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Old Nov 7th, 2023, 02:31 PM
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Game NameDragon Storm Rising
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemeForgotten Realms
FlavourMelee and Mystery - Dungeon Crawls and Dragon Cult Thralls
Plot SummaryYou are thrust into an unfolding epic story that quite literally began after a Dragon and its allies attacked a town. You are on the trail of the Cult to see where they take their spoils and who is running it.

You come into this adventure, "Tyranny of Dragons" towards the end of the fifth in a series of adventures in the greater Campaign of Tyranny of Dragons. It takes place against the backdrop of The Cult of the Dragon seeking out and collecting the five dragon masks, and of Severin’s efforts to assemble a treasure hoard worthy of Tiamat. This search for treasure has seen the cult unleash raids across the North of Faerūn, devastating the communities of the Sword Coast and drawing the attention of you, the adventurer.

The HookThe remaining series of adventures will bring your character from level 5, to 8 and greater.

It is set in the Forgotten Realms on Faerūn’s western shore—the Sword Coast. A thin strip of civilization stretches down this coast, where widely spaced cities are arranged like beads on a string. A combination of roads and wagon tracks loosely connect the cities that stretch from Luskan in the north to Calimport in the south, passing through Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, and other great ports along the way.

Your adventure will now continue (begin) north of Waterdeep just a mile or so away from a compound called the Carnath Roadhouse, a compound that served as a hostelry on the Trade Road between Waterdeep and Neverwinter in the days when trade flourished. It fell into disuse when trade stopped, but now that the road is being rebuilt, the roadhouse has been repaired and put to use as a supply depot and wagon park. It is here that you believe you will finally get one step closer to finding out the "end game" of The Cult of the Dragon. The current group just fought some Lizardfolk after going through a secret door in a storage room inside the Roadhouse that lead to a clearing after traversing a tunnel. This is where you'll join the game.
Here is a link to the game Forum so you can "catch up" to where the others are now and give some much needed background info.

Game Mechanics
How many Players are you looking for?
1 Replacement - A Cleric that is a strong Melee Combatant, like one of the War Domain. You may want to note the characters and classes already in the game below.

What is the characters' starting level?
Level 5

What Races are allowed?
Any in the Approved Books.

How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
500gp plus 1d10x 25gp, normal starting equipment. 1 Uncommon Magic Item, or 2 Common Magic Items.

Are there any particular character “things that you want... or do not want?
No evil or true neutral alignments.

Is a character background/History required? Are you looking for anything in particular?
Yes. Character must be from Faerun. Options for backgrounds are below.

Are your Players restricted to particular rule books and supplements?
Yes. These are the books that are allowed.
-Player’s Handbook
-Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
-Xanathar's Guide to Everything
-Tasha's Cauldron
The Application - Character Submission:

No "Lone Wolf" Mentality Characters please

Character Name:
  • Trait 1:
    Trait 2:

Character History: Limit to Forgotten Realms please

Character Sheet: Create a sheet and post a link to it in your App. Reminder - no rolling in this thread. MAKE ALL ROLLS HERE.

Game Posting Requirements:
Once per week. Faster if player posting rate dictates this.
DM reserves the right to "ghost" a character if 7 days have passed without a player posting since last DM "update" post.
As for content, at least a decent paragraph in a post would be appreciated. Yes, sometimes combat can’t be too meaty, but it can be “descriptive!” But c’mon folks, we’re writing a story, and adventure together. Let’s have fun out there!

Character Generation Method
-27 Point Buy.
Instead of doing the 27 point buy, you can go for broke and use the 4d6kh3 method rerolling any "kept" 1s. In the event your rolls are less than the 27 point buy, you may give up your allotted magic item(s) and take the 27 point buy.
Additional Equipment: 1 Uncommon magic item, or two Common magic items. Your choice.

HP is Max at 1st Level.

About me the DM
I have been on the site for several years, taking a hiatus at one point, and even a break once when the RL Dragon tried to take me offline. My style is collaborative, with DM and players alike policing the rules. I'll have the final ruling just so the crazies (other than me) aren't running the asylum. Overall, this is meant to be a good time and good distraction from RL, so I hope you find it the same way.

No Die Rolling in this thread according to Site Rules. MAKE ALL ROLLS HERE.

Application Deadline - CLOSED!!

