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Old Oct 30th, 2017, 09:34 PM
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Oren's Tale - Part 2

A continuation of A Damsel in Distress

Standing in the Dragon's lair, Oren looked confused at his ally. On one hand, there was a lot to be happy about. He was standing on a hoard of coins and treasure that would take quite a while to carry out. Better yet, it seemed there was a library further down an adjacent tunnel. Although wealth may not be found there, some kind of knowledge might. He also had the heart of the Dragon, a sacrifice demanded by his patron, wrapped in some cloth in his hands.

On the other hand, there was confusion. Daybreak looked both proud of her newfound powers and ashamed of what he had just admitted. "You told me to free her. To trade her for power. I thought to take her to the temple. But a portal opened again. The chains came for me. I couldn't let myself be pulled in. So.... I pushed her."

There was a host of feeling Oren could have had at this moment. Slaying the dragon would surely delight the town's people. They had so easily given up the young maiden, and perhaps wouldn't be surprised that she did not live to return. But, the maiden was also selected to be a High Priestess. Daybreak had destroyed any chance of that happening now.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Oct 31st, 2017 at 10:49 AM.
Old Oct 31st, 2017, 01:37 PM
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For a split second Oren stands dumbstruck. Hands slick with blood, a wet sack filled with the still-warm heart of the dragon at his feet, he stares at Daybreak with his mouth wide. "You pushed her. In? Haha, ha HA HA!" His laughter pours forth, but it wasn't glee or mirth -- it was simply a reaction to the utter absurdity of it all.

"You pushed her in." The laughter finally lets off and he looks at Daybreak with a slightly crazed expression. "Daybreak, I was sent on this insane mission to save her... so she could be my patron's priestess. Everything was set..."

Dazed, he tries to wipe the blood onto his cloak, staining the gray fabric. Given the events of the last few minutes, and the news, the young warlock's mind is slow to function. "You pushed her, and then you made a deal with the master of the temple? For... power. What did the Great Old One say to you? Why on earth would it ever make a deal like that?" He approaches her wringing his hands nervously, "I can understand wanting to escape the chains -- anyone would -- but why push her? Oh gods, we worked so hard. I almost died!" He voice builds, straining, "You could have left her in the forest outside the temple, or brought her..."

Suddenly he stops. What does it matter? All that mattered now was what their next move would be. He kicks a coin near his foot. "We need to go back there, to the temple, and see what's to be done. At least we have the heart and can seal the rift. We should gather up what we can of the items here in the den. Who knows when we might return next. Do you have a bag? I thought I saw some books in the next chamber."
OOCIs it safe to take a short rest? If so, he could use a bit of time to heal and poke around for items and books. His plan is to make a quick sweep, take what he can use, and get the heart back to the Old Temple first.

He'll be leaving his shield here so he can carry the dragon's heart and any other equipment as needed. Will update my AC accordingly.

Oren Kyre
Level: 2 Warlock (Blade pact; Great Old One)
HP: 2/19, AC: 15 Speed: 30ft
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Investigation: ??
Stats: Str 9, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16
Feats: None
Spell Slots: 1/3

Last edited by mountainbound; Nov 5th, 2017 at 09:49 PM.
Old Nov 3rd, 2017, 10:13 AM
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Daybreak's response to Oren's laughter changed as quickly as Oren's analysis of the situation did. At first, she was withdrawn, not sure how he would react. Then she seemed relieved when the laughter started. Then she seemed scared again as the questions poured out, and her actions questioned. It was clear that she desired Oren's approval, and didn't want him to be upset. At last, she seemed resolved to pretend the event on the cliffside never happened and was glad to move on. The sooner the questions about what happened could be ignored, the better she felt. "No bag. Maybe the girl had something we can use in her chamber."

