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Old Sep 12th, 2014, 10:44 AM
MalchiorTheForgotten MalchiorTheForgotten is offline
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Path System Rules

The Paths

There are three basic Paths: Might, Mischief and Magic.

Might: Good BAB, Good Fort Save, Average Ref and Will. Begin with access to Barbarian and Fighter.

Mischief: Average BAB, Good Ref Save, Average Fort and Will. Begin with access to the Rogue and Ranger.

Magic: Poor BAB, Good Will Save, Average Fort and Ref. Begin with access to Cleric and Wizard.

Your secondary choice will bestow upon you it's good save.

Access Classes

As you progress through the game, you will unlock various 'Access Classes'. An access class is a normal game class, such as Monk or Druid, that you have access to buy abilities from. Each access class is grouped under a Path, in this case Monk is grouped under Might and Druid is grouped under Magic. This determines the percentage at which you buy the abilities from. If you choose the path of Mischief and your secondary path is Magic, you would buy Monk abilities at the standard Hindered percentage (200%) and Druid abilities from the Secondary percentage (100%).
Of course, you will be unlocking Access Classes at different times, so it's always important to plan ahead. Of course, you could always visit the Pool of Salt to respec your character.


So, how do you buy abilities once you've unlocked an Access Class? At each level, you will receive a certain number of Ability Points (AP) and you will subtract from these the cost of the ability you wish to purchase. To determine the cost of an ability, use the following formula:

Cost= (AxB+C)D
A= Level the ability is gained from the access class
B= Power level of the ability (1, 2 or 3)
C= Number of times the ability has been bought previously (if a progressive ability, such as sneak attack or wild shape)
D= Percentage based on Path level (Primary, Secondary or Hindered)

Example: Sneak Attack +1d6 has a base cost of 3 (1x3+0), Sneak Attack +2d6 has a base cost of 4 (1x3+1), Sneak Attack +5d6 has a base cost of 7 (1x3+4).

Percentage costs:
Depending on what your Path is, abilities will be harder or easier to buy because of a percentage and level adjustment factored into their cost.
Primary: Buy abilities at 75% cost. Any ability of up to your level or +1 level for an additional 75% cost (total of 150%)
Secondary: Buy abilities at 100% cost. Any ability of up to your level.
Hindered: Buy abilities at 200% cost. Any ability of up to two levels lower.

Points Per Level:
Level AP
1-4 5
5-9 9
10-14 12
15-19 15
20 17
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence."

Last edited by MalchiorTheForgotten; Oct 2nd, 2014 at 10:22 AM.
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