Applications will be closed on May 6th at 12:00 AM.
Application Format: Name - Duh. What do they call you. Even if it's "Nothing." Hell, they could call you tater salad for all I care. Race - If you're going to do something crazy, but still within the guidelines I mentioned above, please RP well. I'm talking a concise history. Class - Well it wouldn't be fun without the ability to, y'know, do stuff. Alignment - As I said, this is more of a guideline, and I expect slightly more than "LN." I mean, definitely mention that too. It's a requirement. But I'd like to see a short sentence or two on your character's philosophy on morality. You can even answer it as if your character was asked directly what his alignment is. Appearance - Ah, yes, the first impression. What do you look like, what do you wear, and are you rockin' a phat grill. Pictures are nice. Personality - Well, I wouldn't want you to completely eliminate content from your background, but I'd like to see a short description of what your character is like. What drives your character's decisions, what are his/her fears. Ten Minute Background - This is it. The Real McCoy. The Big Dawg. This is what it all hinges on. This is your background, an often under-appreciated portion of character development. Given that I just asked for your character's personality, I'd like to see the first section filled with some creative concepts that aren't redundant with the previous requirement. At the end of this, I should know your character pretty well; I should know where he came from, why he's level 8, how he got to level 8, what his accomplishments are, who his friends, enemies and frenemies are, what his short/long term goals are, and a secret or two. You don't have to be verbose; just be thorough and creative (I know, I've said this a million times). RP Sample - Short narrative to get a feel for your writing style. The world is an open sandbox. To play in a campaign is to be a character in a larger movie, but I am letting you drive your own plot. Tell me what you're doing when the "camera starts rolling," why, and how you got there. Alternatively, you could write an rp sample of a portion of your background. Up to you. Have Fun - Enjoy this. I know I will!
I will post Players here:
The Pool:
Character Name
Athesto Primus
Brother Louis of Eralan, Knight-Commander of the Heavenly Brethren of the Sword
Karsus Leminkainen
Cedric Dullahan
Phantom F. Harlock
Lineera Kinafin
Tondrick, The Dog of War
I'll answer questions here:
Q: When deciding where to place ourselves in this world, how high up the different hierarchies could an 8th level end up? A general? Master of an order? Head of a college? One of the monarchs of Erasmus?
A: I don't really have a concrete answer for you. Much of that is more dependent on gear and feats, which I've been known to grant independent of actual level. Also, it's something I want you to decide; I'm trying to keep things very open-ended. As a loose guideline, I'll give you some facts:
The most powerful mage in known Vaylen is The Archmage, Wizard-King Aeomon, and he is level 18.
On average the rulers of the world are roughly 15.
Domri Rade and Tirin Vaxfell, the Tempest - responsible for (almost) single-handedly liberating and uniting major tribes within the Vax region from Rayne, and marking the official start of the current Vax Wars - are level 13.
The Headmaster of Academy City is level 12.
The Archon of the Nethan, the specialized arcane guard that serves as enforcement and crisis/risk prevention for Academy City since it is a high population of mages-in-training, is level 10.
In Academy City, one is not permitted to become a full time professor of the arcane arts on staff and direct magical research until they have obtained a Magister's degree. That is typically caster level 9 at the earliest, coupled with a significant contribution to magical knowledge/study and a display of mastery.
Q: I'm not familiar with Elements of Magic. How is the magic system changed from standard Pathfinder?
A: Elements of Magic is a more versatile approach to magic that, to me, makes much more sense. Rather than spells/day and spells known/prepared, casters get a mana pool, a number of "spell lists" known and a limit based on caster level on how much mana can be pumped into a single spell. These spell lists are similar to the spell seeds of epic magic in 3.5 but much better balanced. They cover a variety of "action types" and "effect categories." The action types dictate what you are doing, and the effect category indicates what you are trying to do it to or trying to do it with. For example Evoke and Charm are both action types. Fire and Humanoid are both effect categories. Combining an action type with an effect category creates a "spell list," for example, Evoke Fire and Charm Humanoid. Certain action types are limited in which effect categories they can be combined with simply because it wouldn't make sense. So, the charm and compel actions types only allow the "Creature Type" effect category, whereas Evoke allows the "Element" and "Alignment" effect categories. You may use mana to increase the effects of these spell lists, their range, or a variety of other things. In order to prevent the super-long process of building spells every turn during combat and to adjust for the power level increase that comes with just increasing the raw versatility of magic, a spell takes two rounds to cast ( I rule it as triggering at the end of your second turn). However, every mage knows a number of "signature spells" equal to their caster level + relevant stat. These signature spells take a standard action to cast, more akin to traditional spellcasting. This makes sense; a mage may know a variety of spells and ways to manipulate mana, but in combat or high-stress situations will resort to the handful of spells he/she is familiar with. These signature spells can be changed. It's really a cool system. Ever since it was shown to me, I actually find that I can't stand traditional magic anymore. It's like the words of power system paizo attempted to do, but then it doesn't, y'know, suck. I can't link the pdf because certain images, the ToC and cover aren't OGC. Everything else is though as far as I understand. Regardless, I wouldn't encourage anyone to do anything illegal... but if you don't have it, try and get your hands on it whether you are planning on applying or not.
