Reserving space for an application. I don't usually like combat-heavy games (which "romp through some dungeons" implies that this might be) but the emphasis on relationships gives me hope for some juicy RP opportunity and I don't get to play with mid-level gestalt concepts all that often.
How many players are you planning to take, and what's the planned posting speed? I need to learn to read the ad twice before asking anything.
Last edited by arin12; Jun 26th, 2024 at 01:24 AM.
You'll have plenty of opportunities to RP your character. The amount of combat will be reasonable and make sense as far as story and progression is concerned.
Vengeance for Zul'Jin! - Warcraft III Berserker
Name: Kallistiel Illuiadlara Race: Elf (Elves often have trouble relating to neighbors of other races, especially those with much shorter lifespans. As a result, some are trained in minor magics that are particularly useful when dealing with non-elves. Elves with this racial trait and an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the elf’s level. This racial trait replaces elven magic.envoy, The eerie beauty of some elves cannot be denied. Elves with this racial trait receive a +1 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against humanoids and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against transmutation spells and spell-like effects. This racial trait replaces elven immunities.perfect) Classes: Swashbuckler / Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) Age: 140
Feats:You’ve learned to use your quickness in place of brute force when performing combat maneuvers.
Benefit: You add your Dexterity bonus to your base attack bonus and size bonus when determining your Combat Maneuver Bonus (see Combat) instead of your Strength bonus.
Special: With or without this feat, when you are using a finesse weapon, you may use your Dexterity bonus in place of your Strength bonus when attempting a disarm, sunder, or trip maneuver. This feat allows you to add your Dexterity bonus in place of your Strength bonus when attempting a bull rush, grapple, hamstring, or overrun maneuver.Agile Combatant, Although still young for your kind, you have a lifetime of knowledge and training.
Prerequisites: Dwarf, elf, or gnome; 100+ years old.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge and Profession skill checks, and can make checks with those skills untrained.Breadth of Experience, Your fighting style is enhanced by your keen intellect.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Elven Battle Style, Elven Battle Training, Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +4, weapon familiarity racial trait.
Benefit: While using Elven Battle Style, you can add your Intelligence modifier to that weapon’s damage (instead of any other ability bonus or modifier you can add to your weapon damage). The weapon must be one appropriate for your size.Elven Battle Focus, You wield traditional elven weapons with grace.
Benefit: While wielding a longsword, a rapier, or any melee weapon that has “elven” in its name, combat maneuver checks attempted with that weapon as attacks of opportunity don’t themselves provoke attacks of opportunity.Elven Battle Style, You have been specially trained to wield a variety of traditional elven weapons.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1, elf.
Benefit: You have received special training with traditional elven weapons (longbows, composite longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, composite shortbows, and any weapon with the word "elven" in its name). You receive a +2 bonus to your CMD against disarm and sunder maneuvers directed at one of these weapons you are wielding. In addition, if you are wielding one of these melee weapons, you may make an additional attack of opportunity each round (this bonus stacks with Combat Reflexes).Elven Battle Training, Choose one weapon group listed under the fighter’s Weapon Training class feature. Attacks made with your chosen weapons are quite deadly.
Prerequisite: Proficiency with at least one weapon from the selected weapon group, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: When using any weapon from the selected group, your threat range is doubled.Improved Critical (including Elven Thornbladelight blades), Choose one weapon group listed under the fighter’s Weapon Training class feature.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with at least one weapon from the selected weapon group, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using any weapon from the selected group.Weapon Focus (including Elven Thornbladelight blades)
Traits:Category: Race Requirement: Elf
Having lived outside of traditional elf society for much or all of your life, you know the world can be cruel, dangerous, and unforgiving of the weak.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throwsForlorn
Kallistiel wears tight black leather clothing accentuated with red which could either show a connection or devotion to Korvosa and her colors or to her darker past and the colors of the Dark Prince. The clothes highlight and enhance her pale skin and eerie beauty while allowing for mobility for combat or spellcasting. The clothes also serve to cover scars she has not deigned to heal so as to serve as a reminder of the darkness she has escaped from. A slender, slightly curved, elven thornblade hangs at her side, its hilt wrapped in dark red leather matching the accents on her clothes. The blade itself, when drawn, is of a dark metal that sports intricate mystical runes.
