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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 03:23 PM
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Dragon Storm Rising

Game NameDragon Storm Rising
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemeForgotten Realms
FlavourMelee and Mystery - Dungeon Crawls and Dragon Cult Thralls
Plot SummaryYou are thrust into an unfolding epic story that quite literally began after a Dragon and its allies attacked a town. You are on the trail of the Cult to see where they take their spoils and who is running it.

You come into this adventure, "Tyranny of Dragons" towards the end of the 6th in a series of adventures in the greater Campaign of Tyranny of Dragons. It takes place against the backdrop of The Cult of the Dragon seeking out and collecting the five dragon masks, and of Severin’s efforts to assemble a treasure hoard worthy of Tiamat. This search for treasure has seen the cult unleash raids across the North of Faerūn, devastating the communities of the Sword Coast and drawing the attention of you, the adventurer.

The HookThe remaining series of adventures will bring your character from level 6, to 8 and greater.

It is set in the Forgotten Realms on Faerūn’s western shore—the Sword Coast. A thin strip of civilization stretches down this coast, where widely spaced cities are arranged like beads on a string. A combination of roads and wagon tracks loosely connect the cities that stretch from Luskan in the north to Calimport in the south, passing through Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, and other great ports along the way.

Your adventure will now continue (begin) north of Waterdeep at a Castle long abandoned and now used by the Cult that sits in the Mere of the Dead. You'll have traveled to the Carnath Roadhouse, a compound that served as a hostelry on the Trade Road between Waterdeep and Neverwinter in the days when trade flourished. It fell into disuse when trade stopped, but now that the road is being rebuilt, the roadhouse has been repaired and put to use as a supply depot and wagon park. It is here that you believe you will finally get one step closer to finding out the "end game" of The Cult of the Dragon. The current group just fought and then befriended some Lizardfolk after going through a secret door in a storage room inside the Roadhouse that lead to a clearing after traversing a tunnel. We'll figure out how to get you in the game from here and join up with the others.
Here is a link to the game Forum so you can "catch up" to where the others are now and give some much needed background info.

Game Mechanics
How many Players are you looking for?
2 characters

What is the characters' starting level?
Level 6 (Players are about to level up to 6 in game)

What Races are allowed?
Any in the Approved Books.

How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
500gp plus 1d10x 25gp, normal starting equipment. 1 Uncommon Magic Item, or 2 Common Magic Items.

Are there any particular character “things that you want... or do not want?
No evil or true neutral alignments.

Is a character background/History required? Are you looking for anything in particular?
Yes. Character must be from Faerun. Options for backgrounds are below.

Are your Players restricted to particular rule books and supplements?
Yes. These are the books that are allowed.
-Player’s Handbook
-Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
-Xanathar's Guide to Everything
-Tasha's Cauldron
The Application - Character Submission:

No "Lone Wolf" Mentality Characters please

Character Name:
  • Trait 1:
    Trait 2:

Character History: Limit to Forgotten Realms please

Character Sheet: Create a sheet and post a link to it in your App. Reminder - no rolling in this thread. MAKE ALL ROLLS HERE.

Game Posting Requirements:
Once per week. Faster if player posting rate dictates this.
DM reserves the right to "ghost" a character if 7 days have passed without a player posting since last DM "update" post.
As for content, at least a decent paragraph in a post would be appreciated. Yes, sometimes combat can’t be too meaty, but it can be “descriptive!” But c’mon folks, we’re writing a story, and adventure together. Let’s have fun out there!

Character Generation Method
-27 Point Buy.
Instead of doing the 27 point buy, you can go for broke and use the 4d6kh3 method rerolling any "kept" 1s. In the event your rolls are less than the 27 point buy, you may give up your allotted magic item(s) and take the 27 point buy.
Additional Equipment: 1 Uncommon magic item, or two Common magic items. Your choice.

HP is Max at 1st Level.

