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Old Jun 24th, 2024, 04:50 AM
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Oh bugger-oony!

I need to think long and hard about this, as the draw is almost too much. Then, I want as many other people as possible to experience an Arkanis game. They are awesome. Arkanis is awesome.
GM of Cyberpunk - The Edge of Glory | Curse of the Azure Bonds | GM for Dungeons of Drakkenheim
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Old Jun 24th, 2024, 09:58 AM
silveroak silveroak is offline
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I'm uncertain what all needed to be done to apply, I couldn't find an official list of requirements, but I believe I am finished with Flitter's application. If you would like to see more please let me know.
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Old Jun 24th, 2024, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Arkanis View Post
Completely up to you, although if they come from Ravenloft they are not residents of Har'Akir before the game starts.
Ahh, ok, I was wondering since from reading, that we appeared in Arkanis, so I didn't think any of us was from there.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old Jun 25th, 2024, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Red Leper View Post
Would I be able to modify the fighter's Archery fighting style to pertain to throwing knives?
Reflavor darts as throwing knives...it's the same damage dice, but the archery fighting style and sharpshooter will apply

Originally Posted by silveroak View Post
I'm uncertain what all needed to be done to apply, I couldn't find an official list of requirements.
Really? it's the first post...

Originally Posted by Arkanis View Post
Starting Level: 2
Ability Score Generation: 27 Point Buy
Starting Gold: As per background
Starting Equipment: As per class and background. You will get to pick one magical item, we can discuss the specifics of this on character acceptance and generation
Acceptable Sources: PHB, Mordenkainens, Tasha’s, Xanathar’s, SCAG, Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft

I would like to see an application in the following format:-

Personality Traits:

Go into a bit more detail on the below:

RP Sample (a scene from the character’s perspective):

I would like you also to think about two secrets for your character. The first is a secret the character is aware of, and the second is a secret that they are not aware of. Please put both of these in secret text to me.

Lastly I would like to know a little bit about the player behind the application. Could you answer the below questions for me as part of your application. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, it just allows me to tailor the game to meet individual expectations:-

1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game?

2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game?

3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game?

4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focussed on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two?

As a full disclosure in advance, the recruitment period for this game is quite a long one. I don't intend to close the applications until Saturday 27th July. The reason for this is I will be away on two weeks holiday in that time and I cannot guarantee I will have internet access, and the last thing I want to do is wreck my own games momentum by starting it and then disappearing on holiday.

Equally I also wanted to allow enough time to get some initial applications up before I go off on leave and answer any early queries you all might have.
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Jun 25th, 2024, 11:24 AM
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Character Concept
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Name: Yashonk of the Bone-Biter Clan
Race: Half Orc
Class: Bard 2 (eventually progressing to College of Lore) - going for a shaman-type PC
Background: Outlander (Tribal Marauder)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (strict adherent to his tribe's code, but the code would not be considered "good" by everyone)

Traits: I am primitive and barbaric, and I have no shame about it. I have more in common with predators than with prey.
Ideal: Tradition. I must continue to honor the ways of my tribe even if I may never see them again. (Lawful)
Bond: I am loyal to the Bone-Biter Tribe and seek to rejoin them again someday.
Flaw: I never learned how to read and write.

Standing a foot taller than the average man and almost twice as wide, Yashonk is an enormous primal-looking man with grayish-green skin and prominent lower tusks denoting an orcish heritage. He has beady eyes and a wide nose which was clearly broken sometime in the past. Over his massive torso he wears a suit of chainmail armor adorned with wolf fur on the shoulders and back, with wolf teeth sewn into the fur itself. Around his waist is a thick leather belt from which hangs a large sword, a sturdy dagger and a leather pouch. His legs, which rival the size of some trees you have seen, are adorned with the same hide and fur that decorates his upper body, with a pair of hide boots that are tied from the ankles all the way up to the knee. A hide drum adorned with the jawbones of wolves hangs from a sturdy leather strap across his body.

