Varhran Azhid Kaaszh character sheet
Variant Human | Researcher Rogue 5 | Courtier | Feats: Skilled HP: 36/36, +0 temp HP | AC: 16 (18 with shield) | Hit Dice: 5d8 Stats/Saves: Str 12/+1; Dex 18/+7; Con 14/+2; Int 16/+6; Wis 12/+1; Cha 14/+2 Senses: Passive Perception 14, Passive Investigation 16 Move: 30' | Conditions: none Languages: (may need updates)
Spoken - Persian (Old, Parthian, Tajik), Goblinoid (Old Goblin, Magyar, Uruk), Latin (Classical, Vulgar), Slavic, Frankish, Greek, Turkish, Dwarven, Thieves' Cant
Written - Persian, Latin, Greek, Turkish, Dwarven Tool Proficiencies: thieves' tools
Attack Bonuses: Melee +4 | Ranged +7 | Magic - depends on scroll level Spell Save DC: depends on scroll level
Buffs: none
Ranged weapon: +1/0 composite shortbow - +8 to hit, 1d6+4 piercing, range 80/320 Default melee: Mongolian +2 sabre () - +9 to hit, 1d8+6 slashing, range 5 Alternate melee: shamshir (shortsword) - +7 to hit, 1d6+4 slashing, range 5 Sneak Attack damage: 3d6
Scrolls and Wands:
Scroll (Fire): Fire Truth
Scrolls (Wind): none
Scrolls (Sand): none
Scrolls (Sea): True Bearing; Stone Hull
Scrolls (Universal): Bull's Strength
Wand of Magic Missiles - 6th level, 6d4+6 damage per shot, Charges 5/7
Features: Court Functionary Sneak Attack - 3d6 Cunning Action - Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action Steady Aim - as a bonus action, grant self advantage advantage on next attack roll (cannot move on that turn before or after using this) Educated Sneak Attack - may make an INT skill check with DC 10+1/2 CR on targets - on success, may use Sneak Attack w/o advantage or ally within 5' of target Arcane Literacy - at level 3, gain advantage on INT(Arcana), INT(Investigation), WIS(Yog-Sothothery) checks related to spells - use scrolls as a wizard with
INT as spellcasting ability, must make a DC 10+(scroll level) INT check to succeed in scroll casting Uncanny Dodge - When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.
Il Vasto Mare Contacts:
Nikephoros of Alanya - guildmaster
Salnos of Alanya
Melos of Rhodes
Filo, Aetos, and Gataki of the Pius Code of Thessalonika
Skrit of Sozopolis
Caspian Horse HP: 13/13, +0 temp HP | Armor Class: 10 | Speed: 60' Stats/Saves: Str 16/+3; Dex 16/+3; Con 12/+1; Int 2/-4; Wis 12/+1; Cha 8/-2
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage
rear - 32 L 2. Varhran - Company Scribe and Courier 50
rear - 42 S 5. Atim 50
rear - 45 S 9. Kravi 50
away - 46 S 2. Yislen Paledwadle - Gnome - Artillerist, Expert Lvl 2 200
away - 47 S 4. Trawin Denpidel - Gnome - Artillerist, Lvl 1 150
away - 48 S 6. Kelni Susguber - Gnome - Engineer-architect, Lvl 2 125
rear - 49 S 1. Cosmos - Greek Alchemist - Order of Hermes, Wizard lvl 2 300
rear - 50 S 1. Bocconi - Armorer from Milan - Expert Lvl 4 400
rear - 51 S 1. Phaedron - Macedonian Priest of St. Cyril lvl 3 350
rear - 52 S 3. Elio - a Venetian Sailor lvl 2 150
van - 53 S 4. Arbogast - Frankish Wizard lvl 3 450
rear - Eettog
"Excuse me, Lady. Varhran saw my sword and took a keen interest to it. He said I should show it to you. It is old, older than my tribe can remember. Some have said it might talk during battle, though I have never heard it. Perhaps it was a joke played on a young Magyar pup full of splotch and bristle." He grinned, knowing he still had small patches of bristly hair, though his skin had mostly solidified into the dark red of his people. Youth had not yet lost it's grip on the young fighter.
Magnum always tagging along asks to take a look at the sword as well, where he works his arcane investigation, including casting Identify as a ritual.
Dice arcana:
Total = 10
Taken the Oath of Sangus. GM for Hunt for Avalon.