The pair turned towards the tunnel leading to what would be the library when their attention was caught by the sound of footsteps behind them. Three Kobolds stumbled into the room, the one in front rubbing his eyes, and still stretching his arms from being asleep. He said something to the corpse of the dragon, not yet coherent enough to realize his former master was now dead and partially dissected. When there was no response, he cocked his head sideways and then spotted Oren. The Kobold froze in fear, as did the two behind him, after bumping into each other, not realizing the one in front had stopped walking. "Ohh.... #&*$%" he finally gasped out, realizing what had happened and that they were now in grave danger themselves. The curse was something in draconic, but Oren could guess its meaning.

OODMOnce the last Kobolds are dealt with, however you see fit, you can take a short or long rest as needed. Rumor has it there is a reasonably comfortable bed recently vacated by a fake princess just down the hallway.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Nov 3rd, 2017 at 10:15 AM.
Old Nov 5th, 2017, 10:04 PM
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Heart beating fast, Oren is trying to calm himself and react rationally to Daybreak's news when the three kobolds stumble in. It was perhaps the last straw. There were at least three times when fighting the dragon that he thought he would die. He had made peace with the fact of it. The first was when he had charged leadlong at the beast holding his mighty dagger -- the dagger that his patron said was all he needed to defeat the dragon.

Oren feels the anger burn inside him. What a joke! The dagger may improve his aim, but facing a dragon, a man needs more than that, and his patron's misleading promises about the weapon almost got him killed.

It was Daybreak who saved him, not the Great Old One, and he wouldn't forget it. Even though she had just done something incredibly stupid, he couldn't be mad at her. Seeing the kobolds only complicated the situation and infuriated him more. He wasn't about to survive killing a dragon to die at the hands of its servants.

Seeing the surprise in their faces, the young warlock grips the dagger of the Great Old One and holds his other hand outstretched. "I destroyed your pitiful master, and I will annihilate you! Flee or DIE!"
OOCAction Rolls
Wanting to scare them off and not have to risk battle.

Eldritch blast vs the nearest.

Oren Kyre
Level: 2 Warlock (Blade pact; Great Old One)
HP: 2/19, AC: 15 Speed: 30ft
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Investigation: ??
Stats: Str 9, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16
Feats: None
Spell Slots: 1/3
Old Nov 6th, 2017, 08:34 PM
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Oren's blast flew faster than a bolt of lightning towards the lead kobold. The spell hit with enough force to send the creature flying backward as his corpse hit the tunnel wall and fell down. The other two kobolds quickly gained their composure and turned to run, sure of their destruction if they didn't.

"We can't let them escape. They are an enemy to the woods," Daybreak said as she kneed down, touching both hands to the floor. She began to shake a bit as nearly visible sparks fo green energy stretched out from her fingers into the ground and towards the kobolds. Underneath the feet of the fleeing creatures, vines grew from the ground and wrapped up their legs, restraining them to the floor.

The kobolds tripped as their escape was instantly halted. There was little left for the small evil creatures to do but turn and grovel. "Please, no killy uses! We are nice-ies. Just do what boss said. You be nice-ies too?"

OODMFrom the previous thread, I know drinking from the pool was altering your race/gender, and Daybreak ended up looking like a female drow. The effects faded from Oren, but seemed to stick with Daybreak? Trying to figure out if she still looks like a drow,
or is back to her dryad form.
Old Nov 7th, 2017, 10:17 AM
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The young warlock is surprised at Daybreak's magic. She really could make vines grow from anything! He wonders what else the Great Old One included in the bargain for his priestess, and a part of him feels a sudden twinge of sadness for getting Daybreak mixed up in all this. Had Oren corrupted her by bringing her to the temple? He didn't want to see her become a slave to the Old Powers. One slave is enough, he thinks grimly.

Focusing back on the battle, Oren strides forward. "I might let you live, and if you help us, I might even give you a job. Tell me now, how many more of your kind are in this den? Be quick!"
OOCGiven the time that must have lapsed since the fountain, I was imagining she had reverted back to her normal form. Whatever works for the story.
Old Nov 8th, 2017, 09:38 PM
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OODMOk, we can assume it will wear off next time you get a rest, full or short.

