These are powerful skills and they will remain that way in my game. The only difference is I will not accept a simple "I
Dice *
Total = 7
diplomacy them!". If you are rolling bluff and diplomacy, you must roleplay out the conversation. Depending on your roleplay, your roll may have a bonus added to it (or a penalty).
When determining how much you have crafted in a week, treat that as having crafted in a day (Multiply your check result by the DC to determine the sp amount you crafted that day. If it is 2x, 3x, or more than the price of the item you are crafting, it takes you that much less of the day and you can craft other items.
Roleplaying Dice
I have done away with the Hero Point system and replaced it with Roleplaying Dice. Roleplaying Dice are accumulated by good roleplaying and are stored in their own pool. Each character starts at 0 and accumulates them, without a limit or losing any when leveling. Roleplaying Dice are then used by the player to modify a roll.
A player may use 1 RPD to add 1d6 to a d20 roll. The RPD must be spent at the same time the d20 is rolled. You may spend as many RP Dice as you currently have on a single roll. A player may only use this once per encounter.
A player may use 2 RPD to take an extra action on their turn. A player may only use this once per encounter.
A player may use 4 RPD to cheat death. A player may only use this once per character level.
Hit Points
Everyone takes half HD at each level, except full at first.
Variant Rules
We will be using the following variants: Called Shots