Playing: Boja (Rise of Tiamut), Glepa (Dragon of Icespire Peak), Jihanna (Westmarch/The Door), Magnum (Reluctant Heroes). (See profile for links)
Poor Kusta had no money, he'd commissioned barding for Pacolo be made, but upon completion of the barding realized he did not have money to pay for the barding. In desperation he explains his only recourse.
"I've never had... all I have is my arms and armor. Maybe I could, I could trade you my armor? Or my sword?" Kusta gripped the sword at his side. It has been in the tribe for generations and was given to him by the weapon master as a gift. But honor was paramount and sacrifices had to be made. He unbuckled his sword belt and held the weapon out for Bocconi to inspect.
"I suppose I can find another weapon somewhere. I've been told this will speak during the height of a battle. It once belonged to your people, but has been with our tribe so long that nobody knows if it was won as a gift or as the spoils of battle. Surely it is enough to balance this trade. I wouldn't want it said that I was dishonorable in trading with our new allies." He stood at an angle, feeling too light on one side. Almost as if he was missing one of his limbs.
Kusta held forth the steppe grass seed, then, laying the sword down Kusta felt a sharp pain in his belly, like the loss of a loved one.
Varhran's attention went to the Sword. "As your elders gifted it to you, I would assume it's of significance. May I examine it more closely?" He treated it with the respect due a prized possession and felt for the faint warmth of latent magical power, something he could often sense even though casting was an uncertain affair for him at best.
The blade of the sabre is a masterpiece of Scythian craftsmanship, slightly curved with a single-edged design that promises swift, lethal strikes. The steel gleams with a cold, unyielding light, hinting at the exceptional quality and durability of the metal. Etched along the length of the blade are intricate runes and symbols, remnants of the dark enchantments that have imbued the sword with its legendary powers. These markings shimmer faintly, as if alive with hidden energy, and pulse subtly in the presence of battle, urging its wielder to action.
The edge of the blade is impossibly sharp, capable of cleaving through armor and bone with terrifying ease. Close inspection reveals faint, almost ghostly traces of bloodstains that no amount of cleaning can remove, a marker of the countless lives it has taken and the rivers of blood it has spilled in its long history. The hilt of the Sword is wrapped in aged gold, worn smooth by the grip of countless warriors over the centuries. The crossguard is fashioned from gold as well, ending in round termini.
At the pommel, a large round ball of gold. The scabbard is made of blackened leather, reinforced with gilded iron bands that have been engraved with more runic symbols. It is designed to be both functional and menacing. The faint bloodstains on the blade are not just from recent battles but are remnants from ancient wars, echoing conquests.
Varhran can tell it is old, and a special blade, but little more. He looks toward Magnum, Magnum, care to have a look. Perhaps you can discern more than I.
"I also recommend bringing it to Lady Atim's attention this evening. She has a natural affinity for things of earth."
Gundahar has seen the discussion over the barding and has stepped forward.
Magnum picks up the sword and exams it, a malevolent feeling passes through his hands and Magnum drops it. The sword is powerful, and cursed.
Atim then casts a spell over the sword. There is more here. Additional never before seen runes start to glow. This sword is ancient. A millennia, perhaps more. Then Atim lets the magic speak through her as she describes the weapon.
This is the Sword of Attila, the scourge of the West. Atim flinches slightly, her eyes tightly closed as if seeing some ancient terror.
A Scythian sabre, its curved blade bears ancient runes that pulse with an eerie, otherworldly glow. This sword is no mere weapon; it is a vessel of a powerful sentience that slumbers within, waiting for the right hand to awaken it.
Crafted with the essence of the gods of war, the Sword of Attila is a vorpal blade, capable of decapitating its foes with a single, perfect strike. Its very presence on the battlefield whispers doom that coils around the hearts of its enemies. As a weapon, it is unmatched in its lethality, designed to cleave through flesh and bone with terrifying efficiency.
However, the true power of this blade lies in its sentience. The spirit housed within is chaotic, choosing neither good or evil, possessing an Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. It is perceptive, with the ability to hear and see in the dark. The sword's consciousness stirs with each perfect strike, each time a head rolls, awakening a little more each time. It whispers dark promises of glory and power, urging its wielder toward bold and aggressive action. It respects strength and courage above all, but it despises weakness and cowardice.