Kallistiel's personality is a complex blend of light and shadow. She often wrestles with dark masochistic urges born from her years spent amonth the Kuthonites in Nidal but strives to find hope and joy in her life once more. This struggle can manifest not just with intense introspection but can lead to self harm, a means to push away the crushing depression from her past losses or losses that may come as her friends age while she remains, effectively, unchanged. Despite this darkness, she possesses a fierce determination to protect those she cares about. If they cannot live as long as her, she can at least do what she can to help them stay in her life as long as possible.
Kallistiel was born in Kyonin and over the span of forty years was, like all elves, practiced or trained in artistry, dance, arcane studies, and other aspects of elven culture, including fencing games with the other elven children. Her natural talent with the elven thornblade was evident even then.
Her sheltered existence took an irrevocable turn when her father left Kyonin on a mission to explore how the aftermath of the death of Aroden had impacted the next generation of humans. Always a curious one, she snuck away with him to see more of the outside world. Her father was furious when he discovered her, but couldn't turn around or send her back without compromising his mission.
While neighboring Druma did not appear to have been affected. Cheliax, the empire whose borders had stretched to Lake Encarthan, was still in the midst of a civil war. Kallistiel and her father spent the next several years travelling the fracturing empire, avoiding the open conflicts, at worst observing from a safe distance, documenting how the humans persevered or perished and drawing new maps as the borders changed. Given the dangerous setting, her father ensured she kept some focus on her arcane and combat theory, while the more artistic pursuits, while not abandoned, were less frequent. They travelled for over twenty years before they began the journey home.
While all that time, her father was constantly on guard, perhaps the notion that they were finally heading home caused him to relax. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when their path took them directly into the middle of the Mothune civil war. They were surprised when a squad of Molthune soldiers attacked, thinking the two elves were in league with the half-elf rebel leader, Igral Nirmath. Her father was slain and her own death would have come next if it weren't for a counter-attack by the would be Nirmathi guerrilla warriors. Still a child, her saviours took pity on her and brought her further north, away from the direct conflict, to be sheltered with other war orphans.
Klllistiel was adopted by a trader shortly thereafter who took her away from the conflict to Korvosa where his own family lived. There she befriended other children that lived nearby but she hadn't realized the speed at which human's aged. After a decade, a boy became a man, a green adventurer hoping to win fame and fortune, only to die on a King's mission to defeat the red dragon Glarataxus. What was once a 10 year old girl, seemingly her own age, had grown, married and became a mother. Since her own parents were getting on in age, the elf girl continued to visit her now older friend, helping raise the baby, Cresida Kroft. Soon enough Cresida herself had grown into a girl the same age as her mother was when they had first met... and then continued to age further.
They were close friends when they appeared close in age but Kallistiel started to become depressed that she would lose another friend to adulthood. Her adopted mother died in an attack by Glarataxus on the city and her father's heart gave out soon after. Again and again, her human friends aged rapidly compared to her near-static elven growth, or died off in some tragedy, each time leaving deeper and deeper emotional scars and the thought of continuing down that path was too much for her. While Cresida's family took her in, the following year, when Cresida had turned 13, the elf stowed away on a ship to try to avoid the emotions. That ship sailed to the Shackles where she joined a pirate crew as a powder monkey and ship's boy, sailing under one of the first Free Captains to brave the first Regatta, racing around the eye of Abendego.
Once again, other children appearing to be her age got older and joined the crew proper or died in ship combat. Even though she tried to stay more aloof from these children, she always found some connection that caused her to feel each departure from the group, a reminder of what was past and what was still to come. Despondent, she left on a ship to Cheliax and travelled up to Nidal. There, she found a place for her constant feeling of loss as the world passed her by, falling in with Kuthonites. The nature of the worshippers of Zon-Kuthon were such that she never became emotionally close to them and she rarely got involved in their more sadistic pursuits. Instead her dark observances were more along the lines of self-harm as she used the pain to help push away the depression brought about by the crushing loss she was feeling.