Current Character listLIST OF ACTIVE PLAYERS
Class Character Race Player
Rogue (Thief) Zephyr Air Genasi PalladiaMors
Barbarian Zealot 4/ Rogue 1 Ehren Strongheart Halfling Alemar
Monk (Way of the Sun Soul) Brother Hamen Human Grouchy

Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Nov 8th, 2023 at 03:00 PM.
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Old Nov 7th, 2023, 03:09 PM
tordon tordon is offline
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Would you accept a Paladin as a War Cleric equivalent? I have a sword coast-based Paladin character I could use here.
Taken the Oath of Sangus. GM for Hunt for Avalon.
Playing: Boja (Rise of Tiamut), Glepa (Dragon of Icespire Peak), Jihanna (Westmarch/The Door), Magnum (Reluctant Heroes). (See profile for links)
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Old Nov 7th, 2023, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by tordon View Post
Would you accept a Paladin as a War Cleric equivalent? I have a sword coast-based Paladin character I could use here.
It's really a healer role with some "melee" in the mix, so yes, they would be considered.
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Old Nov 7th, 2023, 03:43 PM
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OK, then here is the character summary, I'll post more complete later, editing this post:
Edit: Finished the application except the backstory, still need to work out equipment and starting funds, can do this if/when Ardana is added to the campaign.
Edit: Application complete
left-aligned image

Ardana - Female Tiefling Paladin, AC 16, Init: +1, Move: 30ft, Passives: Perception 11 Investigation 10 Insight 11, HP: 39/39, Status: normal
Character Name: Ardana
Race/Gender: Tiefling Female
Class: Paladin of Helm, Oath of Devotion
Description: Thick black hair framing a face with high cheekbones and a narrow chin, piercing naturally smokey eyes that appear deep set in her face. Her gaunt face seems at odds with her well-built athletic body, almost as if her head is too small for her body. She is tall at 5' 9" and has a sturdy athletic posture. Her skin has a faint reddish tint that betrays her tiefling heritage, but could be mistaken for a deep tan in poor light. Her horns have been trimmed very short and are typically hidden by her hair, although when her hair is wet, the horns are apparent.
Personality: Wants to find the good in everyone, almost to a fault. She is earnest and optimistic, seeking to meet everyone on their own terms. Her tiefling heritage raises eyebrows in some places, but she hopes to win people over and rid them of their prejudice and bias. Her horns and tail were shorn in her youth, and she is half way between being shy about having them, ashamed that they have been cut, and ashamed that she is ashamed about such things.
Background: Noble

Trait: Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.
Ideal: Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me.

Oath of Peace:

“Do not hurt where holding is enough;
Do not wound where hurting is enough;
Do not maim where wounding is enough;
and kill not where maiming is enough;

The greatest warrior is one who does not need to kill”

Flaw: I love my evil brother and will overlook his flaws, even though he has cost me my family and my name.


Will roll on the background table, options 1 4 5 6 match with existing background, so roll between these 4. 5 is already in the campaign, so rolled between 1 4 6, 4 is selected.

Ardana and her brother Ar are the bastard children of a daughter of a noble house, not on the line of succession. Her father was some sort of fiend, otherwise nothing really is known of him, and their mother died in childbirth. Their great grandmother was the only member of the family to show them real affection, but they did have the benefit of a noble upbringing, education and training. Their tails/horns were trimmed very early and are only short nubs now, the family in general does not like to acknowledge their heritage. Her current feelings about her horns is that she is happy to hide their existence, she is faintly ashamed of her background, but is trying to come to acceptance of it. In time she will feel less need to hide.

Despite being twins, she is the opposite of Ar. While Ar is outgoing, intelligent, seductive, and ambitious, Ardana is introspective, quiet, and eschews romantic relationships. Ar's romantic conquests started early and often, and as a result Ar and Ardana were both exiled when they reached the age of 21. While Ardana adores her brother, for Ar people including Ardana are only a means to an end, that end being power. They went their separate ways when they left home, Ardana has been travelling, adventuring, and helping people ever since. She has a kindly heart, but is still exploring and discovering her place in the world.

She was a caravan guard when she saw a notice for a job in Longsaddle. She answered the notice and with a group of adventurers ventured into a nearby abandoned dungeon and returned with a freed celestial that could raise the recently deceased betrothed of her employer. She grew in confidence and power during this assignment and she continues to travel the sword coast in search of more assignments of this nature.

