DOB 2045 Sex Male Height Tall Build Slight (for a troll) Nationality UCAS
Description: Despite being not the most connected fixer in town the urbane and debonair ‘Feather’ nevertheless has a sizable grip on the Seattle shadows. He is always immaculately dressed and prides himself on being a model of what a troll can achieve given the right impetus
Preferred Runners: Respectful ones or ones that owe him a ‘favour’ Uses: Fixer services Places to Meet: Downtown clubs or restaurants Contact: Commcode Available: Most of the time
Last edited by Arialles; Jul 11th, 2024 at 09:44 AM.
Born 2055 Sex Male Height Tall Build Athletic Nationality French
Description: Gael Penthièvre "Hunter" was a wild and angry young man, not a great combination with prodigious magical potential. He was born into a family straddling a delicate line between French nobility and Celtic shamanism, the shadows and a more conventional SINer existence. His father was a shadowrunner, Ember, his mother was a shadow infobroker and fixer, Argent. He died in ‘72 and Argent gave her network over to Silk and returned to France with her children.
Gael spent years honing his skills under an eclectic mix of tutors, preparing himself to return to Seattle and take up his father’s mantle… and then something happened that resulted in his expression as a changeling. He was exposed to a massive mana surge that awakened latent metagenes. When he did return to Seattle eventually it was as a very different individual, not only physically but mentally and even magically.
Naturally gravitating back to his former home he hooked up with Silk and they became very close, eventually marrying each other on an extended adventure on another metaplane...
Name & Principle Alias Gael Penthièvre ''Hunter''
Ethnicity & Metatype Changeling
Born 2055 Sex Male Height Tall Build Athletic Nationality French Description Physically Hunter appears to be human, were it not for the fact that his skin is entirely golden, not simply sun bronzed but actually reflective, and his eyes are a deep gunmetal grey. It certainly helps him to stand out in a crowd
Defence Rating 5
Bonus D Damage Res 0
Unarmed Attack 2S, 4/—/—/—/—
Magician's Way 20
Allergy: Common Mild [Iron] -11
Aptitude [Conjuring] 12
Close Minded Summoner -15
Distinctive Style [Changeling] -6
Low-light Vision [Meta] 0
Second life outside the shadows -12
Description: Hope has been many incarnations, Sara Waters (mother and Federal surveillance operative), Mother (shadowrunner), Shrike (eGhost) and now Dark Hope (Monad, infiltrator, samurai). Of course most of that information isn't known as she bears the EVO SIN Olivia Gill, the dancer, accident victim and finally donor to EVO's Monad program. Then Hope had a difference of opinion about who should be pulling her strings and she, with the help of her daughter Silk and a runner team, escaped their clutches and is on the run somewhere in Seattle. Somehow news leaked out in to the shadow community that she was a CFD victim and that has made people understandably cautious to work with her but her skills have been honed for far longer than her apparent youth suggests and she has proven her worth working with two or three teams in Seattle.
Last edited by Arialles; Jan 26th, 2024 at 07:48 AM.
Description: Cannon is a former runner who had the good fortune to inherit a business from a contact. The exact circumstances of that inheritance are unknown but he has provided the same level of service that was expected of the original owner, Bishop, and his clientele know the value of discretion, or they do if they wish to continue to have access to Cannon’s network. He displays his wares, a mixture of black market weaponry and tech, from the back of a semi that tours round Seattle, seemingly one step ahead of forces of law and order. It is more than likely that substantial remuneration takes place to keep it this way.
He presents himself with the hammer-like demeanor of a drill sergeant and doesn’t suffer fools easily but will deal with anyone who has a suitable rep in the shadows.
Preferred Runners: Discrete with funds to burn Uses: Weapons and tech Places to Meet: Back of his semi Contact: Commcode dead drop Available: At his convenience
Last edited by Arialles; Jan 26th, 2024 at 07:49 AM.
Description: Born human near Tintagel in the UK, Torrent was determined not to let such a provincial background limit his rise to power. Despite being a late victim of UGE in his early teens he pushed himself through the decaying UK education system and got a degree in Socio Economics. All the while he rigorously pursued power in the shadows as a quasi-runner face, gathering secrets, favours and influence in all circles of the UK. He came to Seattle in the fifties to expand his influence there and has subsequently formed ties in several runner hot spots around the world.