About me the DM
I have been on the site for several years, taking a hiatus at one point, and even a break once when the RL Dragon tried to take me offline. My style is collaborative, with DM and players alike policing the rules. I'll have the final ruling just so the crazies (other than me) aren't running the asylum. Overall, this is meant to be a good time and good distraction from RL, so I hope you find it the same way.

No Die Rolling in this thread according to Site Rules. MAKE ALL ROLLS HERE.

Application Deadline
4/23/24 10 pm CST, or as soon as there are at least 3-4 solid applicants, then I'll close and review and make a decision.

Current Character listLIST OF ACTIVE PLAYERS
Class Character Race Background Player
Barbarian Zealot 4/ Rogue 1 Ehren Strongheart Halfling Outlander Alemar
Monk (Way of the Sun Soul) Brother Hamen Human Healer (reskinned Hermit ) Grouchy
Life Cleric 3/Druid Stars 2 Brother Aster Half-elf Acolyte Azathool

Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Apr 15th, 2024 at 05:53 PM.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 03:32 PM
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EstradaName: Estrada

Age: 24

Race: Variant Human

Class: Concept: Luchador-style Pro Wrestler Combat Using Grapples and Unarmed StrikesFighter

Alignment: Chaotic good

right-aligned image

Typically stooped in an unassuming posture, Estrada is rarely noticed except for her sheer size. shows a totally different side when she slips out of her robe for a fight. Her toned muscles ripple across her while her mirthful smile sends a menacing message all its own.

Estrada is quick with a laugh and loves a good barb. Never roused to a fight out anger, Estrada fights for gold, a just cause, or just because. Any wounds are typically nursed over an ale at the end of the night.

Background: Renamed Gladiator BackgroundPit-Fighter
  • Traits
    • One: I love a good insult, even one directed at me.
    • Two: I’m a hopeless romantic, always searching for that “special someone.”
  • Ideal:
    • Tradition. The stories, legends, and songs of the past must never be forgotten, for they teach us who we are.
  • Bond:
    • I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds against that person’s.
  • Flaw:
    • A scandal prevents me from ever going home again. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.
Estrada is the youngest of a family of twelve. Being the only girl didn't save her from any chores on the small farm they ran or any of the intense rivalries that existed between her brothers. From a young age boxing, wrestling, and occasional armed combat filled the nights. Holding her own against her brothers became a way of life when she struggled to make it as a carpenter's apprentice after moving to the city of Baulder's Gate as she took to fighting in the after hours pits below taverns near the docks. The steady flow of purses kept her afloat when her ability to keep a job couldn't. Her growing renown kept her popular in the pits, but she had to keep moving. In pit after pit she cowed the other women and the men wouldn't fight with a real possibility of losing to her.

Eventually, in the seediest of pits, she fell in among a group of fighters that took to a looser set of rules. Unable to adjust quickly enough, she found herself on the ropes early in the fight. Dwarven knuckles and elbows were raining down on her faster than she was able to cope with. Desperate, she clamped her legs around the neck of her opponent and squeezed. As they collapsed into the mud, she called for the dwarven woman to yield. Cranking back on the hold, Estrada caught a glimpse of a face in the crowd. The horror on the face was clearly written, and she looked between her legs to find the limp form of the woman. Estrada took to the road and never looked back.

Note to co-applicants worried about party balance/rolesWhile Estrada's class isn't nailed down yet, she'll be a DPR/control-focused, mobile, front-line warrior type.

I'm testing out different builds on paper to see what I like, but it won't affect the character's role.