In her journey North, she met Ontharr Frume and journeyed with him for a time. She fought along side Ontharr and had many invigorating and inspiring conversations around the campfire; she is even more confident in her path as a result of this. She is deeply grateful for the perspective and help he gave her. She had made her way to Waterdeep where a letter was waiting for her from Ontharr, asking for her aid in Greenrest. The next morning, she equipped herself, retrieved her horse from the stable, and set off.

Taken the Oath of Sangus. GM for Hunt for Avalon.
Playing: Boja (Rise of Tiamut), Glepa (Dragon of Icespire Peak), Jihanna (Westmarch/The Door), Magnum (Reluctant Heroes). (See profile for links)

Last edited by tordon; Nov 8th, 2023 at 11:24 PM. Reason: add picture
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Old Nov 7th, 2023, 09:07 PM
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The Cleric of Torm
left-aligned image
Name: Kerri Amblecrown
Race: Human (Chondathan)
Class: War Cleric
Background: Acolyte


A pious debutante clad in heavy armor, Kerri Amblecrown stands about five and a half feet tall and weighs around one hundred and thirty pounds. Her hair, medium length and auburn, falls just above chain-mailed shoulders. A blue magical cloak affords comfort and much-needed additional protection. She carries a warhammer and a shield. Light hammers adorn her belt. An amulet bearing the holy symbol of Torm dangles prominently about her neck. Hazel eyes are wary and piercing.


Kerri is spiritually-attuned and religiously-minded, bordering upon superstitious and insane. She’s kind and sensible, but quick to claim seeing omens and divine direction in even the most trivial of human events. She believes gods speak every day (even every moment), but that it’s up to humankind to listen. She strives to be patient, but is ultimately rather excitable - especially about discovering new things. When surprised or exasperated, she'll oft extol weird and outrageous exclamations born of her faith, like "Torm’s palm forward!!!" For example.

While polite and gracious, it’s sometimes painfully obvious when Kerri encounters social settings deemed beneath her. Long years enjoying fine food and drink in the Halls of Justice have spoiled our priestly debutante - and she simply cannot compromise exquisite taste! And when placed in social settings where it’s an issue, she feels awkward about it. It’s how she was raised, and she just can’t help it.

Kerri has sworn a sacred oath that seems strange to some. She will not use edged weapons, as a sign of wariness to shed blood. Inspired by a tapestry she's seen in which the priest wields a tall mace, amongst a congregation of sword-carrying knights. Just one way in which Kerri exhibits introspection and draws personal inspiration from things not always obvious.

Our priestly debutante believes in tradition, and upholding ancient ways of service and self-sacrifice. She’s a harsh judge of character, most exclusively herself. While she tries keeping an open mind, she’s suspicious of others and usually expects the worst.


Trait 1: I see omens in every event and action. The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen.
Trait 2: I've enjoyed fine food, drink, and high society among my temple's elite. Rough living grates on me.
Ideal: Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)
Bond: Ontharr Frume, a crusading warrior and champion of good, is my friend and mentor. He has asked me to travel to Greenest in search of rumors of increasing dragon activity.
Flaw: I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.

Character History

Kerri was raised in Neverwinter, impoverished parents giving her over to care of kind clerics in the Halls of Justice. Her mentor is the paladin Ontharr Frume, who over the past two decades has taught young Kerri all that she now knows.

Among niceties learned, Kerri has become something of a dragon scholar. Ontharr having helped train Kerri to identify dragon structures, and to recognize eggs of brooding beasts. Between nights reading holy texts and days administering sacraments, Kerri has busied her priestly self with all matters wyrm-related. At least, from a very academic standpoint.

“I wonder what it’s like…to actually FACE one?”
Great question, Kerri. Maybe about time to find out?

Now at age thirty-two, Kerri has known little more than life in the temple to her god. Given to a sheltered life, Kerri is only now venturing out into the world, Charged by her mentor to investigate dragon activity in Greenest. Stepping outside her comfort zone, one adventure at a time.
Character SheetKerri Amblecrown, Human Cleric!
Oath of Sangus

Last edited by Geldar; Nov 9th, 2023 at 03:53 PM.
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Old Nov 7th, 2023, 09:16 PM
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Azathool's Application
Name: Brother Aster
Race: Custom Lineage (Wood Elf/Human)
Class: Cleric 3 (Life) / Druid 2 (Stars)

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Brother Aster stands 6 ft. 2 in. tall, with a large frame for a wood elf. The characteristic elven ears are present but a full face of white hair, inherited from his grandfather is one of his most striking features. Mostly of elven heritage, ;the only name he's known for over 500 yearsBrother Aster is in human terms in his 60's, his body slowed with time but the strength and wisdom refined by age. His scar slows him down, stiff in his old age.