Q: Why is your world an entire material plane? Why can't it be a single planet in the same material plane in the rest of the 'verse?
A: To that, I will respond with a question of my own: what is the difference between a plane and a planet, really? Especially in a non-existent high fantasy world in which space travel has yet to be accomplished. How can one be sure they are two separate and mutually exclusive entities? Perhaps you will be the one to find out.
Q: So are all dragons evil then in this world?
A: Oh, absolutely not. I do think you'd be hard pressed to find mortals throughout the world who would be willing to believe that.
Q: Do you want character sheets?
A: I'm not going to force you to make a character sheet before the "acceptance" portion of this process. I'd just like the background, rp sample, alignment, and what class/classes you'll be playing.
Q: Where, if anywhere, do psionics fit in?
A: Shaping one's surroundings through force of will and fortitude of the mind is the axiom of magic in Vaylen; there is no separation of psionics and magic. Psionic classes and sources are not permitted. The versatility that a lot of psionic systems offer is instead offered in EoM, and the philosophies that come with many psionics classes can be done through flavor/roleplay.
Q: What is slavery like in Vaylen? I was thinking of a dwarf bard searching for a slave he once knew. Is it legal? Black market only, like modern human trafficking? Does it vary from place to place?
A: Slavery definitely varies from place to place, but in most city-states, it is black market only. There are some other cultures in which it is an accepted occurrence interspersed throughout Vaylen.
Q:Is it rare to be non-magical in the world?
A: It is not rare to be non-magical in the world. The world is not as heavy on magic as I'm sure the background makes it seem. This is subject to change, and a very rough estimate... but 25-35% of the world population is capable of manifesting at least a cantrip. Anything higher is obviously more rare. Not everyone is blessed with the arcane gift, and fewer have the time or money to dedicate to the rigorous study that would give them mastery over magic. Divine casters, usually requiring no innate talent, are about as common in more divine nations and more rare everywhere else. All of this is, of course, variable based on location.
Q: How would a bard be treated?
A:The bard will be treated as the pathfinder bard with regard to class features. It will be treated as the EoM bard with regard to spell list limitations and spell list benefits. You will be a 3/4s caster rather than the 1/2 in EoM. If this proves to be horrendously overpowered, we can make some adjustments after the fact. At this stage, I'm much more concerned with the character than I am with the numbers.
Q: After we compile a 10 minute background, what do we do? leave it as bullet points?
A: Well, you can continue to edit it and expand it as you see fit; the template they have is just the minimum. You can write the rp sample based on anything in it or based on what you're doing once the game starts.
Q: May we request a bonus feat or will you pick it?
A: As far as the feat or item that I'm granting, you can hint at stuff or make direct requests; I can't guarantee that I'll oblige them, but you do get one bonus RP feat that you are completely responsible for without my direct input.
Q: 1 post in this thread or is there an applicant thread somewhere?
A: A post here is fine!
Q: At what RP would you have an LA?
A: I am upping the race limitation to 15 RP. If you are from 16 RP - 24RP, "LA = 1." 25 - 34, "LA = 2." 35 - 44, "LA =3." And so on. Sorry for the adjustment. Been trying to figure out the best way to do it.
Q:Do you want us to write about the built races?
A: Yes, I would like you to write a brief background on your race if it's brand new or unique.
Q: Just as a question but is there any way to get Elements of Magic for free?
A: I'm working on hosting a version on google docs that doesn't violate the OGL. Just have to get rid of the table of contents and the images. This would make it a pain in the ass to sift through. Alternatively, you could buy it or "find" it somewhere.
Q: You seem to suggest that this game will be played in a party yet you don't ask to make sure that we all wind up in one place. Are we to be part of a party or will we be starting out solo?
A: You'll be part of a party pretty soon after the game starts. Some people may start off solo but will quickly wind up with the party. Let me worry about making sure you're all in one place; you worry about your own personal background, story, and what you're doing at the start of the adventure. As always, I might adjust that stuff for you once you've finalized it as needed.
Q: What changes are you making to the mage to update for pathfinder? You mentioned something about keeping class abilities.
A: I'm allowing those with caster levels to take "Magical Boon" as a feat if you so desire, and once you reach caster level 9, you may take "Greater magical Boon." The mage will not be a class. Instead, you can play a wizard or sorcerer, keeping your class features. You are, of course, a full caster level progression as the mage is. For wizard bonus feats, since I have banned craft magical arms and armor, craft wondrous item (and the EoM versions), you may take the magical boon feats as part of your bonus. Sorcerers can also take those feats in place of any of their bloodline bonus feats. Also, as a point of clarification, the mageknight and taskmage do not exist either. The Magus class will be renamed to the Magenknight in this world. This is in name only.
Q: What casting stats are you using? Is it INT for signiture spells and CHA for DC's (As per the Mage) or will it be based off the class you select.
A: IDefinitely the class you select. I don't really like what EoM does as far as the stats. You won't get bonus mana based on having a high stat though. Just more sig. spells.
Either post questions or PM them to me.
Last edited by Fendrith; May 21st, 2013 at 07:52 PM.