Yashonk is a fierce and determined warrior with a big personality and a big laugh. Born for struggle, he knows that anything you seek in life must be fought for and earned with your own muscle and blood. He knows fear is one of a warrior's best weapons and feels all of his enemies should be afraid of him. However, those he considers friends are now part of his pack and they have found a loyal friend for life, one who would do anything for you provided you do not abuse your friendship with him. Although fiercely loyal to the Bone-Biter Tribe, Yashonk is not aware when he will see them again and knows the importance of establishing another for both his safety and his sanity. Yashonk has a soft spot for children ("pups") and will immediately jump to help them if he can. He has a child-like curiosity about the world and can often be seen picking things up and examining them (and, unfortunately, sometimes breaking them). He does not know how to read nor does he care to learn, and has little formal schooling. He is also naive to the ways of polite society and sometimes struggles to understand why people do not do things "the right way". When a battle looms, he is one of the first to charge headlong into the fray and does not fear death as in his tribe to die is to be reborn as a wolf and enjoy life once again. He is frequently seen with his "chewing bone" that hangs on a leather loop around his neck, a wolf femur that when he wishes to reflect with his ancestors he will gnaw on.

The son of one of his Chieftain's many captive female slaves, Yashonk had a rough upbringing at first. Half breeds always had something to prove in the Bone-Biter Tribe and competition was fierce among them and the pureblood orc youth. Every cycle of the moon at least one youth was routinely beaten unconscious due to their fights for respect and status, the weaker ones passing away. Yashonk persevered and soon earned his status as a warrior of the Bone-Biter Tribe. Reared as a nomad and reaver, Yashonk is ignorant of the ways of the civilized and affluent. Yashonk learned how to hunt shortly after he could walk and, although a fair hunter by his tribe's terms, it was when he had his first vision that he was chosen by Elder Mogrul to become his wise man apprentice. The wise man was the shaman of the tribe and took few apprentices, so it was a great honor for Yashonk. Yashonk showed great promise and, as his final task, he was sent out in the woods for his final vision quest after eating a formidable quantity of psychedelic mushrooms. Yashonk is not sure how he ended up in Har'Akir when he was supposed to be on his vision quest - he recalls running through the woods with a wolf who was telling him he was free to join their pack, to suddenly waking up in the burning hot sand. It was an extreme culture shock for Yashonk, who had never seen so much sand before - the only sand he knew was of that on the riverbanks of the Bone-Biter lands. Yashonk now wants to find a way home to return to his tribe, and claim his honor as the next in line to be the Bone-Biter wise man.


Player Information
1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game?
I want to be part of a good story and see Yashonk grow and develop. I like PBP because life is too busy for regular tabletop sessions for me anymore, and it allows me to explore my creative side and help contribute to a story with other people. I will say if it is an aggressive posting rate (e.g. 1x/day) I will respectfully withdraw as that's just not realistic for me. I can handle 1-3x/week.

2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game?
I am open to most things. Sexual/sadistic stuff can be implied but more of a "fade to black" sort of thing.

3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game?
The advertisement looks interesting and promising, and I have bumped into you on RPGX before and liked your writing style so it seems like a win.

4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focussed on combat, or predominantly focussed on role-play? Or a mixture of the two?
I like a mix of the two. I enjoy good long RP sessions from time to time, but nothing beats a good old fashioned donnybrook.
02/26/24 - New position and personal real estate work is keeping me busy, please PM me if I am running behind.

Last edited by Grouchy; Jul 1st, 2024 at 09:27 AM.
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Old Jun 25th, 2024, 01:23 PM
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Application - Vjark'krull - Barbarian Bugbear
right-aligned image

Name: Vjark'krull
Race: Bugbear
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: CN
Personality Traits: Crude sense of humor (which I would play as "simple" rather than "crude"); independent spirit - unlike the stereotypical Bugbear who bullies lesser creatures into doing what they don't want to do, he has a "if you want something done, just go do it" mentality.
Ideal: Live and Let Live. Ideals aren’t worth killing over or going to war for.
Bond: Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for.
Flaw: My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning.

Appearance: The first thing you would probably notice about the seven-foot tall, hulking brute with arms reaching nearly to the ground in some sort of ape-like parody, and covered in an amber-and brown striped carpet of bristly fur are his eyes. Beady and crouched beneath a ferocious uni-brow, they were filled with a transfixing hunting ferocity. To say they burned would be cliché. They probed. They darted. They rarely rested. But when they did, there was a fight at hand.