Posting Rate: Sporadic at best. | Discord: Numen Wraith#9817
Characters: Drystan the Red|Anders Foundlingson|Jan Gauss|Breton Guan

Last edited by Numen Wraith; Mar 2nd, 2020 at 02:57 AM.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 03:54 PM
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Work in progress:Tiefling Wizard

Name: Ganson
Class: Wizard (aspires to be an Enchanter)
Race: Tiefling
Background: Sage: The son of a wizard. Raised by his parents to be a wizard. A wizard's apprentice.
  • Trait: Secretly ashamed of his tiefling heritage.
  • Trait: takes the study of magic very seriously. It is power only to be wielded carefully.
  • Ideal: Knowledge is the path to success
  • Bond: #7 - On his deathbed, Ganson's wizard father confessed that he had become involved with a group called the Cult of the Dragon. They paid him to smuggle goods across the Sword Coast. Wracked by guilt, he begged Ganson to investigate the cult and undo the evil he may have helped foster. He urged Ganson to begin his search in a town called Greenest.
  • Flaw: Easily distracted by the promise of information
Ganson is thin and wirey. He has red skin and prominent red horns. His ears are large and pointy, and his hands and feet seems a bit too large for his body. He has a thin tail, more like a cat than a lizard, with a pointed tip. He has gold cat-like eyes.

He wears his jet black hair long, and shaves his face clean each day.

He tends to be a bit sickly. Sometimes he tires easily, and he has a weak stomach. He is physically stronger than the average human, but this strength seems a bit unnatural for his stature.
Ganson is "neutral good". He is earnest and hard-working. He's scholarly and curious. He adored his father and strives hard each day to bring honor to his memory. Despite the infernal traits in his appearance, he is quick to win friends. He is engaging and charismatic.
Ganson's father was Obahn Ufaris, a human wizard who lived and worked in Baldur's Gate as an Enchanter. When Obahn became a father, he was quite surprised to find that his child was a Tiefling. The old man had been unaware of infernal heritage in his bloodline. But nevertheless he embraced the child with enthusiasm, raising Ganson as an apprentice.

In recent years, Obahn took on an increased interest in the topic of dragons. He filled his library with books on the subject, and encouraged his son to study them.

Obahn recently passed away. He gave his son a quest upon his deathbed. He has made his way to Greenest to follow through on his beloved father's wishes.

Dragon Scholar:
(In lieu of the "researcher" feature of the sage background) Ganson has studied dragons and their lore for many years. He can identify locations built or used by dragons and can identify dragon eggs and scales by sight.
Stat Bloc
Ganson| Tiefling Wizard | level 1

hp: 5| ac: 12 (15 with Mage Armor) | speed: 30'

stats: str 13(+1), dex 14 (+2), con 8 (-1), int 16 (+3), wis 10 (+0), cha 14 (+2)

languages: common, Elvish, Gnomish, Infernal

currently wielding: Quarterstaff 1d8+1 (used two handed.)

cantrips: 4 list: Friends, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Thaumaturgy

Level 1 Spells: 2 book: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Tasha's Hideous Laughter

Last edited by Stadiumite; Mar 1st, 2020 at 09:17 AM.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 04:07 PM
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Hey Stadiumite!

You've got the right answers, but you tagged me instead of Drachenspirit!
Posting Rate: Sporadic at best. | Discord: Numen Wraith#9817
Characters: Drystan the Red|Anders Foundlingson|Jan Gauss|Breton Guan
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Numen Wraith View Post
Hey Stadiumite!

You've got the right answers, but you tagged me instead of Drachenspirit!
Crap! I gave it away.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Stadiumite View Post
Crap! I gave it away.
I already saw the video a year or so ago (though the rewatch was good) and had the answers down.
Posting Rate: Sporadic at best. | Discord: Numen Wraith#9817
Characters: Drystan the Red|Anders Foundlingson|Jan Gauss|Breton Guan
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 05:31 PM
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@Drachenspirit. A question about tieflings. In the RAW, tieflings are a race unto themselves with infernal heritage. I actually favor another view of them, which seems to be widely excepted. There are human families with infernal history deep in their roots, and within these families teiflings are occasionally born. Sometimes human parents are surprised and embarrassed by this. Tiefling children are often shunned by their own families.

It is this alternate view of tieflings that I have assumed in my character. If that doesn't fit into your world, it will be easy enough for me to turn Ganson's human father into an adopted father.

