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Old Jul 5th, 2024, 02:49 PM
Aras3 Aras3 is offline
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Originally Posted by MundayKnight View Post
Class 2: Totemist 5/Totem Rager 3
Totem Rager???
Can we use dual prestige classes in this gestalt game?
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Old Jul 5th, 2024, 05:19 PM
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That raises a good point, I should probably confirm that before committing though if not no worries. Also gotta do the background then revise everything and Doral will be good to go.
Currently reading: The Monsters Know What They're Doing.
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Old Jul 5th, 2024, 06:44 PM
LlaApendici LlaApendici is offline
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Another question. Can Incarnum and Veilweaving (the PF version of Incarnum) coexist?

If so, can the brow soulmelds be shaped as headband veils?
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Old Jul 5th, 2024, 06:46 PM
LlaApendici LlaApendici is offline
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Also, welcome to the Incarnum brotherhood, Munday!
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Old Jul 6th, 2024, 09:22 AM
SirXave SirXave is offline
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Originally Posted by DoesAOneSave View Post

Hmmm.... I could go the buffer route on one side for sure, with some melee on the other. Or, melee one side with more psionic investigative type on the other side along with some aoe damage as well, since we do not seem to have much blaster stuff.

Any thoughts?
I'm not sure what exactly you're going for, but I'm case it factors in, I am building a vigilante/aether kineticist, so I will have some of the AOE/blasty stuff taken care of. Still do what you want to for sure and I'm much more focused on getting +40 to stealth than on blasting but figured I'd mention that.
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Old Jul 6th, 2024, 09:23 AM
Aras3 Aras3 is offline
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Akashic Warrior is Wis dependant, it seems.

I have discovered the Empath archetype of the medium. Yay? Nay?
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Old Jul 6th, 2024, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by SirXave View Post
I'm not sure what exactly you're going for, but I'm case it factors in, I am building a vigilante/aether kineticist, so I will have some of the AOE/blasty stuff taken care of. Still do what you want to for sure and I'm much more focused on getting +40 to stealth than on blasting but figured I'd mention that.
Ok. Noted.

I am still vacillating on what will go on which side of the gestalt in part because of analysis paralysis, :P but also due to second guessing the power level desired. However after looking at the Silver Dragon entry, and seeing your goal for 40 stealth, I am feeling that power level is generally going to be high enough I should not worry as much - so long as the game does not end up broken. :P

My initial idea of psionics on one side and Path of War on other however appears to be is a no-go, as I see in post I missed about pathfinder on one side and special stuff stuck on the other. Oopsies! :P But, on the plus side, BG and fluff is coming along quite nicely indeed, and hopefully I can post a look see later today. So there is that!


For the pathfinder class on one gestalt side and 'strange rando class crap' on the other ruling. Can say a path of war architype that applies to a purely pathfinder class still count as the pathfinder side? That would help if so. Specifically I am looking at this.
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Old Jul 6th, 2024, 06:01 PM
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Okay, Sam the Huntress's character sheet is done.

I just have a few questions:
  1. Does the acrobatics bonus for Acrobatic and Besmara's Bicorne stack?
  2. After figuring in Boots of the Cat for fall damage, can I still use acrobatics to reduce the damage of falls further? Nevermind, I went back and read up on Acrobatics and falling. DC 15 to remove the first 10' of fall damage. So 1 damage less
  3. Is the Double-barreled Pistol considered a light weapon? (for Two-Weapon Finesse modifiers)
By the way, I decided to have Sam become a recent worshiper to Besmara BEFORE I found that hat.

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Last edited by Silk; Jul 6th, 2024 at 06:17 PM.
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Old Jul 6th, 2024, 06:37 PM
ATurna ATurna is offline
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I can't believe I am going to ask membership in the Incarnum cofrady with a Beguiler//Snake Charmer Magus

Can I, DM?
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Old Jul 6th, 2024, 09:36 PM
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Only one prestige class at a time, so no leveling 2 prestige classes at the same time in other words.

Yes, incarnum and veil weaving can coexist. I will say yes to headbands.

Empath archetype is good.

Yes, the Path of War archetype can count.