Personality: Vjark'Krull, unlike most Bugbears, was raised with a sense of Honor. The Berserkers of his Clan were a breed apart from the run-of-the-mill Bugbears. Where they would bully smaller goblin-kin into subservience, the Berserkers devoted themselves to training for war, and ultimately to die well for the benefit of the Clan. Living at the foot of the Spine of the World mountains in the northern reaches of the Lurkwood both roles were needed: those who herded the fodder of war to the front lines to defend the Clan, and those who charged into the teeth of whatever rival Clan, Tribe or dagger-mawed horror presented itself. Vjark'Krull was born into a family of the latter.
Honor (or the Bugbear equivalent of it) is at Vjark'Krull's core. It dictates his independence, his relationship with others, and his belief that liberty is a right.
Good and Evil are relative to him. What's most important is that he gets to choose the course of his life.
Still, having a warrior's upbringing in a tight-knit Clan he values loyalty to the unit and would kill or die for those he fights beside.

History: Born to the "Foe-Spike" Clan of Bugbears at the foot of the Spine of the World mountains in the northern reaches of the Lurkwood, Vjark'Krull was raised in a Berserker family. He has seen his share of battles and has had to scrabble out an existence in one of the toughest environments of Faerun. But he yearned to see beyond the immediate environs of the Lurkwood and was tantalized by the tales of a captured Tiefling Bard of the riches of the Swordcoast, as well as the innumerable challenges of seeking them. Filled with visions of dark ruins, darker elves, and piles of gold, he set out with a companion, Tark'Grig, and headed south and west. They had some success with minor raids and even picked up a few more henchmen along the way. They were heading toward Neverwinter when they stumbled across Uthgardt tribesmen near Morgur's Mound.

After a running fight - mostly running away from the numerically superior foe - they stumbled into a dark ruin that seemed straight from the Tiefling's tales. Hoping to lose their pursuers in the twisting, underground corridors Vjark'Krull's small warband made their way down, and lost their pursuers, and themselves, in the enveloping depths. After long hours of subterranean trekking they discovered a series of chambers with well-dressed stones and arcane symbols carved into the floor, walls and ceilings. The last thing Vjark'krull remembered was the sound of scraping stone and bright teal light and an blanket of mists wrapping around him...

RP Sample"Hah! Vjark'Krull has enough Winters behind him to appreciate that he might not have many more before him, but he's not rushing to go back to the mud," the Bugbear said around a mouthful of roasted goat. Grease dripped down his bearded chin, joining a clot of congealed drippings from the last mouthful. The fire leapt under the spit holding the roughly butchered remains of the warband's haul from the last settlement. "And there's no Honor hunting down these farmers and herders, Grimm. It is good we let them run. It let's them raise more goats for next time, hey?"

Vjark'Krull raised the left arch of his uni-brow as he landed the small joke to see how the Orc, Grimm Broke-tooth, would respond. But the big Orc still seemed disgruntled that they had not spilled more blood that day. None in the small warband had any love for humans or Elves, but wanton slaughter was not in Vjark'Krull's nature and he had called the warband back from their pursuit of the fleeing villagers ealier that day. Instead they had taken what they wanted from the small farmhold, and didn't even set too many buildings on fire.

"When we get closer to Neverwinter there will be blood, Grimm. All the blood you want to spill - from foes worthy of our steal! And gold!" he gestured with the goat haunch as he spoke, sending grease and small fragments of meat flying. "Then we turn south and maybe hunt dragon, hey? More gold! More blood! And I hear dragon tastes better than goat!"

The throaty chuckle from Grimm told Vjark'Krull that the Orc's foul humor had turned and that he could sleep with both eyes closed tonight.

Tomorrow would be another day for glory and gold.

I would like you also to think about two secrets for your character. The first is a secret the character is aware of, and the second is a secret that they are not aware of. Please put both of these in secret text to me.

Lastly I would like to know a little bit about the player behind the application. Could you answer the below questions for me as part of your application. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, it just allows me to tailor the game to meet individual expectations:-

1) What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game?

I like cooperative fiction creation. I like a game where player actions have consequences - positive or negative.
I like a group that works well together and shares the spotlight, or shines the spotlight on each other.

2) What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game?

Loss of momentum. Grossness. But I think the RPGx standards cover the latter.

3) What is it that made you want to apply to this game?

I've never played in a Ravenloft setting before, and the Egyptian mythos setting is always intriguing to me.

4) Do you prefer PbP games that are predominantly focused on combat, or predominantly focused on role-play? Or a mixture of the two?

I like a mix of roleplay and action, especially when the action resolves quickly.
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Last edited by ratchett; Jun 26th, 2024 at 04:52 PM.
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Old Jun 25th, 2024, 09:38 PM
silveroak silveroak is offline
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Apparently I failed my perception roll and didn't click on the spoiler.

