Posting interest! I'm literally playing this on the Xbox right now lol. Need to read your primer above and our find the rulebook somewhere. Do you think drive through rpg sells it? I will look. (To the best of my knowledge that site is legal and you can buy pdf's or actual printed books. Got an AD&D 1e players guide from them last year.) But anyway, yeah will have an app tomorrow or Sunday!
@Drinkslotsa: Fast Shot and Sniper are mutually exclusive. Fast Shot means you can't Aim, Sniper requires you to Aim. For what you seem to be going for (shoot from the hip marksman) I recommend either Action Boy (that second attack you gain from Fast Shot doesn't take a penalty) or Center Mass (auto-target torso, reroll a d20 when doing so which means an overall accuracy bonus). Or you could keep Sniper and swap the Fast Shot trait.
Name: Deacon Kairos Origin: Vault-Descendant Gender: Male Age: 19 Personality: Deacon is observant and empathetic, often catching more than he let's on. Growing up with one foot in the Railroad never allowed any ideas of prejudice against synthetic beings to take root, and while neither of his parents extend their empathy quite so easily to ghouls and supermutants he doesn't see a difference. People are people (for good or ill) whether their flesh is steel, green, or irradiated.
He enjoys being around people, and is good at connecting, but will eventually feel the need to distance himself to mentally recharge. He doesn't consider himself a leader by nature but recognizes the need to step up when no one else will or can, and won't always wait to be asked when he sees that need. Given the option though he's much more comfortable fading in and out of the background of a settlement, interactions kept largely either casual or practical.
Regardless of the actual seriousness of the situation Deacon often behaves in a way that doesn't convey 'serious'. He enjoys joking as a means of lightening the atmosphere, or of taunting his foes, even if he's the only one that quite grasps what the joke is. Some of this is the result of his mother's retelling of folklore, or the children's shows she grew up with in the Ten no Hinansho. Unlike the american vault system the 'Celestial Refuge' maintained limited contact between satellites, resulting in limited continued cultural productions. Deacon has written up programs to allow for reproductions of his favorite stories, modified drones taking the place of actors, to put on performances for children.
Physical description: At 6'1, with room to grow a bit more, Deacon stands out a bit (literally) in most crowds. Icy-blue eyes and red-orange hair only makes him that much more memorable. In spite of his size, or perhaps slightly because of it, Deacon is a bit of a beanpole. He tends to distract from his scrawny frame with a loose-fitting leather flight jacket and wraparound scrap-cloth scarf.
For those that remember the nation his facial features are recognizably japanese, others assuming chinese, though many people have trouble noticing them at first glance behind the hair. His father claims their ancestry on his side is largely british, backed up by their lingering accent, but admits that tracking such things hasn't been a priority. Between that and his pale skin many assume he is irish rather than mixed japanese.
America was far from the only nation to foresee the worst case scenario in the midst of war. But while VaultTec looked underground, and planned their various little experiments with each one, in Japan the Asunoasa Corporation (translated: 'Tomorrow Morning') looked to the heavens. For obvious reasons a system of satellites were both far more expensive than their underground equivalents, and far more difficult to develop in secret, resulting in a far smaller number being completed in time. Compared to the over one hundred VaultTec Vaults of the fifty Asunoasa Ten no Hinansho ('Celestial Refuge') only thirty saw completion, and only twenty-four successfully launched when the time came with an average of one-hundred occupants per satellite.
Another difference between the Vaults and the Refuges is that while total communication still wasn't available, some interconnection was. Refuge leaders, as well as the leads on projects deemed worth the resources, were able to communicate with their peers when refuge orbits passed closely enough to allow for it. While in the early years this was almost entirely restricted to mission critical projects over time some aspects of cultural exchange became the norm as well, and in particular entertainment exchange became a significant aspect of these exchanges. There was also a degree of personnel exchange, as genetic studies revealed the potential for long-term health hazards in small populations, and by the third generation one or two people a year could migrate from one refuge to another with approval from both overseers.
The Refuges have been largely successful, but even they are not without their own failures. Refuge 7 was the first to encounter catastrophic failure fifteen years into operation from unknown mechanical problems and exploded. Refuge 42 began rejecting all in-bound communication around Year 50 and the few to attempt to reach them physically never returned. Despite this they continue to broadcast their own project updates whenever another Refuge comes within range, and several vital technological discoveries can be almost entirely lain at the feet of the Rogue Refuge. In Year 112 Refuge 4 accidentally developed a lethal pathogen which had spread to Refuge 19 and 23 before it was discovered. All three are still in operation but have become a genetic closed circuit, the pathogen remaining in the environment but the surviving population having become immune.
