Organization and Hierarchy
Here's what I've got so far. We already know we want to separate the three roles of world building, storytelling, and playing. I'd like to create two positions, for Game Master, and Vice Game Master. The idea being the Game Master is ultimately in charge of approving ideas, concepts, etc. and making sure everything else runs smoothly. The Vice Game Master is his second, who takes over in his absence or makes rulings when he cannot. As things stand right now, I think I'm in the best position to take the reins of the Game Master role. I'm not sure if Aethera or Sassafrass would be willing or able to handle Vice Game Master at present, but I'll leave it open if one of you wants it. After that, aside from Storytellers and World Builders, we might also want some general Administrators and Editors. An Administrator would be put in charge of handling and monitoring things such as OOC threads, or Q/A help threads, while the Editors work with the Storytellers and World Builders to make sure that the information we build all syncs together, and reads well (fixing things like typos/grammar errors, etc.), as well as maintains a solid continuity. Anyways, that's my idea for the moment, what do you all think?
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Well I'd certainly look into being a world builder, I'm still in the process of learning the all the various worlds and settings, but you can put me down for helping on the world building...it is something I love to do.
Woppity things happen here.
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