I should have been at Z15 before jumping down. After jumping I would be at Y15, so I am making my moves from there.
Corinth, listening to Erdrath, took the moment to wreak havoc on the B8bandit nearest him. Maybe he could make a statement by protecting the V1villager. He 15 to the side 5 up to X17moved quickly towards him hoping to get him caught up with the speech. He raises his sword and quickly Flurry of blowsflurries his slashes to chop the man down. He shouts Die!Fírima! as the blade comes down.
Sparing no more than a curl of his lip for Erdrath's offer of mercy, Konstantin careens across the battlefield in the direction of another bandit. These murderers deserve only death.
Breathing in deeply, his throat and lungs protesting against the harsh cold air, the ranger exhaled....He reveled in this. It was comforting to once again be drowned in the adrenalin of battle. Senses dead, yet all knowing. All seemed silent, as a green leather clad arm reached behind his head again to capture another brightly red hued arrow, yet his companions command of peace rang loudly. Disturbing his peace of mind within the blood shed. A frown formed quickly beneath the beautiful mustache of the man. Mathias could not strike again, he refused to. Stringing the arrow, the Red kept his grip lax as he watched the fighters below.
He was not here to slaughter, none of them were. Their goal was to protect, and they were not tyrants nor' madmen. Mathias would remain as he was, his pose statue like as his eyes swept over the area again. His friends did little to not still pursue the blood of their enemies, and for a few moments his fingers itched to assist them. Screaming to be tensed, his shoulders begging to be used. With a body pleading for death, the ranger waited for peace.
Though his eyes remained vigilant, scouting the grounds and keeping focus on the combatants. Mathias wished for the bandits to throw down arms and be done. Should they choose otherwise however, he would fire quickly. Two more shots would fall from the sky, and two more men shall be painted red.
I'm just gonna ready an action. Since I go after the bandits, if they choose to surrender I won't attack. If they choose to continue in battle, I'll full attack action and shoot two more. I'll edit in the rolls or make a new post then.
Lina breathes a sigh of relief as she discovers that Svetna still clings to life. Hearing the call for the bandit's to surrender she observes the area around her and grasps a small scroll from within her cloak while she chants a small Shield of Faith: +2 Deflection Bonus to ACprayer under her breath, watching carefully for any signs of the battle continuing. Her other hand remains on the hilt of her blade, ready to fight even as she gazes worriedly at James.
Darian Danster, paladin of Erastil, rides to o-12the middle of the battlefield, and shouts to all who can hear his knightly voice, Bandits of The Greenbelt, listen to the words of my wise companion; throw down your arms! You’ve seen the effectiveness of our fighting force; you cannot win! Even your leader, Happs Bydon, lies dead on the field of battle! Each of you will die too in-kind, unless you surrender to us! We have you covered with attacks from range and as well as up-close; my team has total control of the battlefield! I’m offering you quarter to throw down your arms, surrender your horses and looted-coin to the Trading Post, and leave this place on-foot the way you came in! I think you will agree, that is the best deal you’re going to get this day! Leave peacefully and shamefully; and tell all others of your kind: Oleg's Trading Post is now a protected fortress and will no longer tolerate your trouble!
With that, Darian readies himself once again for battle. The image of a shining knight atop Hardbiter with readied lance demonstrates just how serious this matter can become. Oh, and the wedding ring of Svetna; we want THAT back, too!
Rides to O-12
Dice Ride Check:
Total = 12
Speaks to bandits.
Dice Diplomacy:
Total = 20
Delayed-Action: if any bandits in my line of sight make a move other than surrender, notably B13 and B14, then I’ll charge them as they move up; I'd charge just whichever ones tries to make an attack move first.
Lina rose to her feet among the bodies scattered around the barely living Svetna. She looked to the surrounding bandits before raising her voice above the din of battle, "Lay down your arms! NOW! Or I shall deliver upon you the righteous FURY of the GODS!" As she spoke Lina's fingertips of her open hand began to smoke as if they would Readying Burning Disarm on B8 if they don't surrender (DC14 Reflex Save to DROP his weapon, or take 3d4 Damage)burn the next thing that they touched. And the previous spell which she had cast began to glow around her with an ethereal light almost like that of an Angel descended to the mortal plane.
"I can do this. I will not let them down, if they just surrender then I might be able to help James as well."
She raised her blade before her, the blood dripping onto the ground as she waited to see what would happen, and if any more would need to die on this day.
Last edited by Shadow0136; Feb 24th, 2014 at 08:03 PM.