This was a dark period for the young elf but when word of Cresida's rise to the throne reached her ears, she left the darkness behind in Nidal and return to Korvosa. It was time for her to face life again. Over the following years, she re-connected with old friends and forged new ones in the city that she considered her home. She turned her life experiences towards helping safeguard against threats against Korvosa and Varisia.
Silvia Gurges, priestess of Shelyn: A woman that had helped Kallistiel find the light after her departure from Nidal. She is able to talk through her dark emotions with the cleric who holds the door open for future happiness and beauty, helping her stave off some of the dark habits she picked up in Nidal. Silvia was instrumental in opening Kallistiel's heart to new relationships that she can savor one day at a time, offering happy memories despite their ultimately fleeting nature.
Velus Antinus, follower of Zon-Kuthon: Kallistiel, unfortunately, still feels drawn towards the darkness she found in Nidal. While most of the time, Silvia helps her overcome her darker urges, should they become too overpowering, or should Silvia not be available, she often seems to find herself in the Shingles, meeting up with Velus and thus falls with him into depravity, disappearing for days or weeks at a time before resurfacing, desperate to, once again, see the light, and return to Silvia's counsel.
Gian Cotter, student at Orsini Academy: Kallistiel was given the opportunity to hone her fencing skills with members of the Academy. While many students there were snooty nobles, Gian was more down to earth and they became close friends. She hasn't shared her darkness with him, wanting to keep him in the light and not scare her off.
Zyrel Kalissreavil, son of the ambassador of the Mierani elves, Perishial: Zyrel and Kallistiel are elves that are close in age and serves as a reminder and the closest connection she may find to her elven heritage. Perhaps it's just pity but, unlike the other elves, he is willing to talk to a Forlorn like Kallistiel, allowing her to have a friend that will not age away from her. One more potential rock in the sea of darkness.
Cresida Kroft, queen of Korvosa: Given the nature of time, Cresida and Kallistiel aren't as close as they were when Cresida was 13. However, there is an unspeakable bond she has with an old childhood playmate who also helped raise her, even though decades had passed since then. Cresida is often busy, given her station, but can occasionally set time aside to reconnect and catch up with her old friend.
What do you envision to be the period when this adventure occurs? Before or after relevant adventure paths (e.g. Crimson Throne, Rise/Return of the Runelords)? It's unclear to me whether it's Cressida the Field Marshall or Cressida the Queen. Not sure a background I develop would even interact with any of that potential history but I don't want it to be anachronistic.
For the 3 NPCs, I'm assuming we're free to design our own rather than use the existing NPCs in the wiki? Or a mix of both (assuming they're still alive in this timeline)?
Last edited by DarkNetwerk; Jul 2nd, 2024 at 06:04 PM.
Reason: background
Most of the time, Inno is a fairly distinctive young woman, albeit of a slight frame and frail look. Her hair, what there is of it that grows back from her closely shorn head, is grey or white, depending upon your kindness in looking. All Inno could remember about her hair, what little there had been of it, was that it had always been white, or light grey. Inno was sure, somehow, that she hadn't been born with white hair, and that at some point in her past, she had borne tresses of incredible length, and beauty. But she could not remember any of it, of course. Every memory beyond a few years ago was locked away behind a steel wall in her mind, one she is unable to break down.
If she had a pallor, or any obvious signs of ill health, she might look like an older street urchin, but her skin is clear, and her complexion healthy. Usually, a wan smile is slow to form on Inno's face, even if her brown eyes show signs of delight. Her skin is slightly ruddy from the hours spent before the charcoal kilns, and the permanent pink tan that the heated ovens brought to the workers. Even now, several years beyond her working time in the factory, she is still ruddy complexioned. Her slight frame is wiry and lean, whipcord a word often used by the older men of the East Shore when they point her out in the streets and or near the kilns when she returns. While not strong, Inno has endurance, and can easily held her own through the day with the other, more experienced workers, despite her slight frame. That endurance served her well in her toils as an adventurer, as well.
