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Old Dec 24th, 2022, 06:52 AM
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I have a backup version of Utana in case we don't need a bloodrager in addition to a barbarian. Still from Alkenstar, still intending to use pistols. Still probably paying pirates to get there.

Would you allow variant multiclassing? If I use my alternate version, she could use variant multiclassing to get cleric features for debuffing and backup healing.

Last edited by Ermine; Dec 24th, 2022 at 10:28 AM.
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Old Dec 24th, 2022, 12:01 PM
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I was wondering about that too. When I made Jedda I didn't know what a bloodrager was. But when I read your character, I figured Pistols and magic was different enough even with the word "rager" in the class. I've become more familiar with the pathfinder character builder options and I saw that bloodrager was a mix of barbarian and sorceror - cool! I think that makes Utana super versatile. I thought about changing Jedda to fighter class, but that looked complicated. My character's fighting is a one note - but I figure most of the time we are going to be storytelling in this mode, like describing how our character works in this world, based on my experience. So, I think they are still really, really different enough. However, I could go fighter with character, if there is a one barbarian rule somewhere, it is not all on you! I was also thinking dip into Rogue and keep trap sense if we didn't have that role covered. But, I am trying to get writelite to just go ahead and make a rogue. I already read a lot of the feats and saw the feat chains I would probably go for.

I was thinking Barbarian 4/Fighter 3 if civilization or smarter fighting starts to rub off. Plus I am very interested in this at level 3 of fighter: In addition, a fighter can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. That would be super amazing for Jedda to have a better AC and still be able to move 40 feet.

I was thinking a one dip into Skulking Slayer,, because I really like that Pass for Human part and the underhanded maneuvers. It fits the character concepts even better, I was just really trying to keep it as simple as possible and that means play a rogue next time.

Also, everyone, I am new to pathfinder and so having a lot of fun reading up on it and thinking about all these fantastic character options for the first time. Please excuse my crazy amounts of posting. This is sort of a practice excercise for me. Just working on characters is almost as fun as playing in a game. It's super fun during some downtime from work around the holidays and while I try to stay home to mend a cough that is lingering around. No one feel bad if Jedda isn't in the game after all is said and done. That's no issue.

Last edited by cappucina; Dec 24th, 2022 at 12:55 PM.
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Old Dec 24th, 2022, 12:55 PM
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Depending on how badly you need the extra feats, mithral is usually considered the easiest way to get medium armor without movement penalty.
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Old Dec 24th, 2022, 03:07 PM
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I feel the same way. It's nice, this idea that we're working together at something we all like. It gives more value to this application thread time, so we all gain more in the end - regardless of entering the game or not.

Currently, I am close to finishing the build - an Investigator, but one that would probably fill the "scout" role well enough - generally speaking. I also got the main story points ready - though writing that background is a whole other matter... And then it takes a different kind of inspiration to agree on the name, personality, and appearance! Anyway, I'll share it when it's done.

...Keeping it simple can be hard, because the system is complex :3 Once I stepped off the beaten track, I found myself deep into options wilderness. But the character concept demanded it... There's still some work ahead of me, but I know that eventually I'll have to draw a line - just to bring the project to a conclusion. And if that means to compromise around some points - so be it. It's not gonna be perfect, but I'll consider myself satisfied if the choices at least agree to my general idea.
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Old Dec 25th, 2022, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by cappucina View Post
I was wondering about that too. When I made Jedda I didn't know what a bloodrager was. But when I read your character, I figured Pistols and magic was different enough even with the word "rager" in the class. I've become more familiar with the pathfinder character builder options and I saw that bloodrager was a mix of barbarian and sorceror - cool! I think that makes Utana super versatile. I thought about changing Jedda to fighter class, but that looked complicated. My character's fighting is a one note - but I figure most of the time we are going to be storytelling in this mode, like describing how our character works in this world, based on my experience. So, I think they are still really, really different enough. However, I could go fighter with character, if there is a one barbarian rule somewhere, it is not all on you! I was also thinking dip into Rogue and keep trap sense if we didn't have that role covered. But, I am trying to get writelite to just go ahead and make a rogue. I already read a lot of the feats and saw the feat chains I would probably go for.

I was thinking Barbarian 4/Fighter 3 if civilization or smarter fighting starts to rub off. Plus I am very interested in this at level 3 of fighter: In addition, a fighter can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. That would be super amazing for Jedda to have a better AC and still be able to move 40 feet.

