He looks even younger than he is and has often been described as looking like a lost puppy. He takes pride in his appearance, always wearing fine clothing that reflects his refined upbringing. When he transforms, he takes on the appearance of a ghostly undead king. History: Born into the noble Ragnius family as the son of the renowned wizard Marko Ragnuis, Rain’s father committed suicide the night he was born. This scandal damaged his mother’s reputation, but Lady Lucia was not some trophy wife. She was cold, intelligent, and vicious. The frequency of her rivals having their lives destroyed or disappearing entirely earned her the nickname, the villainess. Through her cunning navigation of the king’s court, she held on to her prestigious position. Unfortunately for Rain, she put no such effort into his upbringing. Not once did she tell her son she loved him. Not once did she embrace him. She left her servants to raise him and showed little interest in his well-being. As a result, Rain grew up with deep insecurities and a lack of confidence which singled him out among the ruthless world of affluent children he was surrounded by, but none were worse than the children of the Rand family, Miguel, Liguel, and Castor. The three siblings always sought Rain out and brutally tormented him in ever-escalating attacks for years on end. Then one day on Rain’s twentieth birthday, the brotehrs Miguel and Caster ambushed Rain and kidnapped him. Rain found himself tied down on a floor with a magic circle drawn beneath him. Miguel, Castor, and their father Escaldos were standing around him attempting to perform a demonic ritual. When Escaldos moved to stab a dagger through Rains’ heart, something happened. Rain felt a cold chill run through him, and he spoke words that were not his with a voice that was not his. “You shall not harm my precious vessel.” His chains were broken, and he felt something compelling his body to move. He lashed out with green magical power, killing the three men. With the casters killed, the magic of the ritual went wild and destroyed the tower that Rain had been held in. He survived the incident though most of those present in the tower were killed. The investigation that followed led to the destruction and imprisonment of most of the Rand family with one very unexpected exception. Lady Lucia petitioned the king to allow her to take Liguel Rand into her family. Not only that, but she proposed an arranged marriage between the only daughter of the Rand family and her own son, Rain. She did this for two reasons. First, it would allow her to gain control of the Rand estate and fortune which was considerable, and second, Rain’s part in the events had made him the center of the court’s attention. There were many young maidens flirting with him, and his mother did not like this one bit. She saw these girls as vultures trying to worm their way into her family. By marrying her son to Liguel, a girl with no power, Lady Lucia would maintain control over her house and its future. There was just one problem, Rain wanted nothing to do with it. For the first time in his life, Rain confronted his mother. He was incensed at her callous disregard for his feelings. He asked how she could do this to him, to not only take the woman who tormented him under her roof but to force him to spend the rest of his life with her, especially after her family had tried to kill him. His mother dismissed his outrage as childish which only angered him further. He demanded to know why his mother didn’t love him and, having an epiphany, asked her what she knew about what had happened to him. His mother revealed that Rain had been born stillborn. His father had been unable to accept it and took him into his study for several hours. During this time a massive storm formed out of nowhere. Then, she heard the sound of a baby crying from the room. When she looked inside, she found his father dead, having cut his wrists and drawn a magic circle on the floor in his blood, and there in the center of it was Rain, inexplicably alive. Faced with the horrifying revelation about his own existence and unwilling to marry the woman who had tormented him most of his life, Rain did what many neglected youths do, he ran away from home. Now he wanders aimlessly, struggling just to survive while trying to uncover the nature of the being that inhabits him. To seek answers, and a means to support himself, Rain became an adventurer. It seemed an obvious choice, where else would one find such a collection of worldly individuals knowledgeable in obscure lore? Sadly Rain has yet to find his answers, though he has begun learning to wield his powers, but at least he’s free. About the player: 1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game? I like a good story and a chance to explore my character and his relationships with NPCs and other player characters. I like playing with friendly groups who work together and help each other rather than toxic everyone out for themselves situations. I like play-by-post because I’m a writer and it's good practice for both my writing and imagination. 2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game? Player versus player, punishing players for coming up with creative solutions to obstacles. These things really take the fun out of a game. 3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game? I love ravenloft and an Egyptian version of it is really interesting, and I think my character would be a great fit for the setting as an innocent boy fighting to hold on to his soul. 4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two? I like a mix of the two. Secrets: RP Sample:
I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time Last edited by Togot; Jun 23rd, 2024 at 03:20 AM. |
That is a very good question. My answer is broadly speaking I don't mind where you write them coming from, as long as the place in question is a setting that is one that lends itself to medieval fantasy, i.e. no "I'm actually from the far future where there are lots of lasers or aliens" or such. I'd say if you are familiar with the various D&D settings already then it would make the most sense to place your character from one of them.
GM of Curse of the Azure Bonds
Yup, that’s it in a nutshell
GM of Curse of the Azure Bonds
From what I understand, Ravenloft is kind of a dimensional pocket thingie, with connections to several worlds like Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, and even Earth.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
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