He likes the finer things in life and surrounds himself with the best, both in material possessions and the people he works with. He also has a prodigious family, many of whom work with him to expand his influence wherever he goes.
Preferred Runners: Successful ones Uses: Fixer services Places to Meet: Online or a wide variety of establishments throughout the world according to his latest interests Contact: Commcode Available: 24 hours a day
Last edited by Arialles; Jan 26th, 2024 at 07:50 AM.
Description: Nobody seems to have much information on Aria, where she came from, who she is… her ‘little girl persona’ is a feature in the Seattle matrix and she pops up and meddles in the most unusual digital locations. She has occasionally alluded to having a ‘master’ which is a rare thing in the seventies and a term usually only used to refer to the dragons but she has never, as far as anyone knows, been identified out of the matrix and there are rumours that she is an AI despite a clear ability to manipulate Resonance energies
Preferred Runners: Tolerant ones, her charming laugh and whimsical attitude has been known to grate Uses: Matrix intel Places to Meet: The Citadel Gaming Host, other matrix sites both shadowy and more mundane Contact: Commcode Available: When she feels like it
Last edited by Arialles; Jan 26th, 2024 at 07:52 AM.
Description: Aria Waters is Silk's daughter, although given their official ages that seems unlikely to some. Aria and her brother Gwyn were born in House Laésal in Londinium in a metaplane with a different timescape than the real world, where Silk was trapped with her partner Hunter for the better part of two decades. When they finally returned to Seattle very little actual real time had passed.
She was named for Silk's friend Aria, a shadowrunner from their past, although the two couldn't be more different. She is a changeling like her parents and younger brother Gwyn, in some ways more easily concealed; she appears to be a pretty young red headed girl in her mid teens with no unusual features, but in some ways more dramatic as when she employs any magic she manifests a set of dragonfly-like wings not unlike a pixie. Sadly those wings don't actually allow her to fly in the much calmer manasphere of the Sixth World. She appears to be quiet and serene, a product perhaps of the Victorian esque environment of her youth, however, she may look like a fairy but she has the burning soul of a bane shide. She walks a thin line of balance between darkness and light - her primal magical energies held in check by a genuine desire to be good, whatever that means.
She and Gwyn pretty rapidly embraced the modern world, so very different from their youth. They are living the stories their parents fed them of the glass towers, corporate overlords and the runners darting through the shadows between it all. Silk, recognising their magical potential, drafted them (more or less willingly) in to the Patterners and they are the youngest members of the fledgingly order. Although Aria chafes somewhat against the restrictions imposed on her she is glad to be taught the mechanisms for control in the face of the wellspring of her power.
Name Aria Waters
Ethnicity & MetatypeCaucasian Changeling
Born 2064* Sex Female Height Average Build Slight Nationality Description
Description: Flicker is a fiery creature, her temperament more than a match for her striking red hair and the phoenix tattoos that move across her golden skin. Her changeling nature shouts to the world and she makes no attempt to hide who or what she is.
<Begin File Transfer – Decrypt Protocols Established>
>Birth Name: Charlotte Waters
>DOB: 10 October 2060
>Birth Place: Penzance, United Kingdom
>SIN: British
Flicker, as Charlotte is now calling herself, is one of Torrent’s many progeny. Like a surprising proportion of her father’s eight children she is fae touched, probably due to the Cornish wild magic that lashes the area around her family’s birthplace. Torrent, first as a runner and then as a major fixer, was largely absent in her upbringing and she, along with her siblings and half siblings, grew up with extended family in London.
When she was eighteen her father asked her if she would like to help him in an experiment that could potentially have world shaking consequences. Desperate for his approval she agreed and joined a group of other adolescents in an ongoing VR simulation in a facility under Downtown Seattle. There she faced many trials that helped to forge her into the fierce young woman she is today.
She was rescued from the simulation by a group of shadow runners and traumatised by the harrowing VR experiences she chose not to return to her father’s fold but forge her own path in Seattle.
Places to Meet: Bars and clubs of Downtown Seattle Contact: Commcode Available: Night time!