Sometimes, however, Inno's other appearance comes through. As an empath, Inno not only absorbs the pain and hurt of others around him, she exhibits their physical damage as well. When Inno works, not only does the pain transfer from others to her, but their damage, physically, does as well. And when that pain becomes overwhelming, Inno's history of use comes back as well, in the form of a map on her body of every broken bone, every cut, gouge, scrape and scar that she healed over her short life. Welts appear, and cuts come, and Inno is bent and wracked with pain. Blood will flow from sudden cuts, wounds that she healed from a fighter years before reappear on her where the brawler first received them. Luckily, these signs fade quickly, but during the worst episodes, Inno transforms from a healthy youth to a massive clot of broken flesh and bone.
Inno typically dresses in homespun linens, and plain woolen covers. They are easy to wash, and soak up a lot of blood. Her nod to vanity is that she loves brightly colored scarves and wraps, and will often sport a set of these over her linens, looking for all the world like a Mummy dressed for Mayfair.
Inno is methodical, practical, and studious. The art of glass blowing required it, in order to excel. Or even, to become an apprentice. She rarely gets ruffled or flustered, and prefers to think first before acting, picking among the best choices for outcomes. "Planning, in life as in glassware making, is the most important part of the process. Without a plan, there is no art." Some around her think her a bit cold and calculating, a touch judgmental; she can be rather impersonal. However, these same qualities help her to be an excellent judge over disputes, a duty to which she is frequently called. The same emotional detachment also serves her well in her other duties for workers or adventuring companions, the care of the sick and injured. Those who work with her do find that she is loyal and faithful to her beliefs and allies. She is a woman of her word, and her bond is carefully given. She defends the younger and weaker, the innocent and righteous.
Inno is slow to anger, as anger tends to cause mistakes, and mistakes lead one to being hurt. And that is usually Inno, whether she was the original intended recipient of the pain or not. In her life, Inno has experienced more pain than a hundred other people, as she has shared in the pain of an entire city. And while she is not eager to experience more pain than necessary, she realizes that with some magic and the help of her gods, she can do good in the world, and ease suffering. Even if it means she suffers, in the short term. Inno has a deep code of personal conduct she abides by, to protect those who need protection, to remove pain from others, and to strive to return things to "normal", before the pain and injury occurred.
Inno grew up in Korvosa, in the East Shore, at least that's what everyone tells her. She actually doesn't remember much of it, at least not much until she was about fourteen years old. Most everything before that is 'memory' by tale... she remembers the stories because everyone tells her that she should remember them. She's heard them often enough, they are her memories. How true they are is debatable, and sometimes the stories change slightly between tellers and tellings, leading her to wonder. The most popular story of her arrival is that she was found at the doorstep of Ibarra Snipold after a particularly storm-ridden night, a night filled with rain and winds, lightning and thunder, but at dawn, when Ibarra wandered outside to check on her flock of chickens, she found Inno, wrapped in blue swaddling, cooing merrily and laughing at the clouds in the sky. Ibarra took Inno in, of course, but could not care for her alone, and so, half the Shore was tasked with raising her at one stage or another. Weeks here, a month there, moving from place to place as she grew, often back again to homes she had been before, when times were good for them, moving out when times were harder.
"Inno Minate in the Old Tongue literally means "No One" or "Having no name", and it is fitting for the girl with no real memory. I have snippets, pieces of dreams, maybe, of a childhood; but I don't know if they are mine, or something I took from someone else when I was taking their pain. That happens, sometimes, when the pain is really intense. What I do know is that I am what they called an empath, that is, I can share, or accept, someone else's pain. It's a blessing and a curse, and it is my life."
