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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:26 PM
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Nations of the World

Kingdom of LohannelName: Kingdom of Lohannel
Government Type: Limited Monarchy
Geography: Dense forest, rolling hills, a meandering river system, a gargantuan lake

Lohannel is the name of both the nation and its capital. This shining city acts as a beacon, reflecting the light from ten million stars, magnifying them through its arcane focusing iris, and lighting the entire surrounding valley. The elves of Lohannel are fiercely independent, and only rarely accept alliances with the other races. They have an intense state of war with their ancestral enemies, the Drow, and there is a bounty of five hundred gold coins for the delivery of a drow corpse, and one thousand for a live capture posted in the capital.

While independent, Lohannel's artisans create many wonders that leave the boundaries of the Silver Wall. While the elves rarely form alliances, they trade with most races at a prodigious rate, especially for luxuries and metals. Dwarven mithral deposits are highly prized.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:27 PM
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The United Clans of BoregrimmName: United Clans of Boregrim
Government Type: Council of Elders
Geography: A rugged mountain range with several volcanoes surrounding a vast fertile plain.

Boregrimm is the center of trade in both metals and gemstones, and is one of the safest places in the world. Dwarven guards enforce strict disarmament of outsiders at the entrance to all of the dwarven tunnels, and mountaineers patrol the foothills for any covert infiltrations. The central plain grows barley, hops, wheat, and apples in abundance, as well as many smaller crops. The dwarves brew their beers from only the finest mountain spring water and their own local ingredients.

Boregrimm is also home to several clans of giants. The dwarves begrudgingly allow the giants to maintain their lands so long as they don't prove a nuisance. This has worked well for the United Clans, as the dwarves' hated enemy has become a welcome ally. Boregrimm giants wear badges made of iron and gold to mark their fealty to the Lords of the Clans, and often fight in battle alongside their stout neighbors. The giants of Boregrimm keep the hills free of many vermin, such as orcs and ogres.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:28 PM
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Halfling Militant EnclaveName: The Halfling Militant Enclave
Government Type: General Council
Geography: Lakes, prairie, seacoast, hills

The Halfling Militant Enclave is exactly what it sounds like. The border is militarized, with the interior a finely tuned engine of production. Dwarven coal, iron, and mithral are formed into miniature suits of armor and sharp blades to take on all comers. Entrance to the Enclave is by invitation only. Halfling traders make contact with likely prospects in other nations, providing them with tokens to allow them one-time passage through the border waypoints.

The interior of the Enclave is riddled with beautiful lakes teeming with fish. Strong bridges built in the Age of Peace allow the orderly roads to pass over the rivers, making travel through the region simple. Ponyback and dogback cavalry easily get from one camp to another.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:29 PM
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Gnomish Republic of Regarton and PerentailName: Gnomish Republic of Regarton and Perentail, more commonly referred to as the "Smallfolk Republic"
Government Type: Representative Republic
Geography: Hills and Plains

The Gnomish Republic of Regarton and Perentail is a primarily gnomish territory comprising two counties, that of Regarton and that of Perentail. Regarton is highly industrialized, with heavy magical industry throughout, while Perentail is largely agrarian, growing foodstuffs year round. The borders are not well defended, as the small folk rely on their trade partners to keep invaders out out of interest in maintaining beneficial exchanges of goods.

Streets in Regarton have magical lights placed at intervals along them to illuminate the night, and ponyless carriages that carry people around the cities for nominal fees. The buildings stretch as high as tall human towers, and the factories belch soot into the air at prodigious rates.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:33 PM
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Holy Conclave of FairharborName: Holy Conclave of Fairharbor
Government Type: Merit-Based Council
Geography: Coastal Foothills, Tropical Islands

The Holy Conclave of Fairharbor is one of the few places where reverence of the divine is not only common, but encouraged. The aasimar people never desired to slay the gods, but saw the necessity of the action, and still mourn it to this day. The Holy Conclave is a haven to any who would flee oppression or slavery, and is one of the centers of medical knowledge in the world. Aasimar healers from Fairharbor are renowned across the world, and the long-lived people have founded the Fairharbor Academic Institute of Learning to train the young people in magic, history, and healing.

The Council of Nine is the ruling body of Fairharbor, with nine members elected to serve for life, one for each virtue of the Aasimar people: Charity, Honesty, Industry, Patience, Piety, Sacrifice, Servitude, Vigilance, and Zeal. The Council members renounce their names upon ascension to the Council, taking on the mantle of the Virtue they represent. Each oversees different aspects of the government and militia, but all deliberate on important matters of state.