Now it is finished.

Last edited by silveroak; Jun 25th, 2024 at 09:47 PM.
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Old Jun 26th, 2024, 10:36 AM
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I think my app is complete. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Talia Ravensfeather
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Old Jun 26th, 2024, 11:37 AM
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I think my application is complete. If you have any feedback you wish to give me, I am ready
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Jun 26th, 2024, 11:43 AM
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I think my app is complete.
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Old Jun 26th, 2024, 11:57 AM
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Hopefully will get chance to cycle through all the apps so far over the next few days, and certainly before I disappear for two weeks on holiday, thank you all for the great responses so far, keep them coming .
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Old Jun 26th, 2024, 04:50 PM
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I think my app is also complete!

I like the character secrets flair. Nice for story-telling!
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Last edited by ratchett; Jun 26th, 2024 at 04:50 PM.
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Old Jun 26th, 2024, 05:37 PM
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app is done. Decided to be from the same country.
Leaning against the wall, watching the others rush by him, he grins. "Go ahead, go get that treasure that's laying there. Be more for me after you die."
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Old Jun 26th, 2024, 10:47 PM
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EDIT: Withdrawn. I don't want to overextend myself with too many games.
Saskia Snow-Song - Barbarian (Tyranny of Dragons) ♦ Vaelrin - Shadow Monk (War of the Spider Queen)
DMing: Dragon of Icespire Peak | Status: 1-2 posts per week

Last edited by Nyx89; Jun 29th, 2024 at 07:34 PM. Reason: Withdrawn app
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Old Jun 27th, 2024, 08:20 AM
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right-aligned image

Name: Ahten
Race: Human Variant
Class: Barbarian/Zealot - Anhur(@ 3rd)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Background: Far Traveler (Mulhorand)
Personality Traits: 1) I have my own ideas about what is and is not food, and I find the eating habits of those around me fascinating, confusing, and/or revolting. 2) I honor my deities through practices that are foreign to this land.
Ideal: Adventure: I'm far from home, and everything is strange and wonderful! (Chaotic)
Bond: My freedom is my most precious possession. I'll never let anyone take it from me again.
Flaw: In almost all things I am convinced of the superiority of my own culture over that of this foreign land.
Appearance: Ahten is a well-muscled young man standing all of 6’3” with dark skin and hazel eyes. He keeps his head and face shaven, and prefers to dress in loose desert garb. Ahten is covered by a fine network of faded scars, the results of numerous beatings from his youth. Unlike many of his people, he does not use kohl around his eyes and wears few adornments preferring to appear of modest means. He carries a khopesh and a shield as well as a quiver of javelins.
Personality: Ahten is almost jovial and very open. He is not afraid to share his thoughts, often even when he should be. He may make a few social errors, but he is generally quick and earnest in his apologies. However, he can become quit defensive about his culture should someone mock it and he tends to deflect questions about his past.
Freedom has given Ahten new eyes. He is simultaneously fascinated and repelled by everything he is encountering. Nowhere is this more evident than in dietary differences. He is fascinated by the variety of beef, venison and pork dishes; eagerly trying everything. He is somewhat more skeptical of rabbit and squirrel as these seem more like rodents then meat animals. Of course, nothing is hot enough for him and he is constantly asking for spices. Another oddity is the deep respect he holds for members of the clergy. Priests hold a special place in Muhlorandi society and he will do his best to refrain from disrespecting or upsetting one.
Ahten’s temper isn’t gone, he has just learned to channel it. His training has let him learn to turn the red haze into a colder, more calculated anger. You will know when Ahten is angry for he will go quiet and his movements will seem very controlled.
History: Ahten was sold into slavery as a child, always told it was to pay off a debt accrued by his family. He was sold so young that he has no memories of his family. He suffered as a slave for several years, passing through many different clerical masters, for while his size seemed promising the boy had a temper that made him a very poor slave indeed. No matter how hard they tried, none of these masters could ever seem to beat it out of him. Finally, he came to the attention of a priest of Anhur who recognized Ahten’s unchanneled rage for the tool it could become. Purchasing him, the priest set to training the boy to become one of their fiercest warriors – zealots who reveled in battle. Ahten took to the training with zeal, becoming a dedicated follower of Anhur. His skill was such that even before his training was complete, he was chosen as part of the retinue of a diplomatic mission to the kingdom of Cormyr. Their ship was ambushed by pirates and sunk in the Sea of Fallen Stars, with Ahten being one of the few survivors to make it to shore. Since then, he has been making his way as a sell sword. He has recently learned of some of the changes in Mulhorand, particularly the end of slavery, and has been trying to earn enough for passage back to his country.
Secret (aware of): Ahten was never officially freed. He is for all intents and purposes still a slave of the Temple of Anhur, and an escaped one at that. The Temple grants their slave-warriors certain liberties such as not requiring them to wear a brand or a collar, and their status is much higher than that of a typical slave, however even the recent changes in Muhlorand have not completely abolished the slave stigma these zealots carry. It is likely that had fate not stranded him on the coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars he might never have gotten to taste true freedom. Because he is unsure of his status he does not share his history as a slave.
Secret (unaware): Ahten was not sold to clear a family debt. He was in fact the fraternal twin (younger by two minutes) of a highly placed Muhlorandi noble. As it was taboo to spill the blood of a family member he was sold into slavery to prevent any dispute to his older brother’s claim. His older brother has since died without an heir and the old family seneschal has been trying to trace Ahten’s whereabouts. The proof lies in a birthmark on his backside, record at the time of his birth. Political rivals, fearing an augury might reveal Ahten’s location, have conspired to have him removed from this plane.

