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Old Aug 24th, 2015, 07:26 PM
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Melchior Melchior is offline
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Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior Melchior
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Character Creation

Stat GenerationOption 1: 32 pt point buy as detailed on pg 18 on the SW Saga Core Rulebook.


Option 2: You may opt to try your luck and roll for your stats. Roll 4 dice, drop the lowest result. Do this 6 times and assign them as you like. Do this 3 times, then pick whichever set that you want. Once you opt to roll, you are not allowed to go back and opt for point buy. If your results are still especially bad, I may or may not intervene.
HPMax HP at level 1. Every level thereafter you may take the average of your hit dice or choose to roll for it, accepting the results no matter what they are.
MoneyMoney and equipment in SW Saga does not really scale in the same way that it does in some other RPGs. As such I am shamelessly stealingborrowing the method that Moozuba used in his game. Money will be determined more by your character's in-game socioeconomic standing. This should be enough for everyone to get the basics that they need, but all you on-the-run outlaw Jedi will probably not be carting around a small fortune in black-market explosives.

Working Class12,000

If there is something that you want or feel that your character should possess but cannot afford - like say a starship for example - you may petition me for them. Such possessions must fit your character and be approved by me.

I don't generally pay attention to basic necessities like food and water unless their scarcity/absence is a feature of the scenario.
DestinyWhether or not you want to give your character a destiny as per the Destiny system (pg 112 of the Core Rulebook) is entirely up to you, though you cannot use Destiny points unless you do. You can always chose one at any point later on if you don't want to start with one. If you do choose one though, it cannot be changed until you have fulfilled that destiny.

Or you could always let me choose one for you, and have your destiny be unknown until you discover it.

Characters begin play with a number of destiny points equal to 3/4 their level (rounded down).
Character SheetUnfortunately, the character sheet which RPGCrossing has for Star Wars roleplaying is for a different system than SAGA. It's similar and could probably serve if you needed it to, but it is missing some key things.

If you want a proper SW SAGA character sheet, that other site has them available.

Alternatively, if you don't want to create an account on an entirely different site just to use a character sheet, you can use the stat block that I created for NPCs, here filled in with everybody's favorite Fuzzball as an example.

ResourcesAll books are permitted. For my sake though, if you make use of something that is not in the Core Rulebook I would appreciate it if you were to indicate the book and page number it can be found on.
Bleach d20: Trouble in Paradise (HoF: 2015) [Co-DM] || Purge (HoF: 2017) [GM]

Last edited by Melchior; Aug 28th, 2015 at 12:59 PM.
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