Name & Principle Alias Charlotte Waters ''Flicker''
Born 2060 Sex Female Height Short Build Athletic Nationality British Description Flicker is a fiery creature, her temperament more than a match for her striking red hair and the phoenix tattoos that move across her golden skin. Her changeling nature shouts to the world and she usually makes no attempt to hide who or what she is.
Description: The Choir are a weird mix of obscure magical initiatory group and technomancer cult, totalling, usually, thirteen in number. They are all seers of one form or another and have dedicated themselves (rightly or wrongly) to steering metahumanity on a path that their visions have revealed to them. When they can be persuaded to talk about that path or those visions they are usually full of dire warnings about an enemy coming too soon and finding a way to avoid that fate for as long as possible…
On Friday March 19, 2077, during their equinox ritual, their gatherings in London, Marrakech and the matrix were systematically targeted by unknown foes and three of them perished as a result. Since then they have been in a running battle with unseen forces and have struggled to regroup and reassert their agenda. In response to the threat Silk formed the Patterners in late 2077, designed to be the militant arm of the group. Although she subsequently disappeared for some time her work continued and they have begun the hunt for their assailants…
Current Seers
> The Old One, human seer and master manipulator (it appears he is actually a dragon following the London attack)
> Aria, elven matrix witch
> Firefox, human matrix adept
> Slate, dwarven hermetic
> Desire, human seer (one of the Stillwater Collective)
> Silk, changeling web spinner and founder of the Patterners
> Hunter, changeling druid (Silk’s husband)
> Summer, human technomantic oracle (her face may appear on the Queen of Batons tarot card)
> The Child Seer, free spirit
> Petal, free spirit (Dream’s former ally spirit)
Former Seers
> X (Deceased in London attack)
> Vision (Deceased in London attack)
> Phoenix (Deceased in Marrackech attack)
> Dream (Infected)
> Morrig, human druidess (possibly turned by Dream, her former pupil)
Preferred Runners: Hooders Uses: Vague predictions of the future Places to Meet: Matrix, London Below Contact: They will know if you need them
Description: The Toymaker is a reclusive and enigmatic figure who lives alone in a lodge on the southern slopes of the Cougar Mountain wildlife area. He straddles the technological and the magical realms in a way few others do and many people assume he is a Chaos mage, but his work shows an exquisite attention to detail and craftsmanship that reference far older traditions.
Unless you are expected there is little chance you’ll see him in person, he has surrounded himself in an army of his own creations, and some of the more lifelike drones engage with visitors rather than allowing anyone to disturb his peace. For the culmination of a project however he always insists on the prospective owner being present for the final alignments.
Preferred Runners: Ones that don’t want to disturb his solitude Uses: Foci, alchemical preparations or exquisite drones and tech Places to Meet: His lodge, he rarely leaves Contact: Commcode Available: He will usually only meet people in the early evening
Last edited by Arialles; Jan 26th, 2024 at 08:45 AM.
Description: A rarity, elven twins, they run packages and information from Tarislar to the Elven District downtown on their twin Evo Revolution monowheels for the rougher parts of the route and then transferring to Kat's pride and joy, a vintage 2050s Westwind 2000…consequently they are an excellent source of information on the current goings on along their route. When not working as couriers Kat is a profficient cat burgler and infiltration specialist whilst her brother compliments her in the wheelman role to whisk her (or others) away at the end of a job. There were rumours of a certain amount of dubious GOTs in their personal relationship and relationship with others but they've also been seen around less and less as their attention has been elsewhere and rumours have subsided as watchers have been tempted away by more current salacious gossip.
Uses: Information, delivering messages
Places to Meet: Somewhere on their routes
Contact: Commcode
Available: When they don’t have a burning delivery deadline
Name & Principle Alias Marcus O'Connel ''Kit''
Ethnicity & Metatype Caucasian Elf
Born 2054 Sex Male Height Tall Build Fit Nationality Tir nA nOg Description Kit is the epitome of Street Elf having eschewed the life of the Tir he was born to in favour of the mean streets of Seattle. He is a speed junkie, whether jacked in to his favourite set of wheels or using parkour to traverse where even vehicles fear to go.