There is one aspect of tiefling traits that is problematic with this alternate story line. They know the infernal language. If tieflings are a race unto themselves, it may well be that they speak infernal. If they are mutants born into human families, what explains the knowledge of this language. Is it innate? Can it be swapped out for another language?

I sort of like the idea that it is innate. Ganson is a little uneasy with the implication of his infernal bloodline. Creepy innate knowledge of the language of the underworld is one more thing to be skiddish about for him.

EDIT: To answer my own question, I do see that Xanathar's made provision for the fact that Tieflings often have human parentage. Still curious about the infernal language.

Last edited by Stadiumite; Mar 1st, 2020 at 09:26 AM.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 08:41 PM
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ApplicationName: Brody Lutgehr
right-aligned image

Age: 36

Race: Hill Dwarf

Class: Rogue

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Background: Urchin

Brody stands at 4 feet and 8 inches tall. He is not very heavy for a Dwarf, at only 115 pounds. Given his penchant for remaining in the shadows, he prefers to stay in dark leathers that have been oiled to avoid squeaking. In keeping true to his Dwarven roots, he maintains a full beard, a mustache, and long brown hair. However, his head is typically adorned with a dark cloth hood to further help mask him in the shadows.

Brody is consumed with anger and grief but you wouldn't know that at first glance. The dwarf has become quite adept at hiding his true feelings from others and instead presenting nothing but a calm and cool demeanor. Despite his parents devout following of Moradin, he has little use for or interest in religion himself. Where were the Gods' when we needed them? Instead, he puts his faith in his fellow man. Anyone that stands against the evil (especially of the Dragon variety) is a friend in his book. As a side effect of being forced to grow up a survivor, Brody developed a case of sticky fingers. Never taking more than he needed, he became quite adept at swiping a few errant coins, rings, and a number of other small trinkets to keep food on his belly and to afford the basic comforts of life.

Background: Urchin

Trait: The first thing I do in a new place is note the locations of everything valuable—or where such things could be hidden.

Trait: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.

Ideal: People. I help the people who help me — that’s what keeps us alive. (Neutral)

Bond: The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home. Now, with nothing but what you carry on your back and a horrid scar of the near-fatal wounds you sustained in the attack, you seek revenge.

Flaw: It's not stealing if I need it more than someone else.

Chracter History:
Brody was only 13 years old when the black dragon wiped out his clan's village. At the time, he couldn't possibly understand why it had happened. Theirs were a peaceful people with the sole focus of honing their crafts and trading their wares with traveling merchants. It was one of those merchants, a half-elf by the name of Henry Crow, that found him after the attack. With acid burns across his back, the young dwarf would have certainly died from his wounds had help not arrived.

After getting Brody to the city-state of Elturel, Crow paid for the young man's medical cost and got him a bed at an orphanage before leaving. After spending months in the temple, being fussed over by various priests, he was finally well enough to go to the orphanage. Despite his physical wounds being healed, the young dwarf's scars ran much deeper. He was too filled with guilt, sadness, and rage to stay put. Instead, he left with nothing more than the clothes on his back and a self-imposed mission to become whatever he needed to in order to exact his revenge...


Posting Status: Normal

Last edited by Treble83; Mar 2nd, 2020 at 09:53 PM.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 09:33 PM
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Morkul Drirthonthol
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Character Name: Morkul Drirthonthol
Race: Dragonborn (Blue Scales)
Class: Cleric (Bahamut, Life Domain)
Description: An average Dragonborn Morkul stands roughly a head taller than most humans weighing in at a lean 260 lbs. He might not have the stature to glare his foes into submission, but when he walks in the door he demands respect. Clothed in heavy armor and various insignia few could mistake his profession as a mercenary. His soft purple eyes betray his serious demeanor and while his voice is low and, one could say almost booming, it is inviting and warm.
Personality: The life of a mercenary has demanded a variety of faces for Morkul in his short life. Grave and threatening to those he targets, kind and gentle to those he protects. But for the few who have gotten to know him, he is an all around good man seeking to earn an honest living in what is considered an un-honest trade. Not quick to trust others it can take a while to get on his good side. That does not mean all are enemies in his eyes. He believes it is not his responsibility to prove another worth, or usefulness. To befriend this oaf is to gain a lifelong friend who would go to hell and back to save you, for the right price of course.
Background: Soldier, Healer, Member of a Mercenary Company

Trait 1: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.

