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Old Apr 16th, 2018, 10:00 AM
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Name: Darius Cross - normally goes by Cross. "Spooky" is his slicer handle
Race: Human - Kiffar
Class: Scoundrel

Physical Description: Cross is a dark haired young human (early twenties) with an average build. He is not very physically impressive or particularly attractive. Cross generally keeps an unkempt appearance, usually growing on his beard and letting his hair grow out long, and in every way appears unremarkable. Cross dresses simply and behaves in a way as to not attract attention, carrying himself in a manner so that he is quickly forgotten. His outward shell often belies the intelligence in Cross' eyes, which are always alert.

Personality: Cross comes off as a very intense, bitter, sarcastic, and generally uncouth person, putting on the impression that he cares only for his own interests and prefer to not to become "involved" in things that are "not his problem". Still despite this, Cross has deep love and loyalty to those he considers "his people", such as the crew of the ship. Cross also hates bullies and has difficulty walking by an injustice without doing something about it. By something, it usually meant wrecking havoc in his slicer persona, Spooky. This means Cross has no love for the Empire, not only because he sees them as the premier fascist bullies of the galaxy, but because they have attempted to kill him on several occasions. Cross generally mistrusts governments and large organizations, such as corporations, seeing them, just as more of the same. Additionally for an undisclosed reason, Cross has an intense distrust of the Jedi and avoids them when possible, though he is not above taking their money.

Background: Darius Cross was one of the many nameless and homeless orphans living in the slums of a I suck at geography in real life, let alone Star Wars.nameless city near the Outer Rim. Here Cross took care of the other urchins as best could, protecting them from the gangsters and the corrupt local government, while they all dreamed of leaving the s**thole planet that they were living on. He had taken the name Darius Cross after The Daring Cross, a favorite holo-comic character of the street urchin children. Cross almost felt bad for them when the Empire came through and cleaned the gangster and the puppet government out to take over as an outpost for rearming and refueling for the Imperial Fleet. Almost. Still, the Empire did manage to level half of the slums that Cross called home and he found most of his friends killed or missing.

With the rise in transport ships coming to the planet, Cross made up his mind to leave the planet... what little had been there for him was now gone. Cross managed to stowaway on one of the smaller Corellian transports, but he was discovered by one of the Bothan technician, who would later befriend him. The Bothan technician, Kelev Melan adopted and sponsored Cross on the ship and she convinced the ship's captain to allow Cross to remain on board, citing the boy had a natural talent and aptitude for computers. Soon Cross would surpass even Kelev's skill with computers and he officially became the ship's "computer guy" and resident slicer. It was at this time that Cross would develop his slicer persona, Spooky. The Captain, who affectionately called himself Barnacles, also took a liking to him and took him on as a co-pilot and taught Cross the fine art of smuggling. It appeared that Cross had an aptitude for those activities as well. For the first time, Cross was free, truly free, and had a family again. Cross was happy.

Then Barnacles passed away. Though the Captain died from natural causes and had lived to a good age, Cross felt the loss acutely and felt it was not fair. Barnacles and Kelev had become surrogate parents to him and now he lost one of them. Cross had never felt the loss of someone so profoundly before and he found himself ill equipped to handle the pain. Cross turned inward and the pain opened up unwelcome memories... things that he had suppressed deep inside long ago. The nightmares returned.

Personal Goals: Darius wants a "family" again with people he can take care of and feel like he fits in. And with those people, he wanted to lives on their own terms, something that the Empire makes more difficult each day. Despite his belief in personal freedoms and his hackvist-esque, semi-altruistic acts he has committed as a slicer, Cross is not out to save the universe or overthrow the Empire. For the latter in particular, Cross does not see or believes that anything truly better is coming therefore it is better to deal with the Empire, the devil you know, vice the devil you don't.

Player Goals:"You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life." To play a great scoundrel, but also explore playing a hacker in a Star Wars setting. Resist picking up a lightsaber, even though they are super cool.


R2X4 - "Casper" (Friendly) - This outwardly unspectacular and unassuming R2 unit is one of Cross's crew on board their ship, the Icarus, and Cross considers Casper family even though he is a droid. The astromech droid's exterior is deliberately made to look dated, but the interior of the droid is the latest and cutting edge processors and computer interface programs, to include remote wireless link up, and R2X4 is constantly upgrading. R2X4 has assisted Cross as his wingman in the HoloNET. Casper has a personality of his own that is very independent, savvy, and intelligent. Casper views droid "slavery" and mistreatment as despicable and has a particularly healthy, some would say unhealthy, dislike for jawas.

Falleen Xizor. (Hostile) A mid-tier member of the Black Sun Criminal Syndicate, Xizor had fallen from grace after "Spooky" had uploaded to the public HoloNET the syndicate's books to the public and law enforcement. Unfortunately, the seized records clearly showed that Falleen had been skimming more than his fair share from the take and was punished accordingly. Fallen swore he would find out who Spooky was and exterminate him with extreme prejudice.