His adamantine plate armor gleams in the light, a wooden shield on his left arm, a simple crooked wooden staff in his right, his emblems of piety to Chauntae. His shield bears the symbol of his goddess Chauntea; a simple sheaf of grain.
Background: Feature: Shelter of the FaithfulAcolyte

Trait 1: I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world.
Trait 2: I quote sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.
Ideal: Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god’s favor by matching my actions against his or her teachings.
Bond: Everything I do is for the common people.
Additional Bond: The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home. Now, with nothing but what you carry on your back and a horrid scar of the near fatal wounds you sustained in the attack, you seek revenge.
Flaw: My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.
Character History

Character Sheet

Build Options Selected

Last edited by Azathool; Nov 8th, 2023 at 07:55 PM.
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Old Nov 8th, 2023, 09:32 AM
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WIP. Have several medical apps today

Character Name: Stalwart Hammer of Tempus Vistra Fury-Forger
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Class: Cleric of Tempus
Trait 1:
Trait 2:

Character History: Limit to Forgotten Realms please

Character Sheet: Create a sheet and post a link to it in your App. Reminder - no rolling in this thread. MAKE ALL ROLLS HERE.

Last edited by Cardassian; Nov 10th, 2023 at 12:43 PM.
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Old Nov 8th, 2023, 02:59 PM
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That's a pool of four applicants for one slot, so I'm calling it.


For the four of you above, take a day or so to finish your applications and when you have, reply here in the thread and I'll begin the process of choosing the best applicant for the game.
Thanks for your interest!
- D
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Old Nov 8th, 2023, 03:29 PM
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My app is complete, unless you want me to do equipment before selection, or if you have any questions/concerns.
Taken the Oath of Sangus. GM for Hunt for Avalon.
Playing: Boja (Rise of Tiamut), Glepa (Dragon of Icespire Peak), Jihanna (Westmarch/The Door), Magnum (Reluctant Heroes). (See profile for links)
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Old Nov 8th, 2023, 05:06 PM
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Ardana Paladin of Helm, Oath of Devotion Tiefling tordon Yes
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Old Nov 8th, 2023, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by tordon View Post
My app is complete, unless you want me to do equipment before selection, or if you have any questions/concerns.
I am more concerned with how you see the logistics of your character - weapons, spells, and such - so the equipment can be added after if chosen.
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Old Nov 8th, 2023, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Drachenspirit View Post
I am more concerned with how you see the logistics of your character - weapons, spells, and such - so the equipment can be added after if chosen.
Yeah, basic equipment is done, but need to pay for her horse with the extra funds, and pick an uncommon item, and anything else, but nothing major is necessary. (She picked up her horse as a reward for the previous campaign).
Taken the Oath of Sangus. GM for Hunt for Avalon.
Playing: Boja (Rise of Tiamut), Glepa (Dragon of Icespire Peak), Jihanna (Westmarch/The Door), Magnum (Reluctant Heroes). (See profile for links)
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Old Nov 8th, 2023, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Drachenspirit View Post
I am more concerned with how you see the logistics of your character - weapons, spells, and such - so the equipment can be added after if chosen.
  • App and character sheet should be complete
  • Cantrips selected.
  • Basic spell selection entered (which as a druid/cleric I can change after a Long Rest, but this is a "default").
  • Of note, I purchased a (300 gp) diamond and some other spell components, cost had been dedicated. Items/gold should be good.
  • I have 74 gp "spare" which I would use for 1x Potion of Healing, not added yet as not sure thats allowed.
  • I purchased a horse and all gear for it, if thats not appropriate can remove/refund.
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Old Nov 9th, 2023, 10:35 AM
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@Azathool - all good. Any further details will come after selection should your character be chosen.
Ardana Paladin of Helm, Oath of Devotion Tiefling tordon Yes
Brother Aster Cleric 3 (Life) / Druid 2 (Stars) Custom Lineage (Wood Elf/Human) Azathool Yes
Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Nov 9th, 2023 at 10:35 AM.
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Old Nov 9th, 2023, 10:46 AM
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Kerri is Complete. Thanks as always.
Oath of Sangus
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