Trait 2:My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.

Ideal: People. I'm committed to the people I care about, not to ideals.

Bond: Being the grandchild of a renowned dragon slayer is usually a good way to impress people, but just last week a gang of ruffians attack you. You barely escaped with your life, but as you fled, the ruffians told you that the Cult of the Dragon never forgets and always avenges. You’re hoping to lie low in a sleepy little town called Greenest until this blows over.

I look to make a name for myself under my own terms, not that of my family History.

Flaw: I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others.

Character History:Morkul was born to a modest family and one of many children. Never quite standing out the Dragonborn, and always in the shadow of his Grandfather Balrash Drirthonthol, a well renowned dragonslayer, he dreamed of valor of his own merit. When he came of age and prepared to leave home he was quickly enamored by a mercenary group that was forming not from from his town. Quickly he enlisted and honed his uncanny ability for healing others and found himself a solid niche in the group. He was making a name for himself day by day, job by job.

Unfortunately he found himself on the bad end of a protection job for a group of traveling merchants. They were on their way back to their homes when they traveled through a town called Beardusk. They were ambushed by a motley crew of fighters who killed the flock of merchants and his fellow mercenaries. By the blessing of Bahamut, Morkul was able to flee, in the distance they were shouting as he ran, what could he possibly have done to this cult they spoke of? Dragging himself the city of Greenest, he decided it would be a good idea to regroup and lay low. The cleric was in a foreign land and alone. He needed to get answers, but all he had was a green scale from one of the fighters who attacked. Left only to brood on his quest with no lead.
Optional Connection
With nothing to do, Morkul sought out the only friend he knew in the area. A young girl by the name Eleanore. He had met her in his past travels and had spent time teaching her the language of his distant relations and knowledge of their kind. Along with this he would regale her with stories of his grandfather and his career of dragon slaying, even though it might irk him to to so. In return she often fed him with fresh meat from a recent hunts and helped make him feel at home. He figured she might have some answers to his most recent troubles, or at the very least a way to pick himself up and right his misfortune.


Last edited by Totentanzen; Mar 3rd, 2020 at 10:02 PM.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 10:18 PM
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Sounds intriguing, and I'll be making a character when I get chance. For now though, on bond 3 there's a typo - part of bond 1 has been repeated within the text.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 10:18 PM
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Best of luck Drac.
Quia iocari libet mihi
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 10:34 PM
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Certainly interested in this but I had a question, are Zariel Tieflings from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes allowed? Also what is your verdict on multiclassing?
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 10:45 PM
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Name: Eleanore Abylone [Character Sheet]
Profession: Apprentice dragonslayer
Race: Human
Class: Ranger Archer (Archetype Hunter)
Age: 18
Alignment: NG

H: 5'8, W: 125 lbs, Eyes: Dark Blue, Hair: Brown
Eleanore has long legs and an attractive body line. A sizeable burning scar begins on her neck and right shoulder, spreading on her back. Her hands also have old burn scars; she covers them with leather gloves. The hunter doesn't often smile, which is too bad because she can light up a room with those full lips, brilliant eyes and white teeth. Since the disaster that stroke her family, she doesn't wear dresses and perfume anymore. Usually wearing adventurers outfits and pants, she didn't makeup in years. A beautiful green scarf is always around her neck to hide her old wounds.

A kind heart and selfless define Eleanore. Everybody in Greenest is more important than her own needs, sometimes going to extreme lengths to help people in her town. She is a reserved person, not so confident about her appearance because of her scars. She never had a romantic relationship with someone, afraid to get rejected if a man sees her ugly skin. Extremely brave and loyal, she proved her qualities to the town many times, such as protecting kids from a wolf with her bare hands and trying to prevent a charging horse from trambling an old lady. Eleanore is a very sweet gal but drinks too much. Excellent drinking buddy, she spends most of her evening getting wasted at the local tavern with friends and fellow guards.