Atim breathing deeply now continues, As the sword awakens, its power grows. Initially, it grants enhanced damage, slicing deeper with each blow. It can also draw upon necrotic energy, healing its wielder by draining the life force from its victims. With each milestone of awakening, the sword's power and influence over its wielder increase, from granting enhanced hearing and darkvision to bestowing a commanding aura that makes its wielder more intimidating. Eventually, the sword can communicate telepathically and even speak Infernal, the language of demons.
But with this power comes a curse. The Sword of Attila binds itself to its wielder, making them unwilling to part with it. Its influence grows stronger, trying to dominate the wielder's will, pushing them toward conquest and bloodshed. The wielder becomes vulnerable to the sword's charm, their willpower sapped as the blade's thirst for battle overrides all other considerations.
Attuning to this weapon is not a trivial matter. It requires a creature of strength, courage, and a desire for conquest. Only those whom the sword deems worthy can wield its power, and even then, they must guard their minds against its insidious influence. The Sword of Attila is not just a tool of war; it is a dark partner in a dance of death and glory, forever seeking the next battle, the next victory, and the next head to claim.
Once five perfect strokes are made with the Sword of Atilla, the wielder will be one with the Sword.
Sword of Attila the Hun (Sentient Vorpal Scythian Sabre)
Weapon (scimitar), legendary (requires attunement)
Description: The Sword of Attila is a fearsome and ancient Scythian sabre, its curved blade etched with runes of power and glinting with an eerie light. It is said to have been gifted by the gods of war, and its mere presence strikes fear into the hearts of its enemies.
Sentience: The Sword of Attila is a sentient chaotic neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
Initially, the sentient being within the sword is in a deep slumber. However, each time the wielder scores a natural 20 on an attack roll, the sentience of the sword awakens a little more, increasing its influence and communication capabilities.
Personality: The Sword of Attila is prideful and desires conquest and battle above all else. As it awakens, it begins to whisper dark promises of victory and power to its wielder, urging them to take bold and aggressive actions. The sword respects strength and courage but despises cowardice and weakness.
Vorpal Property: When you roll a 20 on an attack roll made with this magic weapon, the target is decapitated if it has a head and the creature dies if it can't survive without it. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the DM decides that the creature is too large for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.
Special Abilities:
• Enhanced Damage: The Sword of Attila deals an extra 1d8 slashing damage on a hit (for a total of 1d6 + 1d8 slashing damage).
• Necrotic Regeneration: The sword can drain life to heal its wielder. Once per day, as a bonus action, the wielder can cause the sword to deal an additional 4d6 necrotic damage on a successful hit. The wielder regains hit points equal to half of the necrotic damage dealt. This ability recharges at dawn.
• Awakening:
o First Natural 20: The sword becomes a +1 weapon and grants the wielder enhanced hearing.
o Second Natural 20: The sword becomes a +2 weapon and grants the wielder darkvision out to 120 feet.
o Third Natural 20: The sword becomes a +3 weapon and grants the wielder a commanding presence, giving them advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
o Fourth Natural 20: The sentient sword begins to speak and can communicate telepathically. It also grants the wielder the ability to speak and understand Infernal.
o Fifth Natural 20: The sword's full personality is awakened, and it exerts a strong influence over the wielder, trying to dominate them in battle. It also exudes an aura of fear. When unsheathed and held, all creatures of the wielder's choice within 30 feet must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Cursed: The Sword of Attila is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the sword, keeping it within reach at all times. Additionally, you have disadvantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed or frightened by the sword's influence, as it tries to dominate your will and drive you to conquest and bloodshed.
Attunement: To attune to the Sword of Attila, a creature must spend a short rest focusing on the sword while holding it. The sword will only attune to a creature it deems worthy of wielding its power, typically one who shows strength, courage, and a desire for conquest.
Example Stat Block:
Sword of Attila the Hun Sentient Vorpal Scythian Sabre (requires attunement)
• Weapon (scimitar), legendary
• Damage: 1d6 + 1d8 slashing
• Critical Hit: Decapitates on a roll of 20
• Intelligence: 14
• Wisdom: 12
• Charisma: 18
• Senses: Hearing and darkvision 120 ft.
• Languages: Common, Infernal (telepathic communication upon fourth natural 20)
• Special Abilities: Enhanced Damage, Necrotic Regeneration (4d6 necrotic, once per day), Awakening, Cursed
• Personality: Prideful, Desires Conquest, Respects Strength, Awakened by Natural 20s
Last edited by Horseman; Aug 7th, 2024 at 09:00 PM.