Inno is the unofficial ward of Medicine Witch Salixirel, having frequently grown up in or around the woman's care. Not because Salixirel was desirous of such arrangement, but because of the expediency of keeping the poor, little sick girl near to the healer for most of her childhood. Even when she was farmed out to others, half of Inno's life was spent in the care of Salixirel, or the Church. Inno was always sick, or injured: cuts and lacerations, broken bones and mystery ailments. They came quickly, and healed nearly as quickly, luckily for the girl. Inno spent a lot of her time around Laurel's shop, either being tended too, or learning to tend. With no real parents, Salixirel simply allowed her to continue to stay in-between homes, so long as she proved useful. As Inno grew, her sicknesses became fewer and further between, or perhaps, more in Inno's control, as she learned to avoid too many attachments with other children. Once she learned to do that, her health became noticeably better, while the neighborhood children's health returned to a more customary "scrapes and bruises plentiful" status as well.
As an adult, Inno made her living at the glassworks factory, partly as a worker, and partly as a healer. She left there three years ago, to seek adventure, but has since returned, much wealthier than she started out. Although she's a decent herbalist, and can fill in for Salixirel when the woman needs some time, there is not enough business in the East Shore to support two competing witches in the apothecary trade. So, Inno helps out Salixirel for some minor pittances, and takes on the occasional mercenary job for some group that wants to delve into the Vaults, always as a healer, and always for a more than equal share. Her reputation, and value are well known in Korvosa, and generally, she can pick among the better offers, should she need more money for her causes.
Inno's current charity case was the widow Medias. Her husband had died long ago, a victim of a winter croup that raged the countryside when Inno was a teen. Inno had spent several seasons with the two of them, and their son Terras, as she grew up, summers or winters here and there, when things were bountiful for the family. But the widow's true problems only came when her son, Terras, ran away and disappeared a season before. Until then, Terras had worked in the harbor for almost ten years, living happily with his mother and supporting them both. But one day, Terras left the house to go to work, and never returned. People say he had a terrible falling out with Payden Teedum, and they were seen arguing the day he disappeared, but no one knows what they were arguing about. It was enough, it seems, to have made the young man simply leave town. He was last seen walking out of the harbor on his way home, still quite angry by all appearances, and was never seen after. Inno has been using her extra money to help the widow make ends meet, and get a few extra chickens in her flock for some self-sustaining income.
Medicine Witch Salixirel: Owner of the Dewdrop Apothecary in the East Shores; witch, mentor, sometimes competitor, surrogate mother to Inno. Salixirel is the head of the unofficial "woman's business guild" for the East Shore, which of course, does not exist. She's the local wise woman, a job that sometimes, Inno gets called to apprentice at, which is usually to listen to minor disputes and adjudicate a judgement between the parties. For a silver or gold piece, of course, fair pay from both sides.
Maidrayne Vox, Mistress of Blades for the Order of the Nail. Inno is one of the few healers that will work easily with the Hellknights, and so has taken a bit of Maidrayne's coin to be in the arenas and practice yards, and heal the younger recruits of their mistakes, mishaps, and misfortunes. Inno refuses to go out on patrols with the knights, but she will grant Maidrayne's occasional request to be present and heal during sparing competitions, "Hellweeks" and new initiation times.
Optional: I was thinking of making Inno a cartomancer hedge witch, that is, replacing the familiar with a deck of cards (flavor only, I just don't like familiars hanging around). If you wanted, I could have the deck of cards that Inno uses for casting to be that of Zellara Esmeranda.... No mechanical advantage, just potential roleplay later, if you wished.
Inno knows Baris Trenchlow, just barely. She knows he is involved in similar clandestine Guild Action, similar to Salixirel, but she has little to do with him except exchange an occasional message, or deliver herbs and other packages to him from Salixirel. She has, of course, healed many of his apprentices of injuries over the years.
Inno supplies the Trinket Merchant Sagitar Tiguan with the occasional herbs, bits of ore and exotic ingredients from her adventures, for his magical charms.
Newby, Hessim and Sage are known to Inno, as customers of occasional herbs, flowers, and dyes that she and Salixirel can make from flowers and herbs. She rarely interacts with them, but she knows them well enough to nod in the streets, should they cross paths in public. Most of her work with them is done once or twice a year, getting an order, and then perhaps either delivering it, or going to get payment once the product has been weighed and quality checked to their liking.