Kelev Melan. (Friendly) Kelev is the technical specialist that is responsible to the repair and upkeep of the crew's transport ship and Cross' de facto mother. Kelev is kind and warm, especially to Cross and has come to care deeply for him. Kelev is also a member of the Bothan SpyNET who had been tasked to keep an eye on the Imperial outpost that Cross had been on and to monitor any activities on troop and ship movements on the outpost. Kelev is very nervous and concerned how Cross would react to learning that she was a Bothan spy, so is torn between her duty to the Bothan SpyNet and her feelings for Cross.

Aya Im'Vorpor "Aayim'Vopor" (Friendly) Aya is a Twil'lek and presently the proprietor of one of the most successful places for all manners of diversions and entertainments on the planet that Cross ran from. She is one of Darius's original friends from the streets that had survived the Imperial clearing operations on that day. She survived and has established herself a business woman of repute in the town by capitalizing on the large number of Imperial troops that now took passed and took shore leave there. Aya and Cross were very close, but neither is aware that the other is still alive at present.

Secret - Complete

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"The only way to do the impossible is to believe that they are possible."
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Old Apr 16th, 2018, 10:22 AM
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Name: Trix Starling
Race: Zeltron
Class: Haven't thought it out other than some sort of Scout/Jedi mix with perhaps a bit of Smuggler mixed in. As a warning I am knew to the system. Obviously not the world though. I have gotten access to the books which I didn't have the last time you recruited so I can finally join in if you will have me!

Physical Description: Just like any other of her race Trix is the epidimy of beauty by human standards she has dark Violet Blue hair that cascades down beyond her shoulders and a deep gazing eyes to lure in anyone she would wish to. She has no sense of modesty and often dresses in such a way that she doesn't realize would be offensive to others. She embraces passion above all things and has no concept of why she would want to cover her beauty with something as simple as a robe.

Personality: Trix is a flirtatious and ambitious Zeltron who can't get enough excitement and passion in her life. She has bounced around from various Casino cities and cantinas looking for something to quench her thirst for pleasure and excitement. She will take it any way she can get it and has never held back.

Background: When she was a child the Jedi Master Mace Windu himself had identified Trix as a candidate for the Younglings. She went through the first years of training but when she rose to become a padawan it was quickly identified that she was far too promiscuous and emotional to become a jedi. She was expelled from the order on amiable terms simply because she did not want to sacrifice her passions for such a rigid moral code. For years Trix saw no need for the rigid moral code and sought out pleasure where ever she could find it. She spent most of her time on the Core worlds as that was where all the action was, casino houses, wealthy men to be taken advantage of, it was there for the taking. It was a blast at first until she got the attention of some of the less desirables.

It happened on city in the mid rim where she had been making a killing working mark after mark to deepin her pockets with various winnings and gifts of seduction. She was holding a glass of port in the storm when she noticed her next mark. He was a idiotic smuggler who seemed to think more of himself than he should. It turned out that the drink might have impaired her judgement as she managed to whisk out his entire shipment of contraband firearms out from under him and his ship with it. Making her way from the planet she thought scot free, but it turned out said firearms were not the fools merch to lose and soon she had the attention of both the Hutts and The Galactic Empire itself was on her tail all putting a price on her head.

She stashed the weapons and attempted to bounce from city to city but she now had a target on her back and her picture was posted everywhere. That was when Trix's life changed. She had noticed it for some time and never admitted it to herself. Things had not been the same since the Galactic Civil war. When the hammer came down from the Galactic Empire and suddenly all but the most elite were living in fear. The fun was all but gone and even those who went through the paces seemed to only be acting the part. Trix went further and further away from the core planets trying to find a place where freedom still existed without the tyrany of the empire's hand, but nothing but people struggling and trying to survive was in front of her. Now that all of the distractions were gone she realized just how lonely and desperate she had become.

The rules of the order suddenly didn't seem so rigid compared to what she had faced now. Looking through her old things she remembered her childhood friends, her mentors, all gone. Or were they? There had been rumors here and there about some of those jedi who had survived, one of them might be one of her old friends or better yet a master? She knew now that the galaxy needed a jedi, it needed THE jedi. Doing something she hadn't done since she was a child she reached out with the force to see if she could sense something anything. Oddly enough there seemed to be some sort of pull. Something was telling her to head back to the heart of the danger, back to the Core worlds. For the first time in a long time, it sounded like fun.

Personal Goals: Trix wants to make good on the training she gave up long ago. She intends to find someone who can teach her how to use the force and do her part in restoring the order.

Player Goals: Whether Trix knows it or not she is still out for number one. Her only motivation to become a jedi is so that she can go back to the way things were, personal pleasure while others kept the galaxy safe from tyrants and fear. I would like to see her grow to actually care about others and the cause she is fighting for while learning to actually resist the temptation she has given into for so long.