Varhran's face turned as hard as stone. {Thieves' Cant}"You understand this aim that will be harder to accomplish if it someone speaks of it to the Black Sun. So, may I ask, are someone's lips too loose? I should not wish to jump to conclusions and blame Thek unfairly."
Funding Skrits makeshift casino Varhran knew there were some things that he could do himself in that regard. Varhran passed Skrit a heavy sack of silver coins. {Thieves' Cant}"Whatever else, please see that as many of Thek's orcs and goblins as possible are drunk at the gaming tonight, and not occupied elsewhere. Eettog included. It may make a difference to all of our future welfare, and Shingo's in particular."
Skrit comes to Varhran a few days later. Catching Varhran going over logistics papers and smoking from his pipe. {Thieves' Cant}How's that Macedonian skunk leaf taste ? Skrit tosses a pouch of the good Bulgar leaf on the crate Varhran writes on in his tent. Skrit went to the nearby brazier lighting the room and lit the tent. Scooping up a hot coal with the stoker he lit his own pipe. Then he set a bottle of clear liquid on the crate, announcing. Local distillation of potatoes. Quite a kick and not abusive to the palette. Skrit pulls up a small wooden bucket and sits on it. The Orcs are a poor tribe, with almost no reputation. Thek is just smart enough to know that if his tribe has little future amongst other Orc tribes without reputation. Perhaps Shingo's leadership can make something of them. But I doubt it. Skrit lays a leather pouch on the crate, inside is an Orcish ear.
That's the ear that listened in on the War Council. A Half-Orc Spy. I'm told he admitted he fell in with Theks tribe as an agent of the Black Sun to keep tabs on units coming to join the army. Word is his body is floating down the Ister River as we speak.
Kusta Usun | Hobgoblin Fighter | Traits: I once saved an entire generation of frogfolk tadpoles and almost got killed in the process. I'd do it again if I had to. I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear. Ideals: If I dishonor myself, I dishonor my whole tribe. Bonds: My tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me. Flaws: My actions brought about the death of a child, and the kidnapping of another. I can never go home till I right this wrong. Personality | The Code of the Bone: A warrior decides the best course of conduct according to reason and tradition, not from reaction or fear. A warrior does not waver. A warrior does not second-guess. A warrior dies at the right time, strikes at the right time, and withdraws his hand at the right time. The Code of the Heart: A warrior is bold and courageous. Boldness is striking the griffon to protect the tribe. Courage is striking the griffon despite the risk of death. The warrior knows and accepts. The Oath of Blood: A warrior is loyal to the tribe no matter the cost. A warrior is an extension of all Magyar and thus acts in the best interest of all Magyar. Honor before need, family before self. The Oath of the Hand: A warrior deals fairly with family and allies. But the deception of an enemy is a virtue. Trample those who trample our customs, burn those who lie about us, take from those who take from us, and conquer those who would war with us. The Code of the Mount: A warrior rides with their mount, not on it, not despite it, neither haughty nor negligent. And because the warrior respects their mount, a mount respects its warrior. The Oath of Defeat: A warrior will take wounds, and sometimes face routs. But the true warriors will never abandon those who fought by their side, nor those who were under their protection. When a warrior's failures have brought harm to the tribe, then a warrior will ride out the wrongs of his defeat, into whichever direction of the sun is required, for however long, and even if their life must be paid.Warrior Code | AC: 19 | HP: 40 / 40 | Hit dice: 4 / 4d10 | Darkvision 60' | Pass. Perc: 15 | Pass. Insight: 14 | Pass. Invest: 9 | 2nd Wind: 1 / 1 | Axn Srg: 1 / 1 | Fighting Spirit: 0/3 | None Passed death saves: 0 / 3 Failed death saves: 0 / 3Conditions | Common
Kusta gulped as he gingerly took the sword back from Atim. "Cursed? As it awakens, it tries to get me to kill more and more, is that about right?" Kusta held the sword out in front of him, laying the flat of the blade on his other hand. That didn't seem so bad. That's what swords were for, right? Killing enemies?
"Just point me at the next enemy of the Golden Wolves and watch it work, yeah?" He paused and looked at Atim and Magnum. "Er, well, that's all that will happen, right? I'm not going to turn into an honorless murderer am I? What do you two think? Should I get rid of it and avoid the curse?"