Character History
Eleanore is born in Borador, a village fifty miles south of Greenest. Her father was a wealthy merchant who became mayor, and her mother was the most stunning woman in town. She lived a life of luxury until a tragic night that changed her life forever. Under a full moon, everybody she knew died, everything she owned burned, and only memories remained of her youth. A wicked red dragon that goes by the name of Malarix torched the village of Borador while raiders from the cult of the dragon looted the town. During the chaos, Eleanore was severely burned by the dragon and stabbed by a cultist. With a formidable instinct of survival, the young teenager escaped on the back of her father's black horse. With the gravity of her injuries, she eventually fell unconscious.

The teenager who survived Borador's blood bath of Borador woke up in a bed covered in bandages. It was the Goldilocks, a family of six Halflings, who found her in a ditch covered in blood and burns. After recuperating from her wounds, she decided to stay in town permanently and have a good life in the honour of her late family. Conscious of the danger that represents the cult of the dragon in the region, she vowed to train hard and protect the good folks of Greenest who been so good to her. While joining the local huntsmen in the forest, Eleanore discovered that she had a gift for archery. Shooting arrows made her feel confident and peaceful; she finally found how she can protect those she loves.

After living two years in Greenest, Eleanore was now a loved member of the community. After hard training, she finally became a permanent member of the town guards. To celebrate the event, the Goldilocks crafted for the lady her first own bow. Been part of the guards gave her access to more formal training with her bow but also with swords. During her duties, the female hunter managed to participate in a few real skirmishes. Her most significant trials was a battle with a few orcs who got lost from the mountains. The older town guards did most of the work, but one of Eleanore's arrows pierced one of the creature's head, killing him instantly. It was a stroke of beginner luck, still her first kill ever. From there, she started to change and mature, becoming more confident and a worthy protector of the town.

It's been four years now that Eleanore is living in Greenest. She made many friends and gained a lot of respect from the community. The memories of her family massacre still feel very fresh to the woman; her hatred for the cult of dragon didn't diminish over the years. The hunter feels it in her bones that she will never find peace unless she gets revenge against the dragon Malarix and her cultist.


Background and mechanicsTraits
Brave: Nothing can shake my courage and bravery.
Loyalty: Having known great loss, I'm very loyal to my friend and adoptive family. They are my precious treasure.

Protecting friends and her adoptive family is what defines her. Having lost her parents, brother and sister to the hands of the cult of dragon she knows that those she loves are the most precious thing in her life.

The people of Greenest took you in. Anyone who threatens Greenest is your sworn enemy. The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home.

I'll do anything to defeat the cult of the dragon, acting recklessly and put myself in Not suicidal thoughdanger. Her biggest fear is to lose the people of Greenest as it happened with her family.
I'm a heavy drinker, trying to forget past traumatic events and the pain of the large burning scar on my back.

Folk Hero (Animal handling, Survival)

Perception, Stealth, Acrobatic, Nature (human variant)


Allies and friends - optional reading
EstradaSeveral circumstances forged Eleanore's folk hero path. Beyond her tragic past, meeting people like Estrada made her grow out of her comfort zone. They meet on the road a while back when the pit-fighting woman was pretty much a vagabond, living one meal at a time. By providing her with food and helping her survive the wild, Eleanore won her trust. Having several things in common such as a family butchered by the cult of the dragon, they became friends. Been several years younger than Estrada, the ranger looks up to the extrovert and robust warrior who encourage her to develop her archery skills and fueled her anger against the dragons by talking about the past and that it might be time for payback.