Widow Medias: a no one, unless she holds some secret...
Role: Ultimate Party Support, Healer. Slight tactician/battlefield control.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne
Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk!
Would you allow the option player as monster for one side of the Gestalt? My idea is:
Very Young Silver Dragon (cr8 - medium sized) / Cleric L8 for the Gestalt side.
I will note that my application may look a little weird, but this is because I am giving a distinct answer for my social versus vigilante identity in each of these cases. I’ve played vigilante trying to downplay the difference before, but fitting with the intrigue, I want to really embrace the class and give it that distinction. So I have given each of them their own descriptions. Anyway, here it is along with the character sheet in progress:
Social Identity: Beauregard Gagnon (Pronounced GUY-on)
Vigilante Identity: Vincent Jones
Beauregard is intended as a stealth skill monkey character with the ability to do many things at long range telekinetically including lock picking and disabling traps from a distance. This combined with at will self-invisibility is intended to help him to be very useful at enabling the party to get into places they shouldn't be able to. He will also be pretty decent at the social skills, but not have stellar knowledges. In combat, he is a ranged attacker with melee options, but with a preference to use his 120 ft range and invisibility to soften up the enemies with at least one good attack from stealth before engaging in combat.
Social Identity: Beauregard is a very small halfling coming in at 1 feet 6 inches tall and a meager 8 pounds. (I know this is really small, he has permanent reduce person on.) He has long flowing light blonde hair which cascades down his shoulders and light blue eyes. He can never be found without at least one excessively poofy piece of clothing on, usually his favorite hat which has a colorful feather at the front of it. This poofy clothing allows him to have a constant slouch making him appear shorter, without being obvious. He loves wearing deep blues and reds in striking combinations.
Vigilante Identity: Vincent has a much more plain appearance than Beauregard- when he allows himself to be seen at all. He has the same height and weight as Beauregard, but appears taller as he stands properly. He wears a simple bun without any ornamentation. Vincent wears simple dark armor and appears very solemn and serious.
Social Identity: Beauregard appears by all accounts to be a bumbling fool, though his eyes have a depth to them that might tip a very close observer that he is more than he seems. He is very vain and fastidious about his appearance. He wants to be SEEN by everyone. He has an air of foolishness that one might think is an act if it wasn’t so convincingly genuine. Those who know him better know it in fact to be an affectation, as he is insightful and intelligent, deftly maneuvering his public appearance to get him unnoticed due to his apparent unimportance and absentmindedness.
Vigilante Identity: Vincent is very business oriented, but is known to joke around when he perceives that tension is hindering group cohesion. He values his connections with others and he recognizes intellectually that he can’t do everything himself. He sometimes has a hard time taking this to heart though, and struggles accepting help with the things that he specializes in. He does everything with a small quiet smile on his face like he knows something that everyone else doesn’t. While he can be reserved until you prove your worth to him, once his loyalty is earned, it is unconditional.
Beauregard is actually Vincent's fabricated identity, not the other way around. Vincent grew up with his parents on the halfling specific trading vessels that Korvosa has, and his parents (Hestia and Festus) loved travel. They were worshippers of Desna who thought that the opportunity to travel all the time was the ultimate expression of freedom. Vincent however was not so excited about this and he instead was always drawn to the city life. He loved the luxury of the clothing they wore and the secret plots and subtext. He loved the great game that politics is and wanted a part. As such, when he was old enough to go out on his own, he decided to establish himself in the city. He found a knack for infiltration and got work at the cerulean society (detailed below). At the same time, he was a nobody, a son of ship hands, and didn't have a real way to get into the more delicate social machinations. He decided to craft an alternative identity. After a lot of practice, he had forged noble writs and made it so that at least on paper, Beauregard was an obscure noble from Galt.
Social Identity: Developing this identity was relatively recent so he's still working on getting into the social scene properly, though his reputation as a blundering harmless fool is already well on its way with most considering him just a simple tourist. He doesn't have many deep ties yet as Beauregard, and he was hired by Queen Cressida as Vincent.
