[SW5E] Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Last edited by krossingkhory; Nov 10th, 2024 at 11:41 AM. |
Name: Xigbar Colnosa
Race: Zabrak Class: Sentinel Subclass: None yet Language: Zabraki Background: Survivor Traits: Very calm and humble yet is very dense with when it comes to consequences Ideals: Living to protect those that are afraid of defending themselves Bonds: None at the moment party wise but his Master Flaws: Doesn't really think of the outcome but thinks of the moment at hand Personality: He's one to listen to a conversation and give his response when necessary to do so and often tries his best to help someone with a task Background: As a survivor of a battle, Xigbar was thrown into the mix of a small skirmish that left him hurt during training but was able to persevere yet was left with a minor scar after the fact. Roleplay segment: Hearing the sounds of nature fill his ears, Xigbar would be meditating on a hill near a tree which was soon interrupted by the loud mechanical roars of bike soaring past to immediately stop before the rustle of many footsteps entered his ear to his right. Opening his eyes, he saw a band of thugs willing to cause trouble, yet he contained his composure to see if he could gather information on what they wanted. As they got closer, their intentions were clear, to rob him before he could do anything, however he was able to escape yet not before taking a blaster bolt to the foot which had him seek urgent care. After the ordeal with the bandits, Xigbar had begun training with his master to better predict the situation for next time when and if it ever happens again. (not the best with story telling but did my best, this took a bit to think of on the fly since I usually RP moments like this in actual sessions) character sheet in pdf with the post Last edited by SilverDaDrolf; Nov 2nd, 2024 at 01:47 PM. |
Unfortunately, the SW5E character generator isn't fully functional; I've confirmed this with the developers on Discord. At a minimum, you are missing 1 language (Zabraki). I therefore have to ask you to go through your character and make sure that everything is correct. This might mean you have to build the character by hand without the benefit of the character generator. |
Posting interest! Thinking about a Twi'lek Operative, though I'll have to take another look at the SW5E rules - it's been a long time since I tried building a character there.
Also posting interest! Maybe a Droid character? We shall see but droid is what popped into my head at first.
EDIT: After some very surface-level research...I might make something else...we shall see! Last edited by Howling Winds of; Nov 2nd, 2024 at 01:26 AM. |
No, it isn't. Lucky for you SW5E is free and on the internet. SW5E.com.
Droids aren't allowed as a species. The character creation rules call this out specifically. |
Last edited by Dylan Scott; Nov 4th, 2024 at 05:35 PM. |
Khory I fixed the sheet
Character completed as far as i know. let me know if anything else is needed. Thanks
Your character sheet isn't finished. At a minimum, you have 1 language to select AND you have to select the musical instrument.
My Mistake on the Instrument, missed that part i'll update it shortly.
As for the language i was leaving that blank for now to be chosen if needed depending on who is in the group if thats ok? say a Wookie or something similar and we need a translator, if not i would update it in phase 2 if i was chosen? |
Character Application
1. Jal Vik, Human, Engineer, Armormech (eventually)
2. Included at the bottom 3. Mandalorian (Weapon Expert) Trait: I keep a small trophy on me to remind me of a past victory Ideal: I live by my clans ways, and will continue to do so Bond: Honor is everything to me Flaw: I'll stick to my traditions no matter what, even at the cost of others 4. What people see of Jal is his armour, as it would never come off in public. He bears the traditional colours of blue and gold as is custom for the Vik clan, and his weaponry holds the same colours too. His left shoulder is currently bare as he is awaiting his first major kill to signify him as a full adult member of his clan, but the small scratches on his armour speak of someone who's at least a skilled warrior 5. Jal is quiet, but not because he's a grim and edgy loner type. Instead he's just more than happy to let people talk while he works on his latest project for his armour or his combat abilities. He's very firm in his ways, not wishing to deviate from his clan at all, but that hasn't stifled his inventive skills and improvisational talents. Always a man with a plan, and one that won't sacrifice his allies if possible, he's got a hidden heart of gold and most importantly a sound mind 6. *Jal watched his prey with patience. He'd been searching through the jungle like terrain for the young rogue Varactyl that had been terrorising the farmers for some time, ripping through their crops and livestock alike. His fingers were the only thing moving, adjusting his Wristlauncher flamethrower as he worked out a way for it to orbit the fire around him, his mind kept busy as his natural instincts took over. Time passed unnoticed as he watched the entrance to the farm, knowing this was the entrance it always took and that he was well hidden from it. Finally, after many moments the Varactyl decided now was the time to make a move. Its mistake. He dropped down on it from above and in one clean motion cleaved its head from its body* *He gathered up the corpse and returned to the farmer with a nod, who seemed more than happy to pay him for his work now that the beast was dealt with* "Thank you kind sir, you've done a lot for us. Now we can get back to our livelyhoods" *Jal nodded, not really wanting to speak but he did hold out his hand for the payment, just a little awkwardly* "A yes, one second" *The farmer handed him over the collective funds him and the other farmers nearby put together, to which Jal nods again his time in appreciation and leaves, taking with him a broken part of the beak with him as a trophy of his kill* https://media.discordapp.net/attachm...411&height=411 |
I can’t pass up the opportunity to apply for a Star Wars game so I’ll have a think about characters and post something soon.
Current status: All good. |
Rylan Thane, Human, Sentinel, (probably) Path of Tenacity Calling
Background: Jedi Personality: I am tolerant of those who don't support the Jedi. Bond: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. Ideal: Everything I do is for the common people. Flaw: I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely. Soft spot for Star Wars games. I know it’s risky applying as the force user, because as it seems so far, so is almost everyone else… but on the heels of the civil war? It’s just too good to pass up. I have to take the opportunity for there to be some tangible history between Rylan and some of their sith adversaries, not just nameless foes. The sense of wanting to hold out for redemption instead of just feast on their XP points… Anyway, this looks like it’ll be a really good game. Episodic is a really good way to run SW games. Excited to be in the running. Last edited by DraconigenaArma; Nov 3rd, 2024 at 05:39 PM. |
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