The Kobold went through a list of names, such as Trik, Drib, Ort, and so forth, and gave a brief description of where each should be. Keeping track of the numbers, Oren was able to determine that these two were the last left alive from the clan that was working with the dragon whelp. So long as he hadn't left anyone on the list. He had to count through the fingers on his left hand twice to list all of his clan mates that were in the cave. The other kobold gave the first a disgusted glare, upset that he would give up that information so easily.

Daybreak leaned on Oren's shoulder from behind and whispered seductively in his ear, "My magic won't hold them forever. Whatever you plan to do with them, do it quickly. I don't trust them though. They are small and cowardly, but they are also cunning and devious."

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Nov 8th, 2017 at 09:41 PM.
Old Nov 9th, 2017, 02:02 PM
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It was shocking that even when relaying a bit of information about a spell duration, Daybreak was able to do it seductively. Careful.

The warlock listens to the two mangy creatures grovel, one of them trying hard to ingratiate himself to a possible new master. Satisfied that the cave was free of kobolds, Oren nods curtly. A shadow crosses his features as he contemplates the two creatures struggling in the vines. "Thank you," he says. "I'm afraid that was the only job I had for you. Goodbye." With that, he raises his hand and pummels them with a blast of power.

It was the first time the young man had ever taken a defenseless creature's life, and was not an act he relished. Yet it was easy to justify -- as much as his addled, battle-weary brain was able to muster.

When the two kobolds lie still, he turns to Daybreak. "Yes, they're vicious. Now they're dead. I think the place is safe enough to rest." He grunts as the adrenaline begins to wear off, and the variety of gashes, bites and chemical burns begin to surface painfully. "I need a bind these wounds and sit down for a spell." Oren hobbles over and gingerly lowers himself onto the dragon's flank. "The girl was kept in a room lower in the cave, there might even be a bed there, but the place is full of bloody traps and I'm in no mood to mess around."

Slowly he takes out a bandage and begins staunching a cut. "Tell me again what happened with the girl. I'm not mad, I just want to understand how to approach the Great Old One when we return to the forest temple."
OOCTime for a short rest and then to look around the area.

Last edited by mountainbound; Nov 9th, 2017 at 02:03 PM.
Old Nov 13th, 2017, 08:50 PM
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Daybreak seemed pleased that the Kobolds had been dealt with in a way that guaranteed they would be no more trouble. As Oren walked over to rest by the Dragon's corpse, she followed along. Oren noted that she had a bit of an unnatural limp to her walk. She favored the leg that had been marked. Although they had not known each other very long yet, Oren could tell she was doing her best to hide the discomfort.

For a moment, Daybreak didn't respond to Oren's question. It was soon clear, however, that he was not going to drop the issue. "Well,
I freed her hands from the shackles. I looked for an easy way to get her off the cliff, so that I could take her to the temple. She didn't want to go, and protested. Before I could insist, a black portal, like the one before, opened on the side of the mountain. A chain wrapped around my ankle and started to pull me in."
The Dryad's green face showed concern and fear, expressing her emotion during the event. "The girl wasn't strong enough to pull me free. I don't know if she was really trying though. I had to save myself, and good that I did. You NEEDED me."

OODMWe can assume a short rest happens uneventfully, takes 1 hour.
Old Nov 20th, 2017, 10:44 PM
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"Yes, I did. I'd be dead if you didn't come back," he reflects. With fresh bandages covering the worst of his wounds, Oren slides down the dragon to rest his head against the creature's flank. He asks another question or two of Daybreak's story, but it isn't long before his head grows heavy and he nods asleep.