Born 2054 Sex Female Height Tall Build Lithe Nationality Tir nA nOg Description Like her brother, Kat is tall and fair with a honed physique and typical elvish beauty. She is far more retiring though and prefers to remain in her brother’s shadow which has caused many to underestimate her, to their cost.
Description: Dominic Synd, like all his family, were loyal Ares citizens, dedicated to the Gun mentality. He was never going to be an exec but he excelled at the physical aspects of corp life and, like his big brother Daniel before him, he made straight for military training as soon as they would have him. His Talent and family connections put him on a quick fire path to the elite Firewatch training programme and he ended up on the frontline against the bugs in numerous engagements as a rifleman.
The crash of '64 saw Daniel disappear in to the shadows and Dominic, still loyal at the time, set off to bring him back. The next few years were enlightening and he saw corp life from the other side of the divide and decided that his loyalties would be better employed elsewhere.
Places to Meet: Dead end bars Contact: Burner Commcode Available: When he's not working
Name & Principle Alias Dominic Synd ''Black Steel''
Ethnicity & Metatype Caucasian Elf
Born 2025 Sex Male Height Tall Build Muscular Nationality Former Ares Description Black gets his handle from his distinctive black chrome cyberarms and the coldness of his eyes
Description: The Patterners are a result of Silk’s latest project. Not content with already being part of two initiatory groups she decided that it was time to start her own. After the attacks on The Choir she set about reclaiming the derelict Stillwater tower on the edge of Redmond, repurposing it to serve as a hidden training centre for her new group. Only then did she cast her net wide to pick up likely candidates who see magic, or could be shown how to see magic, in a similar way to herself. Although they are still few in number Silk intends to forge a militant arm of the Choir who proactively seek to impose their vision of the future. They have modelled themselves, partly in jest, on the Jedi Order from those old flatvids…
Uses: Future knowledge Places to Meet: On the matrix for the moment although that will change! Contact: Through Silk
DOB 2050 Sex Female Height Average Build Athletic Nationality UK
Description: Soraya grew up in the stifling constraints of British High Society, sent to the best schools, attended the best parties and even, mostly unwillingly, took part in the Grand Tour. Destined for the giddy heights of government or a position on a corporate board, she instead abandoned that to pursue her own goals. She was far more interested in the ancient artefacts and old lore that she dug up in university libraries, and then eventually in digs across the world. Using her connections she set herself up as a free lance treasure hunter, working for the Draco Foundation mainly but retaining her independance.
Uses: Old World Knowledge Places to Meet: On a dig, matrix chat rooms Contact: Commcode Available: When not up to her ears in a dusty tome or tomb
> Loom, troll ascetic
Name & Principle Alias "Loom"
Ethnicity & Metatype Mixed Race Troll
DOB 2038 Sex Male Height Huge Build Lean Nationality None
Description: By all accounts Silk found Loom wandering the barrens all but oblivious to the dangerous surroundings. He almost entirely lives in a fugue state, locked in the visions that plague him and only recently with Silk's aid has he been able to exert a measure of control that at least lets him function semi-normally in the mundane world... the power of his readings of the Pattern are not to be underestimated and he has become a pivitol part of Silk's Patterners
> Linen, human mysad
Name & Principle Alias Maria, Stormcrow, Linen, take your pick
Ethnicity & Metatype Caucasian Human
DOB 2060 Sex Female Height Average Build Slim Nationality None
Description: I am the Stormcrow, harbinger of misfortune, witness to the unravelling of fate, agent of the Choir…would you like me to go on? I can play you the perfect melodramatic sound track to go along with my tale, a spot of Carmina Burana perhaps? Ok, ok, I’ll answer your questions seriously for your listeners…
I am a young woman, my real name isn’t important so you can call me Maria, I’ve always liked that name. I guess I’m on the slightly taller side of average for a human, physically fit but otherwise not particularly remarkable. I’ve been told I carry myself like a dancer and I’m happy enough with the compliment.