Vigilante Identity: Currently, Vincent works with the cerulean society and aspires to become an adept enough infiltrator to win the breaching festival- an ambition instilled in him by Guildmaster Boule. He gains employment from various noble houses by infiltrating and robbing their estates so he can show them what he was able to get and help them improve their defenses. He enjoys the challenge of raiding an estate that has already undergone his suggested upgrades. He is known to be near impossible to find unless he wants to be found and he has a deal with Guild master Boule, leader of the cerulean society.a member of the cerulean society who acts as a liaison for him. Boule and his staff collect jobs and then pass them on to Vincent when they match his particular skill set. He then drops in to discuss the job with the clients, showing off his prowess immediately by joining them in a private protected area. He enjoys the looks on their faces when he appears out of nowhere and casually starts discussing the job.
Guildmaster Boule: the leader of the cerulean society, when Boule learned of Vincent's telekinetic abilities, he saw potential for great skill at breaching security systems and thus a future winner for the breaching festival. Boule helped arrange training for him and encouraged him heavily to practice the finer control of his telekinesis, which Vincent can now use as easily and fluidly as his own deft hands. Vincent has been very appreciative of this assistance getting his feet under him and for the ongoing employment provided by the cerulean society.
Magistrate of Commerce Garrick Tann: Many dislike Garrick as a tax collector, but as far as Vincent is concerned, he's just doing his job. Sometimes there are those who try to hide their true earnings to evade the taxes they owe the government and if such activity is suspected, Garrick will sometimes hire Vincent to investigate without letting the relevant individual know so they don't have time to hide before the official methods get applied. Turns out having an official thieves’ guild has its perks for those in power.
Lady Eliasia Leroung: Some of that training that Vincent received was tied directly to more mundane and innocuous pursuits like learning languages and a general education on most important subjects. The easiest place to acquire that was at the University of Korvosa. While there, Vincent developed an admiration for her dedication to helping people make something of themselves. The University opened many opportunities for him and he views himself as forever in its debt, and by extension in Eliasia’s debt. He makes a point of occasionally checking in to make sure that she is doing well and not so subtly discouraging anyone he finds intending to do her or the University harm.
Last edited by SirXave; Jun 27th, 2024 at 12:34 PM.
In her dragon form, Aira is of Medium size, weighing 320lbs with an overall length of 16', her body is 6' long with a 5' long neck, her tail reaches a length up to 5' and the width of her body at approximately 3'. Aira stands at a height of 4', her wing span covers 30' with a minimum span of 12'. Her scales are mostly silver with some slightly blue-gray highlights that shows she is still young. At first glance, she appears very similar to the white dragon. However, her wings are more curved than a white's and she has two talons on her wings rather than a single talon that most dragons have.
The biggest sign of her heritage is the beautiful frill that begins at the top of her head and flows all the way down her neck and body to the tip of the tail. The frill is silver towards the body, fading to a purple hue at the edge.
Aira has two long, smooth silver horns with black tips, pointing up and back from the head with a pronounced sharp frill under the chin that resembles a goatee.
In her currently known humanoid form: Aira takes the appearance of a comely woman around her early 20's. She stands around 5' 8" weighing 120lbs with long flowing white hair and sky blue eyes. She wears bright colors, usually whites and sky blue because these colors remind her of the clouds and blue skies that she loves to fly in.
Aira, like her kin is a protector known as a "shield dragon". She loves Golarion and lives to protect the lands she calls home. Until the recent news about the attacks in Korsova, Aira never desired to join a group, much less go into battle. However, with her territory now at stake, her motivations have changed. She now seeks to join the ranks of a group who's leader she deems is worthy of her favor. She has set out on a mission to find this person and aid their cause until they themselves put the conflict to rest. Aira will not sit and watch her beloved territory fall into chaos or ruin, she will fight until her last breath to defend it if needed. As a faithful of Apsu, she felt a pull or calling and found herself making way back to Korsova for the explicit reason of staving off the evil that has reared its head.
When not defending her territory, Aira enjoys the company of humans and elves so much that she often takes the form of a human and lived among them for a while. Aira loves human dining and is always willing to take part in large feasts.