In his dream, he is a dragon -- covered in black scales, large and terrible. He sees the world below, it's crawling with other dragons. They're angry, hungry, and powerful, but only he can fly. He knows in order to help the world, he needs to destroy all those others, and for that he'll have to swoop down to the ground where the danger is. The air rushes about his horns, whistles through his scales. There's a large red dragon spitting gouts of flame upon a village below. Oren dives down to soar just feet above the ground, hurtling straight for the red. Then... a woman with a wicked looking blade appears in his flight path. Before he can veer aside, she cuts him from neck to belly and... the man Oren sloughs out of the dragon Oren. Only then does the red dragon turn around to notice him.

At that point the young warlock gasps and opens his eyes. Daybreak is waking him, saying something about him talking in his sleep.

"How long was I asleep?" It really doesn't matter. Despite the bad dream, he feels refreshed and slightly bolder than he had. His arms no longer quiver, and he feels once again connected with his patron. Perhaps more strongly than ever.

That was a good sign, regardless of what might have occurred with Daybreak. "Let's look around, this dragon liked to read. Maybe there's something of value to be found around here."
Old Nov 21st, 2017, 11:16 AM
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Oren and Daybreak made their way through a small tunnel into a cavern that was lined with shelves and books. The woodwork looked consistent with that of the Kobolds, but the books were a wide assortment from all across the land. A table in the room had a quill and ink, though no paper. Indeed, the library seemed one that would match those of most moderately sized cities. This was perhaps a greater treasure to the Dragon than his gold.

Perusing the books, it quickly became apparent that the vast majority of them had something in common. They were fairytale books for children. Of those, many had the theme of a dragon stealing a princess, and later being confronted by a knight in shining armor. Being fairytales for children, the books all ended in the same way, with the brave knight slaying the dragon, marrying the princess and living happily ever after. At least, as originally written, these books ended that way. Every single one of them had the ending crossed out in ink, or charcoal, and rewritten to show an ending favorable to the dragon. In one, the dragon cooked the knight in a stew and held a feast in his own honor. In another, after slaying the knight, the dragon married the princess, became King of the land, and then ate the whole royal family for a midnight snack. Every one of these books and a different twist to the ending, showing the obsession the dragon had with these fairytales.

Books that did not fit this category were confined to a single shelf in the back of the room. One looked to contain spells written by a Wizard. Another gave a history of a long forgotten kingdom on another side of the continent. Another was a diary of a young farm girl. Next was a book that talked about how to magically construct clay into a fashion that it could create a living construct. Next to that was a manual labeled 'Best Practices for Exquisite Leadership'. The last was a cookbook specializing in the use of pheasants as the main ingredient.
Old Nov 24th, 2017, 04:02 PM
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The tunnel was tight and grimy, but the library on the other side was a tidy surprise. Oren's eyes widened at the size of it and an eagerness awakened in him. He was starting to learn that power came in many forms other than the a soldier's sword. Here was a treasure trove of information!

He sets to pulling several books off the shelves, sitting down and cracking one open as he asks Daybreak, "Can you read, dear?" His mood is greatly improved at this new development.

Throwing one book and then another aside, he keeps sorting through them, mood worsening with each one. Finally he sighs in frustration. "These are all bloody fairy tales. This dragon had some kind of underdog complex and re-wrote most of the endings. What a sad excuse for a dragon." He was acutely aware that that sad excuse had only just failed in killing him, and even now the memory of those teeth and poison breath makes him shutter.

He makes his way to the shelf in the back. "A spellbook," he says of the spidery one. Too bad he wasn't a wizard and the language was lost on him. Tossing aside the diary he takes the spellbook, the history and the book about leadership. "Hmm, some tips on how to lead men who aren't hired to follow orders would be good." For kicks, he grabs one book of fairy tales.

He stows the books and says to Daybreak, "Find anything of interest?"
OOCI'm excited to get into the next stage of the adventure and don't want to miss something important here -- but also don't want to spend a lot of time on minor details. Here are the things I'd like to accomplish:

Take what's most appropriate from the horde.