Contacts: Ta'Thul Hutt - A member of the Hutt family who is after her bounty.
Zule D'un - A friend from her days as a Youngling who might still be alive.
Thalek Pa'tek - A bounty hunter hired by the Empire who is tracking her with a personal vendetta as she had once made him look like a fool in front of a cantina in Coruscant.

Last edited by Avner; Apr 16th, 2018 at 10:18 PM.
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Old Apr 16th, 2018, 11:15 AM
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Viv Mukhalas
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Name: Viv Mukhalas
Race: Human
Class: Noble/ Imperial Inquisitor (I haven’t figured out how this works mechanically yet, but it suits his background arc)
Physical Description: Viv Mukhalas carries himself with an air of authority, something that he aquired as as the heir of one of hi home planet, Porthor’s noble houses. He stands at 1.8 meters tall. He is on the slight side but through training maintains a trim physique. His skin is an ashen Brown, his hair, carefully maintained in a military cut, and full black beard are worked through with pre-mature grey. He doesn’t sleep very well so his eyes are sunken in deep purple, almost bruised looking sockets.

He prefers to wear a military uniform, either the traditional one from his home world or an empire uniform.

Personality: Inquisitor Mukhalas is a grim man, but one of quiet competence. He is not someone who openly rages, despite a strong flow of rage, just below his surface. He sees a job that needs to be done and will take the quickest, most efficient path towards its completion.

He is fircely loyal. To his father, his home and to his emperor. This far the three have not come into conflict but if they do it will be a problem. People under his command respect him but do not love him. He is not able to fake a comradarie with them and they can sense his indifference to their fate. He is willing, however, to reward the successes of his subordinates and has been fair with them.

With his “equals” he is more devious. His ambition means that he will use and betray those that stand between him and advancement, something that endeared him to emperor.

He is not always perfectly comfortable with all that he has to do in order to complete his goals. He hates disorder and sees mindless bloodshed as a waste of resources. That being said, he has never balked at an order and never not carried out the tasks in front of him with brutal efficiency.


In addition to the standard character creation details, I would like to know a little bit more.

Personal Goals: Viv Mukhalas wants power. He wants to consolidate as much personal wealth and influence to insulate him from other ambitious members of the imperial forces, eventually taking over as governor of Porthor from his father, and maneuvering it to a place of importance to the emperor. He would love to see his own family’s shipyards grow and improve to supply not just poor smugglers and freight haulers into a source of imperial weaponry and fleet ships. He just needs to excel at his job and aqure the emperor’s favor.
Player Goals:

Malor: (’s complicated) Malor was the woman who trained Viv to use his fledgling force abilities when he was young. He always looked up to her, but found her philosophies troubling. Hey often contradicted his father’s teachings. His father believed that everything around them was a tool or weapon to be used to further their ambitions. Malor
Tried to teach Viv about balance. Then she was sent away.

Viv barely remembered her until as a young man beginnin his work with the Inquisitors he met her again. She was a prisoner in a cell lock he had taken control of, looking for Jedi. He arranged a talk with her and she tried to recruit him into the rebellion.
He was offended, more by the temptation he felt deep within himself to spare her than for what she said. He ordered her death then left the system, not wishing to witness it.

Shortly after he left there was a prison break and she escaped. He both cursed her and felt relief that she was spared. He has buried those thoughts deep within himself and hides it from any who might pry into his mind.
Barkan Mukhalas: friendly
Barkan is Viv’s father and planetary governor of his home world Porthor. Barkan sees Viv as nothing but. A tool to further the House of Mukhalas’ interests and, thus far, is pleased with Viv’s performance. He keeps in touch with Viv and sends him news of their home, within which are coded instructions and advice on how to succeed in the treacherous world of imperial politics.
Bern Pallisade hostile

Bern Pallisade is another Imperial Inquisitor who has been working his way through the ranks along with Viv. This does not, however, imply that they are allies. In fact each sees the other as their greatest competition to advancement. Thus far they have only managed to gain small victories over the other, snatching plum assignments, stealing informants, blocking information. If given the chance both would betray the other in order to get ahead.
Haji Malla friendly
Haji Malla is Viv’s betrothed. Their marriage was arranged when they were both very young and they have been friends and confidants since. While Viv’s career takes him away from his home hers, that of a research scientist, keeps her on Porthor. Her family is another noble family on their home planet and their marriage is designed to bring the two closer together.

They did luck out and get paired with someone they respect. Haji respects Viv’s ambition and loyalty and he is in awe of her mind and strength of character. She does have a secret unknown to him and she hopes that it will tie them together not tear them apart. She has not been able to bring herself to tell him yet, in fear of what it might do to their relationship.

I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
DM of: So You Wanna Be A Starfinder? | Blood on the Snow | Out Of The Abyss
Very Very behind. So sorry if I owe you posts. Working on getting myself together to get back to work on here.
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