Aira is 21 years old / a very young silver dragon. When she was a small wyrmling/hatchling, Aira would spend much of her time in her human form, playing with the other children of the Korsova learning their language and culture. When it was time for the other children to rest, Aira would go home to practice flying. It was during her night flights when she would occasionally run into trouble. Due to her small size as a wyrmling, griffons and other airborne creatures would try to eat her. Luckily for her, the creatures she encountered while out flying around were not immune to her breath weapon. After she spent some time flying freely thru the night skies, she would retire for the evening by locking herself in her mothers library to study and learn about Apsu.
Aira performed the same routine for a few years as her knowledge expanded and she began praying/venerating the great Apsu along side her parents. Then the day came when she grew out of her small form and into a larger form equivalent to a medium sized creature. Due to her new size, the encounters she would previously run into while out flying have died down slightly as not too many things wanted to mess with a dragon.
Whenever Aira was not flying, playing or studying, she loved eating. Aira would join in every festival in Korvosa so she could indulge in the foods they provided. The shop owners would make a lot of sales just off of Aira. It did not take long before she became a few shop owners best friends. Because of her reputation with local food merchants, she became known as the woman who could eat everything and not gain weight.
Several more months passed, she had completed her training as a priestess and became a cleric of Apsu. She had then decided to take on a mission for the Korvosan Guard in the name of Apsu where she met Captain Cressida Kroft who (being well informed as she is) eventually discovered that Aira's was a silver dragon and thought it to be in best interest to start and maintain a friendship. Together Aira trained with the Captain as she taught her the basics of battle and outfitted her in armor. At first it took a little bit to get use too as she subjected herself to being trained and also managed to work up a bit more endurance because of it. Her mission proved a great success. It was because of her mission and success that she felt ready to defend the realm in Aspu's name and a good place to start would be here in Korvosa.
As time passed, Aira completed several more missions and began building good relations with the Captain who had also introduced her to Archbanker Darb Tuttle and the temple of Abadar. Aira enjoyed spending time in Korsova and the Temple there as it shared many similar ethos to Aspu, and being a merchant god, they had lots of food as a bonus and even started a food tab with the bank which led to her aiding the temple in Aspus name and building relations between the two religions.
However, as the time passed, eventually the big day came and on her 21th birthday. Her friend the Captain became the Queen and her parents had decided to move locations. Aira, being a typical rebellious child, argued with her parents, for she was not about to leave her friends or the area she was born in and wanted to protect.
Her parents just smiled as they knew this day would come and respected their daughters wishes. After packing up most of their belongings, Aira's parents decided to leave a bit of treasure for their daughter. Her parents gifted her with some books, magical items and of course gem and coin. Her mothers last comments were that they will always love her and not to spend all of the treasure on food.
Aira watched as her parents flew away into the starlit sky. Not much time passed as the lair grew quiet, almost desolate as Aira was now all alone.
However, even with her parents gone, it did not take long for her to shift back into human form to go live among the people of Korsova awhile longer. It was not long after arriving she began to hear news of the chaos and monster attacks upon the innocents within the city. Driven by the recent news, Aira felt the calling from Apsu himself, she felt the need to take action in protecting She considers (Golarion) her land her land. Thus she met up with her friend Queen Cressida to find others she could join with and root out the chaos and evil that was emerging.
Captain / now Queen Cressida Kroft = Friend/Teacher - They met before Cressida became queen and have remained in contact ever since then.
Archbanker Darb Tuttle = Friends
Merchant Guild, Food industry = Popular/Favorite customer - There are many merchants whom she deals with consistently and built good personal relationships with (not just as customer).
Aira's lair is found within an icy mountain, with the main entrance only accessible by air. The lair contains a main entertaining area, a storage room, a vault, a sleeping chamber, study, library, shrine, kitchen, lavatory and two clinic rooms where the dragon can offer help and protection to those who need it. The lair also has a concealed back entrance for use in emergencies.
Last edited by kaylara; Jun 27th, 2024 at 11:40 AM.