1. I'll say the bonuses stack.
3. I'll allow it to be light.

Yes, I'll allow the snake charmer magus.
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Last edited by IronStar; Jul 6th, 2024 at 09:37 PM.
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Old Jul 7th, 2024, 04:34 AM
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Okay, Sam the Huntress is now complete!

Zenobia Zenderholm might be a weird Relationship for Sam, but it just sounded too good of an idea. They might not really have a relationship since they never speak outside of court though... <shrug>

And another off the wall Question:
  • Is fall damage Blunt damage?
If it is, then with the Boots of the Cat reducing the damage down to 1 damage per die, and with DR 5/piercing or slashing from Sam's Boneless Leather that means she would be able to jump from 60' and take only 1 nonleathal damage. Or none if she makes that DC 15 Acrobatics check.

either way, it depends on falling damage being considered Blunt damage people can dream
Edit #2: kaylara pointed me to this link on fall damage so I'll remove the question above. Though I would still like to know the two below Again, thanks Kaylara.

Edit: Hmmm....If Sam falls 60' onto someone, would they take the same damage as she does, or would they take the full 6d6 falling damage? Would Sam still be standing as the Boots of the Cat say she always lands on her feet? ...just a few more ideas

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"

Last edited by Silk; Jul 7th, 2024 at 02:10 PM.
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Old Jul 7th, 2024, 03:51 PM
DoesAOneSave DoesAOneSave is offline
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WIP char app

right-aligned image
Name: Talia Pestico | Class: Rogue 8 / Aegis 3, Psion 2, Awakened Blade 3

Race: Forgeborn ( Drakeblooded ) | Gender: Female | Age: Unknown

Height: 6'1" | Weight: 150 lbs | Hair Color: Raven black going ombre purple/red | Eye Color: Red

Alignment: LN | Role: Melee DPS, Scout, Buff with some Investigation / Heals

Build Notes: I see about half the apps appear fairly un-optimized (so far), but the rest look to be skewing low to just touching mid optimized? So this should be a low opt build depending how I spec it out. The important part of all that is I will adjust it to match the party if picked to make sure everyone gets their ‘cool thing’ to do.

Appearance: Talia stands about 6’1” which puts her on the very tall side for a human female, but only above average for a Forgeborn. However her height is not the part that makes her stand out from the crowd. No, that would be her combination of red eyes, a prominent pair of dragon horns, mid thigh long ombre hair transitioning from raven black to dull redish purple and near flawless skin that looks like living marble - because it is. So, the addition of an obviously over sized katana and long bow on her back barely makes for any added impact.

Even though Talia has been out of stasis for a while she still has issues at times with expressing emotion both facially and in vocal intonation thus coming off as rather dead pan (She sounds a bit like Orianna from League of legends if that helps). Added onto this is the fact that she does not need to breathe, and thus can appear eerily still. Therefor it is not too surprising when strangers and even passing acquaintances sometimes assume she is a construct, or in some really unobservant cases when she is still, a rather modern take on a gothic statue.

She knows from experience that she can not just ‘blend in’ without magical aid, and so has largely tried he opposite approach to stand out instead. The plus side to this is it provides an obvious alibi when she does use said magic disguise. And is even better when she uses further magic to then change one of the other of Pestico's Daughters to look like herself. Neat trick right?

Personality: Talia was a blank slate just a few years back when she first came out of stasis and has grown up in the Pestico household since then which has of course had a marked impact on her forming personality. Despite her other traits she adores children, and as part of her own personal code she tries not to harm them or expose them to any more unpleasantness than is necessary. She is also a very capable and expressive artist in sculpture and doll making with both a fine attention to detail and to process that she applies in many other things she does. And while she is aware of individuals and their needs / rights, she is at heart a collectivist. No, not the common kind using it to mask a lazy self serving agenda, but rather the much rarer idealistic and hard working variety. And as such she would nod and agree with Spock that the needs of the many outweigh then needs of the few, which for the most part makes her a pretty good teammate in any group she is part of.