Last edited by Ziether; Aug 15th, 2014 at 12:33 PM.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:34 PM
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Federated Clans of DuskhollowName: Federated Clans of Duskhollow
Government Type: Council of Clan Leaders
Geography: various

The Federated Clans of Duskhollow hold small pieces of land interspersed over large portions of the world. They never control more than one city with its surrounding land in any one area. The Clans answer to the Council, which rules from the seat at Duskhollow City, where the wealth of the Clans is gathered and used to influence the politics of many a nation. The common tiefling runs a business of a small farm, but still aspires to the greatness of the assassins, bureaucrats, and dreaded blank-slate murderers empowered by the Council. Industry is not unheard of, but is not common, most goods are purchased from the Federated Clans' neighbors, with most foodstuffs grown on tiefling lands, though occasionally produced with slave labor.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:36 PM
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Grabaz AscensionName: Grabaz Ascension
Government Type: Military Dictatorship
Geography: Wastelands

The Grabaz Ascension covers a wide swathe of barren wastelands across a large portion of the southern reaches. The landscape is littered with strange rock formations, and both low and high altitude areas. The population is over 98% Hobgoblin, at least the willing population. Slaves make up roughly 35% of the total intelligent population of the wastelands, with the remainder of the willing population belonging to various races who desire merit-based promotion within the strict hierarchy of the armies. The High Marshal rules in whatever warren he called home, overseeing the other Generals who run the clans. Each clan operates its own army, but the High Marshal can call all of the armies together to field an overwhelming force in times of all-out war.

Exceptional females serve in the Officer Corps and Intelligence Services, or may choose to breed with chosen males. The remainder of the females are relegated to the breeding pits, churning out the next generations of warriors for the almighty Hobgoblin War Machine. Males serve a mandatory ten-year conscription in the armed forces, with breeding times interspersed, but exceptional males are also pulled into the Officer Corps or Intelligence Services. Some few escape the armies and flee to other nations, seeking to sell their services to the highest bidders.

The Ascension raids caravans and neighboring nations for food and supplies, but is well known for treating captives well enough for a short period of time, long enough for their fellows to ransom them. After that, they are released to the general population, where they labor endlessly until they die of overwork or are ransomed.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:38 PM
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Goblin ClansName: Goblin Clans
Government Type: What's a government?
Geography: Yes

The goblin clans eke out a meager existence amongst the other races. They have no large territories, but operate in and around all of the others. Few goblins live amongst the other races, and those who do are discriminated against most freely, at least in the majority of nations. Goblins have a difficult time obtaining citizenship in most nations, and are often barred from holding a variety of professions.

The clans themselves hold small territories everywhere, on lands technically claimed by the more civilized races. Goblins can survive anywhere, and do. The clans actually DO have some degree of hierarchy, but it is generally ignored. A Grand Pyromancer often comes to power, uniting various tribes for raiding parties. With the goblin penchant for getting themselves killed, however, the Grand Pyromancer position is invariably in flux.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:39 PM
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Sunsong HoldingsName: The Sunsong Holdings
Government Type: Warlord
Geography: Plains, Woodlands

The Sunsong Holdings previously were the human nation of Sunsong. Orcish war parties occupied the land when the humans were driven out millenia ago, and haven't left. Contrary to their prior predilections, they have actually kept up the Holdings quite well, taking over the agriculture and industries that were in place when they took possession of the land.The Holdings produce more foodstuffs than the orcs can use, and give them a large trade surplus. Industry is vastly successful in the Holdings, with large quarries, mines of coal, iron, precious metals and stones, and adamantine operating at full capacity.

The Warleader is a very tenuous position, with the most brutish, violent orc holding the title for as long as he can, while the Elder Council, a group of witches and sages actually govern the land. The Warleader commands the troops in battle, but generally takes advice on domestic and foreign policy from the Elder Council.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:41 PM
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Caruthia's RestName: Caruthia's Rest
Government Type: Democracy
Geography: Savannahs, Light Jungle

Caruthia's Rest is named after the goddess Caruthia, who fell at the end of the First Age of War upon the savannah. The remaining Catfolk honor her memory, and have built light enclaves throughout the region, providing services to all who request it. Matters of state are voted upon by all adult citizens of any species living withing the enclave. If the issue affects more than one enclave, all affected citizens may vote. Many issues require two-thirds or three-fourths majority, with nine-tenths required to assemble an army and go to offensive war.