Technology aboard the Refuges has continued to advance albeit at an erratic pace, the majority of the initial crew being research scientists and their families. Immediately vital technologies have exploded, especially those that could ensure the continued operation of the Refuge themselves. Artificial gravity, environmental sealing, solar energy, and propulsion systems easily made the top of that list in the early years, and amateur historians among the Refuge population theorize that the entire project would have gone the way of Refuge 7 before Year 100 without the frequent upgrades they've undergone.
Deacon's mother, Denui Londalt, was a mechanical engineer on board Refuge 41. As one of the most frequent to cross paths with the Rogue Refuge they often benefited from a number of advancements while they were still making their way through the Refuge Exchange, and in the Year 200 it was one of the most controversial in decades that may very well be the reason she survived what came next.
Space junks wasn't too uncommon an occurrence for a Refuge, and what clouds couldn't be withstood by their plating were blasted away until they could be. That, of course, requires that sensors pick them up. A catastrophic coincidence of routine maintenance and a failing backup system meant they only realized too late they were on a collision course for a cloud of Refuge 7 debris. Last second drones were scrambled, trying to protect critical systems, but by the time the cloud passed both structural integrity and engines had been compromised. They were less than twenty four hours from explosive decompression, and lacked the landing gear to set down safely. With what time they had escape pods were fortified for drop distances they were never expected to survive, and they began their desperate descent.
They were barely past the exosphere when primary structural integrity was lost. Denui, in her escape pod with her younger brother Raios and their mother Nui, immediately jettisoned. Her last view of her former home was of it coming apart at the seems, unable to tell if the shadows flying off of it were other pods or burning shrapnel. Of course, she barely had time to focus on that with the impending rough re-entry. Only the artificial gravity generator at the center of the pod gave them their slim hope of survival, and anything less than a water landing wouldn't give them even that chance. And unfortunately for her chances, with a planet more covered by water than not, she seemed to be staring at wide stretches of half-burnt forests and hills. At the last moment a glimmer of water, a hard bank towards a depressingly small lake, and turbulence enough to knock her head back against her seat hard enough to knock her out.
Coming to briefly she saw her family, both still strapped into their own restraints across from her. And a thin, shimmering trail of black steel leading from both of them towards her own torn jumpsuit. Even through the minor concussion she knew what it meant. Refuge 42's final breakthrough, still in the early stages of production and distribution, medical nanites. They'd deemed her family beyond repair, and were regrouping inside of her despite those few feet of distance meaning the loss of upwards of 80% of the nanites. Unconsciousness came a second time as a blessing.
Discovered in a mostly destroyed capsule in a flash-fried former lake by the Railroad agent 'Deacon', her wounds still stitching themselves together even as she slept, Denui was initially taken for an advanced Synth model. The unexpected language barrier, initially confused for a programming error, meant that she was taken into their care before the truth could be conveyed. Fortunately while she couldn't speak english the written form was known to her, and eventually a line of communication was opened. Her technical expertise proved to be a boon to the organization and she stayed on to repay the people that had rescued her and made her comfortable in the days after losing everything she'd ever known. In time she fell in love with another technician, and a year later their son was born, named Deacon in honor of the man who had pulled her out of the crashed capsule.
When Deacon was five he, and his parents, were shocked to find that Denui's medical nanites had been passed down to her son albeit with reduced function. Attempts to propagate them through blood transfusions had always failed as the nanite's uncontrolled self-replication prohibitions prevented them from spreading to a host body that didn't already possess them, which had seemingly been bypassed through nine months of internal proximity and a shared genetic marker (possibly a result of the mixed nanite load from her own family). While he lacks the critical mass of nanites to effect rapid self-healing like his mother could, the baseline function of scrubbing his blood and cells of excess radiation has resulted in a level of health and adolescent growth abnormal for the nutrient-deprived surface.
Beyond his unnatural gift, Deacon showed a natural one for the technical. While a far cry from what she'd had access to before Denui still proved to be one of the top engineers in the wasteland, and she had Deacon pulling apart and reassembling Eyebots before his thirteenth birthday. He learned the ins and outs of the Hardest Science, the creation, maintenance, and use of firearms, from his father, Calon Kairos. And if nothing else had happened Deacon may very well have followed in either of his parent's footsteps, supplying technical expertise to the railroad.
Unfortunately at the age of sixteen the outpost he was living in was discovered by an overzealous Brotherhood of Steel inquisitor squad. While fleeing the truck they were in was hit with ordinance and buried under rubble. Deacon narrowly survived. His parents in the truck's cab, as he discovered after dismantling the door to get in, did not. Grabbing what supplies he could he dug his way free and limped away, where he was eventually found by a Minutemen patrol and given medical treatment.