Vorjurn NorixiusEleanore knows a lot of weirdos. There are several Dragonborn in the region these days, Vorjurn for sure is the most articulate. He somehow found a way to convince Eleanore that he's not like the other dragons and that he's a good guy. Considering that Eleanore hates dragons and their cult in particular, this is quite a feat. He proved his worth to the town by his actions. The introvert female ranger is considering his offer to join his crusade against the cult of the dragon. They need more resources, help and a plan about how to go about this

BrodyVorjurn's companion Brody is a heavy drinker. When Eleanore met him the first time, a friendly drinking competition ended up been a puke contest. He's not from Greenest, knowing each other recently. With enough ale, he talks about what the cult of dragon did to him. Sounds like the cult is leaving more survivors than she anticipated, they are accumulating a lot of enemies. Eventually, that negligence will burn them if all of them gather and bring the fight to them.

MorkulEleanore has two Dragonborns friends, Morkul been the wisest of her acquaintances and her teacher. As Eleanore's appetite for hunting down the cult of the dragon grew, she looked into town for books and elders who know about the enemy. Fortunately, Morkul had the patience to teach her draconic and the lore he knows about his distant cousins. In exchange for his service, she paid him with rabbits and other fresh preys from the grassland. Stories about his Grandfather Balrash Drirthonthol really resonate with her, sometimes she skips beer night to listen to more stories about how the dragonslayer came to be successful in the region.

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Last edited by MoonZar; Mar 3rd, 2020 at 07:56 PM.
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Old Feb 29th, 2020, 11:10 PM
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This sounds like a fun time! And Drachenspirit definitely runs some fun games consider me interested

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Character Name: Zachary Willowaxe
Race: Human
Age: 70
Class: With a major in DivinationWizard

Description: Standing straight with perfect posture, this old human has wrinkled white skin mortared with brown liver spots that mark his age like a tree's rings. A white beard covers most of his sharp cheeks and hangs down to his belly, his white hair tumbling to a stop just above his shoulders. He typically sports a well-mannered smile, but when deep in thought he looks sternly out into the distance with pipe in hand.

Personality: Zachary is patient and wise, preferring drinks and a game of Dragonchess over bare-knuckle brawls by the inn's alley. His years as a castellan of a noble halfling's residence makes him no stranger to parties, however. He's as likely to sarcastically tsk-tsk in the tap room's corner at a drinking game as he is to bet on a winner. His love of singing and philosophizing ensures an average day with him as a traveling companion will hardly be a silent one.

Background: Sage

Trait 1: I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others.
Trait 2: There’s nothing I like more than a good mystery.

Ideal: Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself.

Bond: Every five nights, you have a strange sequence of apocalyptic dreams. The world is destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, waves of acid, and horrible fire. Each time, the dream ends with ten evil eyes glaring at you from the darkness. You feel a strange compulsion to travel to Greenest. Perhaps the answer to the riddle of your dreams awaits you there.

Flaw: I am easily distracted by the promise of information.

Character History: Zachary comes from a middle-class family that made a living in Waterdeep through trade and scribing. After providing some translation services for a wizard, Zachary was offered an apprenticeship in practicing magic - an offer he quickly accepted due to his childhood fascination with the Weave. Zachary trained for 3 decades under the same wizard, traveling along the main trade routes of the Sword Coast with the noble caravan the wizard was attached to.

At the end of his apprenticeship he was hired for a position as castellan for a noble in the northern part of the Sword Coast. There he practiced his magic while tending to the castle's every-day needs. In his spare time he picked up a hobby of plant and wildlife identification, detailing the local flora, fauna, and creatures in a collection of sketchbooks. Terrible visions of a world's end made him worse at his job until he was exiled from the castle. With his family gone and distant and the bi-weekly visions still plaguing his nights, he started making his way to Greenest in search of answers.

Posting Status:Busy until end of April, posting rate will be sloooowwww | Pronouns: She/Her | I've taken the Oath of Sangus

Last edited by GodBob; Mar 1st, 2020 at 11:54 PM. Reason: added application for review
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Old Mar 1st, 2020, 12:04 AM
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Cool character Toten!
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