By her own nature she is direct and not too troubled about distinctions between good versus evil. Instead efficiency, results and up front simplicity, are her guiding lights. This can frequently lead to some short sighted, and often times violent, solutions to problems that have unintended consequences she did not fully suss out. Mind you Talia is no way stupid about this, or goes around half cocked, its just if a critter has the thing she needs… Well then the pointy end of the sword is usually the first answer she will consider. Despite that she is actually quite intelligent in an egghead sort of way, but is still lacking in what one would call common sense, the understanding of human nature, and not at all surprisingly, life experience.

Talia is however rather introspective and willing to admit fault and learn from her mistakes which is both good and necessary for her to grow. . . But, she tends to assume everyone else is the same way, which is far from the truth. And this is something else that has also gotten her into trouble before for being too blunt. Basically she would make a pretty good straight man in a comedy routine, and was everyone’s favorite pigeon in a poker games, at least until she learned to break the rules and started cheating.

Now one might assume from her appearance that she is… A), not someone you would want to F with just for funsies. True. And, B) that she is a humorless being. False. While many elements of humor like slap stick and puns still do escape her, she is practically an expert at one liners, quips and sarcasm and is not always shy about expressing such.

Her hobbies and interests include games, figurines and doll making. No surprises here, and she gets plenty of practice helping out at the shop during down times. She does however like to take trophies from notable foes and carve figurines from them as mementos. She also engages in charity work, but unless its for children, that is more just a cover done to help her families’ reputation than out of any civic virtue.

As far as goals go? Well, her family is tops. Gaining power and perfecting herself is probably next on her list. But not so much in an ego centered way, but rather in a ‘I will use my power to create order which is good for all’ direction. In that vein she is a bit of a battle junkie, although she adheres much more to the ‘winning is right’ viewpoint versus the ‘personal honor’ aspects that some follow. Children probably come next as a priority in her mind. And, following that, would be her own ‘personal issues’ such as unraveling the mystery of her past, or finding other constructs / Forgeborn.

Background: Talia has only the vaguest flashes of memories from before she woke in Vadid Pestico’s shop. Originally she was found ‘de-activated’ as part of looting a ‘ghost’ galleon that Captain Finley Broadcastle’s crew had discovered and just started raiding before it once again was reclaimed by the sea with most of its treasures and secrets still aboard. Finley brought his find to Vadid Pestico whom of course purchased the construct right on the spot given it was more advanced than even his own Six Daughter’s (Soulbound Dolls).

After almost a quarter year of experimentation Vadid determined that his newly acquired treasure was actually something between a biological creature and a construct. And further, that it was in a state of stasis, rather than merely deactivated, and so his obsession fascination grew even greater. Eventually after several expensive attempts he was able to successfully break the stasis. Talia came back to life, but no memories or personality of her own remained. Whether that was due to any of his previous experimentation, or was something done before her stasis, remains a mystery. But, from Vadid’s perspective it was practically perfect as he had already been through pretty much this identical scenario after creating each of the other Daughters and so knew the score.

Talia spent the next several months learning about her role in the family and gaining, or regaining, skills. Somewhat fortunately it was just her personality and memories that were blanked out, and so she still knew languages and concepts for many of the things in the world around her already. One thing that became clear however was her looks were not just for appearance sake, and she had clearly served in a combat role before. Thankfully there were no accidents, and Talia learned what she could and could not do (more or less... kinda) when it came to applied violence in Korvosa. Eventually she had adjusted and had enough ‘customer training’ to be introduced as Vadid’s Seventh Daughter, and then begin and working in the store in earnest.

However unlike the previous Six Daughters, Talia looked. . . well. . . kind of scary, and that hurt business which was at least half for kids. Of course the construct obsessed Vadid did not understand it. Why would anyone be scared of her. Impressed? Sure. Amazed? Of course! But scared? He tried having her dress up in really girly dresses with frills and pastel colors, but that did not work. Then he tried very professional outfits for her, but that was a nope too. Oddly enough it was Talia herself who found the eventual solution. She just had to get out more and interact in a positive way with the inhabitants of Korvosa and word of mouth would handle the rest. Thus she spent some free time playing games with kids, and helping volunteer at some local churches. Within a few more months business was back to normal.