Caruthia's Rest is at peace with all the surrounding nations except the Goblin Clans in their vicinity. They work to repel the goblins through nonviolent means, but their sentries often must resort to slaying the pests.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:44 PM
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High Forest of GiathonName: High Forest of Giathon
Government type: Council of elected representatives.
Geography: Giant Mountains covered in thick forests, treetop villages, large wilderness.

Named after their patron god the entire nation is covered in thick trees uninhabited from the ground. The strix make their villages in the trees away from the dangers on the ground. On the top of the largest mountain stands the largest, and only, building made of stone in the entire kingdom. The building is rarely used but is kept in good repair by a few families who rotate staying in it every month. Local representatives gather in the main hall every month to tell of their local problems and major news while deciding on major issues. Local representatives are elected every month and they never hold any power beyond the ability to talk in the council for the month. Repeat electives happen sometimes but not often.

The strix that live within the forest view their entire race as their family and care little for the other nations though they do chronicle national and international events in a grand library located in the council building.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:46 PM
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The Yuyo CollectiveName: The Yuyo Collective
Government Type: Democracy
Geography: Temperate hills, Lakes, Farmland

The Yuyo Collective stands on a large lake district, with fertile, rolling hills ripe with grapes, rice, fruit trees, and many types of fish. The people of the Collective are renowned artisans, producing wonderful, strange items that can only be found in their market stalls. The Collective takes no part in the quarrels and fights of the other nations, but may send emissaries or individual champions to friendly nations in times of trouble. The Collective's dancers, crafters, and herbalists are the main call for visitors, along with the unique culinary opportunities presented by the diverse selection of foodstuffs available.

The population of the Collective is quite low, at only around fifty thousand, eighty percent of which are Kitsune. The balance come to learn the ways of their hosts, many of whom choose to stay. The Collective espouses nonviolence, but individuals are free to take up arms for the defence of themselves or their neighbors, and the warriors of the Collective are few, but devastating indeed.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:49 PM
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JugaraName: Jugara
Government Type: None
Geography: Marshes

Jugara is not so much a nation as a generally recognized area held by the tribal Grippli people. Mostly reclusive, the native Grippli tend not to involve themselves in the affairs of the other nations, but individuals have been known to venture forth out of wanderlust, and a representative is always present at panracial meetings. The wild swamps are home to all sorts of creatures, but the Grippli have learned to either avoid them or master them. Travel in the region is not recommended, as Grippli scouts are known for shooting intruders with poison darts first, and only asking questions if the trespasser survives.

They live by a very firm code of tribal ethics, but don't have any real government to speak of.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:54 PM
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The Dark CitadelName: The Dark Citadel
Government Type: Matriarchal Oligarchy
Geography: Tunnels/Caves

The Dark Citadel lies deep beneath the earth, where the air grows hot with the interior heat of the world, and the tunnels run long and twisted until they reach the Great Cavern, where the Citadel itself lies. The exact location of the Citadel is difficult to plot, as the access shafts to the Cavern run from many places around the world. The Citadel is an orderly city, laid out in straight rows, with drow males tending to its every need. Females move throughout, overseeing the males, as well as running the government, elite troops, and magic-using cadres.

The Citadel is ruled by The Queen Beneath, a powerful Drow Witch. The position is not hereditary, but elected for life. The Matrons of the families vote upon the death of the prior queen amongst themselves to elect a new leader.

The forces of the Dark Citadel move swiftly and silently through the access tunnels, striking into enemy territory at will. Others must move much more slowly through the tunnels, as they are often lined with traps and sentries. Many of the drow who come to the surface disguise themselves as ordinary surface elves, and pass as such easily.
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Old Aug 15th, 2014, 12:54 PM
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Warrens of DenardName: Warrens of Denard
Government Type: Representative Republic
Geography: Tunnels

The Warrens of Denard lie along the border of Regarton and Perenail, with small settlements on the surface trading their wares, but the vast majority of the populace living in cozy tunnels beneath the ground. The population of the land varies wildly, as many young Ratfolk leave to find employment elsewhere when the warrens become crowded with new young. As their people are prolific in the arts of reproduction, this happens frequently.

The Warrens are on decent standing with their neighbors, but often end up in conflicts over their underground activities, as several nations claim that their activities violate the sovereignty of their borders. The Grey Council (the governing body) rebuffs such claims by referencing the existence of the Dark Citadel.
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