Deacon didn't know the locations or identities of any other Railroad cells so he chose to make a living in trade with his skills with the people that had rescued him. Since linking up with various Minutemen outposts Deacon's made himself useful, repairing Eyebots and Guardiantrons for overwhelmed defenders and plunging deep into contested territories to provide initial relief to besieged settlements looking to join the collective defenders. He's had more than a few clashes with Brotherhood patrols, his propensity for energy small arms and flights of eyebots marking him as a 'dangerous individual with technology beyond his rights'. Of course, the time he had a few dozen Eyebots carrying an array of sheetmetal and cloth to impersonate the Prydwen, unintentionally prompting a few months of skirmishes between them and a now-defunct gang of wasteland raiders, may also have something to do with the animosity.
S 4
P 7
E 7
C 4
I 10
A 4
L 4
Tag: Energy, Repair, Science, Survival
Repair^ 5, Survival^ 5
Science^ 4, Energy^ 4, Barter 4
Lockpick 2
Athletics 1, Medicine 1, Pilot 1
Trait: Vault Kid (-1 Diff to resist disease, +1 Tag)
Vault Experiment: Medical Nantes (will be the explanation of certain perks I pick up, such as his starting perk of Solar Powered)
Perk: Solar Powered (-1 Rad Dmg per hour in sunlight)
Starting Gear:
Vault Jumpsuit w/Treated Lining (Red/White Celestial Refuge variant)
Utility Coveralls (Leather Flight Jacket)
Synth R.Arm Armor w/Stabilized Mod and Resin Material
Welder's Visor
Pip-Boy (PersoCom Celestial Refuge variant)
Laser Gun w/Photon Agitator and Recon Scope
Fusion Cell (17+3CD shots) (plus converted 10mm ammo)
Vault-Tech Canteen (Dirty Water)
Dirty Water
Gum Drops x4 (20)
Mole Rat Meat x2 (10)
Diluted Stimpack x2
Bobby Pin x4
0 caps
Trinket: The Adventures of Kirbot! (Manga Holotape)
Sold [+353]:
10mm Pistol (50)
Mentat (50)
Lab Coat (50)
Switchblade (10)
Pure Water x3 (60)
Stimpack x2 (100)
Iguana on a Stick (33)
Bought [-363]:
Laser Gun (69)
w/ Photon Agitator (35)
w/ Recon Scope (59)
Treated Lining for Vault Suit (20)
Dirty Water x2 (10)
Welder's Visor (20)
Bobby Pin x4 (4)
Synth R.Arm Armor (30)
w/Stabilized Mod (1)
w/Resin Material (10)
Utility Coveralls (12)
Diluted Stimpack x1 (30)
Gum Drops x4 (20)
Mole Rat Meat x2 (10)
Fusion Cell x11 (33)
(If I'm reading correctly I roll for the starting ammo, which isn't a solid number until I roll it, so just noting a conversion for when I roll it later)
Ammo Conversion:
10mm Ammo > Fusion Cell (costs 50% more so 3 bullets converts to 2 shots)
Last edited by AximusLokar; Aug 15th, 2024 at 08:44 AM.
A quick question then about the campaign. How close is this going to run to the normal start of Fallout 4? If the Minutemen are able to fight their way out of Concord do you intend for them to try to regroup in Sanctuary? And can we assume there is no Sole Survivor coming out of Vault 111 to help? I'm interested but just trying to get a feel for how you envision this going.
I had some questions about the dice and rolls and found that the official site has a free quickstart PDF that includes some portions of the core rulebook. Might be helpful. It also has some pre-generated char sheets for reference. And you don't have to enter any payment info to get the free PDF.
A quick question then about the campaign. How close is this going to run to the normal start of Fallout 4? If the Minutemen are able to fight their way out of Concord do you intend for them to try to regroup in Sanctuary? And can we assume there is no Sole Survivor coming out of Vault 111 to help? I'm interested but just trying to get a feel for how you envision this going.
this game asks the question what if the sole survivor never left vault 111. it will follow you as the minutemen who strive to regrow their orginization and make the comonwealth safe for settlers. the institute is not the primary antagonist, though i won't spoil who is.
__________________ I'm not intellectually arrogant, I'm just right all the time
Lemme see if I can throw something together. Haven't played this system since the beta, but I had a lot of fun with it.
EDIT: rethinking
Name: Johnny Dare Origin: Survivor [fast shot, bonus perk] - Mercenary Gender: Male Age: 44 Personality: Quiet, casual, nonchalant; Johnny believes things will just work out, and when they don't, he shoots them.
Physical description: A strong moustache on an aging face are the most remarkable features of this otherwise unremarkable man; he's a bit shy of average height, perhaps a few pounds soft around the middle, and not especially handsome. He has salt-and-pepper hair, brown eyes, bushy brows, a scruffy neck, and dirt-mottled skin. His smile is marked by a missing tooth.