Ranger Horse | Horse, War | HP:30 | Hit Die: 1d8 | STR 18 | DEX 13 | CON 17 | INT 4 | WIS 15 | CHA 6
Stealth +2 | Intuit Direction +8 | Perception +8 | Speed 50 ft | AC 11
Base Cost 2500 gp
1. Gundahar
2. Varhran
3. Dionysius
4. Atim
5. Skrit is volunteering to go as a scout, and he will tell Varhran he's not going to war with Shingo. Just not his thing. He'll hold back at the Quarry if you don't want him along.
6. Shingo
7. Magnum
In the Undetermined group I have
A. Kusta - Magyar Horseman
B. Magnum - Dwarven Bard
C. Vidar - Dwarven Battle Priest
D. Hadgraeth - Old Dwarven Soldier, Company Cook
E. Arbogast - Frankish Wizard
F. Tharnog - Dwarven Blueheart fighter
G. Kadok - Dwarven Blueheart Crossbowman
H. Fornoc - Dwarven Blueheart Engineer
Not everyone need feel pressured to go on the Black Sun Mission. I can run two groups. If you choose two groups you can decide what the stay behind group does. A few options might be.
I. Get supplies flowing from Busk with Gundahars Letter
II. See what it would take to get the Quarry up and running
III. Finish clearing the First Level of the Mine.
IV. Other or some combination
Just let me know what you decide. I'm ready to go with whatever.
I really just need to hear from Leftyyy88 and tordon
Last edited by Horseman; Aug 7th, 2024 at 02:35 AM.
I would like to stay. Don't think I'll have anything meaningful to contribute to the conversations there. And Kusta would rather make a clean break from his friends.
As far as actions staying behind, I would like to help with the Dwarven supply chain efforts and/ or clear out the rest of the first level. But i don't have any strong preferences one way or the other.
Varhran would bring Skrit if no one else objects. Seem like Shingo pretty much needs to be there since he'll be commanding the contingent that joins the Black Sun force.
Varhran's eyebrows went up as Atim recited the blade's history. "A matter for your conscience, Kusta. Were I in your shoes, and I am glad I am not, I would ask myself three questions. First, as I tend to think the worst, did your elders envision such a life for you or did they perhaps simply wish to be rid of the thing? More importantly, is it a life you wish for yourself? And, should you choose it, shall you own the sword, or in the end, shall it own you?"
Varhran Azhid Kaaszh character sheet
Variant Human | Researcher Rogue 5 | Courtier | Feats: Skilled HP: 36/36, +0 temp HP | AC: 16 (18 with shield) | Hit Dice: 5d8 Stats/Saves: Str 12/+1; Dex 18/+7; Con 14/+2; Int 16/+6; Wis 12/+1; Cha 14/+2 Senses: Passive Perception 14, Passive Investigation 16 Move: 30' | Conditions: none Languages: (may need updates)
Spoken - Persian (Old, Parthian, Tajik), Goblinoid (Old Goblin, Magyar, Uruk), Latin (Classical, Vulgar), Slavic, Frankish, Greek, Turkish, Dwarven, Thieves' Cant
Written - Persian, Latin, Greek, Turkish, Dwarven Tool Proficiencies: thieves' tools
Attack Bonuses: Melee +4 | Ranged +7 | Magic - depends on scroll level Spell Save DC: depends on scroll level
Buffs: none
Ranged weapon: +1/0 composite shortbow - +8 to hit, 1d6+4 piercing, range 80/320 Default melee: Mongolian +2 sabre () - +9 to hit, 1d8+6 slashing, range 5 Alternate melee: shamshir (shortsword) - +7 to hit, 1d6+4 slashing, range 5 Sneak Attack damage: 3d6
Scrolls and Wands:
Scroll (Fire): Fire Truth
Scrolls (Wind): none
Scrolls (Sand): none
Scrolls (Sea): True Bearing; Stone Hull
Scrolls (Universal): Bull's Strength
Wand of Magic Missiles - 6th level, 6d4+6 damage per shot, Charges 5/7
Features: Court Functionary Sneak Attack - 3d6 Cunning Action - Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action Steady Aim - as a bonus action, grant self advantage advantage on next attack roll (cannot move on that turn before or after using this) Educated Sneak Attack - may make an INT skill check with DC 10+1/2 CR on targets - on success, may use Sneak Attack w/o advantage or ally within 5' of target Arcane Literacy - at level 3, gain advantage on INT(Arcana), INT(Investigation), WIS(Yog-Sothothery) checks related to spells - use scrolls as a wizard with
INT as spellcasting ability, must make a DC 10+(scroll level) INT check to succeed in scroll casting Uncanny Dodge - When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.