However during this time two other events began to unfold. The first one was the return of Captain Broadcastle trying sniff around for any clues about the ghost galleon. He did not buy that they knew nothing, and after a few attempts where he ‘made nice’, he finally decided to press the matter by bringing his crew to the shop and hinting at unfortunate future affairs. After the Six Daughter’s and Talia activated their defensive protocols that was the end of that. They sent them packing a few teeth short and having gained some bruises for their troubles, but sadly not without the breakage of some merchandise and repairs needed on the Daughter’s. Vadid had to really lay down the law to prevent Talia from trying to collect on the loss, but eventually he got through. Right or wrong mattered not, a doll and figurine shop could not become a center of violence and reprisals or it would not stay in business long.

That may have been the end of it, except for the second event. The church of Phrasma, and specifically one Dion Rolser, had concluded that Vadid had to have been trafficking in souls to make those constructs, and thus was a criminal. The government had not moved much with the Soulborn Dolls, but they were obviously not that life like, and Vadid’s word was good enough with his past history as a rebel. But Talia was another thing. Waaay too lifelike and scary looking, and the church was pushing hard, so they had to officially investigate this time. That ended up in a trial with expert witnesses and so on. And who should re-appear then but the good captain Broadcastle. To make a long story short, there was no getting out of it. Talia had to pay him some fees and promise to help find the galleon if she ever could recall anything about it. While Finley agreed to serve as one of several key witnesses about Talia being alive, and not some soul cursed construct or whatever those crazy church powder monkeys were runnin’ their yabs about.

The good news was that sanity won for once. No souls were found to have been destroyed in the processes Vadid was using although he was right up on that line. The original Six Daughter’s were found to be constructs, and thus property of Vadid. Talia however was deemed to a person, and thus have to pay taxes be free to enjoy all the rights of a Korvosan citizen. Dion was furious, but most folks were either satisfied, or at least accepting of the rulings.

This all lead to another unfortunate realization for Talia. The shop was bleeding out money way, way faster than it was making it. Even with the high margin and markup for the quality of goods they made, Talia would have to work for two lifetimes to pay back all the expenses she had incurred for Vadid. When she discussed this with him he simply replied they were family so forget it. But since Talia would not let it go, he offered up a solution. Go adventuring like he had done in his youth. She had the talent, and if she was going to insist on paying him back in any reasonable time frame it was either that or crime. Well, there was government too he quipped, but you needed connections and people skills to be that sort of criminal.

Thus began Talia’s career of adventure mixed with being a sometimes doll and figurine sculpter. Over the next two years she worked her way up the ranks mostly successfully. Recently however two things have poped up. The first is a potentially big problem for them. One of the Six Daughter’s has gone missing about the same time some murders have started in the area, and so far Talia has been unable to find her. The other thing to pop was that she got an offer to work a job for the queen. Given the state Korvosa was in the good news was it would likely pay out well. The bad news was it was probably going to be very dangerous and violent. Okay, so maybe that was only half bad news from Talia’s perspective. :P

Relationships aka Personae Dramatis
Vadid Pestico – “Can you say Geppetto?”

Captain Finley Broadcastle – “Who is using who.”

Toyota Cressida Kroft – “The queen who was once a car” err I mean “Its complicated.”

Dion Rolser – “I see dead souless people”

Paravicar Acillmar “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”

Last edited by DoesAOneSave; Jul 8th, 2024 at 09:46 AM.
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Old Jul 7th, 2024, 04:46 PM
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Am I the only one that can't get Nights in White Satin out of my head every time the thread pops up on my subscription feed?

I swear, if I get accepted, I'm probably going to have that song on repeat half the time when playing.
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Old Jul 7th, 2024, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by arin12 View Post
Am I the only one that can't get Nights in White Satin out of my head every time the thread pops up on my subscription feed?

I swear, if I get accepted, I'm probably going to have that song on repeat half the time when playing.
Is it enveloping your mind?
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Old Jul 7th, 2024, 07:06 PM
DoesAOneSave DoesAOneSave is offline
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Okay, Talia is ready for a look see. LMK if/what I need to change.


Feel free to chime in if desired.
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