Fill his pockets with the gems and some gold, and anything that looks magical or valuable.

Is it possible to take some dragon scales? It'd be kind of bad ass to somehow make a cloak or a vest from them.

If we need a bigger bag, he'd likely go down to the girl's room and pick up a blanket from the bed to use. Again, not sure how much "fiddling" we want to get into.

Last edited by mountainbound; Nov 29th, 2017 at 11:22 PM.
Old Nov 27th, 2017, 08:25 PM
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OODMI really hate micro-managing inventory and such. Without a chest, Oren can probably grab about 200 gp worth of gems, and any books he wishes. They could use a blanket to wrap up the rest and carry it, though it would slow down any pace of travel, and you couldn't fight while carrying it.

Of the books, the three of the most value are the Wizard's Spell Book, the Best Practices for Exquisite Leadership (A Tomb of Leadership and Influence, which can be used during downtime to increase your CHA score by 1 point), and the Manuel of Golems (Flesh Golem), which could be used at 5th level, though would take a considerable amount of wealth to use. The other books would be purely for RP use.

Daybreak looked over a few of the manuals. "These are not written in a language I can read. I understand the picture books well enough, but unless it is in Elvyn..." she said. She haphazardly tossed one of the fairy tales over her shoulder. "I suppose we have to go back to that temple now, with the Dragon's heart. I don't like that place, or what happened to me there. Is there no way to avoid it? Can you go alone, while I wait outside?"
Old Nov 29th, 2017, 11:18 PM
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Oren takes one last look around the library and then heads back through the tunnel to the dragon horde. Kneeling down next to the fallen beast, he takes out the dagger he had been given by his patron and slides it deftly under the creature's neck.

Having survived alone for many months in the Old Temple (the name they used for the guard barracks), Oren had to fend for himself. This included hunting deer, and so it was that he knew something about skinning an animal. With trained movements, he dislodges a black scale, and in moments, severs another. Soon they're clicking onto the floor as he gets the hang for the angle of the blade and the motion needed.

"To me, these scales are worth more than gold," he says to Daybreak. The creature almost killed him, and the warlock needed some token to remember this his first real trial. Pocketing a few gems, and stuffing his backpack full of dragon scales, he rises and finally approaches the heart. The rough canvas bag they put it in is surrounded by a pool of blood. "It's gonna be a long walk, but we've tarried here long enough."

As they make their way out of the dragon's den, Oren is cautious of traps and other warnings. Quietly they discuss what's to come. "I don't like the place either, but it's the stronghold of the elder power I serve." After a pause, he corrects himself, "That we serve. You know I can't go alone -- you and I are bound together. But don't be afraid. We have the heart, and that is the key to closing the rift."

He hefts the bag, readjusting the weight. A drizzle of blood trails behind him, marking his path. His legs and boots are wet from it, and soon his hands are slick as well, making it harder than ever to carry the bag. Grunting from the effort before they're even out of the cave, he mutters, "This better be worth it."
OOCAgreed, nothing more unheroic than counting coins. That said, let me know if there's anything noteworthy in the horde.

It's been three or four months that the game has been trapped in this cave. Looking forward to a change of scenery.


Last edited by mountainbound; Nov 29th, 2017 at 11:18 PM.
Old Dec 7th, 2017, 09:27 PM
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OODMOk, you are on my list for an update. Actually, have been for the last three days, but work had decided to not slow down just yet. This is my first priority tomorrow. I've got to go back over the thread, to kind of map out in my mind how the temple was laid out. From memory, there was the man worship area, some catacombs bellow where the chest was that Oren had gotten some items from (where the groping ghosts lived), and another hallway, on the second floor or off the main chamber, that had all the different rooms with mirrors and pools in them, and the door that the Archfey was coming through. Might be missing something, will have to sort that out.
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