Il Vasto Mare Contacts:
Nikephoros of Alanya - guildmaster
Salnos of Alanya
Melos of Rhodes
Filo, Aetos, and Gataki of the Pius Code of Thessalonika
Skrit of Sozopolis
Caspian Horse HP: 13/13, +0 temp HP | Armor Class: 10 | Speed: 60' Stats/Saves: Str 16/+3; Dex 16/+3; Con 12/+1; Int 2/-4; Wis 12/+1; Cha 8/-2
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage
rear - 32 L 2. Varhran - Company Scribe and Courier 50
rear - 42 S 5. Atim 50
rear - 45 S 9. Kravi 50
away - 46 S 2. Yislen Paledwadle - Gnome - Artillerist, Expert Lvl 2 200
away - 47 S 4. Trawin Denpidel - Gnome - Artillerist, Lvl 1 150
away - 48 S 6. Kelni Susguber - Gnome - Engineer-architect, Lvl 2 125
rear - 49 S 1. Cosmos - Greek Alchemist - Order of Hermes, Wizard lvl 2 300
rear - 50 S 1. Bocconi - Armorer from Milan - Expert Lvl 4 400
rear - 51 S 1. Phaedron - Macedonian Priest of St. Cyril lvl 3 350
rear - 52 S 3. Elio - a Venetian Sailor lvl 2 150
van - 53 S 4. Arbogast - Frankish Wizard lvl 3 450
rear - Eettog
Varhran walked with Atim before the meeting. He was silent for a while, preoccupied with his thoughts. "It occurs to me that I may as well leave the remaining scrolls I carry in your care, Lady Atim. I seem to have no trouble using magical devices, but however much I wish it were otherwise, my skill in working spells has never been more than substandard and I would not wish to waste valuable resources out of misplaced vanity." He sighed, slightly abashed. "In my youth, I imagined I had some calling to things arcane. Unless there is some turning on that path that I missed, I must admit that no amount of study revealed a talent to match the aspirations I had then."
Atim responds. The reason the Kenku are such great Sorcerers is that they are perfect mimics. They are able to repeat their incantations perfectly every time. Once they learn a spell they never forget it or have trouble with arcane language, so their spells are perfect. She lets Varhran absorb that.
You are very skilled at languages, and have a natural inclination toward study. You just have not been exposed to a teacher to show you the way. You've been by my side since that fateful encounter in the street. I will instruct you, if that is what you wish. It is not merely a tool or a trick. It’s a path, a calling, and sometimes, a burden.
After Varhran agrees Atim begins. First you must understand the source of magic. Magic has to come from somewhere and that place is magical beings. Magic Users derive their powers from pacts made with powerful entities who will become your benefactor, and they may ask something of you. These Patrons could be ancient beings, powerful spirits, or even demonic horrors beyond our comprehension. The nature of the pact defines the type of magic you gain access to and the abilities you wield.
Each magic user must seek out an entity to be their benefactor and strike a bargain. This agreement usually involves a trade of sorts, perhaps service, devotion, or something more abstract, like a fragment of one's soul, destiny, sometimes an unborn child. In return, the Patron bestows magical power upon the magic user, granting them spells, incantations, and unique abilities.
My benefactor is a lawful genie from the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Now I can teach you use of some magic without you making a pact with a benefactor, but your skills will be limited. The first thing I will teach you is a minor magic called a charm, hex, cantrip or trick.
She reaches into the folds of her clothing and pulls out a small book, leather bound with a brass clasp. This is the Spellbook of Parsa Amizh. My first spellbook. Study the spell Mending. Don't speak it allowed, but work on memorizing the words and hand gestures. Then we will practice the spell.
In this game world magic is derived differently in different locations. In the West the source of magic is different than in the East.
In the East all magic comes from magical entities. While there are still classes of magic users, if you wish to cast 3rd level spells or higher you must take on a benefactor, much in the same way as Warlocks.
However, for cantrips, first and second level spells, you can gain those through standard means. This would be ambient magical energy.
Varhran, make and intelligence check to learn the Cantrip Mend.
Magnum would go with, if only to back up his brother in arms Gundahar, despite his misgivings.
I have had covid for much of the past week and don't have a bunch of energy even to sit here and write posts.
Taken the Oath of Sangus. GM for Hunt for Avalon.
Playing: Boja (Rise of Tiamut), Glepa (Dragon of Icespire Peak), Jihanna (Westmarch/The Door), Magnum (Reluctant Heroes). (See profile for links)