I was born and raised, or perhaps that should be evolved, in the Stillwater community on the edge of the ‘plex. My brothers and sisters and I were part of their great transhuman experiment, bred to be faster and fitter, better… I’m sure to most people that would be a weird environment but for us it was just the norm. They weren’t corp so had some humanity about them, but we were destined for their Cleric program, or at least those that developed in the right way were, so in hindsight it was a mix between the monastic and the cultish…
I’m twenty three, so I was just eighteen when everything fell apart, still an apprentice so to speak, certainly not a full blown Cleric. There are other stories out there about the demise of the Stillwater community, and I don’t want to dredge that all up again, suffice it to say I was a witness. I fled from there to a sister community and two years later that too was destroyed, and then I returned to Seattle just in time to witness yet another catastrophe…are you beginning to see why I earned my title?
Family? Well they were all my family as I don’t have biological parents in the traditional sense. We were close in a way that is probably not natural, living on top of one another in the tower. But it made us strong, and was our weakness when it was all taken away. Not everyone is dead of course, the community scattered to the winds and I’m still in touch with a few. I’ve even worked with a couple of them while delivering the Choir’s messages. My own family? No, I don’t know if I even could, but my lifestyle certainly doesn’t suit that at the moment. I don’t want to open myself up for that pain again, even if loss is supposed to build character.
Anyway, that was my life, it is all quite different now. When it all came crashing down I was lost, I spent two or three weeks dodging the street predators and looking for a safe place to hide. And then the Choir found me…no, they aren’t singers, I don’t know why they call themselves that and I probably wouldn’t tell you if I did know. They picked me and gave me a task, a purpose, and incidentally a safe place to belong again.
Politics and religion? Jedi of course, that’s how the old joke goes doesn’t it? Seriously, I’ve got a religion of sorts…I was born into a cult after all. No, that didn’t sour me to religion, I still have faith in what Stillwater wanted to achieve. Transhumanism, the betterment of our natural state through a blending of technology and magic, high ideals right? Politics, not so much, I’ve seen where delving into that pit can get people.
> Wool, elven social adept
Name & Principle Alias Tobias Drew "Wool"
Ethnicity & Metatype Caucasian Elf
DOB 2040 Sex Male Height Tall Build Average Nationality UCAS
Description: Wool is a social cameleon, able to read a situation and appear exactly as people expect him to appear. Previously he had a successful career in the shadows as a conman until Silk said something that persuaded him away from his lucrative marks to serve a greater good
Description: Singer, or Gareth as he was named and Clockwork Fury as he styled himself as a rocker, grew up in the Orc Underground. He lived through the worst of the refugee crisis from the Ache over their heads but it was CrimeTime's release of Djoto in '63, an album in Or'Zet, that profoundly shaped his life. Following in the footsteps of his idol he forged himself an identity as a rocker (in the Underground at least). Semi-celebrity had a price on him and by '75 he was burned out and washed up. He found that the drugs he took to quell the emptiness brought on some damn strange visions... and then he met Silk and things got even stranger!
Uses: Intel on the Seattle music scene Places to Meet: Downtown bars and clubs Contact: Commcode
DOB 2060 Sex Female Height Average Build Slim Nationality None
Description: Slipstitch met Silk through the Dragon Dojo in Redmond. She was down on her luck, desperate, and Jitan took her in. There Requiem and Silk discovered her innate knack with firearms and offered to help her use them as a focus and means of mastering her otherwise tenuous situation.
DOB 2065 * Sex Male Height Tall Build Athletic Nationality None
Description: Gwyn is physically very different to his sister Aria, taking after his mother and more… he has small goatlike horns as Silk does but the digitigrade legs of a satyr. He has a different temperament too, wilder and in some ways happier. Like his sister he has embraced what the modern world has to offer, revelling in the virtual world of the matrix. Although his connection to his magic is somewhat muted on this plane he has discovered that the spirits of this place speak to him nonetheless and his youthful mind has blended the virtual realm with the metaphysical one. Although the spirits can't follow him in to the matrix that somehow doesn't prevent him from seeing them there, whether delusion or something else remains to be seen.
> Needle, human adept
Name & Principle Alias Rebecca Forte "Needle"
Ethnicity & Metatype Caucasian Human
DOB 2066 Sex Female Height Short Build Slight Nationality UCAS
Description: Aria met Becky at school and naturally the two gravitated towards one another despite their different backgrounds. Aria persuaded her mother to bring "Needle" into the Patterners when her parents were taken into Knight Errant custody for a series of offences.
Last edited by Arialles; Jan 26th, 2024 at 09:00 AM.