I was thinking a one dip into Skulking Slayer,, because I really like that Pass for Human part and the underhanded maneuvers. It fits the character concepts even better, I was just really trying to keep it as simple as possible and that means play a rogue next time.

Also, everyone, I am new to pathfinder and so having a lot of fun reading up on it and thinking about all these fantastic character options for the first time. Please excuse my crazy amounts of posting. This is sort of a practice excercise for me. Just working on characters is almost as fun as playing in a game. It's super fun during some downtime from work around the holidays and while I try to stay home to mend a cough that is lingering around. No one feel bad if Jedda isn't in the game after all is said and done. That's no issue.
I feel the same way. I haven't post my character because the ton of amazing choices I have and I am building a simple but yet nice character. I am trying to understand what are good and lacking part of a summoner to understand how it fits in a party role so I can fill the gap and also maybe be the face the group need because the high charisma the summoner have so I was trying to gain traits that give diplomacy and/or bluff as class skill. I feel the summoner is so complex but at the same time so fun to build. I want to do a synergy between the eidolon and his master, in the combat situation but also in the utility part. I was thinking to get scent evolution for example to improve the group avoid the surprise attacks they me receive. I also want to be the tracker of the group so I might get survival to the Eidolon.

I want a summoner that fight like a rear/melee ranger support with his Eidolon and maybe use some utility spells as a backup for his eidolon or group

Last edited by jr1v3; Dec 25th, 2022 at 04:40 PM.
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Old Dec 25th, 2022, 04:52 PM
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Yes, you'd think that Summoner would get more interactive skills from them making deals with Extraplanar Beings. There are plenty of Traits that can give them to you though.

For ranged options, you can do quite well with a crossbow, or if you're desperate, the Acid Splash Cantrip.
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Old Dec 25th, 2022, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by triedtherest View Post
Yes, you'd think that Summoner would get more interactive skills from them making deals with Extraplanar Beings. There are plenty of Traits that can give them to you though.

For ranged options, you can do quite well with a crossbow, or if you're desperate, the Acid Splash Cantrip.
yeah, someone give me a good selections of feats I could get (precise shot and pointblank shot as a starter, maybe rapid reload and rapid shot later?) but I might need some advice about what traits I could get so I get bonus in Diplomacy and bluff and also get both as class skills. I was thinking to get the missing child as an option so I can get a hook to the history and the reason he might be in Sandpoint. Searching the daughter (maybe a stepsister) of his adoptive father, a half-elf could be a good hook but I was wondering what would happen if he find her, I was thinking to take care of her until he can leave her with her father. But I might wonder how a half-elf girl might be abducted and why she might be relevant to the story. I don't want to make a burden to the DM...

About the eidolon, I will get a vulpinal agathion that modified after the surge of being soulbounded to her summoner. She became a medium agathion with a blueish-black fur (think that she sob and complain about how she sacrificed her beautiful fur color to help him and how he should be soooo thankful with her but in silence she LOVES how big and silky her tail became in the trade and she often cares deeply with a special brush she made Lentt to buy it. She speak hours praising her tail in front of Lentt while she brushes it , how he should fell madly in love if he was one of her kind and she forget of the ugly color and her lack of satisfaction only because of that) with big furred arms and legs with sharp claws. By the way, she LOVES to talk and joke about Lentt and her relationship like they were lovers, husband and wife and she complain about him like they were.

Last edited by jr1v3; Dec 25th, 2022 at 05:48 PM.
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 01:17 AM
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left-aligned image

-Name: Skones (sheet wip)

-Alignment: Neutral Good

-Class: Starting Wealth: 5d6 x 10 gp = 300 gp
Starting HP: 12
Gulch Gunner (racial gunslinger archetype)

-Race: They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Strength. Ratfolk are Small and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.Ratfolk

-20 pt buy: STR: 7, DEX: 18, CON: 14, INT: 11, WIS: 14, CHA: 7

-Racial Traits: Ratfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy), Perception, and Use Magic Device checks.Tinker, Ratfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents.Rodent Empathy, Ratfolk can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.Senses

-Traits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.Deft Dodger, If your hit point total drops to 0 or lower but you are not dead, you may act as if disabled rather than dying (as if you possessed the Diehard feat). However, you can use your actions only to draw a firearm, reload a firearm, or attack with a firearm. If you have the Diehard feat, this trait also allows you to substitute your Wisdom score for your Constitution score for the purpose of determining the negative hit point total at which you die.Never Stop Shooting, Once per day, when you perform a deed that requires an attack roll and you miss with that roll, you can reroll it. You must take the second result even if it is worse.Black Powder Bravado

-Drawback: You take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks made against all creatures whose religion or alignment differs from your own.Provincial

-Description: He is a gray-furred, beefy rat man, about four feet tall. He is garbed in scraps of cloth, leather, and armor cast aside by people of larger races, cut or otherwise modified for his size. He wears a tin badge of his community (the speckled triangle of the P'za-bek Rat Warren) and is seldom far from his pistol. His father had fashioned it for him from a length of lead pipe.