RP Sample: Ahten had been at the temple for two years now and had learned a great deal. The priests had taught him about the gods, desert survival, and how to defend himself. Most importantly he had learned to come to terms with the rage that was always boiling below the surface – coming to see it as a gift from Anhur and not the curse he had come to believe it to be. The priests had taught him to channel it into combat - to ride the anger and not let it ride him. But he still had much to learn.
Sand made for a tricky sparring surface, no doubt the point of this exercise. Ahten felt the sand shifting subtly under his feet as he prepared to spring. It would hinder his rush, but hopefully it would hinder his opponent equally. Lunging forward he made a lightning-fast swing with his khopesh hoping to catch his trainer by surprise, only to feel it neatly deflected upward by his shield. Not willing to admit defeat, Ahten continued forward slamming his shield into his opponent. But the sand betrayed him, shifting below his feet and robbing the blow of the necessary force. Before he could spring back into his fighting stance Ahten felt his feet swept out from beneath him. He suddenly found himself staring up at the blazing noon day sun. He felt a surge of the old anger, but quickly squashed it down. It was a feat no less challenging than the sword match against his master, and one he would not have so easily accomplished a year ago.
Seeing the young man master his anger pleased the priest, and he nodded to let Ahten know he had done well, then motioned with his own Khopesh that Ahten should try again. Rising, Ahten did just that, a slow smile coming to his face for he now knew this exercise was about more then learning to fight on sand. It was about proving he had mastered his rage, and he would not succeed at that if he simply kept charging in trying to use his greater strength. Choosing to approach slowly this time he sent out quick slashes to test his teacher’s guard.

What is it you would like to get out of the game? What kind of things appeal to you in a PbP game?
I have only been playing PbP for a year or so now, and I would say the most challenging thing is to see a game through. Even tabletop games can be affected by real life events, PbP games move much more slowly so they have even more trouble enduring the test of time. I enjoy seeing my character’s growth – both in level and in storyline, and that can be a major challenge in PbP.
What sort of things do you not want to see in a PbP game?
Ravenloft in general is a darker setting, with themes that can already blur lines. My major request would be that when we start to approach topics that might cross lines (vivid scenes of excessive violence, gore, sex, etc.) that we find a way to fade-to-black so to speak. We may need to know they happen, but I don’t believe we need the play-by-play.
What is it that made you want to apply to this game?
I may be dating myself but I can remember the original Ravenloft modules, supplements and novels. I enjoyed the setting and the often anti-heroes that predominated it. It is a morally gray setting, far removed from the typical high fantasy good vs. evil, and somewhat more realistic for it.
Do you prefer PbP games that are predominately focused on combat, role-play, or a mixture of the two?
I think I prefer a healthy mixture of the two. Combat is important (unless using milestones it is the major source of challenge and XP), but RP, particularly character interaction, is critical to the experience. There is a reason we pick backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc. and a reason we write up histories. Those beliefs and experiences are the backbone of the character we want to play.

Last edited by Ghrimm; Jun 27th, 2024 at 11:27 AM.
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