-Personality: Skones is wishy-washy on the idea of adherence to the law, especially if it's one that he thinks is foolish, impractical, or nonproductive, but he feels quite strongly about the well-being of his community and civic responsibility. He has gone into danger for the sake of the warren and has gone hungry so young ones could eat. His values are ingrained in him enough that selfishness doesn't really register with him, giving him a bit of a blind spot. He did have some vices, his favorite of which is human pastry.

-Background: Skones had served his warren faithfully as a guard ever since he was recognized as an adult at 12. Over the past 5 years, the warren has grown and thrived to the point of capacity. For the good of the community, Skones volunteered to accompany some of the young adults in scouting out a new warren and found Sandpoint. It was close enough to P'za-bek that they can trade and communicate, but not so close as to compete for resources, and Sandpoint has a healthy, well-built sewer system, so setting up would be quite easy. They spent a few days to put up some temporary shelters. On the day of the festival, Skones went topside to see what he could see. Any abandoned houses to scrap, useful garbage, even merchants that would be amenable to trade with them.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Jan 4th, 2023 at 08:59 PM.
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 01:25 AM
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Sharpclaw, Tunnel Rat, and Burrowing Teeth are all feats, not traits.
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 01:27 AM
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Ach, brainfart. I'll fix it. Looking back, it said "drawback for another trait," so I think that's what threw me off.

Edit: fixed
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Dec 26th, 2022 at 01:53 AM.
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 03:53 AM
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my character

(as a possible replacement)

Tawn, Underbridge: Halfling (F), 19 y.o.

1. the RPGX Sheet
2. the post with my BOX, TABLE, and SCROLL format descriptions
3. the post with my Improved TABLE format stat block

(presentation below)






P.S. It looks like I too had the missing person idea, jr1v3. Used it somewhat differently though, and there might be common ground for the characters.

P.S. Thank you, Ermine; that escaped me. Now her bribing attempts have better backup! Though she'd have to be more careful against thieves... P.S.(2) And it looks like Tawn owes you a pair of comfy boots; I thought I could put her on the road with city shoes...

P.S. Thank you, Dracon and mightym for your generous assistance! (- on thread page 10) I hope I managed to implement much of what you advised with. I'm ready to make new changes, as needed.
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Last edited by writelite; Jan 12th, 2023 at 09:06 AM. Reason: corrections and additions to character data
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 07:17 AM
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@writelite: You'd start with 300gp as a swashbuckler, not 175. 175 is the average, and the initial post says max starting gold.

Or even more because you may be replacing at a higher level.

@FatherDondo: Those first two seem to be default racial traits. Different kind of thing with the same name. Plus you start with them anyway.

Last edited by Ermine; Dec 26th, 2022 at 08:28 AM.
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Ermine View Post
@FatherDondo: Those first two seem to be default racial traits. Different kind of thing with the same name. Plus you start with them anyway.
So racial traits I get automatically, and I can pick 2-3 traits on top of that?
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 09:25 AM
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Yep. Just don't get racial traits and race traits confused. ^//^

On the topic of Alt-Utana, I would overlap the other gunslinger if I did it. But I have no shortage of backup characters. Just tell me what we need if Utana won't be a bloodrager. I may try to make her a kineticist if bloodrager is too many ragers. Then I'll also feel like a newbie, since I've never played one and don't fully understand them.

Edit: I may make a kineticist version of her regardless.

Edit 2: Noted changes I'll make if our barbarian gets in. Also changed the Reactionary trait to Rich Parents. It fit better AND hasn't been taken by multiple people. ^~^

Last edited by Ermine; Dec 26th, 2022 at 12:03 PM.
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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by mightymconeshot View Post
Depending on how badly you need the extra feats, mithral is usually considered the easiest way to get medium armor without movement penalty.
Very good to consider.
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